I'm glad to make a contribution of a military nature for once. I feel like I made (or allowed to be made) a bunch of mistakes in our Bobian adventure. One of them led to the final slaughter of our slowmover stack (I'm the one that ordered it out onto the flats southeast of the Alamo). I also failed to notice Toledo2 (probably the single biggest oversight we've made in the game), and argued for massing our knights for an attack on the Alamo, which led indirectly to the 2nd massacre near Pamplona.
I agree that any future unit builds should be of the footslogger or bombard unit variety. I also pray we have coal (and rubber). My current long-shot hope is that there is Coal inside Hurricane's radius for the Ironworks. Probably more likely is Dissidentville, but I can dream, right?
I'm glad to make a contribution of a military nature for once. I feel like I made (or allowed to be made) a bunch of mistakes in our Bobian adventure. One of them led to the final slaughter of our slowmover stack (I'm the one that ordered it out onto the flats southeast of the Alamo). I also failed to notice Toledo2 (probably the single biggest oversight we've made in the game), and argued for massing our knights for an attack on the Alamo, which led indirectly to the 2nd massacre near Pamplona.
I agree that any future unit builds should be of the footslogger or bombard unit variety. I also pray we have coal (and rubber). My current long-shot hope is that there is Coal inside Hurricane's radius for the Ironworks. Probably more likely is Dissidentville, but I can dream, right?
