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What to post publicly about the war

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  • #91
    Summary of DeepOs posts on movements and Battles

    Chaining arts to Lego
    - loaded 8 arts into Transport.
    - we can't scout for subs to Hub 1, the DD we just build can't reach it (maybe next turn). So I had to risk it...
    - arts reloaded
    - from hub 1 to hub 2, we've got the same problem. We can't leave hub 1 undefended. So again risking it.
    - hub 2: arts reloaded.
    - now we can scout. Moving one DD to hub 3.
    - we encounter a sub! sub sunk. DD promoted, now 3/5.
    - Lego has a way of putting its subs right in the way of where the ships automove, maybe I should change my behaviour. This is not the first time that when there are multiple paths possible, and I just let the game decide (by moving the mouse to the destination tile), we encounter a sub. Would they plan this?
    - anyway, transport reloaded, and follows the trail of the DD, gets to Hub3.
    - didn't establish our city yet, so I'm doing it now. Named New Inchon. Set to barracks.
    - reload arts, and move them into New Inchon. unload.

    Battle report part 1
    DD stumbles into sub at Abilene 4444788 (name unknown). DD promotes to 3/5.

    battle report part 2
    - art bombs 5/5 BB Tipperary (or Karina? only looked after bombing). failed.
    - art bombs 5/5 BB Tipperary (or Karina). Tipperary 4/5
    - fighter bombs BB Jackson. Fighter fails.
    - 2/4 DD attacks BB Jackson. 2/4 DD destroyed. Jackson promoted to 2/5.
    - art bombs 4/5 BB Karina. Karina 2/5.
    - art bombs 4/5 Tipperary. fails
    - art bombs 4/5 Tiperrary. fails
    - art bombs 4/5 Tipperary. Tipperary 3/5
    - art bombs 3/5 Tipperary. Tipperary 2/5
    - art bombs 2/5 Karina. Karina 1/5.

    - transport attacks 2/5 Jackson. counter bombardment failed. Transport destroyed, Jackson 1/5
    - transport attacks 2/5 Tipperary. counter bombardment hits. Transport destroyed.
    - 3 transports attack 2/5 Tipperary. All destroyed, Tiperary 2/5.
    - transport attacks 2/5 Tipperary. Transport promotes to 3/5
    - transport attacks 1/5 Karina. destroyed.
    - transport attacks 1/5 Karina. Transport 1/4.
    - transport attacks 1/5 Jackson. Transport 1/4.

    (Mass transport of troops occurs)

    movement continued
    - transport from our stack off Abilene with 8 tanks moved to NI8
    - reloaded tanks onto 3/5 transport.
    - 3/5 transport moved to Quanto, and awakened

    - transport at NI 4 moved into NI.
    - loaded with 7 tanks, 1 MI
    - moved to Quanto, unloaded
    - moved to Quanto 4.

    - transport at NI 4 moved into NI.
    - loaded with 8 tanks
    - moved to Quanto, unloaded
    - moved to Quanto 4.

    - all units in Quanto moved to Quanto 6.

    - all units present in NI forted
    - all transports from stack near Abilene moved into NI, and unloaded.
    - all units in NI forted again.

    battle report continued
    - marine captures explorer (1st sappers) at Quanto 3
    - marine captures explorer (2nd sappers) at Quanto 33

    battle report continued
    - marine captures 3 workers (Ann was one of them, I think) at Quanto 1.

    movement continued
    - Quanto abandoned. We lost 2 transports. We get a note saying that the resistance has ended Marine is still there, as are the RRs (so this is proof, we know Quanto was there before Lego had RRs.)
    - settler creates new city, "Quanto 6" for lack of a better name.

    - tank captures Nou Camp.
    - we take 22 gold. 4 resisters.
    - barracks sold for 5 gold.

