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  • #91
    [23:17] {DeepO} well, settling not
    [23:17] {DeepO} but gifting perhaps
    [23:17] {DeepO} and, in case you could get it to size 3...
    [23:17] {DeepO} it makes life a lot easier
    [23:17] [11:17pm] {@vondrack} we need to get rid of that city ASAP (messes with our corruption levels and planned builds)
    [23:17] [11:17pm] {@vondrack} BUT
    [23:17] [11:17pm] {@Aeson} we could then shave another turn off if it's size 3, as the palace jump would be safer
    [23:18] [11:18pm] {@vondrack} if we found it on T+5, which I believe will be the case
    [23:18] [11:18pm] {@vondrack} then T+5+10, it will be pop 2 again
    [23:18] [11:18pm] {@vondrack} that should be ok, right?
    [23:18] {DeepO} ergh one sec
    [23:18] {DeepO} do you mean T+10
    [23:19] {DeepO} or T+15?
    [23:19] [11:19pm] {@vondrack} (T+5) to found the city, +10 to grow +1 pop
    [23:19] {DeepO} thought so
    [23:19] [11:19pm] {@Aeson} we can work with that... to get the palace there will require a bit more work and an extra turn though
    [23:19] [11:19pm] {@vondrack} the worker will be transformed in to the spear, that's a must
    [23:20] {DeepO} corruption levels: isn't it as far from your core as possible?
    [23:20] {DeepO} in which case corruption will be high, but doesn't affect your other cities, no?
    [23:20] [11:20pm] {@vondrack} not really... not far enough, heh
    [23:20] [11:20pm] {@Aeson} Does Vox have any gold? we only got 4g from Elipolis
    [23:20] [11:20pm] {@vondrack} no idea
    [23:20] [11:20pm] {@Aeson} they could probably just allow their city to be sacked over and over...
    [23:20] [11:20pm] {@Aeson} if you keep the Worker
    [23:20] {DeepO} not as long as it is size 2...
    [23:21] [11:21pm] {@Aeson} it wouldn't need to be size 3
    [23:21] [11:21pm] {@vondrack} yep - losing pop would be a real danger
    [23:21] [11:21pm] {@Aeson} or 2
    [23:21] [11:21pm] {@vondrack} barbs can kill pop, right?
    [23:21] [11:21pm] {@Aeson} and they'd teleport in before they grew to size 2 naturally
    [23:21] {DeepO} I know... if it's the only city left, it will be the capital no matter what
    [23:21] {DeepO} barbs can kill pop, yes
    [23:22] {DeepO} I'm not very sure on the telportation if the capital gets disbanded, though
    [23:22] {DeepO} we should test this...
    [23:22] {DeepO} and we definately need to chat with Vox on this
    [23:22] [11:22pm] {@Aeson} It's not part of the plan anyways
    [23:22] {DeepO} I know...
    [23:22] {DeepO} just realized that too
    [23:23] {DeepO} well... do we need more Lego input here?
    [23:23] {DeepO} we definately keep you informed
    [23:23] [11:23pm] {@Aeson} anyways, sorry for the tangent... back to business?
    [23:23] {DeepO} maybe best
    [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} sure, np
    [23:23] {DeepO} point 2. WM.
    [23:23] {DeepO} we want to start to disclose our map
    [23:23] {DeepO} certainly before someone else is charting our territory, and selling it instead of us
    [23:24] {DeepO} we're not doing that well economically, after the war
    [23:24] {DeepO} so... would Lego be interested in this?
    [23:24] [11:24pm] {@vondrack} hmmm
    [23:24] {DeepO} and if so, what would you care to offer us?
    [23:24] [11:24pm] {@vondrack} honestly, we may be not hit by a war
    [23:25] {DeepO} ? sorry, care to explain?
    [23:25] [11:25pm] {@vondrack} but we are a bit low on cash, too, considering two goldrushes we need to do
    [23:25] [11:25pm] {@vondrack} so, gold is hardly what we would be eager to offer
    [23:25] [11:25pm] {@vondrack} as for techs
    [23:25] [11:25pm] {@vondrack} you will get Theo for the peace
    [23:25] [11:25pm] {@vondrack} and we do not have anything else yet
    [23:26] {DeepO} well... let me explain one thing: we want to get little out of each civ
    [23:26] [11:26pm] {@vondrack} Edu has been slowed down by the gov switch a bit
    [23:26] {DeepO} if that means we don't face one civ profiting from our WM
    [23:26] {DeepO} let's rest this for a moment
    [23:26] [11:26pm] {@vondrack} yeah, I understand... do you have any idea about how big that bit should be in our case?
    [23:26] [11:26pm] {@vondrack} I mean
    [23:26] [11:26pm] {@vondrack} I would be happy to leave that for future
    [23:27] [11:27pm] {@vondrack} and promise
    [23:27] [11:27pm] {@vondrack} we will not try to get your WM
    [23:27] {DeepO} well... we have a under limit
    [23:27] [11:27pm] {@vondrack} from someone you trade it to
    [23:27] {DeepO} which I will not disclose
    [23:27] [11:27pm] {@vondrack} sure
    [23:27] {DeepO} but let's say that 50 gold you certainly cover our expenses
    [23:27] {DeepO} *would instead of you
    [23:27] {DeepO} the thing is, it is closely connected to point 3
    [23:28] {DeepO} if it would be possible to trade
    [23:28] {DeepO} and you're interested in extra lux
    [23:28] {DeepO} you need our map
    [23:28] {DeepO} otherwise you won't see any of our harbor cities for a while
    [23:28] {DeepO} I think
    [23:28] {DeepO} (not sure on which will get build where, as it changes every few turns)
    [23:28] [11:28pm] {@vondrack} let me explain one thing here, please
    [23:28] {DeepO} sure
    [23:28] [11:28pm] {@vondrack} re: luxuries
    [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} while it is very true that we see this as a big problem in the long term view
    [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} our near future plans were put together on assumption we will have no more than 1 lux
    [23:29] {DeepO} okay
    [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} so at this very moment, an extra lux might be nice, but is not a matter of "survival"
    [23:30] {DeepO} 2 extra lux should mean something for you... even in the long term
    [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} I will take this 50 gold idea to my team and see
    [23:30] {DeepO} buut it might requirie adjusting your plans, I agree
    [23:30] [11:30pm] {@Aeson} I think that the Lighthouse doesn't allow trade over sea tiles anyways, so it would be a moot point
    [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} Legos are curious beings, after all...
    [23:30] {DeepO} fine, thanks!
    [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack}
    [23:30] {DeepO} «Aeson» are you sure?
    [23:30] [11:30pm] {@Aeson} but Astronomy is getting near
    [23:31] [11:31pm] {@Aeson} almost certain
    [23:31] {DeepO} damn
    [23:31] {DeepO} too bad
    [23:31] {DeepO} I thought I saw it happening in one of my games
    [23:31] {DeepO} which is why I brought it up
    [23:31] [11:31pm] {@vondrack} actually - I believe that we shall have Astronomy within a reasonable timeframe
    [23:31] {DeepO} so you're definately going for edu next?
    [23:31] [11:31pm] {@vondrack} yes
    [23:31] {DeepO} maybe we could split research paths?
    [23:32] [11:32pm] {@vondrack} that would be wise, no doubt
    [23:32] {DeepO} currently, we're waiting on what shows up next...
    [23:32] {DeepO} but if you have any wishes, we might incorprate it better
    [23:32] [11:32pm] {@Aeson} what would your eta on Edu be? we want to get it asap
    [23:32] {DeepO} it will also depend on long term plans for Bob, of course
    [23:32] [11:32pm] {@vondrack} considering what I know ATM, Printing Press looks most viable for you, I believe
    [23:32] {DeepO} Ah, yes... we may be faster
    [23:32] [11:32pm] {@vondrack} since you can start with it
    [23:32] [11:32pm] {@vondrack} right after getting Theo from us
    [23:33] [11:33pm] {@Aeson} no real reason to research PP though, gold would be more useful to be honest
    [23:33] {DeepO} thanks, but I'm not sure that is really in our interest...
    [23:33] {DeepO} as Aeson said
    [23:33] [11:33pm] {@vondrack} yes, that's something I have no idea about - your gold situation
    [23:33] [11:33pm] {@vondrack} and such
    [23:33] [11:33pm] {@vondrack} I was speaking stricly in terms
    [23:33] {DeepO} well... for the moment it's okay, but we have a lot of military to pay for
    [23:33] [11:33pm] {@vondrack} of knowing who is researching or planning to research what
    [23:34] [11:34pm] {@vondrack} understood
    [23:34] {DeepO} and quite a number of building rushes we would like to, but can't afford
    [23:34] {DeepO} yes, but we appreciate your views on this
    [23:34] {DeepO} (I mean who is going for what)
    [23:34] {DeepO} it could be an idea that we go for edu, simply to be faster...
    [23:35] {DeepO} not that we have loads of libraries
    [23:35] {DeepO} but they are a priority
    [23:35] {DeepO} but a lot depend on your GA, of course
    [23:35] {DeepO} are you planning on having one soon
    [23:36] {DeepO} either by attacking a Voxian warrior, or building the right wonders?
    [23:36] [11:36pm] {@vondrack} no plans ATM, so I would say we do not
    [23:36] {DeepO} (If you don't mind me asking)
    [23:36] [11:36pm] {@vondrack} if soon is under 20-30 turns
    [23:36] {DeepO} well... yes
    [23:36] [11:36pm] {@vondrack} this may change, but I somehow doubt it would
    [23:36] {DeepO} It was one of the possible reasons you want Vox close by
    [23:36] {DeepO} well.. at least one of the reasons we saw
    [23:37] [11:37pm] {@vondrack} the sacrificed warrior?
    [23:37] {DeepO} yep
    [23:37] {DeepO} we wouldn't do it
    [23:37] {DeepO} but other teams don't have our honor code
    [23:37] {DeepO} (no offense, of course)
    [23:37] [11:37pm] {@vondrack} well, yes, there is a clause like that in the treaty draft... but I would feel pretty much like you - it's a bit cheesy
    [23:37] {DeepO} indeed...
    [23:37] [11:37pm] {@vondrack} clause = to keep a warrior in reserve
    [23:38] [11:38pm] {@vondrack} I believe we will try to use a wonder trigger
    [23:38] [11:38pm] {@vondrack} but as I said - that was honest - no plans ATM
    [23:38] {DeepO} are there definate plans there which you will definately need?
    [23:39] [11:39pm] {@vondrack} which wonders, you mean?
    [23:39] {DeepO} Oh, and I believe you on the plans... I'm trying to grasp the situation
    [23:39] {DeepO} yeah
    [23:39] {DeepO} because we got offers in the very beginning of the game from several teams
    [23:39] {DeepO} to agree not to build a wonder
    [23:39] {DeepO} you were one of those teams, I believe
    [23:39] {DeepO} we never agreed to any of them
    [23:39] {DeepO} Sistine will be the first...
    [23:40] [11:40pm] {@vondrack} no, I do not think so - the Sistine is the first time we are trying to secure a wonder in this way
    [23:40] [11:40pm] {@vondrack} partially because knowing how close Pyramids were
    [23:40] {DeepO} very
    [23:40] [11:40pm] {@Aeson} I'm pretty sure it was RP you are thinking about DeepO
    [23:40] {DeepO} about 25 shields, I believe
    [23:40] {DeepO} ah, sorry
    [23:40] {DeepO} I thought there were more
    [23:40] [11:40pm] {@vondrack} yes, RPers did contact us regarding wonders before
    [23:41] [11:41pm] {@vondrack} but no deal was ever made
    [23:41] {DeepO} but it all happened a long time ago, and it's easy to get confused if you're 2 ambassadors at once
    [23:41] [11:41pm] {@vondrack}
    [23:41] {DeepO} okay... just to let you know I don't think we'll do it easily again
    [23:42] [11:42pm] {@vondrack} understood
    [23:42] {DeepO} I mean... it costs us in planning... and extra constraints we don't need
    [23:42] {DeepO} it's hard enough as it is
    [23:42] [11:42pm] {@vondrack} errr... it helps planning, too, in a way...
    [23:43] [11:43pm] {@vondrack} but I know what you have in mind
    [23:43] {DeepO} not if you don't have agreements with everyone
    [23:43] [11:43pm] {@vondrack} yes, that's true
    [23:43] [11:43pm] {@vondrack} needs a lot of diplo stuff to pull such a thing
    [23:43] {DeepO} and we kind of established our skills there
    [23:43] [11:43pm] {@vondrack} we are still not done with Sistine, even if you agree to the deal
    [23:43] [11:43pm] {@vondrack} but we keep trying
    [23:43] [11:43pm] {@vondrack} LoL
    [23:43] [11:43pm] * Aeson chuckles
    [23:44] {DeepO}
    [23:44] [11:44pm] {@vondrack} yes
    [23:44] {DeepO} well... you have one less competitor for Sistine
    [23:44] [11:44pm] {@vondrack} anyway - I do not see us trying to pull another wonder deal like this any time soon again
    [23:45] {DeepO} so... to get back on track: you're not really interested in lux before Astronomy
    [23:45] {DeepO} so we don't need to test it
    [23:45] [11:45pm] {@vondrack} perhaps in a lux for lux trade
    [23:45] {DeepO} (and I learned one thing: to follow Aeson's hunches)
    [23:45] [11:45pm] {@vondrack} but not in lux for gold
    [23:45] {DeepO} ah, but that was our intention
    [23:45] {DeepO} you're not the only one who want luxes
    [23:45] [11:45pm] {@vondrack} I can imagine that
    [23:46] {DeepO} even if we most likely will find enough teams willing to trade on Bob
    [23:46] {DeepO} but that in itself is tricky
    [23:46] {DeepO} as every lux deal is an implicit NAP
    [23:46] [11:46pm] {@vondrack} yeah
    [23:46] {DeepO} and we really would prefer to keep to our own for now
    [23:46] {DeepO} and not get involved into whatever Bob is cooking up the following 20 turns
    [23:47] {DeepO} which we have no idea about... they're all telling us different things
    [23:47] [11:47pm] {@vondrack} though, there is something... have you noticed how much stronger on the powergraph GoW & ND got in the last few turns?
    [23:47] {DeepO} yes... and you in score
    [23:47] [11:47pm] {@vondrack} us in score?
    [23:47] [11:47pm] {@vondrack} I believe you maintain the 8-9 point lead
    [23:47] {DeepO} one sec, checking
    [23:47] [11:47pm] {@vondrack} all the time
    [23:48] {DeepO} well, we may be one turn ahead of you
    [23:48] {DeepO} (don't know for usre)
    [23:48] {DeepO} but you jumped in score last turn
    [23:48] [11:48pm] {@vondrack} aha, yes
    [23:48] [11:48pm] {@vondrack} did we?
    [23:48] [11:48pm] {@vondrack} good!
    [23:48] {DeepO} meaning another city, border increase, or most likely a combination of those
    [23:49] [11:49pm] {@vondrack} border increase, actually
    [23:49] {DeepO} as it was a kind of big jump
    [23:49] [11:49pm] {@vondrack} two or three temples
    [23:49] {DeepO} thought so... it was large
    [23:49] {DeepO} well... with Vox's land going to us, we would have surpassed that easily
    [23:49] [11:49pm] {@vondrack} you can judge from the cultural graph, too - we are growing there, too
    [23:49] {DeepO} I'm actually glad we're not alone in becoming more powerful
    [23:49] [11:49pm] {@vondrack} oh, please, do surpass us!
    [23:50] {DeepO} sorry, I don't have access to that one
    [23:50] [11:50pm] {@vondrack} we are quite happy to be #2
    [23:50] {DeepO} nah... thank you


