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How about a $MiniGame Democracy Game.

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  • I still don't get it. The city automatically buys everything you make?


    • Am I right in thinking that if the city can work 6 squares, and there are 9 available, it would work the 6 tiles that would be the most efficient, ie to grow in a certain number of turns, to complete the build with out any waste, and to maximise commerce? So it is the city that chooses what tiles are worked, and then the owners of those tiles are payed whatever is agreed afterwards?

      Like in capitalism?
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • Originally posted by Nuclear Master
        I still don't get it. The city automatically buys everything you make?
        Not necessarily, the city has a demand. If it is Size 3 and each Pop eats 2 food it has to acquire 6 food to feed its people.

        Originally posted by Krill
        Am I right in thinking that if the city can work 6 squares, and there are 9 available, it would work the 6 tiles that would be the most efficient, ie to grow in a certain number of turns, to complete the build with out any waste, and to maximise commerce? So it is the city that chooses what tiles are worked, and then the owners of those tiles are payed whatever is agreed afterwards?

        Like in capitalism?
        We didn't worry about which tiles the city chose "to work" in game, we simply computed the tile production and city demand separately.


        • Originally posted by GhengisFarb

          Not necessarily, the city has a demand. If it is Size 3 and each Pop eats 2 food it has to acquire 6 food to feed its people.
          I understand now


          • About how much room do you want to allocate to this? The pages themself, and the database, won't take up much room at all. Probably around a couple MB's. The 130x65 tile table takes up around 200k, and eventually the unit, bid, and building tables will be somewhat large too.

            There are some fun things we can do that will take up extra space... and I'm sure we can fill up whatever you are willing to allocate.

            You mentioned jousting, which I think is a really cool idea. There could be an option to throw a tournament for a certain amount of gold/labor (with prizes). The site (tile) and date (turn) would be chosen, and to enter a unit would need to be there in-game on that turn, and pay an entry fee determined by the host(s). Units fighting could gain experience and levels affecting the outcome of later events they enter. Owners of the units would gain fame based on how well their champions did, and the host(s) would gain fame as well as a commerce bonus (based off the population of the city?).


            • Originally posted by Aeson
              About how much room do you want to allocate to this? The pages themself, and the database, won't take up much room at all. Probably around a couple MB's. The 130x65 tile table takes up around 200k, and eventually the unit, bid, and building tables will be somewhat large too.

              There are some fun things we can do that will take up extra space... and I'm sure we can fill up whatever you are willing to allocate.

              You mentioned jousting, which I think is a really cool idea. There could be an option to throw a tournament for a certain amount of gold/labor (with prizes). The site (tile) and date (turn) would be chosen, and to enter a unit would need to be there in-game on that turn, and pay an entry fee determined by the host(s). Units fighting could gain experience and levels affecting the outcome of later events they enter. Owners of the units would gain fame based on how well their champions did, and the host(s) would gain fame as well as a commerce bonus (based off the population of the city?).
              I support all fun things

              GF, I am asking this again. When do you think this will be up and running?


              • How much space would be more than comfortable?

                Originally posted by Aeson
                You mentioned jousting, which I think is a really cool idea. There could be an option to throw a tournament for a certain amount of gold/labor (with prizes). The site (tile) and date (turn) would be chosen, and to enter a unit would need to be there in-game on that turn, and pay an entry fee determined by the host(s). Units fighting could gain experience and levels affecting the outcome of later events they enter. Owners of the units would gain fame based on how well their champions did, and the host(s) would gain fame as well as a commerce bonus (based off the population of the city?).
                How about we keep the Units (in game units which would represent troops) and Characters separate?

                Reason is the members can own units but we can't really do anything to adjust them in game. We could allow members to have "characters" to represent their followers say "Sir Eatsalot" or "Sir BoBo" and we could use them for fictional activities like Jousts and such. Sorta of a simple D&D game going on the side so those who don't want to be involved aren't penalized for it.


                • How much space would be more than comfortable?
                  Unless we do a lot of graphic work I don't think more than 5MB will be necessary. With about half of the pages done right now (no graphics/formatting as you've seen) the database is at ~300KB and the pages themselves are only ~100KB.

                  One of the main things is the save file hosting. That would take a lot of room to keep all the saves, but we could just keep the most recent one(s). Main trouble with that will be the hit against your bandwidth. If we are hosting the save files here (or somewhere else) then I can just have URL's in the database to point to the saves.

                  There are some fun and timesaving things on the demogame end of things that we could do when uploading the save. Doesn't necessarily have to be hosted for long. The script could just delete it after the upload and analysis even.

                  I'm not sure, but using an uncompressed autosave we might even be able to dynamically update the map from the save as tiles are uncovered. Updating all those tiles will be a pain otherwise. Updating unit positions and hp's, city status, and such should be possible regardless.


                  • Originally posted by Aeson
                    Unless we do a lot of graphic work I don't think more than 5MB will be necessary. With about half of the pages done right now (no graphics/formatting as you've seen) the database is at ~300KB and the pages themselves are only ~100KB.
                    I could easily spare that.

                    Originally posted by Aeson One of the main things is the save file hosting. That would take a lot of room to keep all the saves, but we could just keep the most recent one(s). Main trouble with that will be the hit against your bandwidth. If we are hosting the save files here (or somewhere else) then I can just have URL's in the database to point to the saves.

                    There are some fun and timesaving things on the demogame end of things that we could do when uploading the save. Doesn't necessarily have to be hosted for long. The script could just delete it after the upload and analysis even.

                    I'm not sure, but using an uncompressed autosave we might even be able to dynamically update the map from the save as tiles are uncovered. Updating all those tiles will be a pain otherwise. Updating unit positions and hp's, city status, and such should be possible regardless.
                    I think the save could be attached in a thread.


                    • The saves can be attached up until they get to 500kb, then we'd need to zip them. After a bit longer they would have to be uploaded.

                      Why do they all need to be available to everyone at all times? Surely we'd only need the last few, unless there is some Feudal need I have so far missed...?

                      I routinely keep ALL my saves - PBEM and DG. I have a nice of archive of every ISDG save scattered between two or three hard drives.

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

