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"On Second Thought..." Civs: A Truly Unique X-Pack?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Gangerolf
    Stefu, wasn't Ã…bo capital before Helsinki?
    Originally posted by Stefu
    TURKU was indeed capital during Swedish rule, but Helsinki's been capital of Finland throughout Russian rule, when our national identity began to form, and independence.
    Just to make it crystal clear to everyone: I didn't say anything wrong. It's just that Stefu for some reason prefers to call the city "Turku". The most proper name is, of course, Ã…bo.

    And BTW: I agree that Helsingfors is the best pick for finnish capital


    • #17


      Well I don't know much about them, but as far as I know they have a quite unique culture, their own church, alphabet, etc. They have survived centuries of persecution by their (islamic) neighbours. Please help me on this one.

      Leader: Vartan Mamigonian (?) link-->
      Capital: Yerevan
      UU: ??
      Abilities: Religious & ??



      • #18

        Capital: Warsaw
        Ruler: Mieczyslaw I
        CSU: Light Cannon or Infantry
        Ability: Scientific & Commercial

        why i chose cannon:


        The Poles set great store by artillery and were years in advance of their enemies until the eighteenth century, using light cannon with accurate bombardment and mobility being the crucial factors. They also used rocketry to great effect (Siemienowicz published a treatise on multi-stage rocketry in 1650!).


        The infantry was lightly dressed without helmets or armour and armed with musket, short sword and hatchet. Only one man in eight carried a pike. In the 1550's a Polish regiment of 200 men could fire 150 shots in five minutes (contemporary Spanish brigades of 10,000 men could only deliver 750 in the same time)! Polish infantry possessed ten times greater firepower on a man-to-man basis than standard European infantries.
        i didn't choose cavalry because i think theres too many already
        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


        • #19
          Hittites, Mitannites, Trojans, Elamites, Ephraimites, Ammonites, Arameans, Moabites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Cimmerians, Scythians, Thracians, Basques, Galileans, Armenians, Azerbaijani, Georgians, Missourians, Mormons, Cheyenne, Maidu, Mohicans, Powhatan, Arawak, Aymara, Carib, Toltec, Tupi, Guarani, Swiss, Portugese, Lapps, Finnish, Estonians, Yakuts, Kashmir, Hmong, Aborigines, Tongans, Samoans, Hawaiians, Maori, Athapascans, Aleuts, Caledonii, Brigantes, Trinovantes, Dal Riata, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Goths, Vatican City, Malagasy, Berbers, Boers, Bushmen, Inuit, Hopewell, Texans, Confederates, Cubans


          • #20
            At first I have to apologise my lack of knowledge on every f***ing tiny detail on the history of human race. I'm a bit afraid of posting anything in these forums, cause there is always somebody, who gets all excited about the fact, that "actually the Seoul is only the fifth largest city in the world, you freaking freak!" (like it makes the difference). So here goes, if you are absolutely freaked out about what is coming, feel free to beat the crap out of me. It won't hurt, won't it?

            I have an idea for a special civ for possible xpansion, but at first I have to ask a question about terrain types. What are there? If tundra, conifer forests, fells (check your dictionary, I'm not going to explain), or some other terrain type for cold regions is included, then OK! Enter, the...

            Special unit: Snow soldier (during winter war against Soviet Union 30.11.1939-13.3.1940). What's so special about it? In temperate areas the unit is no different compared to a regular soldier (a conscript?). But when the unit is in cold region... movement increases 100%, defence (not in city) increases 75% and offense increases 50% (the percentages surely need tweaking).
            Movement +100%: never heard of skis? Ok, you might think that anybody can buy skis and train a few elite units to perform flipflops with skis on and simultaneously empty a clip into an enemy group. But during winter war every single finnish soldier could use the skis, and I mean EVERYBODY (well, maybe not ten persons or so), but you get the point. Thus the added movement.
            Defence +75% (not in city square, because it would be almost impossible to conquer, I think): Reflects the ability to use snow as a camouflage, stealth and protection. Yes, even from bullets. IIRC about 2 meters of dense snow will stop a 7,62 ammo.
            Offense +50%: Again the skis. And it also reflects the the defenders inability to carry out a proper defence due to possible inconvinience caused by improper equipment against cold and snow. It also reflects the element of surprise. I've heard stories about the russian soldiers being scared of the finnish "silent and quick skiing soldiers who come in the dead of the night to our camps, killing everybody around the campfire. It is impossible to fire back, because nobody knows where the bullets are coming from." There is a saying (I don't know the origin of it, propably the winter war) which says:"one finn equals ten russians."

