Here is a rather random first draft of a possible message to ND - mostly to spark discussion in this forum of what we actually want to put in.
Greetings Darekill,
As you've probably heard, the discovery that Lego were willing to enter the war if we attacked the Glory of War's or your homeland has caused us some problems, and prompted some attempts at diplomacy on our part. I expect you've been told that we tried to negotiate a deal with GoW to get them to attack Neu Demogyptica, and divide Bob between GoW, Gathering Storm and Lego (with, very roughly, equal amounts of land in total for each being the plan). Despite GoW being offered more land than they would have sharing Bob with you, they turned us down (I think we were offering them 500 tiles or so, with the other 250 on Bob going to us, Lego and possibly Roleplay). So now we need a new plan.
It probably won't surprise you that our new plan is to try and persuade you to attack GoW in alliance with us. This plan is only in outline at the moment, but of the 750 tiles on Bob we'd be offering a deal where you get 600 of them, and we get the other 150 (in the area that is currently the charred remains of Spain). That would give us roughly 350 tiles in total, including Stormia, to be shared between us and Roleplay. Lego would still have 400, not including land in Vox. This would put you on an equal footing with Lego - with more land but less development, and leave us still in with a slight chance in the game.
The details can obviously be hammered out in the near future, but this note is just to ask whether you have any interest in some kind of deal of this nature, or whether you are determined to stick with your current arrangement with GoW on Bob.
P.S. Ignore Sir Ralph's poetry criticism - he is an uncultured barbarian.
As you've probably heard, the discovery that Lego were willing to enter the war if we attacked the Glory of War's or your homeland has caused us some problems, and prompted some attempts at diplomacy on our part. I expect you've been told that we tried to negotiate a deal with GoW to get them to attack Neu Demogyptica, and divide Bob between GoW, Gathering Storm and Lego (with, very roughly, equal amounts of land in total for each being the plan). Despite GoW being offered more land than they would have sharing Bob with you, they turned us down (I think we were offering them 500 tiles or so, with the other 250 on Bob going to us, Lego and possibly Roleplay). So now we need a new plan.
It probably won't surprise you that our new plan is to try and persuade you to attack GoW in alliance with us. This plan is only in outline at the moment, but of the 750 tiles on Bob we'd be offering a deal where you get 600 of them, and we get the other 150 (in the area that is currently the charred remains of Spain). That would give us roughly 350 tiles in total, including Stormia, to be shared between us and Roleplay. Lego would still have 400, not including land in Vox. This would put you on an equal footing with Lego - with more land but less development, and leave us still in with a slight chance in the game.
The details can obviously be hammered out in the near future, but this note is just to ask whether you have any interest in some kind of deal of this nature, or whether you are determined to stick with your current arrangement with GoW on Bob.
P.S. Ignore Sir Ralph's poetry criticism - he is an uncultured barbarian.