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RP, 10ad

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  • #31
    A couple of comments (not totally sober yet, though... which is turning into the excuse of the week for me):

    Pillaging the iron near Vigo is a priority. Further, the pike that does it should stay there fortified, to keep ND from reconnecting. Unfortunately, if the conquered cities were set to pikes, they can still finish, or be rushed later... as long as they don't change build orders, it keeps building units for which they don't have the resources for.

    The workers building the road are a bit of a problem. We should avoid that road to complete, it would save nearly 2 turns for slowmoving reinforcements from ND.

    the ND stack threatening Z: try to deal with it, without risking units (as said before). Also, I'm curious why ND did that: they're no fools, I kind of suspect it's a way of them to weaken Z before going all out with an Ansar attack next turn. If MIs aren't fortified, they're easy prey... but even then, RP can't risk it, and simply has to take the bait

    The pikes between Vigo and the South should get some reinforcements. If Leon can't be taken back soon, it leaves an option for ND to pass the heavy defenses up North, and take down most of the South, thus destroying RP completely.

    We're perhaps a bit too focused on sending our stack towards GoW. For the moment, it looks like our NAP is going to hold, we should send all we can towards ND asap. The front line is too long on RPs side, they will need to keep defending, instead of being able to go on a counterattack. Plus, I fully expect more troops to come down the jungle road any moment now.

    That doesn't mean we should let them take Toledo without a fight: last screenshot, I saw a scout moving towards Toledo, with one Ansar, they could become problematic fast.

    It would probably be best to get some more reinforcments into Salamanca, although it can be reached with the troops from Pamplona in one turn (and we now have one turn warning). Don't empty both cities though...

    Ask RP about setting their unconnected cities to warriors, possibly rushing those. It would do more good then rushing pikes and stuff like that in the long run.



    • #32
      GF's latest message makes it sound like the NAP with GoW may not hold.


      • #33
        RP's forces:

        Zaragosa: 4 pikes, 7 MI, 1 Cat (all vets)
        Pamplona: 10 pikes, 7 MI, 3 Horsemen, 7 Cats (all vets)
        Salamanca: 1 Pike (regular)
        2 NW of Salamanca: 1 Spearman (regular)
        1 S, 1 SE of Viggo: 1 Pike (regular), 1 Spearman (regular)
        Sevilla: 1 Spearman (regular)
        1 N of Cordoba: 1 Warrior (regular)
        New Madrid: 1 Pike (regular), 1 MI (regular)
        2 N of Valencia: 1 Pike (regular)
        1 S, 2 SE of New Madrid: 1 Galley (vet)
        1 NW of Anablanca: 1 Galley (vet)
        3 NE, 1 N of Bilbao: 1 Galley (vet)
        2 SW of Beta-by-the-sea: 1 Galley (vet)
        ---no GoW or ND gallies are visibile this turn---
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #34
          Originally posted by nbarclay
          GF's latest message makes it sound like the NAP with GoW may not hold.
          They are doing everything they can to stop us from assisting RP, and to convince RP that they cannot trust us.

          He refers to Toledo, but we already have it.

          They are trying to shake us, and they could well be bluffing.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #35
            Originally posted by nbarclay
            GF's latest message makes it sound like the NAP with GoW may not hold.
            It was my understanding that it would hold until we did something else offensive to them. What that would be, I know not. If we killed the ND stack, is that aggressive against GoW as well? Who the hell knows. We are definately on guard that they can strike at any time.

            That message was quite desperate, he knows his team has been out maneuvered. But the way it was worded seems that they will hoof it through the jungle to attack RP rather than attack us in Toledo.


            • #36
              Received from dejon by email.

              Hi NYE,

              Please post these orders in your (GS) forum and we can then discuss them in


              10AD Orders

              Turn 0 - 30BC
              Turn 1 - 10BC
              Turn 2 - 10AD (current turn)
              Turn 3 - 30AD

              Units referred to by position to nearby cities (using numberpad directions).

              [e] - Elite unit; [r] - Regular unit ; [c] - Conscript; all unmarked are

              Orders in Italics are not yet firm.

