I agree but your missing the point. They needed a unit that would stand for the country's greatest military power, and as you confirmed it was the air power of the US. I never said that our carriers arent a big role in that but rather it carries the aircraft that can provide the greatest air power and as you mentioned support. So since a carrier don't actually attack anything you can't use that in the game and have it attack to start a GA. I would have loved more then anything to see a super carrier or even a beefed up destroyer over an F-15 but its the symbol of air power that they where going for and it had to be a unit that can attack so that it would start a golden age.
No announcement yet.
4 Unique units I'd like to see
From the game point of view, the UU is the unit that will trigger the Golden Age. So if we are looking for a US UU unit, we should first think of what is the US Golden Age, when did it start, and then we may try to find what could be the unit that best symbolizes this period.
BTW: That's why I disagree with the German Panzers. Panzers? Start of a German Golden AgeThe books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.
Originally posted by TheSettler
I agree but your missing the point. They needed a unit that would stand for the country's greatest military power, and as you confirmed it was the air power of the US.
The argument that a carrier is only good because of the planes it carries is the same as saying the F-15 is only good because of the missiles and ground ordinance it carries and the support aircraft that help it. You discounting the carrier on such an argument is dishonest at best. If your going to apply such to one then do it for both. Neither would be great on thier own.
Originally posted by TheSettler
So since a carrier don't actually attack anything you can't use that in the game and have it attack to start a GA.
As for a symbol of airpower a P-51 or B-17 (or B-24 for the purists) would make more sense than the F-15 since that was the real start of our golden age in real life.The eagle soars and flies in peace and casts its shadow wide Across the land, across the seas, across the far-flung skies. The foolish think the eagle weak, and easy to bring to heel. The eagle's wings are silken, but its claws are made of steel. So be warned, you would-be hunters, attack it and you die, For the eagle stands for freedom, and that will always fly.
Darkness makes the sunlight so bright that our eyes blur with tears. Challenges remind us that we are capable of great things. Misery sharpens the edges of our joy. Life is hard. It is supposed to be.
Originally posted by TheSettler
Ok now I am 100% American man, but . . .
You have to admit that the US infantry hasn't had a whole lot of experience in winning situations on there own. After all look at out last real infantry confrontation where we got stomped in Vietnam. Desert storm was won due to our aircraft blowing the hell out of them first and then sending in the infantry to get the beaten and mentally screwed Iraqi soldiers after a huge amount of bombs have been dropped. Every other confrontation our infantry have had have little none traditional wars where we didn't do very good. So I think that the CSU should not be an infantry unit.
Oh and our spec. forces where basically taken from britians SAS and although they are deadly as sin I think there are better US equipment that be choicen for the role.
Please understand off the bat that my intention is not to be insulting, so if this comes across that way I am sorry. Yes, airpower was dominant during the gulf war, but saying that the infantry hasn't had a whole lot of experience winning things on their own is understating the fact immensely. We have to look at all of history for a UU, not just the modern era. During WWII, the US Army had the best equipped soldiers in the world. They had an endless supply of materials. They had an abundance of air support, and artillery support down the the platoon level. All of this increased the lethality of the US soldier. For these reasons, I believe that the GI, or Doughboy, or Yank would better represent US military might than a aircraft carrier or fighter. Besides, while our modern fighters sure look impressive dropping bombs down laundry chutes, they have never been seriously challenged in combat. The GI sure was...plus, you can bomb anyone for as long as you like, but without infantry, you cannot take and hold ground.
P.S.-There also may be a couple of Gulf War vets who might have an opinion on your view that they just went in and "mopped up" after the Air Force!Last edited by sachmo71; November 26, 2001, 17:01.
Originally posted by TheSettler
After all look at out last real infantry confrontation where we got stomped in Vietnam.
Vietnam NVA losses ( as thier government released in 1995) 1.1 million.
Yeah, really looks like we got stomped.The eagle soars and flies in peace and casts its shadow wide Across the land, across the seas, across the far-flung skies. The foolish think the eagle weak, and easy to bring to heel. The eagle's wings are silken, but its claws are made of steel. So be warned, you would-be hunters, attack it and you die, For the eagle stands for freedom, and that will always fly.
Darkness makes the sunlight so bright that our eyes blur with tears. Challenges remind us that we are capable of great things. Misery sharpens the edges of our joy. Life is hard. It is supposed to be.
Re: 4 Unique units I'd like to see
Originally posted by chocoballs
Would a Persian fanatic unit be too unsensitive?
Re: Re: 4 Unique units I'd like to see
Originally posted by orange
Extremely unsensitive and not accurate. Why do people keep suggesting this?
First of all it's a religious UU not a cultural UU, and this game is about units that represent the technologies of the civ to make a better unit than the one currently being used by the rest of the world.
Second - what does a "fanatic" replace?
Third - Since when are Persians fanatics? If anything it would be an arab UU but it shouldn't be since not all Arabs are fanatics, and on a greater note, not all Islamics are fanatics.
