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  • #91
    Friend Kman. Here is the 400 kilos of amber you asked for. All I need from you is a small donation of your left testicle (don't ask why the aztecs want it - I didn't ask - but they did say something about camparing it to whale sperm....). As you said that you would give your nuts for the amber......

    Oh my. I made a terrible mistake. I now realize that you ment the pistachio tree in front of your hut..... Where is your hut? All I see is a burnt area...

    OK. After further communications with the aztec, they will give you 400 kilos of amber for a small dixie cup filled with..... well, here is a penthouse magazine to help. Just sent it, once filled, direct to them with the FedEx Monkey that brought you this message. It is prepaid, as a part of the deal.

    Do you need a new hut? I can arrange for a nice wood 2 story to be here when you return, at very reasonable rates.

    jdjdjd: old friend. The last of the supplies you have requested have been delivered to the banana flotation.... excuse me, the 'boat'. our armies march on Washington, so I must leave quickly if I am to witness it. This monkey shall provide communications until you launch. I have faith in you. May your journy be good and fruitful.

    Aro, I appologize for having to take the girls off the ban... boat. there just wasn't wnough room for them and the food. As i know you are conserned for there wellfair, rest assured that they are serving our nation well. Many of them have volunteered to infiltrate the city of Washington and distract the stinkin Americans while our troops march forward. May the Great Banana protect and guide them.

    Good luck on the voyage one and all. Please send post cards often, showing those scantly clad native women on the beaches.....
    If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


    • #92
      OK. After further communications with the aztec, they will give you 400 kilos of amber for a small dixie cup filled with..... well, here is a penthouse magazine to help. Just sent it, once filled, direct to them with the FedEx Monkey that brought you this message. It is prepaid, as a part of the deal.
      DEAL! Though, probably do to the bump on my head, I do not recall why I needed amber. But what the hell! I get a penthouse out of the deal. But why on this flat earth would they want my ... er.... you know ..... mojo, is it?
      mmmm... ancient babes....

      Do you need a new hut? I can arrange for a nice wood 2 story to be here when you return, at very reasonable rates.
      No thanks. I plan never to return to the mainland. I hope to buld an evil tower, like The Dark Lord's, so I can administer my boom-boom room empire out of the prying eyes of our 'moral' and 'caring' government. Hogwash! They're just oppressive, keeping the average pimp down. Im still selling shares of my fledgling company by the way, to anybody interested.

      Good luck on the voyage one and all. Please send post cards often, showing those scantly clad native women on the beaches.....
      Fair well, my friend, I'm sure we shall not meet again... unless of course you take a trip to Uber Isle - or what ever lies beyond our realm of exploration....

      "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
      - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
      Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


      • #93
        Don’t need to apologize, Mr. GodKing! I’m going to Washington just now, the city is ours already. They need someone to clean the stables, as told us the commander UberKruX . Well, I’m just a conscript, but I never heard about stables in Washington. The only horse I can see is the Commander Uber’s one. He calls the stupid animal ‘Incitatus’, and was talking something about to award the beast a consulship. And we not even conquered the Romans yet! What a f%&#, we will have to march all way to the damn city...walking!
        Ahem… sorry.
        About the girls… well, if they are in Washington now, there is no much to do, since the only resister is a woman. With a little luck, I will be “distracted” too. Oh, Great Banana thanks for that!
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #94
          Hardy Har har! To sea at last, to serve the glory of our country!! And, more importantly, our personal ambition!!!


          • #95
            Hi Skywalker,
            I have been checking around at the shores in your towns, but I have not been able to find any båt (boat) being build. Are you going to swim across? You know about the sharks don’t you?
            The viking age ended 1066 at Monday, September 25, 6pm


            • #96
              I've offered 100,000 bananas for Abe's Palace. It will be the starting point for some absolutely enormous new plantations. I've found a kind of banana that will grow in the open American lands.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Kramerman

                DEAL! Though, probably do to the bump on my head, I do not recall why I needed amber. But what the hell! I get a penthouse out of the deal. But why on this flat earth would they want my ... er.... you know ..... mojo, is it?
                mmmm... ancient babes....
                Kman been as you've probably forgotten.

                IIRC you needed the amber to complete the deal we made before you were knocked on the head. Several moons ago I gave you a half eaten banana and a stone that resembled Ninot slightly in the understanding that you would purhcase some amber so that when I die you can encase me in it so that I am preserved and can be resurected at a later date when we are more advanced.

                It has come to my attention that a monkey ran off with your half eaten banana while you were unconsious and that the stone looks nothing like Ninot but a deal is a deal so you have to keep your end of the bargain.
                Are we having fun yet?


                • #98
                  Heh heh, I'm glad we're leaving on such a positive note.


                  • #99
                    When are we leaving??
                    A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                    A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                    • I thought we had already left? Did I misread the Jungle Gazette?

                      Thank you for the mention, skywalker.


                      • If we have left I couldn't find it on the save, and I don't think that any city is actually building a galley!
                        A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                        A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                        • ROLE. PLAYING.


                          • Edrix, Ya beat me to it.
                            If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                            • Except WE WERE SUPPOSED TO ACTUALLY BE BUILDING A GALLEY!!!!!!


                              • Don't worry about it sky. One day we will have a real galley. Just that more important things such as war with america right now. Soon. Patience young skywalker.....
                                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

