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Turn 100, 570BC

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  • One of us should post in the forum, quickly.

    We can always do this in the meantime. Use the road to. If the results of the forum discussion are that Vox has not been using it, we can kill next turn with the workers that wake up (space bar) and limit the units on H8 to moving 1 tile then space bar (no forting). If it turns out that Vox has been using it, then we proceed as normal.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • That is what we would do if we do not want to hold up the game.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • I just checked the resource situation, and GoW is getting iron from somewhere. Unless I'm missing something, the source pretty much has to be ND. I can only find one RP iron source connected, and RP has iron. Vox still has neither horses nor iron hooked up to their capital.


        • NYE, you really think there's that much chance Vox is using the trick for this tile even though they didn't for the last one?


          • I'm not sure they didn't for the last one, or that someone there didn't just learn of it. I recently found out about it. Can't remember where...
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • The question is, if they have been using it, and the consensus on the forum is that it is OK, then would we use it? Do we want to hold up the game to get that answer, or do we want to set it up so that if 'no' then we don't benefit, but if the anser is 'yes' then we do.

              One other thing we could do, wake one of the workers up and reassign him to manual road. That should avoid the thing entirely if the answer is 'no'. I'm just trying to say that we can cover the bases and not hold up the game.
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • We could just ignore it for now, too. I'm fine with that.

                We should bring it up in the forum, regardless.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • I second NYE. This seems like the best approach, it leaves all the options open and it doesn't hold the game anymore than what's absolutely necessary.
                  "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                  And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                  Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                  - Phantom of the Opera


                  • I agree with NYE as well. Who is going to ask about it on the main page?


                    • I guess if we really want to ask about it on the public forum, I can. I'll post a draft here first.


                      • Would it be bad to post it after Vox has sent their turn, or would that be too obvious?

                        Was this mentioned someplace else, the strat forum or main forum or help? Would others know of this? Has Soren or anyone commented on it?


                        • Originally posted by nbarclay
                          I guess if we really want to ask about it on the public forum, I can. I'll post a draft here first.
                          It would be good if everyone knows the rules of the game so that we can all play by them.
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • Title: An exploit? Allowed or disallowed?

                            One recently discovered quirk of Civilization 3 is that if you use the "road to" mechanism instead of roading normally, and then wait through your units' turns, your workers will finish the road during the turn (when it's their turn to move) instead of waiting until the end. This can, as best I understand it, be used for two purposes. (1) It can allow units to move on a newly constructed road earlier than they could otherwise. (2) It can avoid wasting worker turns when the number of worker turns needed to finish a road is not an even multiple of the number of workers assigned to build it (since the early completion eliminates the need for the last worker to spend time on the job). The drawback is that after a worker finishes the road, unless the worker can be caught and redirected first, it will move to the tile it was told to road to.

                            Gathering Storm is considering using this technique, but we do not want to do so if other teams have objections, and we certainly would not consider it fair if we use it while other teams may not even know about the possibility. Also, we want to avoid the possibility that some of the other teams might know about and use this technique while others do not.

                            Edit: changed a "do" to a "may".


                            • I'm sure I've read about the trick before, probably on the strategy forum.


                              • I honestly don't consider this to be an exploit, and thought that everyone knew of it. BUt I suppose it should be posted, just prepare for laughs.

