It occurs to me that a sizable, most likely a majority, share of the people and official here have come out in an entirely aggressive stance on annexing America, and seemingly ASAP. Far be it from me to deny the common interest of our nation. However, I (and I think I am not alone on this, but I am hereby sounding out everyone's feelings) do not wish our nation to continue this nearly unbroken chain of warfare and militaristic expansion that started with the French war. Some people even speak of soon attacking France after America.
What I wish to have is concessions, and I mean political ones. There is no pressing need for the American territories; there is no particular value (you may argue, the incense, but we already have an incense surplus) to their land: it is not any more valuable than land elsewhere. Our nation is far past needing a time of consolidation; a Pax Apolytonia if you will. We are now a major power, but this is provided only by the largeness of our territory and our military. Economically, scientifically, structurally, we are straggling. Any concerted offensive effort by other large powers would meet an Apolyton who has strong offense but within it's territories is laughably underdeveloped.
So, the concessions I desire (both officially as Minister of the Economy and unofficially as a citizen and Statistician) is that the American Annexation will put a moratorium on any war for the next 5 turn chats within these conditions:
1. Any invasion (e.g. another nation instigating a war) should be met only with defensive and limited offensive reactions. This means should a nation declare war on us, we will not attempt any further conquests than needed to re-secure peace and continue consolidation.
2. In no case whatsoever will warmongers in Apolyton push for war with France or any other power, great or small, unless a 2/3 majority votes for the war, and all cabinet ministers concede to these actions. The reasons for going into such a war must be pressing and decidely necessary (example: we lack a certain resource in our territory, cannot trade for it, and so must go to war to claim in).
3. During these 5 turnchats of Pax Apolytonia efforts will be made to: develop the infrastrucutre of our nation, promote the scientific community, and strengthen the economy. As a concession to the warmongers, it will be guaranteed that the military will also be kept up-to-date and maintained a sufficient size (example, a guarantee to maintain the military service rate at a minimum of 7 years [this is the rate at which we found ourselves in 170 AD] and a maximum of 10 years).
All proposals herein are just that: proposals. I recognize that any such concessions will require both a vote and perhaps, upon review, an ammendment to the constitution. But I feel that it is vital and necessary that such strong efforts be taken to secure the internal growth of our nation, and in such an official and role-playing oriented manner.
Reddawg, Minister of the Economy
September 28, 2002 / September 28, 380 AD
the Royal Apolytonian Economy HQ in Apolyton, Apolytonia
What I wish to have is concessions, and I mean political ones. There is no pressing need for the American territories; there is no particular value (you may argue, the incense, but we already have an incense surplus) to their land: it is not any more valuable than land elsewhere. Our nation is far past needing a time of consolidation; a Pax Apolytonia if you will. We are now a major power, but this is provided only by the largeness of our territory and our military. Economically, scientifically, structurally, we are straggling. Any concerted offensive effort by other large powers would meet an Apolyton who has strong offense but within it's territories is laughably underdeveloped.
So, the concessions I desire (both officially as Minister of the Economy and unofficially as a citizen and Statistician) is that the American Annexation will put a moratorium on any war for the next 5 turn chats within these conditions:
1. Any invasion (e.g. another nation instigating a war) should be met only with defensive and limited offensive reactions. This means should a nation declare war on us, we will not attempt any further conquests than needed to re-secure peace and continue consolidation.
2. In no case whatsoever will warmongers in Apolyton push for war with France or any other power, great or small, unless a 2/3 majority votes for the war, and all cabinet ministers concede to these actions. The reasons for going into such a war must be pressing and decidely necessary (example: we lack a certain resource in our territory, cannot trade for it, and so must go to war to claim in).
3. During these 5 turnchats of Pax Apolytonia efforts will be made to: develop the infrastrucutre of our nation, promote the scientific community, and strengthen the economy. As a concession to the warmongers, it will be guaranteed that the military will also be kept up-to-date and maintained a sufficient size (example, a guarantee to maintain the military service rate at a minimum of 7 years [this is the rate at which we found ourselves in 170 AD] and a maximum of 10 years).
All proposals herein are just that: proposals. I recognize that any such concessions will require both a vote and perhaps, upon review, an ammendment to the constitution. But I feel that it is vital and necessary that such strong efforts be taken to secure the internal growth of our nation, and in such an official and role-playing oriented manner.
Reddawg, Minister of the Economy
September 28, 2002 / September 28, 380 AD
the Royal Apolytonian Economy HQ in Apolyton, Apolytonia