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Next Turnthread/chat Times and Current Reports: term III part two (MrWIA back)

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  • Next Turnthread/chat Times and Current Reports: term III part two (MrWIA back)

    Latest report and save

    Save for 170AD-260AD

    Report for 170AD-260AD

    The next and last turns will be set by OPD in the next term, which comes into power NOW.

    Bye all.

    Info on how to access the mIRC chat

    Links to old savs and reports this term

    Save for 70AD-170AD

    Report for 70AD-170AD

    Save for 30BC-70AD
    Report for 30BC-70AD
    Save for 130-30BC
    Report for 130-30BC
    Report and save for 210-130BC
    Report and save for 430-350BC
    Report for 350-290BC
    Save for 350-290BC
    Report for 290-210BC
    Save for 210BC
    Report and save for 210BC turnchat

    This will hopefully make it all easier to find the reports and saves whilst still keeping this thread open for discussion.

    El Presidente
    Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; September 20, 2002, 12:10.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    For UnOrthO to use.

    UnOrthO - man this is cool. I have to stop myself from reading a PM to you that popped up.

    Yes, it is a bit odd seeing that I had somehow replied to this already...

    (or maybe we are secretly the same person... )

    Anyway, if I am left in charge again, I will post the times an links in this spot.
    Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; August 27, 2002, 21:25.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      War aims

      In the various threads there seems to be a little confusion about war aims vs the Germans. Are we going to take Hamburg or not? (I think we should prioritise this, & aim for Munich after or in the peace).
      Diderot was right!
      Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
      Please don't go, the drones need you.


      • #4
        I think we should prioritise this, & aim for Munich after or in the peace
        There's a good chance they won't give it to us for peace because of the luxury. So we should be prepared to take it by force if we really care about it right now.


        • #5
          I think we can culture-flip it in about 10 to 15 turns anyway. It might not be a good idea to march our military into Munich (unless we are unable to take Hamburg and we need to convince Germany to end the war).
          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
          - Phantom of the Opera


          • #6
            Originally posted by wervdon

            There's a good chance they won't give it to us for peace because of the luxury. So we should be prepared to take it by force if we really care about it right now.
            I don't care. As Shiber says we may be able to flip it, but its practically worthless to Germany anyway. We should only take it as a last resort, we should attack Hamburg first.
            Diderot was right!
            Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
            Please don't go, the drones need you.


            • #7
              Well in my orders it is clear that we are to take munich 1st. One major reason was that after we take munich we will be able to ask for peace if things go bad. otherwise if a giant sword army comes at us we are in serious trouble and could get our N/NE "pruned". I decided that the war with germany was a limited war in that the goal was not to inflict heavy damage on germany, but to survive and make some gains. After munich we can always say "peace" if things go bad. The strategy against persia is simialr but that will be uber's decision.
              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


              • #8
                Well, what happened after 290BC ??
                Greatest moments in cat:


                • #9
                  My first turns as President - and after a while I started to have some fun! Some challenges, some total whitewashes, and some surprises.

                  UnOrthO described his last turns as "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", so I present to you:

                  The Blissfully Predictable
                  -we took 4 Persian slaves and 2 French slaves
                  -we captured Marseille and forced Jean to move house again
                  -we killed 6 French Spearmen, 2 or 3 French Swordmen, 2 Persian Archers and 1 Persian Spearman

                  The Unfortunately Unpredictable
                  -we lose Rheimsimmediately after capturing it
                  -Politics gets weirder with the Greek-German alliance against the Axtecs inked

                  The Totally Bizarre
                  -Jean proves to be a stubborn old b*tch - she refuses to give in after losing her capital again
                  -The Germans are almost nowhere to be seen
                  -My turns could be seen as a net success!

                  Here I only post what I did that varied in some way from the Ministers' orders. Most of what happened was covered in the orders from the Ministers of PW, City Planning and Deputy SMC.

                  290 BC

                  (various queue changes and troop movements etc. throughout, all covered by the Ministers' orders)

                  -Thebes renamed Chiquita (is that right?)
                  -Orleans renamed Port Rouge
                  -Paris renamed Here It Is (Yay!)
                  -the newly captured German slave from near Munich joins the worker stack E of Loveshack
                  -I moved the Gaia Spearman towards Del Monte with reservations - Gaia is now defenceless, but if it is evident that someone is approaching, I can reinforce the place before their Archer/Spearman gets there
                  -there were no orders given for the poor Warrior at Antioch (Persia)! I took the initiative to get him to pillage some Persian grassland road and irrigation

                  End of Turn
                  -Starvation at Here it Is (expected)
                  -A hitherto unseen German Archer moves out of Munich SE vaguely towards Ubergorsk
                  -A Persian stack threatens the workers E of Loveshack (expected)
                  -Persian stack W of Loveshack moves W
                  -Persian Archer moves NW out of Sidon
                  Persian stack ENE of Napoleton moves N and W - not mentioned again here as it is not a threat
                  -Persian Archer at Del Monte commences pillaging
                  -Over these turns, a Persian Archer and Warrior move N and S in and out of view N of Del Monte. They don't do much, and will not be mentioned again in this report
                  -2 Greek Workers emerge SSE of Washington
                  -Rheims pops some unit (pop drops from 3 to 2)

                  270 BC
                  -the Veteran Spearman is the first of AA (ARcher Army) to cross river near Rheims as ordered, finds a reg Swordman, I decide to send everything to join it anyway.
                  -Swordman from Tassagrad to BHQ (else BHQ defenceless! - not good with all those Persian stacks)
                  -SA2 (Sword Army) moves to Mt N of BHQ (Persian stack threatening to move there)
                  -Antioch Warrior continues moving to pillage away
                  -I try a trade with Greece - they will give us Monarchy (the cheapest tech) for 11gpt, all our gold and WM. I ever so politely decline. No-one else is any better - most offer the same deal
                  -Here it Is no longer has the population to poprush anything!

