So Firaxis has selected Joan of Arc to be the leader of the French. Poor little shepherdess who was burned as heretic ! 
As always the choice of civ leaders generates a debate, so let's debate on Joan vs. Napoleon or others.
Napoleon I (Buonaparte, the little Corsican) is the default French leader in CTP.
He put Europe in fire during 20 years in the early 19e century and was eventually defeated in Waterloo (Belgium) in 1815 by the British and the Prussians. In the mean time, he conquered almost all Europe (except for Great-Britain, but nobody did since William the Conqueror in 1066). Quite a good candidate for a civ leader, even if not necessarily the nicest guy on earth. Anyway, except for the Britts who named one of their stations with the name of a defeat (Waterloo
), there have been a lot significant progress of the French civilization during his reign and some benefits are still lasting.
Louis XIV (le Roi Soleil, king 1643-1715) is the default French leader in Civ2.
He is certainly the most famous of all the kings of France and you all know the Versailles Palace that was built under his leadership. He was The Absolut Monarch of all the French history. Obviously there were many wars during his reign, but I suppose that the slaughtery have been less concentrated in time than during the Napoleon's period. Also a good candidate for a civ leader.
Now, what's left for Joan of Arc (la Pucelle - Virgin- d'Orleans 1412-1431). OK she is a Saint (since 1920). OK under her leadership, the Crown of France was saved and she defeated the English, thus allowing the poor coward Charles VII to be the King of France. But she did not govern any kingdom or empire, she did not conquer any territory. So why select her as a civ leader. Not to mention that she is now used as a herald by the French nationalist party
(not the kind of people I would recommend) of whom we have heard too much recently during the President's election.
So what do you think ? Other candidates could be :
- Charles de Gaulle, leader for the free France during WWII and president from 1958 to 1968
- Vergincetorix, prince of the Gauls (72 BC - 46 BC) who was defeated by Julius Ceasar at Alesia
- Clovis, first king of the Francs (465-511)
- Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus) king of the Francs (768-814) and emperor of the Western empire (800-814)
- and others, we have plenty ...
So, what would be your choice ?

As always the choice of civ leaders generates a debate, so let's debate on Joan vs. Napoleon or others.
Napoleon I (Buonaparte, the little Corsican) is the default French leader in CTP.
He put Europe in fire during 20 years in the early 19e century and was eventually defeated in Waterloo (Belgium) in 1815 by the British and the Prussians. In the mean time, he conquered almost all Europe (except for Great-Britain, but nobody did since William the Conqueror in 1066). Quite a good candidate for a civ leader, even if not necessarily the nicest guy on earth. Anyway, except for the Britts who named one of their stations with the name of a defeat (Waterloo

Louis XIV (le Roi Soleil, king 1643-1715) is the default French leader in Civ2.
He is certainly the most famous of all the kings of France and you all know the Versailles Palace that was built under his leadership. He was The Absolut Monarch of all the French history. Obviously there were many wars during his reign, but I suppose that the slaughtery have been less concentrated in time than during the Napoleon's period. Also a good candidate for a civ leader.
Now, what's left for Joan of Arc (la Pucelle - Virgin- d'Orleans 1412-1431). OK she is a Saint (since 1920). OK under her leadership, the Crown of France was saved and she defeated the English, thus allowing the poor coward Charles VII to be the King of France. But she did not govern any kingdom or empire, she did not conquer any territory. So why select her as a civ leader. Not to mention that she is now used as a herald by the French nationalist party

So what do you think ? Other candidates could be :
- Charles de Gaulle, leader for the free France during WWII and president from 1958 to 1968
- Vergincetorix, prince of the Gauls (72 BC - 46 BC) who was defeated by Julius Ceasar at Alesia
- Clovis, first king of the Francs (465-511)
- Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus) king of the Francs (768-814) and emperor of the Western empire (800-814)
- and others, we have plenty ...
So, what would be your choice ?