    - tank captures Sando (which is in WLTKD, btw)
    - we take 33 gold. 6 resisters.
    - barracks sold for 5g
    - market sold for 12g
    - harbor sold for 10g

    - tank captures Karina.
    - we take 46 g. 10 resisters.
    - barracks sold for 5g
    - CH sold for 10g
    - bank sold for 20g
    - factory sold for 30g
    - hydro plant sold for 30g
    - stock exchange sold for 25g

    - tank captures Oasis.
    - 46g taken. 14 resisters.
    - market sold for 12g
    - factory sold for 30g
    - hydro plant sold for 30g.

    treasury up to 567 gold.

    movement continued
    - all units from Quanto moved to Oasis 8.
    - abandoned Oasis (resitance ends too )
    - settler builds new city, called "Oasis 8".

    - tank captures farmerville.
    - 34 gold liberated, 7 resisters
    - market sold for 12g
    - CH sold for 10g
    - bank sold for 20g

    - tank captures Forkmouth
    - 35 g liberated. 10 resisters
    - barracks sold for 5g
    - market sold for 12g
    - hydro plant sold for 30 g
    - harbor sold for 10 g
    - police station sold for 20 g

    - Lego CV spotted at Forkmouth 11
    - another worker spotted at Forkmouth 47

    ment continued
    - everything moved from Oasis 8 to Farmer 8.
    - Farmerville abandoned, resistance ends.
    - settler builds new city, "Farmer 8".

    - tank captures Red Bricks
    - we liberate 47 gold, capture the Sistine chapel (sadly, it won't do us a lot of good). 16 resisters.
    - market sold for 12g
    - bank sold for 20 g
    - hydro plant sold for 30 g
    - stock exchange sold for 25 g

    - we spot the Lego settler at red bricks 89 (mountain)

    - tank captures Tarzania
    - 47 g liberated. 13 resisters.
    - barracks sold for 5 g
    - CH sold for 10 g
    - walls sold for 2 g
    - bank sold for 20 g
    - factory sold for 30 g
    - police station sold for 20 g
    - stock exchange sold for 25 g

    current treasury: 1048 g

    Movement continued
    - all units moved from Farmer 8 to Red Bricks 8
    - Red Bricks abandoned (resistance ends)
    - New city built, named "Red Bricks 8"

    - tank captures Legopolis.
    - fighter destroyed
    - Smith's controled
    - 47 g liberated, 15 resisters.
    - market sold for 12 g
    - Hydro plant sold for 30 g
    - airport sold for 30 g

    current treasury: 1157 g

    GoW stack
    - 26 marines
    - 2 reg marines
    - 1 3/5 marine
    - 26 artillery (shouldn't that be 27?)
    - 1 settler
    - 2 1/4 tank
    - 2 2/4 tank
    - 1 3/4 tank
    - 17 2/4 inf
    - 1 2/5 inf
    - 1 1/4 inf

    battle report continued
    (the capturing of the cities have to be mentioned here too, once I get to compiling everything)
    The battle for Fort Stanwix
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment fails. Inf killed. Tank 3/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment fails. Inf killed. Tank 3/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank killed. Inf 1/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank retreats (1/4), inf 4/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank destroyed, inf 1/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank retreats (1/4). Inf 4/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank destroyed. Inf promotes to 2/5.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank destroyed. Inf 4/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment fails. Inf killed, tank 3/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Inf killed. Tank 3/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank destroyed. Inf 2/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank retreats (1/4). Inf 2/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment hits. Tank destroyed. Inf promotes to 4/5.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment fails. Inf killed. Tank 3/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment fails. Tank retreats (1/4). Inf 2/4.
    Tank attacks inf. defensive bombardment fails. Inf killed. Tank 2/4.

    Total: 16 Tank attacks. 10 succesful defensive bombardments. 6 infs killed. 6 tanks killed.
    Last edited by Krill; December 9, 2004, 20:45.
    You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


    • #92
      I am all for doing it as painless as we can. I don't know how they will feel, but Vondrack as been there before.

      They were in the same spot as we were on Bob, when it became a dog pile. The good news for us is that we had no cities at stake and time to attempt to recover.

      They have surely done an excellent job of defending. I think the real mistake was made a long time ago. They should have put more effort into building up the military. It should have been plain that the only real threat to them was an alliance.

      In that case you must have a defense already. The other option was to get an alliance of their own to hit someone. If it was me, I would have pushed to hit us some time back with GoW. This would have made it hard to get enough of an alliance later to hurt them. It would have given GoW and maybe ND more land so they would be less likely to need to attack Lego.