            Golden age trigger: The best that I can come up with is victory with the special unit, in the special conditions (fight in cold region). IRL that sure didn't trigger any golden age - on the contrary, another war came . But I can't figure any other trigger (Nokia-mobiles are no trigger, they are the explosion).

            Commercial ability: Finland makes and always has made a living out of forests. Between 1500-1800 Finland region was one of the major producers of tar. Tar was used to protect wooden ships from moisture, fungus and rottening effects of water. Finnish tar was delivered (IIRC) to the navies of England, Holland, Sweden and maybe Denmark and France. Nowadays the main exports are paper, machinery and ships. The tourism is becoming more and more important commercial branch (especially in Lapland). And there are also those Nokia-mobiles :P .

            Religious ability: the Swedes made us protestants, and that is what we are good at . We have a saying (origin unknown, you may have it too) "fear of the Lord is the origin of wisdom". (what a clumsy translation!)
            Why commercial and religious? In my opinion no other comply. Well maybe scientific, but I'm too modest. And as being a science engineer, I'd rather not choose scientific ability. It's pretty boring. But when I really start to think of it, Finland is one of the leading nations in the studies of cold technology (boy, those finns can really freeze their food )

            Other specials: reduced growth (there aren't very much of us), high tax rates (which leads to free schools, colleges, universities, health care and constant promises of "lower taxes" ) and some political balancing skills (during the cold war Finland was trying to handle properly the good relations between east and west). I know there are some others, which don't come across my mind.

            I really don't know what kind of modifications these would require, but there are professionals to do things like that. Or are there...
            I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


            • #21
              OH OH OH. THE PALENSTIANS.

              Last edited by Inverse Icarus; September 11, 2001, 17:40.
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #22
                Originally posted by UberKruX
                OH OH OH. THE PALENSTIANS.

                Great! You have already investigated and discover proper trial, out of a bunch of stupid citizen that burn a flag every other day, so come on: go to FBI a give them your great work, but please, don't let us stop you posting here at this forum.

                Leave us alone!

                "Hang him up and then let him have a regular process", where not the words I can tolerate, also if my relatives would been died in the attack.

                I would be sure, double checked, to have discovered the real killers, not to kill someone just to feel me better.
                "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                - Admiral Naismith


                • #23
                  I know we are all angry, but no point killing just *anyone*... make sure we get it right, and KILL those that DESVERVE it. Those that organised it and supported it. Anyone who supports the terrorists. The terrorists families - see how *they* like it

                  But not just any country we happen to think did it at the moment.
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • #24
                    according to a news source (FOX NEWS) the PLL claimed responsibility, and then retracted their statement.

                    "yea, we hit your building."

                    "oh it fell? that wasn't us then."
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #25

                      I chose these civs because it adds to the 'regional rivals' of certain areas of the globe in which civ3 has no civs.

                      Mongols vs. Chinese vs. Japanese vs. Russians vs. Indians maybe vs. Greeks/Persians

                      Greeks vs. Persians vs. Egyptians vs. Babylonians

                      French vs. Germans vs. England vs. Russia vs. Vikings

                      Americans vs. Iroquoi vs. Aztec vs. Incas maybe vs. Vikings

                      Zulus vs. Egyptians

                      Indians vs. Aboriginals

                      These regional conflicts just make things more interesting in those areas. At the beginning of the game, there are more choices for alliances etc. in the neighborhood where you start. Of course, on a random world, that wouldn't matter, but anyway... Besides, South America and Australia don't have any.