    • #92
      [23:50] [11:50pm] {@vondrack} acces to what?
      [23:50] {DeepO} culture graph
      [23:50] {DeepO} I don't have the save
      [23:50] [11:50pm] {@vondrack} ah
      [23:50] [11:50pm] {@vondrack} ok
      [23:50] {DeepO} and culture does not get send in screenie everytime
      [23:50] [11:50pm] {@vondrack} I see
      [23:50] [11:50pm] {@Aeson} they are taking off quite a bit in that regard
      [23:50] {DeepO} already the mails are kind of large (1 MB)
      [23:51] {DeepO} it is as I said in our last chat: Vox forced us to become the monster, while the pyramids will grow you into one
      [23:51] [11:51pm] {@vondrack} yeah... if only church would be able to run those temples without the need for the gold...
      [23:51] {DeepO} there is little that can be done about that
      [23:52] [11:52pm] {@vondrack} that was re: Aeson's line
      [23:52] [11:52pm] {@Aeson} So are you going for Cathedrals in most cities then? To take advantage of Sistene?
      [23:53] [11:53pm] {@vondrack} sooner or later, yes - but the thing is that most of our cities are not yet up to builds like cathedrals
      [23:53] [11:53pm] {@vondrack} only the very core
      [23:53] [11:53pm] {@vondrack} Sistine is a long-term asset in our eyes
      [23:53] [11:53pm] * Aeson nods
      [23:54] {DeepO} before unis?
      [23:54] [11:54pm] {@vondrack} will probably depend on whether there are libs in the respective cities
      [23:54] [11:54pm] {@vondrack} sometimes yes, sometimes not
      [23:54] {DeepO} a lot depends on where you see yourself in terms of research
      [23:55] {DeepO} if you want to grow the top researcher or not
      [23:55] {DeepO} (after us, of course )
      [23:55] [11:55pm] {@vondrack} LoL
      [23:55] [11:55pm] {@Aeson} If GS could get to Education quickly, would it be enough to get you interested in taking Invention instead?
      [23:55] [11:55pm] {@vondrack} nope, sorry
      [23:55] {DeepO} noo trust?
      [23:55] {DeepO} *no
      [23:55] [11:55pm] {@vondrack} we have already invested into researching Edu
      [23:55] [11:55pm] {@vondrack} trust is no problem
      [23:55] {DeepO} ?
      [23:56] {DeepO} you don't have Theo already have you?
      [23:56] [11:56pm] {@Aeson} You have Theology now then?
      [23:56] [11:56pm] {@vondrack} I mean - we are already researching it
      [23:56] [11:56pm] {@vondrack} sure
      [23:56] {DeepO} otherwise our analysists are not up to date
      [23:56] {DeepO} damn...
      [23:56] [11:56pm] {@vondrack} we do have Theo
      [23:56] {DeepO} that's news not everybody is going to want to hear
      [23:56] [11:56pm] {@vondrack} and will be sending it to you right after the deal gets signed
      [23:56] [11:56pm] {@Aeson} what's your eta on Edu?
      [23:57] [11:57pm] {@vondrack} which may be even this very turn, I believe (Theo to you)
      [23:57] [11:57pm] {@vondrack} ETA on Edu?
      [23:57] [11:57pm] {@vondrack} let me check
      [23:57] [11:57pm] {@Aeson} thats nice
      [23:57] {DeepO} Theo would be very nice
      [23:57] {DeepO} not that we could use it immediately, but it means we need to discussing what to researhc next very soon
      [23:59] [11:59pm] {@vondrack} hmmm... the earliest ETA seems to be 6-7 turns, but I am not sure that will be the case - as I said, we need some extra gold for important pre-wonder rushes
      [23:59] [11:59pm] {@vondrack} ad we may knock the research slider down a bit
      [23:59] [11:59pm] {@vondrack} *and
      [23:59] {DeepO} I'm not sure we can match that...
      [23:59] {DeepO} well... nm... we don't want to go for edu if you're faster anyway
      [00:00] [12:00am] {@vondrack} yep, understood
      [00:00] [12:00am] {@Aeson} I agree... I think we'd be at least a few turns slower
      [00:00] {DeepO} are there any techs you already have deals for, and would not consider getting from us?
      [00:00] [12:00am] {@vondrack} yes - Engineering and Chivalry
      [00:01] [12:01am] {@vondrack} that's why I mentioned PP
      [00:01] {DeepO} as printing press doesn't really suit us, I think
      [00:01] [12:01am] {@vondrack} sure, understood
      [00:01] {DeepO} yeah... well.. we might go for invention first
      [00:01] [12:01am] {@vondrack} that would be a good idea
      [00:01] {DeepO} but that requires Engineering.
      [00:01] [12:01am] {@vondrack} no deal for Invention yet
      [00:01] {DeepO} hmmm... will have to think about that..
      [00:01] [12:01am] {@vondrack} ND is doing Engineering
      [00:02] {DeepO} yeah, but they're not the only ones
      [00:02] {DeepO} or at least not the only source
      [00:02] [12:02am] {@vondrack} right, Voxes, too
      [00:02] [12:02am] {@vondrack} but they are slow
      [00:02] [12:02am] {@vondrack} 40-turn research, I assume
      [00:02] {DeepO} yeah, sure
      [00:02] {DeepO} we may even be able to trade it to you before that time
      [00:03] [12:03am] {@vondrack} so - Invention would sound good to us, yes
      [00:03] [12:03am] {@vondrack} hehe
      [00:03] {DeepO} maybe we can help each other?
      [00:03] {DeepO} I'm not sure if this would be a good idea diplomatically
      [00:03] [12:03am] {@vondrack} as we do not plan to go for Invention, we can wait few more turns if it saves us gold or something
      [00:04] {DeepO} but we could split costs: you research, we go for gold
      [00:04] {DeepO} and combine at the end
      [00:04] {DeepO} we're all the time trying to not get into the same trouble as with Feud
      [00:04] [12:04am] {@Aeson} since we can't start Invention for what... 11 more turns is Vox's ETA?
      [00:04] {DeepO} as it cost us dearly
      [00:04] [12:04am] {@vondrack} not sure if I am understanding this right - are we talking about Edu or Invention now?
      [00:04] {DeepO} Edu
      [00:05] {DeepO} Invention is something else
      [00:05] {DeepO} in that we need a prereq
      [00:05] {DeepO} and can't start right now
      [00:05] [12:05am] {@vondrack} ah... and ND is not an option?
      [00:05] {DeepO} well... who would pay, if he can get things for free?
      [00:05] [12:05am] {@Aeson} their ETA is roughly the same I think
      [00:05] [12:05am] {@vondrack} true
      [00:05] {DeepO} yeah, saving for upgrades
      [00:06] [12:06am] {@vondrack} they must be after something
      [00:06] [12:06am] {@vondrack} made quite some efforts to ensure our neutrality
      [00:06] {DeepO} which is something also a bit strange, it doesn't look to me like ND, or GoW has big cash reserves
      [00:06] {DeepO} well... they were trying here too
      [00:06] [12:06am] {@vondrack} were they?
      [00:06] {DeepO} but as I explained: we want to remain neutral
      [00:07] {DeepO} so we won't sign NAPs with Bobians soon
      [00:07] [12:07am] {@Aeson} So if you need cash to research Edu fast, it might be in both our best interests if GS supplies the cash so you can research faster.
      [00:08] [12:08am] {@vondrack} not sure about this - negotiating anything in this regard would most probably exceed whatever mandate I have
      [00:08] {DeepO} well.. ours too
      [00:08] [12:08am] {@Aeson} ours too
      [00:08] [12:08am] {@vondrack} but I can sure bring that up in the forum
      [00:08] [12:08am] {@vondrack}
      [00:08] {DeepO} but if it means we can have some discussion about it soon, we might get something useful out of this
      [00:09] {DeepO} if we don't suggest it, or if you outright refuse
      [00:09] {DeepO} we don't need to bother to ask
      [00:09] {DeepO} and GS needs time to come to decisions
      [00:09] [12:09am] {@vondrack} yup - just BTW, what would you consider as your next tech after acquiring Edu?
      [00:09] {DeepO} as we truely are democratic
      [00:09] [12:09am] {@vondrack} that may be important
      [00:09] {DeepO} invention, perhaps
      [00:09] [12:09am] {@Aeson} Banking or Astronomy
      [00:09] {DeepO} ergh... correct that, banking
      [00:09] [12:09am] {@Aeson} and now you see how GS works... we all have different ideas
      [00:09] {DeepO} as astronomy most likely is for you
      [00:10] [12:10am] {@vondrack} LoL
      [00:10] {DeepO} lol
      [00:10] [12:10am] {@Aeson} we haven't had a good thread on this yet
      [00:10] {DeepO} too busy
      [00:10] [12:10am] {@vondrack} yes - you are the Many Voices, they are The One Voice...
      [00:10] [12:10am] {@Aeson} even edu/invention hasn't been discussed
      [00:10] {DeepO} no, but this chat surely could provide a start
      [00:11] {DeepO} in case you are (remotely) interested in getting something like this going
      [00:11] [12:11am] {@vondrack} alright - I believe there is no reason to expect that a deal on Edu would be outright rejected
      [00:11] [12:11am] {@vondrack} I will post about it and see what the response is
      [00:11] {DeepO} with one major point: total secrecy
      [00:11] [12:11am] {@vondrack} sure
      [00:11] {DeepO} we definately don't need to let Bob think we're forming a 3-way partnership here
      [00:12] {DeepO} (Lego_Vox_GS)
      [00:12] [12:12am] {@vondrack} right
      [00:12] {DeepO} even if there is no real partnership, some little word can be enough to let them see past there differences
      [00:12] {DeepO} and go do some invading
      [00:13] {DeepO} not that they won't be welcome here
      [00:13] [12:13am] {@vondrack} haven't had fighting enough?
      [00:13] {DeepO} nah.. 2 turns of peace, and already we're getting bored
      [00:13] [12:13am] {@vondrack} there is no more Legos Something for another half-dead nation...
      [00:14] {DeepO}
      [00:14] [12:14am] {@vondrack}
      [00:14] {DeepO} we're definately not going to turn Vox into a reservation
      [00:14] {DeepO} the next one on the brink of dying, can die...
      [00:14] [12:14am] {@vondrack} ?
      [00:14] {DeepO} I mean former Vox country
      [00:14] [12:14am] {@vondrack} ah, ok
      [00:14] [12:14am] {@vondrack} I get it now
      [00:15] {DeepO} well... anything else?
      [00:15] [12:15am] {@Aeson} Might be all that some of it is useful for though..
      [00:15] {DeepO} I think we've got a lot to discuss back home...
      [00:15] [12:15am] {@vondrack} yep
      [00:15] [12:15am] {@vondrack} agreed
      [00:15] {DeepO} yeah, true
      [00:15] [12:15am] {@vondrack} so, summary:
      [00:15] [12:15am] {@vondrack} 1) you work on your Vox hop plan and keep us posted
      [00:16] [12:16am] {@vondrack} 2) we continue moving our settler+worker combo to the site of the new Voxian capital
      [00:16] [12:16am] {@vondrack} 3) I PM you the Theo+no Sistene draft right after this chat ends
      [00:16] [12:16am] {@vondrack} (if you can get a signed version back to me before we play our turn, you can have Theo on your next turn)
      [00:17] {DeepO} (should be possible, it was already agreed on)
      [00:17] [12:17am] {@vondrack} 4) I post your offer on WM for ~50 gold in our forum
      [00:17] [12:17am] {@vondrack} 5) I post about the possible Edu for gold deal
      [00:17] [12:17am] {@vondrack} anything else?
      [00:17] [12:17am] {@vondrack} 6) total secrecy
      [00:17] {DeepO} yeah... especially #6
      [00:17] {DeepO} we're getting a bit paranoid on thisd
      [00:17] {DeepO} further I agree...
      [00:18] {DeepO} maybe add 7) that GS needs to seriously think on what to research next
      [00:18] {DeepO} (including after edu)
      [00:18] {DeepO} Aeson, anything else?
      [00:18] [12:18am] {@vondrack} that is a good idea, yes - I guess that might affect our decision regarding the Edu deal
      [00:19] {DeepO} I can imagine
      [00:19] [12:19am] {@vondrack} we would not want to give you a tech that would help you to become our main research competitor, that's obvious
      [00:19] {DeepO} but as long as we know what paths are open, we can anticipate
      [00:19] [12:19am] {@vondrack} in "our" branch, I mean
      [00:19] {DeepO} sure, np
      [00:19] [12:19am] {@vondrack} generally, that cannot be avoided
      [00:19] {DeepO} I prefer to have an open partner
      [00:19] [12:19am] {@vondrack} likewise
      [00:19] {DeepO} instead of a direct competitor
      [00:20] [12:20am] {@vondrack}
      [00:20] [12:20am] {@vondrack} good
      [00:20] {DeepO} ah, one point left
      [00:20] [12:20am] {@vondrack} yes?
      [00:20] {DeepO} I posted you that as of now, Arrian is vice ambassador
      [00:20] [12:20am] {@vondrack} ok, fine
      [00:20] {DeepO} well... it seems we also have a vice-vice ambassador: nye
      [00:20] [12:20am] {@vondrack}
      [00:20] [12:20am] {@vondrack} now, that's smart
      [00:21] {DeepO} so, in case you can't reach us, you know who to turn too
      [00:21] [12:21am] {@vondrack} yup
      [00:21] [12:21am] {@vondrack} it's no secret we get along with nye very well, is it?
      [00:21] {DeepO} no... but it is also needed
      [00:21] {DeepO} you guys meet each other much more naturally
      [00:22] {DeepO} whereas each time I want to chat on 'poly, I spend half an hour to get in
      [00:22] [12:22am] {@vondrack} yes, that's because of our common ISDG experience... we learnt to "feel" each other
      [00:22] {DeepO} so.. I think this is about it from my side
      [00:22] {DeepO} it's been great chatting with you
      [00:22] [12:22am] {@vondrack} my pleasure
      [00:22] {DeepO} I definately will try to get back on my Sunday schedule
      [00:23] {DeepO} if that still suits you
      [00:23] [12:23am] {@vondrack} thank you, Aeson, for attending, too
      [00:23] [12:23am] {@Aeson} my pleasure
      [00:23] [12:23am] {@vondrack} yes, most probably (Sundays)
      [00:23] {DeepO} cool
      [00:23] [12:23am] {@vondrack} great - take care, guys!
      [00:23] {DeepO} in that case, my regards to Legoland!
      [00:23] [12:23am] {@vondrack} and talk to you soon
      [00:24] [12:24am] {@Aeson} later vondrack
      [00:24] [12:24am] {@vondrack} give my best regards to the victorious folk of GS!
      [00:24] [12:24am] {@vondrack} bye
      [00:24] {DeepO} bye!
      [00:24] {DeepO} I read that as vicious
      [00:24] {DeepO} lol
      [00:24] [12:24am] {@vondrack} hehe... that would be a serious diplomatic faux pas...
      [00:24] [12:24am] {@vondrack} ok, see you
      [00:24] [12:24am] vondrack ( has parted. «3 people»
      [00:25] {DeepO} just checking the log...
      [00:25] {DeepO} after which I'm off too
      Session Close: Tue Jun 24 00:25:41 2003