Re: Re: 4 Unique units I'd like to see
[SIZE=1] Originally posted by Martinus [/SIZE
It wouldn't be as unsensitive as it would be totally inappropriate. Persia is not (at least directly) a modern day Iran - it flourished under the Achmenid and then Sassanid (sp.?) dynasty.
There is a few UU i would like to see instead of the current ones...
Siege Tower (Catapult w/ either xtra attack or movement) for the Babylonians...
Minuetman (Riflemen w/ either xtra defense or movement) for the Americans...
Fire Machine [name sucks] (Cannon with xtra movemt or attack) for the Chinesse.
Brave (Warrior with xtra attack or defense) for the Iriquios.
The Siege Tower is ripped from the Asseryians... The Fire Machine's name absolutly sucks... The Brave makes more sense from a historical persective than the Mounted Warrior (Sioux)."War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."
The U.S. did NOT build the first ironclad.
The Koreans did. You'll see in the expansion pack for Age of Empires II, they had the turtleboats. They're fun to play with and I'd like them added. Period.
I'd also like to see camel units of some sort or another. They should replace the immortals in my opinion. I'd love to see camel units fighting the elephant units like in AoE II.
Anyhow, the German panzers are used instead of the U-boats because Germany had a strong offensive ability on the ground. The British dominated the seas. So, it wouldn't make sense for the Germans to have the powerful U-boats while the British waddle in the water with frigates!
As for the Russian cossacks, it's logical too because I believe they were used during the key expansion period for that nation.
Overall, however, I think that special units should be stronger than they currently are. They should really turn the tides for equally competing Civs at least."I've spent more time posting than playing."
I think the Marine unit is a general representation, as most things are.
Personally, I still say air power is where the US has the biggest advantage over other nations, although since we haven't done much since the F-15 (1970s), that isn't the case anymore.
Yeah, we have the F-117, but isn't a dog-fighter. All the while many European powers among others have been developing their own successors to the venerable but aging F-15. If we didn't have such a problem convincing congress and other moronic leaders to fund the F-22, that would definitely take the cake, but we only have two so far.
That is sad.Yours in gaming,
Originally posted by Pius Popprasch
Does any other army on the world than the Americans have Marines? They could be exclusive for the American civ and maybe get some extra power. Other tribes will have to use Infantry which acquires the amphibious ability with the corresponding technology.
I believe the British might have a prior call to the Marine unit:
' Royal Marines
The Royal Marines trace their history back to 28 October 1664 when Charles II sanctioned the formation of a regiment for sea service to be known as The Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot. On 24 July 1704 Marines under Sir George Rooke took possession of the Rock of Gibraltar and have retained "Gibraltar" as a battle honour. Briefly disbanded, they were re-formed in 1775 and have been in continuous existence ever since. The Corps' motto is 'Per mare per terram', meaning 'By sea, by land'.
Today the Royal Marines consist of 6,700 men grouped in 3 Commando Brigade, Commachio Group, Commando training Centre RM, RM Poole, the Amphibious Trials and Training Unit Royal Marines (AATURM), Royal Marines School of Music (RMSM) and Royal Marine Reserve units.
3 Cdo Bde
Commanded by a Brigadier with his HQ in Plymouth 3 Cdo Bde is a key contributor to the recently formed Joint Rapid Deployment Force (JRDF). It consists of:
HQ and Signals Squadron Royal Marines based at Stonehouse Barracks, Plymouth, Brigade Patrol Troop a force of 24 men working in six four man teams, Y Troop the Brigade's electronic warfare specialists, Communications Troop which provides secure communications, Air Defence Troop equipped with Javelin SAM, Royal Marines Police Troop, Tactical Air Control Parties which works with the Royal Navy and RAF.
40 Cdo
40 Commando is based at Norton Manor camp, Taunton, 42 Commando at Bickleigh Barracks, Plymouth, 45 Commando Arbroath, Scotland, 29 Commando Rgt RA (Army) include 1 Bty (TA); 20 Commando Air Defence Battery Royal Artillery, 1 Commando Logistics Regiment (joint service) based at Chivenor, 59 Independent Squadron RE (Cdo engineers 1 Army 1 TA), 847 Naval Air Sqn 1 light 2 support helicopter formations is based at Yeovilton; 539 Assault Squadrons based at Turnchapel, Plymouth. Medium Reconnaissance is provided by B Squadron The Household Cavalry regiment with Scimitar and Striker armoured vehicles.
Commachio Group
Commachio Group is based at Arbroath and is tasked with North Sea oil rig protection; the Landing Craft and Amphibious Training Wing is based at Poole. ATTURM is based at Instow, the RMSM at Portsmouth. There are RMR units in London, Bristol, Birkenhead and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The Commandant General who is based at Whale Island in Portsmouth commands the Royal Marines; the Royal Marines include men and women who are all volunteers drawn from all three services. Recruits, both officers and men pass through a 30 week training course at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM) at Lympstone in Devon. The course emphasises team work and includes a 30 mile timed march with weapons and equipment. '
You might also like to visit the Royal Marines' Museum website.Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.
...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915
Originally posted by molly bloom I believe the British might have a prior call to the Marine unit:
Royal MarinesLast edited by Pius Popprasch; March 4, 2002, 04:32.