I've been checking how much they'd be willing to give for peace, and extrapolating.
There are 4 ways to aquire a city with the negioations:
1. Demand a city as tribute. (Only works with a very strong army and even then the city usally needs to be tiny.) I successfuly did this in my current SP game.
2. 20 turn peace deal can include a side surrending cities. (Current case with this game)
3. Alliance can include a side surrending cities. (Exploitation adviable on turn 1 in the SP mode of this conquest. [Discover Celts on turn 1, establish embassy, Celts will surrender Marasellis in exchange for the prviliage of fighting Carthage])
4. MPP can include a side surrending cities. (Exploitation adviable on turn 1 in the SP mode of Naoleanic. In fact you can win the game that same turn with this exploitation.)
There are 4 ways to aquire a city with the negioations:
1. Demand a city as tribute. (Only works with a very strong army and even then the city usally needs to be tiny.) I successfuly did this in my current SP game.
2. 20 turn peace deal can include a side surrending cities. (Current case with this game)
3. Alliance can include a side surrending cities. (Exploitation adviable on turn 1 in the SP mode of this conquest. [Discover Celts on turn 1, establish embassy, Celts will surrender Marasellis in exchange for the prviliage of fighting Carthage])
4. MPP can include a side surrending cities. (Exploitation adviable on turn 1 in the SP mode of Naoleanic. In fact you can win the game that same turn with this exploitation.)