I've sent our offer for Theology to redstar1 and vondrack:
Honorable vondrack of Legoland.
Greetings from the land of the Storm. I hope things are going well on your peaceful land. Our people envy yours, for they have almost forgotten how it was living peacefuly, with little fear of untimely death. Fortunately, our enemy's forces experience untimely death more frequently than ours, which are of course good news.
With our recent progress in the war, our minds are now set on issues other than warplans, such as tech trade.
I am sure you remember we once discussed the prospect of future tech trades, more precisely- us purchasing Theology from you in exchange to Feudalism and a sum of gold to compensate you for the tech cost difference. We assume you are still interested, and that you will soon (if not already) have the tech in your possession. Therefor, we are coming with this offer for a trade agreement. I hope you find it reasonable:
1) GS and Legoland will exchange the techs Theology (Lego) for Feudalism (GS).
2) On the same turn, GS will deliver 60 gold in lump sum, to compensate Legoland for the difference in beaker cost of the two techs.
Please reply as soon as possible, and if possible- your current estimate on the ETA of Theology, in case you havn't finished research yet.
Zeit, ambassador for the Gathering Storm.
Greetings from the land of the Storm. I hope things are going well on your peaceful land. Our people envy yours, for they have almost forgotten how it was living peacefuly, with little fear of untimely death. Fortunately, our enemy's forces experience untimely death more frequently than ours, which are of course good news.
With our recent progress in the war, our minds are now set on issues other than warplans, such as tech trade.
I am sure you remember we once discussed the prospect of future tech trades, more precisely- us purchasing Theology from you in exchange to Feudalism and a sum of gold to compensate you for the tech cost difference. We assume you are still interested, and that you will soon (if not already) have the tech in your possession. Therefor, we are coming with this offer for a trade agreement. I hope you find it reasonable:
1) GS and Legoland will exchange the techs Theology (Lego) for Feudalism (GS).
2) On the same turn, GS will deliver 60 gold in lump sum, to compensate Legoland for the difference in beaker cost of the two techs.
Please reply as soon as possible, and if possible- your current estimate on the ETA of Theology, in case you havn't finished research yet.
Zeit, ambassador for the Gathering Storm.