      They could have also joined us on Bob and made that bleed everyone more and push the time frames back to where they would be safer.


      • #93
        Thanks Krill, a great help!



        • #94
          No problems, but I'm not entirely sure on how much of it we will post.
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


          • #95

            Nah... probably too much. But a neat idea anyway

            Yeah, but as gloats go it's damn cool! Dry, cold, factual, razor-sharp. very GS


            • #96
              Originally posted by Krill
              No problems, but I'm not entirely sure on how much of it we will post.
              Don't worry, I'll clean it out. But still it's neat to have this all in one place



              • #97
                Originally posted by alva

                I think breaking it to them personally before we go public would be the right thing to do too.
                I've been thinking on this. Maybe we should warn them beforehand, to avoid over-emotional responses. OTOH, will it help them? I don't know... if we can keep it very clean, not too gloating, and certainly not paternalizing (sp?) we should be alright.

                I had something like this in mind:

                While Lego mounted a nearly unbreakable defense, we managed to find a tiny hole, and slipped through. Sure, we needed luck, and sure, it was unforeseen, but the results have surpassed our wildest dreams. We feel sorry for being so brutal in our attack, and feel with you for all the loss in (more or less innocent) lives. Please understand that, given this chance, we could only go forward, and do what was made possible.

                In short, we captured Legopolis.

                And a few other cities as well.

                To make it even worse, we attacked Fort Stanwix from behind, so that our allies should be able to break through, even with the beating they received there last turn. How many cities will fall as a result of this in the next few days is hard to predict, but it will be bloody.

                There is no easy way of telling this to a team who did such a good job of fending off all our attacks. We certainly appreciated the game, you made certain we had to pull everything to get even close to threatening you. But alas... it didn't help.

                So let's get this battle report going.


                I'm not certain if we want to include screenshots, or wait a couple of turns. We've got plenty which we can use, without giving away anything. And our tactics have already been blown... but perhaps we better wait until the battle report is digested, to show it to them graphically...

                This is certainly going to be here for over 24h, to give everyone a chance to say what he wants. I tried to be understanding, relatively formal (at least once the rest of the battle report would be filled in), and without any feeling of haven beaten them. I don't know if it comes across like this or not.



                • #98
                  I think for the Battle report it should be simply the actual moves, no commentary whatsoever. Then if we want to say something in the discussion thread we can do so there.


                  • #99
                    Our posts on this subject are going to be very important to word just right. Being quiet is sometimes more respectful than giving praise too. I'd favor something rather short and to the point.

                    While Lego mounted a nearly unbreakable defense, we managed to find a tiny hole, and slipped through. Sure, we needed luck, and sure, it was unforeseen, but the results have surpassed our wildest dreams.
                    I don't know if there is a good way for us to address the issue of Lego's play so soon. We commended them for the way they've played in the past few turns, but doing so this turn might come off as being a form of pity or condescension even. We can mention examples of how Lego did well, screwed up our plans, and did things we weren't prepared for. That way the point gets across without us having to say it. Things like:

                    "The Blockade of Quanto and Abilene caught us by surprise, forcing us to discard yet another set of plans."

                    "It was sometime into the turn that we noticed our hopes for GoW may have been dashed. Ft Stanwix's founding would not allow GoW to build their landing city."

                    The luck factor we can play. Not too much though. Something along the lines of:

                    "The odds weren't pretty, but fortune favored a desperate attempt to break through Lego's blockade using a fleet of Transports."

                    We feel sorry for being so brutal in our attack, and feel with you for all the loss in (more or less innocent) lives. Please understand that, given this chance, we could only go forward, and do what was made possible.
                    Given the dialog already going on in the forum I don't think this type of statement is necessary. They know we had to capitalize on any breaks we got, and have already stated so.


                    • Good points, Aeson.

                      I like the first two sentences. But while I agree that my luck thing is not ideal, yours seems a bit too much... we weren't that lucky in the transports going after the BBs. maybe it's the use of the word "desperate" which gives me the idea... we wouldn't have risked it if the role of those transports wasn't essentially over. Sure, it might have been a risk we were taking, but we didn't exactly lose much in case it turned out wrong. Those arts chained to Legoland would help us in any attack, also in the next turns in case this wouldn't work.