      • #93

        this should not be any problem to accept, as it was what we anticipated. However, I need to have some time to let my team comment on it... I'm not sure if we can get this done in time for your turn to end (depends on when it gets played, of course). I'll get back to you asap, but seeing as 99% sure this will get ratified, would it be an idea to 'gift' it to us even if we would be a little late? In case any problem arrises, you can be sure we will not accept the deal.

        Again, thanks in your role as mediator, and generous offer... it certainly had an impact on silencing the StormHawk party


        Hello, DeepO!

        Here is the Theology deal draft I promised to send you - I'm doing this in a hurry and feeling a bit sleepy already, so let's hope I made no mistakes:

        Legoland-GS Theology Trade Agreement

        1) Legoland agrees to provide Gathering Storm (GS) with Theology immediately after signing this agreement. GS agrees to not resell/trade/gift this technology to any other party for 20 turns from receiving it. After these 20 turns, GS agrees to not trade Theology to any other team, unless that team also agrees to not build Sistine's Chapel as part of the trade.

        2) GS agrees to not attempt to build Sistine's Chapel as long as Legoland remains in the game.
        Hope this is acceptable. If you can send me a signed copy back, we will send Theology as "accepted" on this very turn.

        Best regards,


        • #94
          No problem, we can do that for you. Will add gifting Theo to you to our turn plan.



          • #95
            Vondrack (and other members of Legoland),

            Legoland-GS Theology Trade Agreement

            1) Legoland agrees to provide Gathering Storm (GS) with Theology immediately after signing this agreement. GS agrees to not resell/trade/gift this technology to any other party for 20 turns from receiving it. After these 20 turns, GS agrees to not trade Theology to any other team, unless that team also agrees to not build Sistine's Chapel as part of the trade.

            2) GS agrees to not attempt to build Sistine's Chapel as long as Legoland remains in the game.
            I hereby officially declare the deal on Theology as ratified by Gathering Storm. Many thanks for another fine deal, we hope many more will follow.

            There was one thing which for a very brief moment worried some of our members: we're not planning on doing it, but we're hoping that in case of emergency, we could use the Sistine as a prebuild for another wonder. Your proposal does not explicitely forbids this, and we don't think it would be against the spirit of the deal, but just had to check this before you got upset, seeing us building the Sistine.
            In no case will we actually build the Sistine, no matter if it would be allowed as a prebuild.

            Kind regards from Gathering Storm,


            • #96
              Thanks Vondrack,

              As to the Edu deal: I certainly will propose it to my team. However, on a personal note, I'm not sure we would be willing to disclose our exact gold income, I hope you can appreciate this... openness has it limits

              But, as a start of a proposal it certainly counts, let me find out how much we can invest... it will depend on a few details, I assume you would be interesting in a 20-turn NDA, leaving you as the sole provider for Edu to other nations, after all, you did the research, even if we 'helped'. Allow me to discuss this in our forum, I'll get back to you asap.

              As to prearranging a Astronomy / banking swap: I think this certainly has a good chance of succeeding. However, we're still not sure what to research next, even if it was said a couple of times that tech for tech deals are maybe the only way to get decent prices for our research. I think we would welcome all good proposals here, and would be willing to adapt quite a bit to other teams, if it wouldn't cost us as dearly as the Feudalism fiasco.

              So, for how much I have any power in these matters (I'm just one of many voices ), these proposals are very interesting, and can at least lead to good deals for both sides. I assure you they will get the attention they deserve.

              kind regards,

              Hello, DeepO!

              We are happy to see you happy about the deal.

              And - using the Sistine's Chapel as a prebuild for another wonder is definitely not a problem with us at all.

              Just a quick idea, not really official, but may be good to consider... discussing our chat from last night with my teammates today, it seems we'd not mind selling Edu to you, if the price in gold is right - we would probably be looking for roughly half of what you can save by going 100% tax until we finish researching Edu (~6 turns to go, it seems)... dunno how much that would actually be, so I'll leave determining the figure up to you. Let's hope it will be enough to make it a fine deal for us, too... not sure how many retiring soldiers you have to pay these days...

              But - the idea... to make the deal even more attractive for you, we might discount this amount by the value of your WM (~40-50 gold) AND couple it with a fine future tech deal. What about prearranging a trade where we would provide your with Astronomy in exchange for Banking? Astronomy is slightly more expensive beaker-wise, so this might be an additional sweetener for you... just an idea. We do not want Bobians to become too strong, do we? So we better help each other, I guess...



