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Dealing with GoW

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  • This is obviously a big decision for GoW. I'd want to give them some time to decide whether or not they're up to doing this.
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    • Yeah, OK. I might even get in a little Conquests!!
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • Another PM to GoW sent (see Log)


        • Plan B Peace

          As there is a consensus that we should not settle for less than a third of Bob, and as we have no idea whether GoW will go with that, we should be thinking as much about alternative plans for a peace with GoW as about longer term considerations.

          If anything, there is a greater urgency to have another idea for peace than for long-term plans like where our cities go after the defeat of ND.

          I'd like to make a suggestion myself, but my brain keeps clouding over at the thought ...


          • So it's over. We convinced Aggie, and possibly others in GoW, but not their team so we failed. But at least we tried.

            I'm now expecting Lego and Vox to appear on the East to formally join in the gang-bang on GS that's been going on for hundreds of years now.

            So do we go ahead, attack GoW, drag Lego into a world war and go down screaming in a blaze of glory? It would be over soon. Lego are probably ready to hit us in the east.

            Or retreat to Stormia, line the coast with our hapless armies, and try and hold out 'till amphibious warfare? If so, the next job might be to start counting tiles round the coast to see how many defenders we need.


            • Originally posted by Cort Haus
              Or retreat to Stormia, line the coast with our hapless armies, and try and hold out 'till amphibious warfare? If so, the next job might be to start counting tiles round the coast to see how many defenders we need.
              I think this is the only option left,

              we'll have to use some teleportation to get them there

              we can use hit and run for the rest of the game with RP's conquistadors and RP can let GoW rot in WW. If they want any more land on bob they'll have to fight thorough pikes on hills to get it with the constant threat of invastion from us looming.
              Are we having fun yet?


              • Originally posted by OPD
                we'll have to use some teleportation to get them there
                Well, we have plenty of cities to return to RP that we can use to teleport home. We might as well let RP keep N. Stormia if the coast can be defended. With their small no-of cities they probably have better production there than we do - and with fewer cities ourselves our existing ones will be less corrupt.

                I think the 5 damaged knights nr Pamp are probably done for. Maybe they'll take one or two enemy units with them on the forest - if they stay on the mountain they'll just get pinged down and slaughtered.


                • I am soooo depressed by this.

                  Let me ponder on it whilst stuffing myself with turkey.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • I counted approx 105 tiles including cities all round Stormia. That's half of our tiles! We have 150 units, mostly on Bob but three very handy teleport gates are setup

                    I doubt we have the luxury of scruples about telporting now do we? This was supposed to be our Normandy - but it's our Dunkirk! Maybe Normandy comes later


                    • Draft to Aggie


                      Thanks for the reply.

                      A view is developing at GS that the key obstacle to peace on Bob lies in the following conundrum:

                      1. GS are keen to hang on to what they and their allies hold in Spain because of (a) land shortage (b) possible essential strategic resource access - but we don't know for sure yet and (c) shield investment made.

                      2. GoW are keen to drive GS & their allies from Spain - perhaps for the same reasons as GS wish to hold it, but with the key additional reason that Spain, or part of it, was to be ND's award to GoW under a contract to drive RP from the continent.

                      The longer that shields continue to be spent forcing an outcome, the more Lego benefits, and the further behind the protagonists on Bob - particularly the sqeezed nations of GoW and GS - will fall.

                      We could have more Forest of Doom battles before a military settlement is finally reached, but we think a better option for all 3 of us is for GoW, ND and GS to sit down together as soon as possible and determine a final settlement to the great and terrible Bobian war. Understanding as we do now that some on the GoW side have more affection and respect for RP than GS, maybe the Spanish should have a seat at the table too.




                      • Aggie has twice side-stepped my requests for suggested peace terms from them. This is why I drafted the above, which people might like to comment on.

                        They might be

                        1. Preparing for a great push - perhaps wanting to either sieze Pamplona before discussing peace or further weakening GS.


                        2. Holding secret talks with RP, who have also been quiet und unresponsive lately. If I don't hear from either BF or Togas within 24 hours of today's PM, I shall become suspicious.

                        UnO's sudden public affection for RP might just be another slap at us, or maybe it indicates something else...


                        • I agree.

                          I think they are going to take P. either this turn or next (next, if they need to heal their units and/or line up the cats, the takedown of the nights was a prelude, so the cat stack wouldn't be threatened). Probably you will see our other pamp stack crushed this turn and P. to fall next. Once that's over, they probably figure that they can quickly overwhelm the rest of our bob holdings (probably right) so we shall see.

                          re RP. occassionally they go silent, have been since early in the war. It does make me nervous that they are in the north......

                          Thought just crossed my mind....

                          What if...Uno has been going on about restoring Vox to Stormia...what if there was a trade....

                          Lego and GoW ally to defeat ND/keep in check
                          RP is restored, partially, to Spain and fights ND

                          in exchange for

                          Harry's hideout to GoW. We open the save, HH is GoW and there are 40 riders in it. Possible?

                          I'm quite sure that RP would stab us in the back at a moment's notice, if they were restored to power in their homeland.

                          Safeguards: get HH back from RP, or set up a defensive Galley net that would alert us to ships within a turn of HH.

                          Gifting the city would be the only way for them to go, due to turn times, we would know if they abandoned it or if they attacked our defensive lines and could recover I think.

                          What are the arrangements regarding defensive units in their cities on Stormia, it makes me nervous if they will have more than mps there.


                          • I don't see use in Spain anymore. Let's get rid of them now. They can have their holdings on Bob back and we get our north back, this turn. If they refuse it, we take it by force.


                            • Is spain researching anything currently?

                              If they are about to complete something, then they have some utility, but if not, we could just trade back all of our holdings and let GoW eliminate them. THey are, IMHO a liability in the north. We fought so hard to gain control of the land, it would be devastating to have our trust betrayed and lose it through RP treachery.

                              Can we really trust Togas and Bigfree et all?


                              • Just when things look like they can't get any worse, they do.

                                UnO's torrents of vitriol are now using our attempts to rehouse RP on Stormia as propaganda material against us - and now we're being forced to consider whether RP might backstab us - after all we've done to keep them in the game at our expense.

                                I'd like to send the above draft to Aggie anyway - just for the record and pointless though it is - and perhaps follow it up with an enquiry as to whether 'removing GS from the game' was now official GoW policy. We like to know where we stand.

