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Palace location commitee

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  • Ok, three questions for the committee:
    1- Are every member of the committee supporting this poll?
    2 - The options in a poll could be in the format suggested by Ghengis ?

    Originally posted by GhengisFarb
    …..But since they have different radi it would probably be a good idea to iron out which should go where.

    Maybe offer cities as pairs first

    1) Macross CIty and Tyre

    Then run a second poll for the winning city set that determines whether they want the Palace in Macross City or Tyre, the loser gets the FP.

    We can offer more that four city sets, but I think the winner should have at least 50% of the vote, with the half that got the least amount of votes being dropped from the next poll.
    3- in affirmative case, could the poll be in the following form?
    A- Gaia and Contaginon (Pasagardae)
    B- Macross City and City On a Hill ( New Tyre)
    C- Macross City and Geofront
    D- Macross City and Napoleton
    E- Chiquita and Antioch (occupied)

    The Chiquita option dont have the Ghengis agreement, based on comments from Godking.

    So, guys… only three questions…
    To the committee: please, make any final changes or comments as soon as you can.

    The last problem refers to the duration of the poll and runoff (if we choose the "two poll" format):

    Originally posted by GhengisFarb

    The only problem is our constitution forces us to wait 3 weeks between a poll and a runoff, so we have to take months to get an accurate opinion from the people or jsut go with a gut feeling and run one poll.

    I never liked that 3 week wait for a runoff clause, it makes getting people's opinions highly inefficient.
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist


    • Originally posted by Aro
      Ok, three questions for the committee:
      1- Are every member of the committee supporting this poll?
      2 - The options in a poll could be in the format suggested by Ghengis ?

      3- in affirmative case, could the poll be in the following form?
      A- Gaia and Contaginon (Pasagardae)
      B- Macross City and City On a Hill ( New Tyre)
      C- Macross City and Geofront
      D- Macross City and Napoleton
      E- Chiquita and Antioch (occupied)

      The Chiquita option dont have the Ghengis agreement, based on comments from Godking.

      So, guys… only three questions…
      To the committee: please, make any final changes or comments as soon as you can.

      The last problem refers to the duration of the poll and runoff (if we choose the "two poll" format):
      1) Poll yes, choices you suggested no.
      2) yes
      3) neither Timeline nor Ghengistown(Mystery City aka Gotham) is given as an option, yet both were often suggested.

      I would suggest Gaia, Timeline, Chiquita, Ghengistown, and Del Monte paired with each of the following two cities: Antioch and Contaginon which with the three Macross City choices would give a total of 13 choices and a slot for "Other-post suggestion below" making 14.


      • It's ok to me.
        Btw, a big poll...
        The options:

        Timeline and Antioch
        Timeline and Contaginon
        Gaia and Antioch
        Gaia and Contaginon
        Chiquita and Antioch
        Chiquita and Contaginon
        Ghengistown and Antioch
        Ghengistown and Contaginon
        Del Monte and Antioch
        Del Monte and Contaginon
        Macross City and City On a Hill
        Macross City and Geofront
        Macross City and Napoleton

        If we agree, I can make a map with the options to be posted in the beginning of the poll.
        Last edited by Aro; September 30, 2002, 18:13.
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • Comment

          • Ok,Ghengis. And what about you, our honorable colleagues in the committee? Does everyone agree?
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • Originally posted by Aro
              Ok,Ghengis. And what about you, our honorable colleagues in the committee? Does everyone agree?
              I think they've all given up Civ 3 and no longer come to Apolyton.


              • Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                I think they've all given up Civ 3 and no longer come to Apolyton.
                Occasionally I come. Agreed with the options.


                • Sounds good aro. Will you be doing the poll? Along with a map?
                  If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                  • Okay, that's 4 out of 5 committee members, do we need to wait on Ninot?


                    • Anyway, I couldn't make all options in one map (so confused!), but I did it in six. Tell me what you think about.
                      The options:
                      1- Timeline and Antioch
                      2- Timeline and Contaginon
                      3- Gaia and Antioch
                      4- Gaia and Contaginon
                      5- Chiquita and Antioch
                      6- Chiquita and Contaginon
                      7- Ghengistown and Antioch
                      8- Ghengistown and Contaginon
                      9- Del Monte and Antioch
                      10- Del Monte and Contaginon
                      11- Macross City and City On a Hill
                      12- Macross City and Geofront
                      13- Macross City and Napoleton
                      14- Other
                      RIAA sucks
                      The Optimistas
                      I'm a political cartoonist


                      • Originally posted by Aro
                        The options:
                        1- Timeline and Antioch
                        2- Timeline and Contaginon
                        Attached Files
                        RIAA sucks
                        The Optimistas
                        I'm a political cartoonist


                        • Originally posted by Aro
                          The options:
                          3- Gaia and Antioch
                          4- Gaia and Contaginon
                          Attached Files
                          RIAA sucks
                          The Optimistas
                          I'm a political cartoonist


                          • Originally posted by Aro
                            The options:
                            5- Chiquita and Antioch
                            6- Chiquita and Contaginon
                            Attached Files
                            RIAA sucks
                            The Optimistas
                            I'm a political cartoonist


                            • I assume you are making a ton of these?

                              Would be easier to make one Antioch and one Contaginon as they have the most suggested. Then fill in the rest.
                              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                              You're wierd. - Krill

                              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                              • Six maps, and we can link the poll to this thread. IMO, It's important to everyone have the big picture of those locations on the Empire.
                                RIAA sucks
                                The Optimistas
                                I'm a political cartoonist