              • #97

                As to the Edu deal: I certainly will propose it to my team. However, on a personal note, I'm not sure we would be willing to disclose our exact gold income, I hope you can appreciate this... openness has it limits
                Hehe... That's why we are trying to mix the map value and the beaker cost difference between Astronomy and Education in - this way, it is not that obvious how much accounts for which part. We have some idea how much gold you might be able to "save", and 1/2 of it is what we would be lookiing for. No need for precise numbers. If we are more or less correct about your commerce output and if you more or less offer half of it, then it will likely be a deal.

                I assume you would be interesting in a 20-turn NDA, leaving you as the sole provider for Edu to other nations, after all, you did the research, even if we 'helped'. Allow me to discuss this in our forum, I'll get back to you asap.
                Yes, 20-turn NDA would be part of the deal (just like with the Bank/Astro part, if it becomes part of it). We feel 10-turn NDAs are too short and actually help the non-researching nations to screw those that spend resources on the researcher.

                Best regards,


                • #98

                  I'm sorry, I have very little time atm (some friends are nagging me to stop typing and go out with them), so my apologies if I miss some things here.

                  We discussed the Edu deal on our forum, and response has been very positive. So, would you be interested in receiving 180 gold + our WM as a future payment for Education? If you approve, I'm sure we can send payment this turn (we still hold the save). This should be about what you expected, but if not, let us know.

                  This includes a 20-turn NDA, and a future banking / astronomy swap (again with 20-turn NDAs) (sorry to not be able to more formally formulate this due to time-constraints).

                  Further, we were thinking on a way of not cutting into each other's profits, that even if the 20-turn NDA expires, we share profits from the sale of each other's techs. This is still a rough idea, so possibly a chat could more accurately outline something that is beneficial to both of us. If we could agree on this soon, we should be able to do this also for Education, in case you would not be able to sell it to Bob if war breaks out.

                  In order to be faster, could you (also) send a response to Arrian and nye? This evening, they should be around to handle further negotiations, including a formal ratification. I can't check the forum before tomorrow... my apologies.

                  Kind regards,


                  • #99

                    I can imagine your surprise... it is as we thought. We might be able too sweeten the deal on your side a bit, however we did not lie to you about our income. Don't forget we had no time to build marketplaces, and our military is quite possibly double or triple yours. The Vox war has cost us a lot... we're recuperating though, but it will take time.

                    But, one (personal) remark about pricing: with a 20-turn NDA, and even a commitment of us to not profit from Edu even after the NDA would have been finished, you can't expect that we pay half your beaker cost in gold... you have 4 more buyers, and the second-researcher cost is already lower... don't get me wrong, I'm sure we can up the price (a little), but don't expect miracles

                    As to delaying Education (or payment): that shouldn't be needed. As long as we can reach an agreement before you run out of cash, we should be able to fulfill our part of the deal. While we would have hoped to have higher cash reserves (a lot higher cash reserves ), we're not broke...

                    kind regards,


                    Sorry - I was AFK since ~6pm my time yesterday - got your PM only this morning. Honestly - 180 gold is less than what we were hoping for. If (180+50)*2/6=~80 gpt is all what is left after paying your upkeep costs, then... well, we feel for you. 230 gold for Education is... hm... let's say, we'd be EXTREMELY happy to buy Edu for 230 gold ourselves, that's for sure.

                    I am posting your PM in our forum to see what other Legos think. Possible adjustments I can think of now: delaying the discovery of Edu so that you have 1-2 extra turns to save a bit more cash or postponing a small part of the payment (above the sum you offered) until the Astro/Bank swap.

                    Either way - I do not think this must be finalized until we are really close to discovering Education - we should have at least 2-3 turns to come up with more ideas. We do not ask for any "prepayments" and we can certainly wait few more turns for your map, so there is no need to hold the save just to have the deal finalized with us.

                    Even though we will most probably want to add something to the deal, I hope we are not far from reaching a compromise acceptable for both sides.

                    I hope to be able to get back to you very soon.



                    • Vondrack,

                      Sorry, very little time today at work, but it looks we'll be getting there. I'll post your message on our board, and see what the others think. I don't have clearance to accept this deal, it's above what we previously agreed to, so it's going to need another poll (Democracy, democracy, *sigh* )

                      You're right with the comparison to Feud, which was the same one we made: we asked 25% of the first researcher cost, which should become some 270 for Edu. However, as was so painfully proven, our deal only came with a 10-turn NDA, and made future trade possible... which is why we value Edu less. But, granted, we want Edu, and you were in no hurry to acquire Feud (well, you didn't either ).

                      If at all possible, I'd like to postpone the discussion on mutual profit after NDA for this weekend (Sunday chat?), we've got a couple of ideas, but nothing final yet, and would love to hear your take on things. Main idea is that we don't become competitors on techs which we cooperated on. However, we don't want to limit trade with other teams either... so eternal NDAs will probably be undesirable. For the moment, let's assume 20-turn classic NDAs.

                      Thanks for the exact Eta, it will surely help in planning. Also here are some points we'd like to discuss on Sunday: a couple of times it was raised in our forum that faster research isn't always the best, certainly not when war would break out on Bob. Maybe we shouldn't speed along too fast (I received some comments from trying to speed research on edu, and indeed, while there are a number of advantages, there are also disadvs involved)

                      It looks like Sunday's chat is again going to become a busy one, in the mean time, I'll see what I can do to meet your price. You'll hear from me soon,
                      kind regards,
                      Hello, DeepO!

                      I can imagine your surprise... it is as we thought. We might be able too sweeten the deal on your side a bit, however we did not lie to you about our income. Don't forget we had no time to build marketplaces, and our military is quite possibly double or triple yours. The Vox war has cost us a lot... we're recuperating though, but it will take time.
                      It was not we wouldn't believe your words - it was that the amount of gold looked... well... we're speaking here about Education, costing over 1000 beakers to research... would you be happy to sell it for ~230 gold (and that's with the map being valued at 50 gold)? Just remember how much you asked for Feudalism, which was more than 25% cheaper to research... plus, selling you Education for gold at this moment definitely involves many strategic aspects on both sides.

                      But, one (personal) remark about pricing: with a 20-turn NDA, and even a commitment of us to not profit from Edu even after the NDA would have been finished, you can't expect that we pay half your beaker cost in gold... you have 4 more buyers, and the second-researcher cost is already lower... don't get me wrong, I'm sure we can up the price (a little), but don't expect miracles
                      I hope we do not expect miracles , but upping the price a bit is definitely the way to go. Discussing the deal in our forum, there seems to be a proposal having a solid support. Basically, it would be like this:

                      1) 180 gold & your WM at the moment we deliver Edu (we shall discover Edu on - and this is now a solid ETA - our Turn 121, in 150BC, so you would receive it on your Turn 122, in 130 BC)
                      2) 50 gold at the moment we swap Banking and Astro (which we assume would be the next research goals for you and us)

                      20-turn or eternal NDAs (your choice) on all techs involved.

                      So, the only difference compared to your proposal is 50 extra gold payable on the Bank/Astro switch (not really to balance the Bank/Astro switch itself, but to balance the deal as a whole). Would this be okay with you? If yes, I will send a paragraphed version at your request (just state your preference re: NDAs).

                      Best regards,


                      • DeepO,

                        Sorry, very little time today at work, but it looks we'll be getting there. I'll post your message on our board, and see what the others think. I don't have clearance to accept this deal, it's above what we previously agreed to, so it's going to need another poll (Democracy, democracy, *sigh* )
                        No problem - as indicated by the Edu ETA in my previous PM, we do have a couple of turns to finalize the deal. No need for any prepayments, so as long as we agree on the terms at least on the turn we discover Edu (T121), there will be no delay.

                        You're right with the comparison to Feud, which was the same one we made: we asked 25% of the first researcher cost, which should become some 270 for Edu. However, as was so painfully proven, our deal only came with a 10-turn NDA, and made future trade possible... which is why we value Edu less. But, granted, we want Edu, and you were in no hurry to acquire Feud (well, you didn't either ).
                        Precisely 275 gold . Keep in mind, please, that there is another difference of 96 beakers between Astronomy & Banking in our favour (would equal to 24 gold, using the 25% math, bringing the "total" to 299 gold), plus we haven't even tried to negotiate the price of or completely omit your WM from the trade.

                        If at all possible, I'd like to postpone the discussion on mutual profit after NDA for this weekend (Sunday chat?), we've got a couple of ideas, but nothing final yet, and would love to hear your take on things. Main idea is that we don't become competitors on techs which we cooperated on. However, we don't want to limit trade with other teams either... so eternal NDAs will probably be undesirable. For the moment, let's assume 20-turn classic NDAs.
                        Fine with us. Using the term "eternal NDA" I meant any future resales would have to be negotiated separately - not that we would exclude the possibility of resales once forever. I can sure imagine there would be a situation you'd be able to strike a deal, while we would be not or vice versa - and it would of course be foolish to insist on NDAs then.