                      You might be very right about the statement of the brutality.. this might be better put into comments afterwards. I hope Lego knows that we respect them, but we couldn't do it any other way.



                      • Aeson.

                        Let's keep the commentary short & simple, at least for now.

                        I might (if you guys don't think it's a bad idea), later on, write a "news" story about it. I'm thinking along the lines of a (Stormian) left-wing opposition newspaper (let's call it... the Guardian ). The article would "expose" the war crimes of the evil warmongering Stormian regime.

                        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                        • Actually The Guardian, back in '99, ran one of the biggest newspaper cheerleading campaigns in support of any war I've seen.

                          How about a radical magazine called 'Anti-Cyclone' instead?


                          • The team expressed sadness at having to report the actions and that should be ok to mention. I agree short and to the point is probably best.

                            "The team was saddened to make this report. Lego's nearly flawless defense forced many changes of plans, but we finally found one point to break through."

                            I think that is the truth and reflects that feeling at that time. It is not anything but accurate. It is not chatty, so cannot be easliy misinterpreted.


                            • Just a tip - it's possible that ND might post something or tell Lego something, so if you want to be the first to tell Lego about what happened last turn you might want to do so soon.


                              • Trip, would you be so kind as too ask ND to not tell Lego what has happened?

                                Anyway: here is my idea:

                                To Lego, and to all those who have invested their time in the cultivation of those lands;

                                This is not the battle report; that shall be posted publically; this is a simple letter to, well, tell you what has happened since the start of the war, and what happened last night.

                                First came the attack on you pickets. It was a routine attack that we had planned out months in advance. It worked, and during the subsequent counter attack and the next movement, we lost what we expected to lose, and we were thankful for the rolls that the RNG had given to us. They might not have been perfect, but they could have been worse. This continued until the turn prior to our landing, where any luck that we hada had ran out; the massacre at Sandonorico left you with the units that allowed you to blockade Sandonorico, and enough land based units to make any attack of ours on you cities suicidal at best. After being forced to land out in the open, on flat land, we were not sure who was going to be hit worse: GoW or GS. As it was, you attempted to blockade your cities on Mare Nostrum once again. It was this that was your sole mistake that undid you this turn.

                                When we recieved the turn, and gazed upon it, we were scared. Lego had broken our last chance of a land based breakthrough. We saw the units. We saw the army. We saw death, or as some thought, Lego, staring us in the face, unflinching. We new that we hand no chance against abilene, so we looked Northward. We saw that our tamks could not reach Quanto Mechanico, but we moved a marine nevertheless. Quanto was empty. Maybe there was a way to attack after all...

                                Some among our number had thought of this idea. Others thought we were insane, but we had no option. We chained over some of our artillery. It had saved us before, no it was its' time to save us again. We bombarded HBS Tipparary, Jackson and Karina. We set our last remaining DD against them. Still it was nowhere near enough.

                                So we attacked with the empty transports.

                                With the three BBs destroyed, and our way into Lego open, We chained across Tanks, MI, Marines, and our most important weapon, the one that was to had us Legoland, part of atleast. We sent settlers.

                                We Took Quanto, moved our units, and had to disband Quanto, along with some transports, to settle our new camp, Quanto 6. From here on we attacked, and captured, Nou Camp, Sandonorice, Karina, Oasis, Farmerville, Tanzania, Forkmouth, Red Bricks, and the greatest prize of all.

                                We captured Legopolis.

                                We had used our few remaining settlers, the few that had survived the Lego assault this last turnm to cripple Legoland. We looked at the map. We saw the carnage. We did not celebrate at destroying something that meant so much to others whom we considered friends.

                                We wish you good luck and hope that it does not hurt too much, although we now that it shall. we hope that you continue to play as perfecly as you have done in these past few turns.

                                Gathering Storm

                                Please tell me what you think. I tried to explain it with relenence to the war as a whole, and to explain our actions. Lego will know that we chained over the art, and what we did with the transports to ferry the units across, and how we captured their cities.
                                Last edited by Krill; December 10, 2004, 14:32.
                                You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

