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Turn 100, 570BC

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  • Turn 100, 570BC

    To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.


    - 153 gold, +136gpt

    Check this and every turn to see if we lost some war unweariness due to the killing of troops within cultural borders and therefore must readjust the lux slider.

    Urgent questions:

    Is there land to the SW?



    -Worker 4 of EotS move 741.
    -Workers(3) 8 of Hurricane road.

    (during build queue)
    Short rush Pike in Bolderberg (32g)
    Rush Pike in Sandstorm (108g)


    - Deal with ND postponed (due to bureaucracy, we are told).

    Thread library:
    - Standing orders for workers (Orders last revised April 5.)
    Last edited by Aeson; April 28, 2003, 01:05.

  • #2
    Since we are fairly well off financially, should we start considering researching Chivalry? I think that knights would be quite effective in the push north, esp with a few squares of (now roaded) jungle.


    • #3
      If we can still somehow get Chivalry from GoW I think we should buy it. It will cost us less that way.

      Who knows what ND is doing. They could have been halfway to Chivalry by now but they don't even have Feudalism?


      • #4
        What in the world is wrong with ND? Aren't they concerned about GoW gaining riders and pinching them with RP?

        Or are they going to ally with GoW against RP and aren't afraid of anything?

        Questions, Questions, I wish they would either accept or say something otherwise.


        They haven't given feudal to anyone yet, but that might be because ND is after us, right, in the turn?

        Or maybe Vox just took out a K on us and they are fulfilling it, well, Vox thinks they are.

        Sometimes I just get the feeling that we are being tugged in certain directions by Togas.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Aeson
          If we can still somehow get Chivalry from GoW I think we should buy it. It will cost us less that way.
          I doubt they will ever declare peace with us long enough to sell us chivalry. They won't drop the charade.


          • #6
            Probably not. It's still cheaper for us to research after they have it though. Especially if they are going to trade it around.

            Also if we could hold off on upgrading to Knights until we build Leo's it's going to save us a ton of cash.


            • #7
              If we want Leo's, we need to push hard on researching Engineering and Invention. Engineering would also make our river a lot less of an obstacle, not that Vox is likely to have troops in our territory anymore by the time we'd get it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nbarclay
                If we want Leo's, we need to push hard on researching Engineering and Invention. Engineering would also make our river a lot less of an obstacle, not that Vox is likely to have troops in our territory anymore by the time we'd get it.
                Is it possible to estimate the timing on getting Inv, if we started now? It might be prudent to start a prebuild for leo, GA turns. Do we know what lego and ND are researching? I wouldn't count on getting another leader to build leo's.

                I would imagine that GoW might work that Great library towards leo once we've got STs. Upgrade those horsies into nice riders. Otherwise that GL is nearly useless at this point. Granted, invention is still a long ways off. Perhaps they have an agreement with ND or RP to exchange Feudal and perhaps chivalry in exchange for engineering????


                • #9
                  If we started Leo's right now (which we won't), the soonest we could build 600 shields in Hurricane or EotS would be quite a while still. We have 12 turns left on our GA I think (Started on turn 92?), so that's 360 shields. Leaving 12 more turns at 20 shields per turn, 24 in all.


                  • #10
                    If we could save cash for improvements right now I think it helps us in the long run. Tempest's Aquaduct would be the most helpful, along with short rushes in Hurricane, Tempest, and EotS on Marketplaces (30, rush 40, 70, 100). Then Libraries... then research IMO.

                    All that has to wait until Vox is no longer a threat of course.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Aeson
                      All that has to wait until Vox is no longer a threat of course.
                      Thank you. I will put away my slapping hand.
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                      • #12
                        The aquaduct at Tempest is a good point for conversation, once we don't have immortals threatening key cities...

                        How many turns, or how many shields, and how many gold on those various turns to rush it? And then, how many turns of WC at Cyclone do we want to give up to fully, and quickly populate it?
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #13
                          Are we taking bets on Vox's next move?

                          I think they will (1) hold the save the full time, trying to figure out what to do (and if there are GoW reinforcements on the horizon)
                          and (2) stay put, waiting for reinforcement immortals.

                          I think Vox is hesitant to use their stack, as its loss would end the game for them. Thus, they are dragging their feet. My impressions anyway. I thought they would hit Arashi last turn, panicking after they saw 25% of their army go poof.


                          • #14
                            They will break cover for SS this turn. $5.

                            They will continue on towards EotS down the chain. $5.

                            I am covering my bets. I am in the hole. I need to.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #15
                              I don't know what they'll do. They don't have any good options, but they don't know that either. All they saw in Tempest was a WC last turn... so how much could we have moved in?

                              Now they see Tempest with city walls, and a Pike showing. And they see SS... I think they'll figure out that we can leapfrog them wherever they go and just fight it out. Arashi probably.

