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  • #91
    Well I can modify my orders so that the slaves will continue to clear the jungle and the new worker that I am currently diverting (near Banana HQ) will go and work on the road to Chartres. Only two more squares to connect it. Granted it is splitting up the stacks, but I can do that if you'd like.
    First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

    (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
    The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


    • #92
      Could geofront build barracks instead of city walls. Once napolitan and it are secure we will be bringing in warriors for ugrade to swords(2).
      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


      • #93
        Just a quick little reminder that the turns will be played Wednesday likely 2230-0030 GMT or 0500-0700GMT Thursday if there are complications/delays of the orders till the last minute (ie not in time to make the first available time), so I would very much appreciate them by then.

        Thank you,


        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #94
          Originally posted by WhiteBandit
          Well I can modify my orders so that the slaves will continue to clear the jungle and the new worker that I am currently diverting (near Banana HQ) will go and work on the road to Chartres. Only two more squares to connect it. Granted it is splitting up the stacks, but I can do that if you'd like.
          Nah it's not that big a deal I was just so pleased when I saw workers there in the first place. As long as the tile is cleared in the near future it's great.

          I'd be interested to know what people think about a granary in Termina to help it produce wkrs quickly?
          Are we having fun yet?


          • #95
            OPD, i'd rather go horse,library in termina. This would put additional cultural pressure on chartes. Of course if we lose a galley it and poly(after horse) could build galley to make the jump, we really need to get oveer there.
            The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


            • #96
              CITY PLANNING - 210 BC, second time

              Pre end of turn

              Change Government to Monarchy. Note, I am not sure how monarchy will effect build times for some cities. Please use your judgement if there is something that is not accounted for.

              Mingapulco - Turn 1

              Apolyton - Switch worker from one of the forest tiles to the (W, NW) tile.
              Port Rouge - Start on settler immediatly.

              Turn 2

              Apolyton - If we loose the galley, switch from horse to galley.
              Tassagrad - Grow. Work best tile.

              Turn 3

              Termina - Start on war chariot.
              Apolyton - Start on sun tzu war accademy

              Turn 4+ (in case i messed up and you need advice)

              Termina - Something with culture
              Apolyton - Sun Tzu. If we fail in this, then hopefully we will be able to jump into leo's
              Tassagrad - War effort
              BHQ - War effort
              Port Rouge - Culture

              Pina Colada - Turn 1

              Chiquita - Request to purchace temple. If so, start on Frobidden Palace (I have started a discussion on this)

              Turn 2+ (in case I messed up and you need advice)

              Chiquita - Culture
              Del Monte - Grainery. Will grow turn 2. Work mined road south near Gaia
              Gaia - War effort
              Timeline - Culture

              El Nino - Turn 1

              Seeberg - Switch immediatly to warrior (SMC request). Purchase if possible.
              Napoleton - Request to purchase walls. If so, start barracks.
              Geofront - Start temple.
              Ubergorsk - Request to purchace barracks. If so, horse next.
              Loveshak - Keep working most efficiently, given growth and jungle clearing consideration.

              Turn 2+

              Seeberg - war effort/defence
              Napoleton - war effort
              Geofront - war effort
              Ubergorsk - war effort
              Loveshak - harbor next
              Munich(?) - culture

              Ile de Rose - Turn 1

              HereItIs - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next library (culture)
              Marsailes (Jerusalem?) - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next spear.
              Rouen (Egads?) - Spear.
              Cherbourg (do we wish to rename this city provided we may give it away?) - note, as discussed, we will keep this city until someone invades the territory. DO NOT risk another war. Give it away only if necessary. Use as a tool in diplomacy with the germans or give to whomever will be most pissed off if someone attacks it (ie russia if rome attacks).
              start on spear. Don't bother purchasing.
              Turn 2

              HereItIs - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next library (culture)
              Marsailes (Jerusalem?) - Temple. Request to purchase, if so next spear.
              Rouen (Egads?) - Spear should have a shield built up now, so request to purchase. If so, then temple.

              Turn 3+

              HereItIs - culture
              Marsailes (Jerusalem?) - Culture
              Rouen (Egads?) - Culture
              Cherbourg (next name appears to be "Another Glorious City") - Culture

              Miscelanoius notes: In the switch of governments, I do not usualy play religious civs. I do not know how they will react. If they act like I suspect, all cities with a pop of 3+ will need to have 1 lux and 1 entertainer durring the shift to keep them in order. Again, I do not know for sure. So after declairing a revolution, check all 3+ cities to make sure they will not go into revolt durring the transition.

              Any cities we take from perisa or germany should focus on SMC requests, then defence, then culture. Your choice as you are the one that has the knowledge to make rational judgements at the appropriate time.

              If you play late, (post 10PM EST) I can log on if you need anything. PM me durring the day (I will keep polly on at work, but no game to reference), but I have night school from 5-9:30 or so.

              If I missed anything (RL problems, so I feel I probably did, particularly with the revolution to monarchy) I trust your judgement.
              If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

