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Next Turnthread/chat Times and Current Reports: term III part two (MrWIA back)

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  • #31
    I now support suing for rheims (sp), and anything else with it. Chartres will be ours through culture eventually.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Shiber
      I think suing for peace in exchange for additional towns is a bad idea. Most of the towns France has to offer are of no real use for us. In fact, other than Chartres they're all pretty much useless to us.
      We need to trade with France in exchange for Feudalism. If we can move our forces in a way that would threaten another French town the French might drop the price slightly but I believe we'd still have to pay for Feudalism in the end, even if we offer a RoP along with a peace treaty.
      I think we should take all the useless cities they give us and give them away to civs we want to stay friendly with, at least until we're ready to pluck them like juicy ripe fruit.


      • #33
        Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
        Get a decent night's sleep ....
        yada yada yada
        ..... for future successes.

        El Presidente
        Alright, then. Problem fixed. Let's cut off the President's arm and let bygones be bygones.

        Who's got the blade?


        • #34

          I'm not quite sure how to take that!

          Did I not manage to pass the buck sufficiently?

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #35
            fits all scenarios.

            "My wife left me."
            "I won the lottery."
            "Boy ice cream tastes good."
            "Where is my leg?"


            • #36
              Originally posted by Epistax
              "Boy ice cream tastes good."
              yeah we only get vanilla and chocolate where I live.
              Are we having fun yet?


              • #37
                You did a good job MWIA, my initial anger was the of the just waking up and being shocked variety. One question left, if you caught the nw error, how did we end up one turn behind?.
                1 turn ne,n
                1,turn n
                I was just wondering.
                What I would have done with the archer was attack first then if we had spare people counter attack, but it would depend on more things than could be put into a turnthread so it is nobody's fault, just the fortunes of war. Actually this increaes the realism of the game experience, just as in real life orders aren't always followed perfectlydue to communication problems. That is a big arguement for turnchats in wartime and turn thread in peacetime. But I realize this can't always be since RL intervines. Still , for the turn we gained much. Once again I apoligize for the outburst and anger this morning.
                The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by OPD

                  yeah we only get vanilla and chocolate where I live.
                  girl ice cream is better.

                  (Please note in cases where Epistax forgets a puncuation mark, it is due to his stupidity and ineptitude, not any form of cunning trickery. If any cunning trickery occures, please be aware that it was an accident. mmm... boy...)


                  • #39
                    No worries, Aggie. I understand mornings. Unfortunately I haven't yet had the chance to leave my room (it's 1pm here!) due to all the urgent replying.

                    The one turn behind was in relation to the Sword Army attacking Marseilles. Your orders had that at 230 BC (IIRC), but we didn't reach the outskirts until then. I continued to 210 BC just to carry out that attack.

                    Epi - girl ice cream? Is that another name for pie?

                    OK, so how many are posting drunk again?

                    OPD, Epistax(?), and who else?


                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #40
                      nah! i can't get drunk itza thurzday! i can only get drunk before the weekend, and thats... ... ... in a few days. anyway


                      • #41
                        MWIA, Chiquita is correct.


                        • #42
                          After reading this post I can honestly say that I have never been more confused in my entire life.
                          2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
                          Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


                          • #43
                            Questions for me, Donal?

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                            • #44
                              Rouen is just next the last row of mountains ; if it is ours, the nomansland is entirely made of mountains which is perfect for defense. If Rouen stays in the hands of the French, who knows what could happen in the future. Who wants the Romans in Rouen ?
                              Statistical anomaly.
                              The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                              • #45
                                Okay definitely want Rouen now. Rouen is a useless garbage dump of a city but directly west of it is a location for a city that would gain us an extra iron.

                                I repeat that I think we should make peace with the French and Germans and NOT take Chartres, Rheims, or Munich. We can't take those cities, only destroy them. Consider it cultivation of Christmas Hams. When the're ripe and juicy we take them.

                                Right now I think we should concentrate on building up the size and capabilities of our cities so we can compete with the Greeks, Germans, Aztecs, and Romans. A lot of 2-3 size cities are gonna have an uphill battle against a lot of 6-8 size cities.

                                Oh and the arm thing, nothing personal, your still the President oh great one-armed one.

