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How about a $MiniGame Democracy Game.

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  • #61
    Yes, I am very interested in this game.

    Two suggestions:
    Easier game. Monarchy level, standard, 8 civs. I forsee a ton of instructions due to individual mayors.

    I can suggest a grid system, perhaps centered on the capitol, or the middle of the map. This is an example from CFC's DG2...

    I owned the tile at Bohemia A-3. The City of Valhalla was at J-10, etc.
    Last edited by Octavian X; July 31, 2003, 00:57.
    Join a Democracy Game today!
    | APO: Civ4 - Civ4 Multi-Team - Civ4 Warlords Multi-Team - SMAC | CFC: Civ4 DG2 - Civ4 Multi-Team - Civ3 Multi-Team 2 | Civ3 ISDG - Civ4 ISDG |


    • #62
      Hello I'm back.

      From my playing around:
      PlayerTable: Name, Password, Cash

      I don't like the idea of holding what a tile outputs. Instead I propose we hold the terrain type, all improvements, and any specials on the tile. That way we can compute in real time given our government how much is actually produced, and any bonuses anything gets due to special resource types (meat? mmm). Also needed are tags for Owner, ForSale, and ForAuction.

      Bid Table: TileID, Owner (of Bid), Amount (Max)
      Debt Table: Owner (of debt), [unamed] (debt owed to..), Amount (duh), Interest Amount, Interest Start (turn/time/etc?)

      Building Table, City table I haven't bothered with yet.

      The way Octavarian X suggestions would work for automatically recognizing clumps of owned tiles if they are all contained in the same region.

      My idea for auction is that people place a max bid. The system can enter a default bid for the minimum amount. Maybe the system would increment in $25, and the same way ebay works, it goes up to $25 below the 2nd highest bid. Now whether we want to keep bid history private or public, I need feedback on.

      I'm not at all kidding when I say what I've done so far is loosely thrown together garbage. It's perfectly usable, however. After work today I'll clean it up and upload it to the account.


      • #63
        Could we use numbers for both grid descriptions?

        Thus each grid would be ###,###.

        This way we could add new grids as it expands by carrying out the number either smaller or larger. My concern with letters is that there isn't a negative value of a letter. We could use -34 in programs but -F?

        That should be possible to be checked for touching:

        224, 224 will be adjacent to 224, 225 / 224, 223 / 223, 224 and 225, 224.


        • #64
          Isn't there an option to have coordinates IN GAME, even?

          so the game would tell you a square was 125,130 or whatever?

          (perhaps I am mixing up a different game here....)
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • #65
            Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
            Isn't there an option to have coordinates IN GAME, even?

            so the game would tell you a square was 125,130 or whatever?

            (perhaps I am mixing up a different game here....)
            UnOrthO, can I put your name on the list of people interested in this? I realize you have the Spook House coming up so your time is limited right now.

            I think Civ2 had the grid coord display option, but I haven't found it in Civ3.


            • #66
              UnOrthOdOx - I believe we've tried to do that before. I don't have a perfect yes/no. There's always a possibility that there is an INI flag that can be set which is completely undocumented. Or maybe it is documented and no one bothered looking it up..

              We can use anything at all for grid coordinates. Letters, numbers, words. We could have a coordinate [Cheese_Village, Four_North, Three_East]. Wouldn't suggest, however. The worst that we'd have to do is simply "select * from tiles where x=5 and y = 345" for instance (a mysql query). The only problem is iding squares.

              One sure-fire way of doing it is deciding our capital is (0,0), and just working from there, with screen shots with coordinates added in.


              • #67
                Whatever is easiest (and therefore less buggy) for you programmers.


                • #68
                  Okay, what I've come up with so far;
                  PLAYER DATA
                  Rank (Peerage aka Baron, Earl, or whatever)
                  Food Stock
                  Shield Stock
                  Commerce Stock
                  *and so on, will need to keep track of all the various resources and finished goods also.

                  TILE DATA
                  X Coordinate
                  Y Coordinate
                  Food Production
                  Shield Production
                  Commerce Production
                  Resource Tag

                  CITY DATA (similiar to TILE DATA)
                  X Coordinate
                  Y Coordinate
                  Food Production
                  Shield Production
                  Commerce Production
                  Resource Tag
                  BUILDING DATA
                  X Coordinate
                  Y Coordinate
                  OFFICE DATA
                  Holder (Player Name)
                  I'm thinking that making the buildings their own entry as opposed to making them an element of the tiles would make it easier for building them in the cities and more versatile of a system for adding new Players.


                  • #69
                    I think we should have a table of stocks, instead of having different kind of stocks as a part of the player.

                    This way we could add stocks whenever we want of any time, and it would be easy to treat them differently.


                    • #70
                      Will that allow us to show the status when they log in?

                      I'm thinking that once the player logs on, it gives them their Household screen. Say, up at the top it lists their total stockpiles of all the resources including what was produced at the beginning of this turn (21 Food, 17 Shields, 6 Iron, 18 Commerce.....), then has a line list of their various properties. On each tiles line it could have a button to click if you wish build something on that tile, say a Brewery. It would then offer you labor choices, say Vassals, and then list each city that tile is in the radius of so you could click to attempt to hire labor from those cities.

                      Some buildings will need to hold stock, for example a Brewery needs to hold the alcohol it produces as it can only sell it to cities it is in the radius of.


                      • #71
                        $stocks = mysql_query( "select * from stockpiles WHERE owner=[username] );
                        Then loop through $stocks and display each with their name and amount.

                        The way I am suggesting to do things will take more CPU time, but make for easier code all around. It could be done in a way to take less time and more storage space, but that would also make for longer and therefore more complicated code. I'm also a very object oriented person so I prefer this way as it sets that stocks are not a piece of a player. Additionally we can do analysis of all owned stock or what have you to set prices in real time.


                        • #72
                          i'm going to be gone all night, so dont flip if you don't hear from me. you wont.
                          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                          • #73
                            Aaack! Where's Uber Krux?!?!

                            We're all gonna die!!!!!


                            • #74
                              Yeah add me to the list, but Ill need start out and run my estates if you guys get this off the ground before November (I sure hope so)
                              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                              You're wierd. - Krill

                              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                              • #75
                                Added you to the list. Added title images to the first couple of posts. Will break down building and other markets later today.

                                Should rank be unavailable before Feudalism? Say tile limits are nonexistent before Feudalism and then once we achieve it we have a special turn for people to consolidate holdings into territories before we continue on?

                                Any ideas on adding a Religious Rank structure on the achievment of Monotheism?

                                With Abbots, Bishops, and Cardinals?

                                Maybe pattern it after the Feudal one, with the $ cost higher but no unit requrement.