              Turn 2 - RP

              Build Completions
              Pamplona completes MedInf - start Horse

              Zaragoza completes MedInf - start Horse

              Salamanca completes Walls - start Pike

              Military Unit Orders

              Galley by Inchon(Santa Maria)
              -move 778

              Galley 322 from Bilbao(Pinta)
              -move 777

              Galley 44 from Santiago(Nina)
              -move 896

              Forces in Zaragoza

              Forces in Zaragoza:
              1 Cat
              4 Pikes (3 reg, 1 vet)
              7 MedInf (all vet)

              Forces in Pamplona
              -fortify all except Horses
              -move Horses to Zaragoza (77778), fortify

              Forces in Pamplona:
              7 Cats
              10 Pikes (5 reg, 5 vet)
              7 MedInf (1 reg, 6 vet)
              3 Horses (all vet)
              1 Worker (El Nino)

              2 Pikes in New Madrid
              Defenders - will get whisked to Pamplona when we gift city

              Pike in Salamanca

              Spear 77 from Salamanca

              Spear[r] in Sevilla
              -no changes(already forted)

              Pike[r] 88 from Valencia
              -move 866

              Warrior[r] 8 from Cordoba
              -move 8 (towards Merida)

              Pike 7 from Vigo
              -already forted

              Pike 23 from Vigo
              -already forted

              Spear 23 from Vigo

              Worker Orders

              2 Workers 2 from New Madrid(Castor and Pollox)
              -move 89
              Will start roading 9 from NM next turn

              Worker 444 from Barcelona(Salamanca Worker)
              -just finished roading

              2 Workers 7 from Murcia(King's Serfs and Barcelona Worker)

              Worker 6 from Pamplona(Duke Aidun Cian Serfs)

              Workers 6 from Pamplona(GT Worker & NW Worker)

              Worker 233 from Vigo(Winter's Serfs)
              -move 23
              Will help with southern Iron road

              Worker 89 from Sevilla(Dejon Slaves)
              -move 8
              Will help with southern Iron road

              Workers 8889 from Sevilla(Iron Man & Visigoth Slaves)

              City builds
              City Name(shields per turn)
              Build item(shields accumulated) in X turns - rush cost, if affordable

              Perform rushes for cities with Bolded rush costs

              New Madrid(11)
              Pikeman(25) in 1

              Horseman(5) in 5

              Pike(0) in 3

              Pike(0) in 5
              Move WF from #1 to #7?

              Pike(0) in 15

              Pike(22) in 3 - 32 gold

              Warrior(6) in 2 - 16 gold

              Spear(7) in 2 - 12 gold

              Pike(5) in 25

              Pike(9) in 7

              Diplomacy orders
              Gift New Madrid to GS (sell cultural improvements first)
              Gift Ivory, Monarcy to GS

              Turn 3 - GS

              Accept New Madrid
              Move units through
              Move settler to 33 of Madrid

              Turn 3 - RP

              Turn 4 - GS

              Build port city 33 of New Madrid
              Gift New Madrid to RP

              Turn 4 - RP

              Accept New Madrid
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #37
                Sweet Jesus we're getting Monarchy

                Will GoW view us getting New Madrid as a further violation and choose that to be the catalyst for war, or should we send them a message saying its for tactical purposes to dispatch ND (not that they would necessarily buy that)


                • #38
                  I have setup a channel on Poly IRC

                  /join #MilOps Bismarck
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • #39
                    Received from dejon.
                    Here's an Update.

                    10AD Orders

                    Turn 0 - 30BC
                    Turn 1 - 10BC
                    Turn 2 - 10AD (current turn)
                    Turn 3 - 30AD

                    Units referred to by position to nearby cities (using numberpad directions).

                    [e] - Elite unit; [r] - Regular unit ; [c] - Conscript; all unmarked are

                    Orders in Italics are not yet firm.

                    Turn 2 - RP

                    Build Completions
                    Pamplona completes MedInf - start Horse

                    Zaragoza completes MedInf - start Horse

                    Salamanca completes Walls - start Pike

                    Military Unit Orders

                    Galley by Inchon(Santa Maria)
                    -move 778

                    Galley 322 from Bilbao(Pinta)
                    -move 777

                    Galley 999 from Barcelona
                    -move 99

                    Galley 44 from Santiago(Nina)
                    -move 896

                    Forces in Zaragoza

                    We could attack the ND stack (2 Pike, 4 MedInf) 1 from Zaragoza. We have
                    1 Cat, 7 MedInf, and 3 Horses (from Pamplona) we could attack with. We
                    would attack until there is 1 unit left - we don't want to have any units
                    actually leave Zaragoza.

