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Turn 179 : 640AD

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  • Turn 179 : 640AD


    ND still not making us an offer for physics
    Vulture, any chance of chasing ND about this?

    Lego have switched the Sistine to Smiths

    Lego have Physics. They will save so much gold on their GA so they can sustain a 4 turn pace for some time beyond.

    ToG(4) + Magnetism (4) + Freebie (0) + Steam/Med (4) + Electricity (4) + Sci Meth (4) = 20 turns. The same time as our fastest possible path to Sci Meth + the prebuild. Lego go before us so they have won the game if they get Steam or Medicine from Vox.

    I will be frank. I think GS-GoW-ND should threaten Vox with DEATH if they give Lego their free tech

    I checked the Hurricane situation - in fact it is comfortably on course for the original schedule - completion on T182, and the tight squeeze was not a mistake but a chance of shaving a turn off. It's now on 361 shields, and could get another 20s this turn, provided the last 1f at -1fpt does not cause shrinkage. However, even if it did manage to stay at S12 for one more turn it could only manage 17s the next turn.

  • #2
    Hang on - at 22spt in Arashi we'll have ToE in 19 turns, not 20, but that's at -1ftp with 10f in the box. We'll need coal to maintain it.


    • #3
      As for Vox - Sleepy, I think we should start by explaining to Vox that giving Lego the freebie will (a) hand Lego the game and (b) be seen in GS as proof that allowing them to live was a disastrous mistake, and (c) seriously upset the 3 remaining non-Legonian powers in the game.

      There's little doubt now doubt in my mind that their Democracy caper was just a lame and naive mission for Lego to pinch tech from us.


      • #4
        Son of a *****

        I say we build Sistine. **** 'em

        CH, re: vox

        I am going to be incommunicado for a few days coming up, monday-late wednesday so I can't work the Vox front. Damn Damn Damn. I will see what i can do today.

        I will start by offering them physics, so hold the turn for a few hours, 'kay? That will at least start the ball rolling talking to them again. And I think we can turn up the heat a little bit.

        Crap. Why do I have to be away now, when the action is heating up and I actually have a job to do?!?!?!?


        • #5
          Yes, now Lego have Physics we can try offering that to Vox, and lets hope I was completely wrong about them above. If we can get a dialogue going now that'd be good. A chat might be good.


          • #6
            I've sent a short message, maybe it will get the ball rolling a bit.

            I'm glad that we are between lego and vox's turn, makes vox squirm under questioning a bit.


            • #7
              Galleys - our north-west galley is off Vox's west coast at Hope-4444.

              It could either head directly south looking for pickets, and being closer to upgrade in Blizzard, or go further east to snoop Vox's and then Lego's coast. Preferences?

              The far north galley will continue east (nothing up north - too close to edge) before coming south too - so this one will have an option of tracking the coast on a southern journey in 3-4 turns.


              • #8
                Originally posted by asleepathewheel
                I've sent a short message, maybe it will get the ball rolling a bit.

                I'm glad that we are between lego and vox's turn, makes vox squirm under questioning a bit.

                I'll hang onto the save before sending it, to keep turns from moving too fast for the diplo (I'll be unavailable myself on Monday). The last turn was quick again.


                • #9
                  We can pull back to 60% and +46gpt for our last turn on ToG, and our last turn of the Middle Ages.

                  No-one has Mil Trad yet.


                  • #10
                    The Turn


                    No offer from ND for Physics
                    EotS builds Cathedral, starts Hoover Dam! (Colosseum)
                    Cyclone builds worker, starts worker


                    Hurricane has to settle for Copes in 3. Set to 14spt +1fpt.
                    This allows EotS to get 20spt -1fpt. 9f in box. If we have coal in 7 turns we can get the food back.
                    Eli needs only 4s for worker. Hill at Eli-3 allocated to Inchon

                    Western galley to Eli
                    2 Eastern galleys towards Hurricane
                    N gelley mves 666
                    NE galley moves 222 and sees Vox caravel.

                    2 workers joing fortressing at Hurr-9
                    worker from Cyclone moves north

                    Current Builds

                    Eli : Worker in 1
                    Inchon : CH in 5 - using hill.
                    WoC : CH in 1
                    Inchoff : Harb in 10
                    Diss : Courthouse in 3 (showing Oracle)
                    Santa Ana : Lib in 8
                    Blizzard : Harb in 4
                    Monsoon : Mkt in 2
                    Arashi : ToE in 19 via Palace
                    WW : Lib in 3
                    Tempest : Newton in 4 (was 5 last turn - error in log)
                    Hurricane : Copernicus in 3
                    OG : Mkt in 24 (showing Hanging Gdns)
                    EotS : Hoover Dam (via Colosseum)
                    BB : Bank in 3
                    Tornado : CH in 3
                    Typhoon : Lib in 7
                    Sufa : Lib in 5
                    Cyclone & Sandstorm : Worker-pumps

                    City Sizes

                    Eli : 6
                    Inchon : 6
                    WoC : 6
                    Inchoff : 6
                    Diss : 11
                    Santa Ana : 6
                    Blizzard : 11
                    Monsoon : 11
                    Arashi : 12
                    WW : 6
                    Tempest : 11
                    Hurricane :12
                    OG : 11
                    EotS : 12
                    BB : 12
                    Tornado : 12
                    Typhoon : 11
                    Sufa : 11
                    Cyclone & Sandstorm : 4-5


                    Sent Physics unaccepted to ND and Vox.


                    ToG and Industrial Era next turn. 60% and +46gpt. 301g in bank.

                    Next Turn

                    Decide on hill allocation for Eli-3 btw Eli & Inchon
                    Shortrush granary in Sufa for turn off library


                    • #11
                      Vox Caravel

                      The following USED to display a picture....


                      • #12
                        Turn being held ....


                        • #13
                          got a response from Vox, they are discussing it in their forum.

                          I'm almost wondering if they don't get back to us soon, if we don't just send it to them accepted. They can't really do anything with it, I suppose gift it to nd, but we could put an nda on it. Its not like it would hurt us if they accepted it from us and we got nothing in return, really.


                          • #14
                            7 tech turns ahead of lego...

                            I hope its enough.

                            It won't be if vox gets medicine/steam and gow cant get us medicine promptly.



                            • #15
                              Physics was sent unaccepted in the save - that'll do - we have time to settle details. I'll send a note to GoW saying we need to discuss tech schedules.

                              I'll send the save now.