                        Thanks for the exact Eta, it will surely help in planning. Also here are some points we'd like to discuss on Sunday: a couple of times it was raised in our forum that faster research isn't always the best, certainly not when war would break out on Bob. Maybe we shouldn't speed along too fast (I received some comments from trying to speed research on edu, and indeed, while there are a number of advantages, there are also disadvs involved)
                        This will most probably not be a major problem. We are not researching as fast as we could be anyway. We do realize that being too far ahead has its disadvantages, too.

                        Best regards,


                        • Session Start: Sun Jun 29 22:21:03 2003
                          [22:21] } Successfully joined #TheJollyJumper at 10:21pm

                          [22:33] {DeepO} welcome everyone
                          [22:33] [10:33pm] {@vondrack} thanks
                          [22:33] [10:33pm] {@nye-gone} *bounce*
                          [22:33] {DeepO} anyone else who wants to join?
                          [22:34] [10:34pm] {@nye-gone} hi again, vonD
                          [22:34] [10:34pm] {@vondrack} not from my team - everybody gone for the weekend
                          [22:34] [10:34pm] {@vondrack} hi again, nye
                          [22:34] {DeepO} okay... I haven't heared from Arrian
                          [22:34] {DeepO} I thought he was still unavilable this weekend
                          [22:35] {DeepO} sorry.. just posting a message on our board
                          [22:35] [10:35pm] {@nye-gone} i will be silent mostly.
                          [22:35] [10:35pm] {@nye-gone} just along for the scenery
                          [22:35] {DeepO} okay... first of all, I'd like to discuss the tech deal
                          [22:35] [10:35pm] {@vondrack} ok
                          [22:35] {DeepO} it seems we will be accepting your 230 gold offer
                          [22:36] {DeepO} but... could we have on little consession for that?
                          [22:36] [10:36pm] {@vondrack} and that would be?
                          [22:36] {DeepO} there has been talk that you would be going for a wonder tech, while we were not
                          [22:36] {DeepO} so, would it be possible to agree now that after Banking, we can go for econ
                          [22:36] {DeepO} and you pick something else?
                          [22:37] [10:37pm] {@vondrack} I believe that would be possible, yes
                          [22:37] {DeepO} wonder techs are always nicer to sell to others
                          [22:37] {DeepO} okay, thanks
                          [22:37] {DeepO} in that case, I'll set up a formal message, to ratify for both teams
                          [22:37] [10:37pm] {@vondrack} great
                          [22:37] {DeepO} (on Monday)
                          [22:37] {DeepO} no time now
                          [22:37] [10:37pm] {@vondrack} ok, no problem
                          [22:37] [10:37pm] {@vondrack} still few more turns to Edu
                          [22:38] {DeepO} other then that, would you be interested in getting some kind of deal, so we don't compete to sell each others techs?
                          [22:38] [10:38pm] {@vondrack} basically, yes... depends on what exactly you would like to agree on
                          [22:38] [10:38pm] {@vondrack} we are no good in reselling other teams' techs...
                          [22:39] {DeepO} a couple of ideas have been posted, one of which would simply be to give part of the revenue to the other team, if a sell occurs after NDA expire
                          [22:39] {DeepO} well... it's not that we're such geniuses there,
                          [22:39] {DeepO} but you already know that
                          [22:39] [10:39pm] {@vondrack} LoL
                          [22:39] {DeepO} this is still a very rough idea
                          [22:39] {DeepO} so any input from your side would be greatly appreciated
                          [22:39] [10:39pm] {@vondrack} I believe sharing the profit would be at least worth considering
                          [22:40] {DeepO} well... we're still not recuperated from Feud
                          [22:40] [10:40pm] {@vondrack} not competing in the "resale" market is in the interest of both of us
                          [22:40] {DeepO} very true
                          [22:40] {DeepO} and it might appear to others as we're not the best friends
                          [22:40] {DeepO} which, in time, might also be beneficial
                          [22:41] [10:41pm] {@vondrack}
                          [22:41] {DeepO} one sec, Shiber is knocking
                          [22:41] [10:41pm] {@vondrack} any idea about the share levels?
                          [22:41] —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— User Shiber has been invited to: #TheJollyJumper
                          [22:41] [10:41pm] ** DeepO invited Shiber into channel #TheJollyJumper.
                          [22:41] [10:41pm] {@vondrack} percentages and such
                          [22:41] [10:41pm] Shiber ( has joined. «4 people»
                          [22:41] [10:41pm] {Shiber} eek
                          [22:41] {DeepO} hi there!
                          [22:42] [10:42pm] {@nye-gone} hi
                          [22:42] [10:42pm] {Shiber} a bit jollier in here than i expected
                          [22:42] {DeepO} «vondrack» not sure
                          [22:42] [10:42pm] {@vondrack} hi, Shiber!
                          [22:42] [10:42pm] {Shiber} hi von!
                          [22:42] {DeepO} as said, this is still very rough
                          [22:42] {DeepO} Shiber, we were discussing possible resale policies
                          [22:42] {DeepO} where we keep out of eachother's profit
                          [22:42] [10:42pm] {Shiber} Thanks DeepO
                          [22:42] [10:42pm] {@vondrack} sometimes it may be difficult to determine the "share" - imagine you "resale" for a tech...
                          [22:42] *** Disconnected
                          [22:51] *** Attempting to rejoin...
                          Session Close: Sun Jun 29 22:51:48 2003