                    Forces in Zaragoza:
                    1 Cat
                    4 Pikes (3 reg, 1 vet)
                    7 MedInf (all vet)

                    Forces in Pamplona
                    -fortify all except Horses
                    -move Horses to Zaragoza (77778), fortify

                    Forces in Pamplona:
                    7 Cats
                    10 Pikes (5 reg, 5 vet)
                    7 MedInf (1 reg, 6 vet)
                    3 Horses (all vet)
                    1 Worker (El Nino)

                    Pike/MedInf in New Madrid
                    Will get whisked to Pamplona when we gift city

                    Pike in Salamanca

                    Spear 77 from Salamanca

                    Spear[r] in Sevilla
                    -no changes(already forted)

                    Pike[r] 88 from Valencia
                    -move 844

                    Warrior[r] 8 from Cordoba
                    -move 8 (towards Merida)

                    Pike 7 from Vigo
                    -already forted

                    Pike 23 from Vigo
                    -already forted

                    Spear 23 from Vigo

                    Worker Orders

                    2 Workers 2 from New Madrid(Castor and Pollox)
                    -move 89
                    Will start roading 9 from NM next turn

                    Worker 444 from Barcelona(Salamanca Worker)
                    -just finished roading

                    2 Workers 7 from Murcia(King's Serfs and Barcelona Worker)

                    Worker 6 from Pamplona(Duke Aidun Cian Serfs)

                    Workers 6 from Pamplona(GT Worker & NW Worker)

                    Worker 233 from Vigo(Winter's Serfs)
                    -move 23
                    Will help with southern Iron road

                    Worker 89 from Sevilla(Dejon Slaves)
                    -move 8
                    Will help with southern Iron road

                    Workers 8889 from Sevilla(Iron Man & Visigoth Slaves)

                    City builds
                    City Name(shields per turn)
                    Build item(shields accumulated) in X turns - rush cost, if affordable

                    Perform rushes for cities with Bolded rush costs

                    New Madrid(11)
                    Pikeman(25) in 1

                    Horseman(5) in 5

                    Pike(0) in 3

                    Pike(0) in 5
                    Move WF from #1 to #7?

                    Pike(0) in 15

                    Pike(22) in 3 - 32 gold

                    Warrior(6) in 2 - 16 gold

                    Spear(7) in 2 - 12 gold

                    Pike(5) in 25

                    Pike(9) in 7

                    Diplomacy orders
                    Gift New Madrid to GS (sell cultural improvements first)
                    Gift Ivory, Monarcy to GS

                    Turn 3 - GS

                    Accept New Madrid
                    Move units through
                    Move settler to 33 of Madrid

                    Turn 3 - RP

                    Turn 4 - GS

                    Build port city 33 of New Madrid
                    Gift New Madrid to RP

                    Turn 4 - RP

                    Accept New Madrid
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #40
                      From Dejon.
                      the stack 6 of Sant: 1 Pike, 1 MedInf, 2 workers, 1 Scout

                      The workers are captured RP workers. Should have started road this past ND turn. Road up in 2 ND turns.
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                      • #41
                        Counter attack on ND forces at Z 1 resulted in 1 dead Spanish MI, 2 dead Moorish pike, and 3 dead Moorish MI.

                        1 Moorish MI left to tell the tale to his cohorts so that fear may be upon them.

                        [Moors is what the govt of Spain fancies the invaders to be.]
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #42
                          Quoting from my Funk & Wagnall's dictionary,

                          Moor 1. A Moslem of mixed Berber and Arab ancestry, esp. one of the Saracen invaders of Spain in the 8th century.
                          So RP's referring to ND as the Moors is a pretty good fit.


                          • #43
                            Hmm... if we're getting monarchy, does it make sense to try and build the Hanging Gardens instead of the Great Wall? I'm not sure the GW will end up helping us much, whereas the happiness bonus from the HG might.

                            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                            • #44
                              Good point. With the Hanging Gardens, war weariness will be much less of a problem.
                              Join a Democracy Game today!
                              | APO: Civ4 - Civ4 Multi-Team - Civ4 Warlords Multi-Team - SMAC | CFC: Civ4 DG2 - Civ4 Multi-Team - Civ3 Multi-Team 2 | Civ3 ISDG - Civ4 ISDG |


                              • #45
                                The problem, I think, is the the HG cost more than the GW. IIRC, the GW is 200 shields, whereas the HG is 300. I could be wrong, though.

                                I am getting concerned that if (or rather, when) GoW breaks our NAP, we will have serious difficulty holding Toledo AND helping RP out vs. ND. Hell, with the number of Riders GoW has, unless they give us a few more turns, we'll have trouble just holding Toledo, let alone providing assistance in the West.

                                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

