My vote is that any team that exceeds 24 hours from now on is skipped. In the event of a mod not being around, the game is held until one can be found to enforce the skipping. Even if the team manages to play after the 24 hours, the team they send to holds the save, the mod skips it, and play resumes.
Desperate times demand desperate measures...I agree.
Any team that has their turn skipped 3 tumes is Ctrl + Qd. For Euphorica, this applies to the very next time they run late.
This I disagree with. What If we miss the next two turns, but then, right at the end of the game, we miss a third turn? We get eliminated then?
What I suggest is this: If any team has their turn skipped 3 times out of any 7 consecutive turns, their civ is eliminated from the game.