                          Session Start: Sun Jun 29 22:53:41 2003
                          [22:53] } Successfully joined #TheJollyJumper at 10:53pm
                          [22:53] } Total People:4 Ops:3 Voices:0
                          [22:53] } Channel Modes: +si
                          [22:53] } Created on Sunday, June 29th, 2003 at 10:27pm
                          [22:53] [10:53pm] {@Shiber} It's my favorite ever IRC client.
                          [22:53] {DeepO} phew
                          [22:53] {DeepO} why does this always happen to me?
                          [22:53] [10:53pm] {@Shiber} Runs on all Linuxes, there's also a (terrible) Windows port and probably a Mac port too
                          [22:53] [10:53pm] {@nye-gone} rescued!
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@Shiber} Yaaay!
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@Shiber} He's back
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@vondrack} hehe
                          [22:54] {DeepO} sorry about that...
                          [22:54] {DeepO} did I miss much?
                          [22:54] {DeepO} last I heared was that you asked about percentage levels
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@Shiber} Yes, we declared war
                          [22:54] {DeepO}
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@Shiber} And, umm, discovered, uhhhh, fission.
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@nye-gone} just personal chit chat while we waited for you to escape from Vox's clutches
                          [22:54] {DeepO} UN
                          [22:54] {DeepO} thx
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@vondrack} yup
                          [22:54] [10:54pm] {@Shiber} From a goodie hut.
                          [22:54] {DeepO} so, percentage:
                          [22:55] {DeepO} nothing final yet
                          [22:55] {DeepO} but 50% seems a good start
                          [22:55] [10:55pm] {@vondrack} that sounds fair
                          [22:55] {DeepO} even if we would need to somehow have a way of knowing how much other things are worth
                          [22:55] [10:55pm] {@Shiber} According to my calculations, 50% is exactly half of the revenues.
                          [22:55] {DeepO} e.g. we have lux to sell...
                          [22:55] {DeepO} and how much is a lux worth?
                          [22:56] [10:56pm] {@vondrack} we could try that for one or two techs to see if it's doable...
                          [22:56] {DeepO} part of this means openness
                          [22:56] {DeepO} in that we need to warn the other if negotiations are taking place
                          [22:56] [10:56pm] {@vondrack} we could, also, put basically "eternal" NDAs and negotiate every resale separately
                          [22:56] [10:56pm] {@vondrack} yes, of course
                          [22:56] {DeepO} and this might proof to be a problem with our 'secret diplo' policy
                          [22:57] {DeepO} eternal NDAs: true
                          [22:57] {DeepO} another option
                          [22:57] {DeepO} and maybe even better...
                          [22:57] [10:57pm] {@vondrack} whatever we decide to try, it will need some time to settle
                          [22:57] {DeepO} well.. for the moment it doesn't need to hurry
                          [22:57] [10:57pm] {@vondrack} I am quite sure we cannot think of all possible nuances right now
                          [22:57] [10:57pm] {@vondrack} right, no hurry
                          [22:58] {DeepO} I don't think we'll resale edu...
                          [22:58] {DeepO} at least we're not planning to do this
                          [22:58] {DeepO} and you might have all deals secured already
                          [22:58] [10:58pm] {@vondrack} we would prefer if you didn't push too much for reselling it, yes
                          [22:58] [10:58pm] {@vondrack} to be honest
                          [22:58] {DeepO} np
                          [22:58] [10:58pm] {@vondrack} not really
                          [22:58] [10:58pm] {@vondrack} few deals prearranged, but not all of them
                          [22:58] [10:58pm] {@nye-gone} the market is not so great, is it?
                          [22:59] {DeepO} nobody even knows we're getting it from you, and we would prefer to keep it that way
                          [22:59] [10:59pm] {@vondrack} hmph, the market is... hm... "weak"
                          [22:59] {DeepO} not that it is a secret, but still...
                          [22:59] {DeepO} do you feel like others are preparing for war?
                          [22:59] [10:59pm] {@vondrack} yes
                          [22:59] {DeepO} I mean, you mentioned the ND-GoW powersurge last chat
                          [22:59] {DeepO} any idea why?
                          [23:00] [11:00pm] {@vondrack} I was talking about that with BigFree (RP)
                          [23:00] [11:00pm] {@vondrack} he was quite sure it was only because territory gains
                          [23:00] [11:00pm] {@vondrack} as Chivalry is not yet discovered
                          [23:00] [11:00pm] {@vondrack} so no upgrades
                          [23:00] {DeepO} true...
                          [23:00] [11:00pm] {@vondrack} not sure, but I am quite positive there will be a war on Bob
                          [23:00] [11:00pm] {@vondrack} ND did something we did not expect
                          [23:01] {DeepO} do you have a better idea who the parties will be?
                          [23:01] {DeepO} what?
                          [23:01] [11:01pm] {@vondrack} they offered an NAP to us
                          [23:01] {DeepO} ah...
                          [23:01] [11:01pm] {@Shiber} So far we've been getting the impression that there are no alliances or partied yet, but that may be wrong.
                          [23:01] [11:01pm] {@vondrack} basically, they made sure we would stay out of the Bobian affairs
                          [23:01] {DeepO} not sure...
                          [23:01] [11:01pm] {@Shiber} vondrack: deja vu.
                          [23:01] {DeepO} ND could try to protect their flanks
                          [23:01] {DeepO} while they would be planning for war
                          [23:02] [11:02pm] {@vondrack} so whoever it is they are going after, shoudl be on Bob
                          [23:02] [11:02pm] {@vondrack} *should
                          [23:02] {DeepO} ND, yes
                          [23:02] {DeepO} but that's not all of Bob
                          [23:02] [11:02pm] {@Shiber} ND is obviously paranoid. They may have discovered that GoW and RP are going to pile up on them, though we only heard denials from GoW. Anyway, Lego is not the only civ that was proposed a NAP by ND.
                          [23:03] [11:03pm] {@vondrack} true - but that is all I know about what is going on Bob...
                          [23:03] [11:03pm] {@vondrack} I guess they may be trying to make it a 1 on 1 affir
                          [23:03] [11:03pm] {@vondrack} *affair
                          [23:03] [11:03pm] {@vondrack} which would make sense
                          [23:03] {DeepO} hmmm
                          [23:03] {DeepO} don't know
                          [23:04] {DeepO} it looks to me personally that all wars on Bob will be a 2-1 affair
                          [23:04] [11:04pm] {@vondrack} honestly - we did little business with them (ND), but when we did, it was very pleasant
                          [23:04] {DeepO} they're hard
                          [23:04] [11:04pm] {@vondrack} hard to read, yes
                          [23:05] {DeepO} but somehow, it seems they feel isolated on a 'poly game
                          [23:05] {DeepO} part of that could come from too little chitchat
                          [23:05] {DeepO} part of it could come from tension on Bob
                          [23:05] [11:05pm] {@vondrack} hmmm... they are doing all they can to _remain_ isolated
                          [23:05] [11:05pm] {@vondrack} agreed
                          [23:05] {DeepO} true...
                          [23:06] {DeepO} and we were rather unlucky in our deals with them, so we're not helping either
                          [23:06] [11:06pm] {@vondrack} unlucky?
                          [23:06] [11:06pm] {@vondrack} we were very lucky ))
                          [23:06] {DeepO} well... about all their proposals we had to refuse
                          [23:06] {DeepO} but how were you lucky?
                          [23:06] [11:06pm] {@vondrack} got the map of Bob from them for 50 gold yeeeears ago... ))
                          [23:07] [11:07pm] {@vondrack} was Darekill's mistake
                          [23:07] {DeepO} aha
                          [23:07] [11:07pm] {@vondrack} he misunderstood something we did
                          [23:07] [11:07pm] {@vondrack} but they made no fuss about it - accepted it was their fault
                          [23:07] {DeepO} what about RP: do you think they want to reamin peaceful?
                          [23:07] {DeepO} not that it's likely they will...
                          [23:08] {DeepO} but they might want
                          [23:08] [11:08pm] {@vondrack} uhhh... I do not think it is a good idea to discuss RPers with me
                          [23:08] [11:08pm] {@vondrack} I could get
                          [23:08] [11:08pm] {@vondrack} eh... upset
                          [23:08] {DeepO} ?
                          [23:08] {DeepO} anything we should know?
                          [23:08] {DeepO} we were rahter out of the loop...
                          [23:08] [11:08pm] {@vondrack} nope... not really... just that we are constantly unable to trade with them
                          [23:09] [11:09pm] {@vondrack} they never agree to a fair deal
                          [23:09] {DeepO} okay... I hope we are easier
                          [23:09] [11:09pm] {@vondrack} always trying to squeeze the very last gold piece...
                          [23:09] [11:09pm] {@vondrack} yes, you are
                          [23:09] [11:09pm] {@vondrack} that's why we are doing business with you now
                          [23:09] {DeepO} well, let's keep this going
