Originally posted by eric789
Ghengis Farb
CIA's World Factbook tells different story...
Maybe you were exposed to the most Christianised part of Korea while you're there. However, the figure still strikes me with surprise! Christian 49%? It's almost half of the population. I thought Buddihism was the dominant religion in Korea by big margin.
Ghengis Farb
CIA's World Factbook tells different story...
Maybe you were exposed to the most Christianised part of Korea while you're there. However, the figure still strikes me with surprise! Christian 49%? It's almost half of the population. I thought Buddihism was the dominant religion in Korea by big margin.
Four years can make a lot of difference. I stand corrected. The US percentage is 84% Christian. I always was taken back by that large number I wonder if someone made an error and reported Korean's Christian population percentage wrong and that threw off everyone else.

By the way, don't you just love the CIA factbook! That's probably the greasted internet site I've ever found, outside of Apolyton of course!