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Turn 245: 1275 AD

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  • #76
    Aeson, keep in mind several of our tanks are damaged. 10 of those are leftovers from the Stanwix attack. But we do have another 15 or so MI to use



    • #77
      What happened to the Lego units in Jackson, Dye Fields and Castle Lea?


      • #78
        Lego units that were in Jackson are forted on the same spot. No idea about the units in the other cities though...
        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


        • #79
          I am not axnious to give GoW another stack of arties to add to its pile.

          Yes investigate, I would not want to attack the city just to weaken it for GoW without some sort of settlement on the land. Why have we not heard anything on that subject?

          We definetly want to try to get an elite or two from the barbs and then go for a leader. Since we will be the first to see any spawning, no one else will be able to get the camps or farm for promotions.


          • #80
            going for leaders has a problem: we need to keep Lego alive on land for at least one turn. We can't use an elite tank to attack (we have none right now, and only one Lego tank is within range for blitzing). If we leave units alive, GoW will go for them.

            arties: I'm not sure we will find any of them accessible... my guess is that there are none in Abilene. But more on that in 5 minutes, I'm about to load the save again and investigate Abilene. No more guessing needed.

            BTW, the question of CH on where the units are (which I've spent a couple of posts on guessing about it, btw ) made me think of something: there is no way Lego could have teleported any unit. You need to gift cities for that, and we follow them immediately in turn order. The Jackson units are fortified where they were, the Dye units are either on a boat, or in Vox.



            • #81
              Oh, and Castlea was empty, most likely.



              • #82
                Play continued

                One change opposed to my initial run through: since nothing was changed in the building of stuff, I did not cycle through the cities (I did enter Cyclone, and only then realized nothing had changed, so exited immediately)



                • #83
                  Poly is slowing down again.

                  Correction to the above: there are 2 tanks we can attack, possibly generating a leader. So, we take out 1 barb with a tank, attack the a Lego tank, and do the same with a second tank. Biggest chance right now to generate any leaders.



                  • #84
                    Lego can't have gone far into Voxland - they have no RoP.


                    • #85
                      what shape are the current GoW forces in? perhaps we could jointly delay a few turns to "heal" and try to get an additional elite or two.


                      • #86
                        And we can score a cool 25gs by that barb camp!


                        (or is that 50, I forget )


                        • #87
                          Damn. Browser crash. This is really getting an old excuse, I know

                          Correction to the above: there are 2 Lego tanks we can attack, blitzing after the barbs. That's the best chance we get for leaders. (sleepy, it's 25 gold)



                          • #88
                            I think finishing Lego off a turn or two sooner is worth more than shots at a Leader.

                            To maximize the chance at a Leader we can get 3 chances at a promotion while leaving another Lego unit to hit this turn. That only gives us 1 guaranteed Elite though.


                            • #89
                              CH, you're right, Lego has no RoP!

                              I didn't check this last turn, but assuming they didn't cancel it last turn, this means they can not have entered Vox. We see the first range of mountains by moving a worker, and there are no units there.

                              So why did they destroy the GoW blocking unit? Are there transports on either side of the former Panama site, just within reach of troops without blockade, just out of reach with blockade? Maybe there are still ships in the inner sea after all...



                              • #90
                                Darn... Aeson, I can't count. That's the second time I make the mistake, there are of course 3 Lego tanks within reach...

                                one promotion is not that bad. either they will score a GL now, or they don't need a promotion. And in case we need more promotions later, we simply create as much darkness as possible, and use barbs to blitz.