                          [23:09] {DeepO} btw, if you want to know the reason we want to deal with you:
                          [23:10] {DeepO} you're stable... Bob is not
                          [23:10] {DeepO} and we need stability
                          [23:10] [11:10pm] {@vondrack} I hope we will remain stable for some time
                          [23:10] {DeepO} plus, there is little danger of you invading us
                          [23:10] {DeepO} well, I hope this game will remain stable
                          [23:10] [11:10pm] {@vondrack} hehehe... there is NO danger, actually
                          [23:10] {DeepO} we feel like the tech race is an important race to win
                          [23:11] [11:11pm] {@vondrack} but we feel very similir about you
                          [23:11] {DeepO} but with wars, upgrade money, and other things to spend gold on, nobody is contributing
                          [23:11] [11:11pm] {@vondrack} *similar
                          [23:11] {DeepO} thanks
                          [23:11] {DeepO} which brings me to another point: perhaps we shouldn't speed along in tech
                          [23:11] {DeepO} I mean, we should try to keep the lead
                          [23:12] [11:12pm] {@vondrack} define "speed along"
                          [23:12] {DeepO} (well, actually, you have the lead now, but we can come close)
                          [23:12] {DeepO} well.. perhaps we should deliberately delay research
                          [23:12] [11:12pm] {@vondrack} yes, I know that
                          [23:12] {DeepO} in order for the others to save gold, to give to us
                          [23:13] [11:13pm] {@vondrack} this is difficult to set as a general policy
                          [23:13] {DeepO} I know
                          [23:13] [11:13pm] {@vondrack} sometimes, it is better to wait
                          [23:13] [11:13pm] {@vondrack} sometimes, it's better to hurry
                          [23:13] [11:13pm] {@vondrack} right, no need to explain
                          [23:13] {DeepO} partt of this comes from our situation on Feud
                          [23:13] {DeepO} we sped along
                          [23:13] {DeepO} not only because we wanted to be first
                          [23:14] {DeepO} also of course because it was a tech we could use at the time
                          [23:14] {DeepO} buut in the end, it fell inbetween tech swaps
                          [23:14] {DeepO} costing us a lot of money
                          [23:14] {DeepO} (well, the cost was also because we failed to set up diplo well)
                          [23:14] [11:14pm] {@vondrack} maybe, yes
                          [23:14] {DeepO} maybe this is completely wrong
                          [23:14] [11:14pm] {@Shiber} And RP shafted us there badly
                          [23:14] [11:14pm] {@vondrack} RP?
                          [23:15] {DeepO} but it feels like Edu has the same problem
                          [23:15] {DeepO} because Bob will not spend money on a tech they use for peaceful building
                          [23:15] {DeepO} if war is coming.
                          [23:15] [11:15pm] {@Shiber} Yeah, they tried to get us into a bidding war against GoW and eventually got Feudalism from GoW for a very low price or for free.
                          [23:15] {DeepO} «Shiber» only partly true
                          [23:15] {DeepO} in that there was also a misunderstanding at stake
                          [23:16] {DeepO} which was partly my fault...
                          [23:16] {DeepO} if we go for the Astro/banking part
                          [23:17] [11:17pm] {@nye-gone} well, i have to run guys. nice chatting with you vondrack.
                          [23:17] {DeepO} it would be good for both of us if at that moment Bob has gold
                          [23:17] [11:17pm] {@vondrack} take care, nye!
                          [23:17] {DeepO} bye nye!
                          [23:17] [11:17pm] {@nye-gone} bye
                          [23:17] [11:17pm] nye-gone ( has parted. «3 people»
                          [23:17] {DeepO} plus, there might be another problem: Leaders
                          [23:17] [11:17pm] {@vondrack} that's true
                          [23:18] [11:18pm] {@vondrack} as you sure know, leaders are what we dislike a lot
                          [23:18] [11:18pm] {@vondrack} they are bad for building
                          [23:18] {DeepO} at any rate, we feel like we should at least get the etas of astro and banking to coincide
                          [23:18] {DeepO} true
                          [23:18] {DeepO} sometimes they're nice though
                          [23:18] [11:18pm] {@vondrack} just a sec
                          [23:20] [11:20pm] {@vondrack} hmmm... a very rough estimate would be between 15 and 20 turns for Astro - depends on how much we will push it
                          [23:20] {DeepO} after edu?
                          [23:20] [11:20pm] {@vondrack} yes
                          [23:20] {DeepO} because that was what we hoped for...
                          [23:20] {DeepO} we can't delay much longer
                          [23:20] {DeepO} but will need cash too...
                          [23:21] {DeepO} would it be possible for Bobians to also do their research
                          [23:21] {DeepO} so we can trade techs, instead of hoping for gold?
                          [23:21] {DeepO} very little has been said to us about that, I think
                          [23:21] [11:21pm] {@vondrack} maybe - but I think you best know what their GNPs are like
                          [23:22] {DeepO} well... we do...
                          [23:22] [11:22pm] {@vondrack} it's you, then a gap, then us, than a BIG gap, then the rest of the world
                          [23:22] {DeepO} true
                          [23:22] [11:22pm] {@vondrack} speaking about GNP
                          [23:22] [11:22pm] {@vondrack} so - whatever they do, it will take forever
                          [23:22] {DeepO} with the difference that we have a large military to support
                          [23:22] [11:22pm] {@vondrack} true
                          [23:22] {DeepO} and we'll need to keep that, as our continent isn't easily defended
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} that's why we may be close to each other now (re: research speed)
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} sorry to hear that
                          [23:23] {DeepO} well, we think (rough idea) that ND is at 10% research now
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} could be
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} but GoW is probably researching
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@Shiber} Or is using a single scientist
                          [23:23] {DeepO} well, their ETA is after Vox...
                          [23:23] {DeepO} GoW: yes, but for how long?
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} AFTER Vox??
                          [23:23] [11:23pm] {@vondrack} Jesus...
                          [23:23] {DeepO} yes
                          [23:24] {DeepO} so, that's 40-tuirn research...
                          [23:24] {DeepO} well, this is only a guess
                          [23:24] {DeepO} we did not hear this from them explicitely, nor did we ask
                          [23:24] [11:24pm] {@vondrack} I see
                          [23:25] {DeepO} but if this continues... we would be the only one researching
                          [23:25] {DeepO} and if so, we have all reasons to not speed along too fast
                          [23:25] {DeepO} even if we want to keep the lead
                          [23:25] {DeepO} (both of us, of course)
                          [23:25] [11:25pm] {@vondrack} agreed
                          [23:26] {DeepO} the problem is, these are all guesses as long as we don't know what wars will break out
                          [23:26] {DeepO} but I find it very hard to assume Bob will remain peaceful
                          [23:26] [11:26pm] {@vondrack} me too
                          [23:27] {DeepO} okay... anything elase you want ot discuss?
                          [23:27] {DeepO} I'd like to get some sleep
                          [23:27] {DeepO} (didn't get much this weekend)
                          [23:27] {DeepO} and it's showing in my typing
                          [23:28] [11:28pm] {@vondrack} nothing, I think - the Vox plan proceeds as planned
                          [23:28] [11:28pm] {@vondrack} three turns to found their new capital
                          [23:28] {DeepO} yes... even if I think we could use a bit closer planning with Vox
                          [23:28] {DeepO} buut they are using some of our ideas, and are doing a fine job themselves
                          [23:29] {DeepO} which is all we can ask for
                          [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} right
                          [23:29] {DeepO} if anything would come up, I'll keep you informed
                          [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} ok, I will do the same
                          [23:29] {DeepO} other then that, expect a message for the Edu-deal tomorrow
                          [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} feel free to send me the tech trade draft tomorrow
                          [23:29] [11:29pm] {@vondrack} yup
                          [23:29] {DeepO}
                          [23:30] {DeepO} in that case: sweet dreams
                          [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} the Econ addition will be ok, I believe
                          [23:30] {DeepO} thanks
                          [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} same to you
                          [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} take care
                          [23:30] {DeepO} bye
                          [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} sweet dreams, Shiber!
                          [23:30] [11:30pm] {@vondrack} bye
                          [23:30] {DeepO} (also to Shiber, who has likely fallen asleep)
                          [23:30] [11:30pm] vondrack ( has parted. «2 people»
                          Session Close: Sun Jun 29 23:31:20 2003


