Do you have any fear of the number of people living in China? Korea is like a minor province of China, just like Canada is like a minor province of the US. They could conquer all of Asia if they felt like it, with numbers alone. There are 1.2 billion people in China.
And muskets were traded to the Asians through the Spanish and the Portuguese. They did make primitive muskets, but they killed their user as often as the enemy.
And it takes years of training to make an expert at a musket. Elite soldiers like the French musketeers or the British redcoats took years to train, but it only takes a few days to learn how to use a sword. How much skill could it take to knock someone over the head with a piece of metal?
And I do know that armor will stop an arrow. Knights easily defeated longbowmen until castles were more widespread and they took advantage of the walls. The knights had more mobility and very good armor. Knights were defeated by longbowmen by shooting through the small cracks in the armor, like where the elbow is.
Armor is very rare in Asian armies. You will almost never find a knight style armor, even for wealthy samurai. They just don't have protective armor like we did. And, if bows and muskets are so good, why did they continue training with swords for such a long time? A force of musketmen could beat a force of swordsmen 5x as large.
And it was'nt just WWII that the Chinese used the number attack swarm. They tried it in the Korean War, and the Vietnamese tried it in the Vietnam war. We abandoned Vietnam because there is no perfect defence against someone with nothing to lose. Imagine hundreds of the Vietcong attacking a dozen marines, and you have a good idea of what 'Nam was like.

And muskets were traded to the Asians through the Spanish and the Portuguese. They did make primitive muskets, but they killed their user as often as the enemy.
And it takes years of training to make an expert at a musket. Elite soldiers like the French musketeers or the British redcoats took years to train, but it only takes a few days to learn how to use a sword. How much skill could it take to knock someone over the head with a piece of metal?

And I do know that armor will stop an arrow. Knights easily defeated longbowmen until castles were more widespread and they took advantage of the walls. The knights had more mobility and very good armor. Knights were defeated by longbowmen by shooting through the small cracks in the armor, like where the elbow is.
Armor is very rare in Asian armies. You will almost never find a knight style armor, even for wealthy samurai. They just don't have protective armor like we did. And, if bows and muskets are so good, why did they continue training with swords for such a long time? A force of musketmen could beat a force of swordsmen 5x as large.
And it was'nt just WWII that the Chinese used the number attack swarm. They tried it in the Korean War, and the Vietnamese tried it in the Vietnam war. We abandoned Vietnam because there is no perfect defence against someone with nothing to lose. Imagine hundreds of the Vietcong attacking a dozen marines, and you have a good idea of what 'Nam was like.