                      The CSA and SU of the regional civs must be balanced.
                      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by UberKruX
                        according to a news source (FOX NEWS) the PLL claimed responsibility, and then retracted their statement.

                        "yea, we hit your building."

                        "oh it fell? that wasn't us then."
                        Your source is FOX news?

                        Oh I read the tabloids today they said it was the pengiuns...

                        Lets all go kill every single pengiun.

                        YOU ARE PARANOID, stupid, ignorant, racist and more dangerous then a rampid shark in a kiddie pool. You let one statement move your hatred against a whole innocent population. You are now the same terrorist, no different. Think then act, do not let; do not kill innocent people just because they look and sound and share the religion of the people that crashed the planes. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE. Maybe after you kill everyone possibly some how related, someone will get to retaliate upon you? Its only far since you got to retaliate.... STFU lifes do not pay for lifes; two wrongs do not make a right. Learn not to hate and you might not be hated....
                        i am the great one:)
                        and leader of the cow cult


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by fred
                          YOU ARE PARANOID, stupid, ignorant, racist and more dangerous then a rampid shark in a kiddie pool. You let one statement move your hatred against a whole innocent population. You are now the same terrorist, no different. Think then act, do not let; do not kill innocent people just because they look and sound and share the religion of the people that crashed the planes. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE.
                          I agree completely.


                          • #28
                            i agree too for that matter ... but anyway ....

                            i think the civ that was pointed out (the one with 6,500 islands) was too pacifist, insignificant and wimpy to even be discussed

                            the boers are a good idea but the problem is that they were just a very long footnote (oxymoron?) in british history. the two things they evr did were the great trek and the boer war. they lasted for a very short time, I forget the exact number of years but it wasnt many. if they were a civ, then thats cool, but someone else must think of the cities...


                            • #29
                              The Texans

                              Leader: Sam Houston or Stephen F. Austin
                              Capital: Austin
                              Unique Unit: Texas Ranger (an improved calvary)

                              History: Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836 and was an independent nation from then until 1845 when it became a state in the U.S. While it was independent, it was populated heavily by former Mexican, German, and U.S. citizens.

                              Other city names:
                              Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Fort Worth, Arlington, Lubbock, Amarillo, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Fredericksburg, San Angelo, Albuquerque, Santa Fe (Yes those were in Texas before they ceded land to the U.S. when they joined the Union)

                              Texas would be a commercial and industrious civilization: industrious because they worked hard to gain their independence - "Remember the Alamo" and commercial because of the cattle trade which was very important in the time of independent Texas.

                              Extra tidbit:
                              The Texas Rangers were nearly always outnumbered by the Apaches, Comanches, and other Indian tribes they fought. But they always seemed to win anyways. Maybe it was because of their six-shooters (revolvers), or maybe God was just blessing them. Either way, the six-shooters didn't hurt their chances for winning.
                              Ex Fide Vive
                              Try my new mod and tell me what you think. I will be revising it per suggestions. Nine Governments Mod


                              • #30
                                the terrorists didn't care WHO they we're bombing.

                                many of those people could care less about Isreal / Islamic Tensions.

                                but the terrorists made no judgements. they killed them all, including my dad.

                                and now we have to go and fight the terrorists, not a nation, a group of fundamentalists being protected by a government.

                                and the second we step in everyone is going to say "there's the US, bullying people again." just because we want to punish those who did this.

                                my friend is currently on a trip to Greece, and he said that the a lot of the people there said "it was a tragedy, but America deserved it".

                                WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?

                                i never overgeneralized, i never said kill all muslims, and i never used an ethnic slur.

                                i called them f*cking cowardly idiots who hit civilians, parents, brothers.

                                and whats wrong with FOX news? they are a reliable nation-wide news channel.
                                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