                          • Hello Vondrack,

                            I'm sorry this message got delayed, I couldn't get into 'poly yesterday, when I had time to write the draft.

                            Further, even if it is a draft, we've ratified it. Normally, there shouldn't be any problem on your side, if there is, please let me know and I'll adjust, and ask for re-ratifying it in GS...

                            Lego-GS Education and future tech deal

                            1. Gathering Storm agrees to buy Education from Legoland, at the price of 230 gold + their World Map. The 230 gold and WM will be given to Lego as soon as this deal is ratified. Lego will give Education as soon as they discover it.

                            2. GS agrees to a 20-turn NDA on Education, a period during which they will not sell or give Education to any other team. Moreover, GS agrees to not selll this tech even after the NDA has expired, without consent from Legoland (and a possible discussion on shared profits)

                            3. Once education has been traded, GS will start researching Banking, while Legoland will start researching Astronomy. Once these techs are discovered, they will be swapped as equal (even if Astronomy is slightly more expensive). These techs also come with a 20-turn NDA.

                            4. Future discussion is needed to agree on a possible 'mutual profit' scheme for banking / astronomy, where the 20-tun NDA could be replaced with a more complicated agreement, in order to ensure both party's profit after NDAs would run out.

                            5. Further, future discussion is needed on the timing of these techs, so that both GS and Legoland have the best chance of distributing these techs after discovery. Possibly this will result in a common ETA for both techs, delayed from the fastest ETA (for one tech).

                            6. After Banking is discovered, GS has the right to start on Economics, where Lego promises to research something else. GS could waive this right later, if situations change. However, they will keep Legoland informed if this would happen, so that Lego can respond in time.

                            7. Both parties agree that the spirit of this agreement is most important, not the exact wording. If loopholes, or possible problems would appear later, negotiations should commence to try to iron out possible conflicts before they occur.
                            I hope this fits your hopes of this deal,
                            kind regards,


                            • Just received a message from ZargonX, with the above treaty quoted and a very dry "signed, ZargonX".

                              my reply:
                              Thanks ZargonX. I'll put it on the agenda, so that we pay you the gold and WM asap.

                              BTW: I can't make it to the chat tonight, I'm dead tired and want to go to sleep... sorry about that. But of course, if there is anything you want to discuss, just send a message (or try to contact nye)

                              Kind regards,


                              • GMT +2:00

                                [00:14] Vondrack> just a question...
                                [00:14] Shiber> shoot
                                [00:14] vondrack> we will have Edu ready this turn or one turn later (Zargon made a stupid mistake last turn)
                                [00:14] Shiber> congratulations
                                [00:14] Shiber> oh yes, that good-for-nothing Zargon
                                [00:15] Shiber> lol
                                [00:15] vondrack> I guess you were supposed to send the payment "after the treaty was ratified"
                                [00:15] vondrack> but we have not received anything yet
                                [00:15] vondrack> even though there was at least one, maybe two turns...
                                [00:15] Shiber> It's in our next turn thread, we will send it when we get the save
                                [00:15] vondrack> ok, fine
                                [00:15] vondrack> we will send Edu as soon as we have it then
                                [00:16] vondrack> and one more bit of info:
                                [00:16] vondrack> not sure if Voxes told you
                                [00:16] Shiber> vondrack, we only recently received confirmation from your team that the deal has been ratified
                                [00:17] Shiber> Yes, now I see that ZargonX sent a confirmation message "Signed, ZargonX" after we played the previous turn.
                                [00:17] Shiber> Oh, sorry for interrupting you
                                [00:18] vondrack> ah, ok... I did not know it was so recently...
                                [00:18] vondrack> so: The New Voice
                                [00:18] vondrack> we delayed its foundation by three turns (too many barbs around)
                                [00:18] vondrack> so it will be founded
                                [00:18] vondrack> on the next turn (122, I think)
                                [00:19] vondrack> this turn, units move to the destination tile
                                [00:19] vondrack> next turn, the city will be founded and handed over to Vox
                                [00:19] Shiber> OK, that doesn't sound like it'll be a problem though. But thanks for letting me know.
                                [00:20] vondrack> we have been able to bring in more escorts, so we do not expect any more delays now
                                [00:20] vondrack> ok
                                [00:20] vondrack> well - won't keep you any longer then
                                [00:20] vondrack> good night!
                                [00:20] Shiber> Barbs are rampant in Lego Land these days, I suppose
                                [00:20] Shiber> OK, good night sweetie
                                [00:20] vondrack>
                                [00:20] vondrack> bye
                                "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                                And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                                Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                                - Phantom of the Opera