                  End of Turn
                  -Germany and Greece sign an alliance against the Aztecs
                  -Napoleton's border expands
                  -The Munich Archer is threateninng Geofront
                  -Persian stacks mill about - the one N of BHQ is within striking range of a coupla Swordmen
                  -A French regular Swordman appears N of SA1
                  -French regular Swordman attacks AA - kills veteran Spearman with only 1hp loss
                  -Port Rouge in Disorder (oops! )

                  250 BC
                  -AA vet Archer attacks and kills that damn French Swordman that just did our Spearman - only 1 hp loss
                  -SA kills French regular Swordman with 2hp damage
                  -Antioch Warrior is on the run from some Persian Archers. It will lead them N towards England
                  -Vet Swordman on Mt N of BHQ attacks and dies to the Archer in the Persian stack! We kill it with its remaining 1hp and take 2 Slaves
                  -Remaining Swordmen for SA2 move towards Loveshack
                  -Rheims Attacked
                  -it takes all our Archers, but we take Rheims by killing three regular Spearmen with the loss of one Archer, damage of 1hp to 2 Archers and 2hp to 1 Archer. We get no gold, and there is 1 resister.
                  -Regular French Warrior N of Rheims. I don't think much of it at the time, and there are no more units to move anyway...
                  -I contact France and they offer 2 workers and 11g, or ONE of Cherbourg, Grenoble and Rouen (mostly their holdings in Abananaba Minor) for peace. HA! I spit brandy in the emissary's eyes.

                  End of Turn
                  -Sh*t! That Warrior N of Rheims kills the damaged Archer in Rheims and retakes the city, with 10g in the bargain!
                  -Here It Is starves again (it would be MY city)
                  -The people want ME to improve the Palace? Maybe they really hated owning Rheims. Anyway, I choose the grass, as the choice of building style is worthy of a poll.
                  -French Archer appears SW of Port Rouge
                  -That idiot Perisan Archer attacks Del Monte and dies

                  230 BC
                  -A slight War Office miscalculation - we should be attacking Marseille this turn, but we are a turn away (no delays in moving there). I will play the extra turn, although no other orders exist for that turn. I can taste victory!
                  -SA2 moves into Loveshack, preparing for the assault on Munich
                  -The remainder of AA (3 Archers) heads for Marseille - stuff Rheims as we can only take it through a peace agreement now
                  -New Apolyton Spearman moves to (udefended) Tassagrad
                  -I stick a Spearman that was headed for Geofront with the stack of Workers W of Loveshack for protection (Geofront safe at the moment)

                  End of Turn
                  -A Greek Horseman appears near Chiquita
                  -French Archer near Port Rouge is moving away (phew!)
                  -A regular French Swordman appears W of SA1 (which is about to attack Marseilles)

                  210 BC
                  -A Swordman from SA2 attacks a Persian stack, kills the Spearman and takes 2 slaves
                  -SA1 attacks Marseille. 4 Vet Swordmen engage - 2hp is lost by one, 1hp is lost by 2, and one is promoted to Elite. We kill 3 regular Spearmen and 1 regular Swordman to take Marseille! We get 0 gold but 2 slaves. Jean moves her capital to a little village called Avignon, far to the West, on the coast of a desert.
                  - I contact France again - they only offer Rouen for peace - not good.

                  I decide this is far enough. 210 BC is not over yet, but I wanted to stop whilst Marseille was new.

                  And now, the save.

                  Any questions or specific movements not mentioned you want to ask about (based on the Ministers' orders), do so here.

                  I want the next set to be...

                  a turnchat! Thus I will update the top with this info.

                  That's it for now, i will be around for a bit before bed, so ask away...

                  El Presidente
                  Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; August 29, 2002, 19:02.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Attached Files

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      I'm the first to download the save! Hurray!!
                      "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                      And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                      Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                      - Phantom of the Opera


                      • #12
                        MR WIA, you said that we lost Chartres immediately after using it but then later on you talk about that happening to Reims... did it happen to both??
                        Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                        Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                        Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                        Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                        • #13
                          Btw, when the people offer to improve your palace you can quit the palace view screen and return to it later and you'll still be able to improve it (in other words you can postpone palace improvements if you just quit the palace view screen).
                          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                          - Phantom of the Opera


                          • #14
                            Question: why didn't we take the Persian worker NW of Sidon during 290 BC? I thought this was in the ministers' orders.
                            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                            - Phantom of the Opera


                            • #15
                              I said ignore units that might counter attack. So we could attack with all forces, if you had done this as instructed at rheims it would be ours. Also why was the elite spear there. I instructed elite spear into orleans. You should have seen that the nw was a typo in the order, however that was my fault( I guess there is a disease called direction flipping disorder going around in our office(DFD) . I obviously wanted the straight path. No matter, I am upset at the AA attacking swordsmen. This was a serious error that kept us from winning an over whelming victory. I' haven't done the numbers but from the log it seems he couldn't have attacked the city for at least 2 turns. Yes it was a successful turn but it I believe it could have been so much greater.
                              Last edited by Aggie; August 29, 2002, 10:17.
                              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.

