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Turn 195: 800 AD

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  • Turn 195: 800 AD


    - RP sends their WM. Not responding with our, as I want to avoid any other team to know our RR status.

    - Cyclone builds worker. Starts worker
    - Elipolis builds aqua, starts uni (may change to harbor)

    - 80 gold, 70%, 548 bpt, +1 gpt
    - 40 workers

    In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.

    - RR on SS 8
    - RR on SA 1
    - RR on Typhoon 9(one worker), 8, 3, 36
    - RR on Tornado 4, 7, 77, 78, 89 (not expected, but I found a way to speed up the factories of Typhoon or Sufa)
    - RR on Elipolis 7, 6, 33

    - Galley2 moves 9966. All of Antarctica spotted, returns home. Lego picket still at its spot
    - our Southern most galley (off the Lego coast) Moves 777, returning home.
    - our Western most galleon moves 8888. Will return towards Stormia via the North.
    - Northern most galley moves 889. Gow Caravel(Centurion) spotted at 88.
    - last Galleon (West of Inchon) moves 9988. Goes towards Elipolis, passing by ND's scouts. Spots an extra Ansar on the Eastern most hill of ND.

    workforce shuffles
    - Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn). But, instead of using the bonus grass at 23, it uses the one at 3 (getting this one from Tornado)
    - Typhoon takes that grass instead of a coast. Now making 1fpt, instead of 0fpt.

    - SS uses freshly RRed desert instead of teh one it was using.
    - Arashi uses the free desert instead of RRed hill. Perfect shields for ToE next turn
    - Tempest takes the RRed hill instead of the mined plain on 21. For one turn only, but this provides the 1 shield we missed for a factory build in 10 turns ( in 7 turns from now)
    - OG uses the mined plain instead of the incense desert. 3 more shields, but growth went down to 0fpt.
    - WW takes incense desert instead of coast.

    - Inchon and Elipolis swap RRed grass for unRRed one, to prevent one shield going to waste. Inchon changed to harbor, and when counting, I noticed that we don't need to irr there, if we in the last 2 turns of completion give Inchon a grass instead of the hill. grass RRed.

    Current Builds

    Changed all builds to the factory prebuilds, as layed out in the Smith's thread. This assumes we will go for industrialization after SM. Can be changed back everywhere later on.

    Eli : Uni in 50. Might need a harbor before a factory, not sure.
    Inchon : Harbor in 7,
    WoC : Iron Works in 13
    Inchoff : market in 28
    Diss : GLib in 17
    Santa Ana : Uni in 21
    Blizzard : Uni in 11
    Monsoon : Uni in 1
    Arashi : ToE in 1 via Palace
    WW : Uni in 27
    Tempest : Oracle in 10
    SS: worker in 1
    Hurricane : Hanging gardens in 12
    OG : uni in 17
    EotS : Hoover Dam in 11(via Sistine).
    BB : uni in 8
    Cyclone: worker in 1
    Tornado : Uni in 6
    Typhoon : Uni in 12
    Sufa : Uni in 17

    - GoW has 14 tiles RRed in 3 turns. They have at least 14 workers, and assuming they didn't stand by idle, they have less then 35 workers. Seeing the pattern they have made, I assume somewhere around 20 workers, maybe less. If RP gives their WM to us again next turn, we should know more precisely.
    - ND has 9 tiles RRed in 3 turns, which means a minimum of 18 workers, max of 45. I assume less then 25 workers seeing their path (one straigth line South to North)
    - Lego has at least 12 tiles RRed, including a hill (beats me why). in 3 turns, that means a minimum of 12 workers, but seeing that we can't spot half their territory, it is safe to assume a lot more.
    - Vox has 2 visible RRs. At least 2 workers.

    - As comparison: we have 88 tiles RRed, including 2 hill and 3 mountains.

    - Elec sent to Vox, unaccepted.

    - Elec sent to ND, unaccepted.

    - Vox has Medicine, Lego has not (as it should be). Price of Medicine has gotten very low as a result of this, GoW are certainly not lacking in the diplo department. They're making money out of every tech...

    - turn will be sent in 5 minutes.

    Next Turn



  • #2
    DeepO, can you send me the turn as well (that you send on to ND). I want to take a look at what's going on first-hand since you guys don't post screenshots. Addy is TripGoT (at)


    • #3
      Sure, one sec.

      I was planning on posting screenies this turn, though



      • #4
        Okay, done. I'll include you in my distribution list to ND, so you receive it every turn...

        and in half an hour or so, I'll post screenies for the rest as well. I'll have to replay the save for that, butotherwise ND would have had to wait longer, which I didn't want.



        • #5

          Core of our empire

          North of our empire, including RP

          Our most important cities, shield wise




          • #6
            Please note: I made a mistake for the screenies, I set Inchon to a aqua, where it should have been a harbor.



            • #7
              Oh, something else that seems not exactly right: The F1 screen is taken when at 80%, it should have been at 70% research.



              • #8
                Where is ND's power splurge coming from - is it just their extra cities or are they building units too?


                • #9
                  I'm not sure. I tried to check against their score graph (which is also increasing, but not that steep), but can't say for certain.

                  They are definately building cities, and a few of their new cities had their first border increase as well.



                  • #10
                    A question for the group: when are the improvements on maps updated? If RP does not receive any map from anyone else, but give their map to us, we see all the newest improvements, right?

                    So in case ND and GoW swap maps, they can follow our RR progress, right? In that case, it makes not much sense to keep RP from receiving our WM, and we should ask them to send us a version each turn. The only thing on our WM is the disclosed sea, which we don't know if others have seen already.



                    • #11
                      Something else for next turn: give RP furs, as the deal expires.



                      • #12
                        And another good thing for next turn: Lego's GA ends. At that point, we can really see where our position in the world in commerce and shields is...

                        Come to think of it, today I've got a bit of free time, I'll do another analysis seeing where everybody is in CNP and Commerce. We don't know which is Gow, and which is ND, but if we do it this turn, we can spot who's Lego (if they're not first of course)



                        • #13
                          F11: we're currently at 828 GNP, 256 Megatons. That's #2.
                          at 100% tech, we're at 875 GNP, and I doubt we'll catch Lego by tweaking it a bit further (putting all land tiles to sea.) So let's consider them uncatcheable in their GA.

                          #3 is at: 680 (GoW?)
                          #4 is at: 623 (ND?)
                          #5 is at: 208 (Vox)

                          Manf. Goods:
                          #3 is at: 251 (GoW?)
                          #4 is at: 151 (ND?)
                          #5 is at: 60 (Vox)

                          This shows a big difference in production between GoW and ND. I propose we simply and directly ask them what position they're currently at. If they tell, we can give them our numbers of ND, without mentioning our own!

                          In case this is true, ND will not be that hard to get, if it is not protected by Lego. Which makes it even more obvious that Lego should be the first to go, ND second.



                          • #14
                            Brilliant work, DeepO, phuquing brilliant!!

                            I thought that tile improvements only updated when you had their map. I'll PM RP and ask them if they got anyone else's maps, and ask them if they can see our rails, which look mighty impressive.

                            Nice to know Lego's GA is over next turn. Is it long before we can pass Metallurgy to GoW?


                            • #15
                              It's next turn that we can send Metallurgy to RP, then Steam after that. We could RR their land, perhaps.

