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Expansion Pack Civs (Part 3): Just one more...

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  • Arabs - 20 (religious, expansionistic)
    Turks - 20 (religious, militaristic)

    I agree, they have truly been a dominate force in history, we shouldn't leave the Arabs out. Certainly have made a longer lasting impression on the world than the Babylonians or Persians.

    Magyar/Hungarians - 20 (industrious, militaristic)
    Austro-Hungarians - 20 (industrious, commercial)

    The Hungarians don't get enough credit in history. The Magyars scoured France, they pilliaged Italy, they invaded Germany. Look in any maps from 1000 AD onward, the Hungarians often had the largest empire in Europe. At its peak Hungary (not Austro-Hungary) was as big as France and England. The rest of Europe better be damn glad Hungary fought off the Turks and stopped their spread. Downside is Hungary lost most of its kingdom to the Turks (my families castle included, grrr.) Hungarians kick major ass throughout history, they revolted and won an equal split ruling the Austrian empire. They were one of the few countries under the Soviet Boot that attempted to revolt. And currently they are one of the fastest growing former Warsaw Pact countries. I could go on, but Hungary kicks ass.

    Ethiopian - 20
    Mali - 20

    Some others in Africa. The Ethiopians deserve incredible respect for being the only country in Africa to survive European Colonialism. Ethiopia has been a sovereign nation for a hell of a long time. Good job.

    Poland - 10
    Khmer/Angkor - 10
    Incas - 10
    Texans - 10

    Some other honorable mentions. Texas shouldn't have joined the US, they'd have been a cool country.
    Last edited by OzzyKP; September 7, 2001, 19:55.
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • Locust,


      • So, if I can use my 9 points left:

        -Turks 5
        -Ethiopians 4
        The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


        • Originally posted by Locutus
          BTW next time, please use READABLE colors for your table, I had to copy-'n-paste the text to NotePad be be able to figure out what the heading of your table said and what the hell those green characters were...
          They are readable with the Civ3 style

          Edit: The colors are changed now
          New colors
          Header: background: quotecolor (same) text: light background (changed from default text)
          Removed points: RED (unchanged)
          Added points: GREEN changed form LIGHTGREEN
          LINES: quotecolor (unchanged)
          Last edited by Gramphos; September 8, 2001, 01:30.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • I'll add my voice to the roar...

            I picked these considering their geographical balance on the Earth map, and level of world fame. (I had problems with the middle east getting too crowded. I hate having civs that overlap each other's historical regions because then it's hard having them all on the same Earth map, but oh well.) Then I considered the civ and how unique it is, and how well it could stand on its own in a random world, and how much it makes sense for it to have a "golden age" and special units.

            I think an expansion pack would include 8 new civs, since there seem to be 16 now. Other possibilities for me could have been Celts, Ethiopians, Polynesians, or Carthaginians. For the former three, I have a hard time characterizing them in a way someone would recognize. For Carthaginians there's the whole Hannibal thing and elephants but they kind of overlap Spain in my mind.

            Mongol 20 (famous in both Asia and Europe)
            Spanish 20 (famous empire, affected American and European civs and even Japan, Phillipines etc.)
            Inca 20 (advanced American civ, fills empty South America)
            Arab 10 (large world impact...)
            Turkish 10 (ditto)
            Korean 7 (nice to have another Asian civ)
            Norse 7 (nice to fill up empty Scandinavia, make Swedes/Norwegians/Danes happy; European impact, but potential colonizers too)
            Hebrew 6 (huge religious impact)


            • Originally posted by Locutus

              Adm.Naismith, Dainbramaged et al,

              Do you guys think I should present this list to Firaxis personally (i.e. by email)? I mean, they read the forums don't they? Haven't they've noticed this thread and the news items by now? Surely they'll draw their own conclusions when they see this thread and if they care... Also, I think Firaxis has more important things to do right now that to think ahead to expansion packs that might never come. Releasing standard Civ3 is and should be their only concern right now (SimGolf has caused us enough delays already, right Yin? ) Personally I think by having this thread we've done all we can but I wouldn't mind hearing other people's opinion on this...
              Hmm, I'm not in contact with Firaxis, so I have no sure idea about best way to contact them.

              My suggestion is to e-mail MarkG or DanQ and ask them to be messengers from us to Firaxis (they probably have better contact).

              They probably read this thread, but we can't take this for sure.
              If you have time, please write down a short explanation of the effort; considering Essential Civ III history we should had some line of explanation for every "less than obvious" Civ.

              Look back to the original post, or ask to us the needed help: a long list is more relevant if supported by some game or history fact, IMHO.

              Another point: don't filter the list, send them it full sorted and rated, because we don't know for sure if they care to add 16 or 32 Civ. May be they are looking for a fantasy Civ list...

              Great work, again
              "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
              - Admiral Naismith


              • Locutus,
                I did change my post, guess it is a large list that takes you a day or so to calculate the numbers so you couldn't see it in time.
                Anyway, if you don't wan't to go searching,here it is:

                Zimbambuwans 20(assuming they are different from zulu's, otherwise it would be Skythians or maybe Ethiopeans who had a greater influence)


                • Oh - OK then:

                  Celts: 20
                  Spanish: 15
                  Phoenicians: 15
                  Vikings: 15
                  Arabs: 15
                  Byzantines: 10
                  Scots: 5
                  Trojans: 5


                  • Spanish 10
                    Mongols 10
                    Vikings 10
                    Arabs 8
                    Inca 10
                    Turks/Ottomans 8
                    Maya 5
                    Phoenicians/Carthaginians 10
                    Dutch 10
                    Celts 13
                    Hebrew/Israelis 8
                    Portuguese 10
                    Neanderthals 18
                    Polynesians 10
                    Inuit/Eskimos 20


                    • unkle_func,
                      you vote Neanderthals that means that my first vote joke (8 points to them that added them to the list) isn't over yet. I removed my points with the last update, as I thought that I could use them more wisely, and not wasting them on a civ that can't be added due to missing facts. I do support your vote
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • Belgians: 20
                        Mongols: 20
                        Arabs: 20
                        Byzantines: 20
                        Austro-Hungarians: 20
                        Vikings: 20
                        Israelis: 20
                        Phoenicians: 20


                        • Originally posted by MacTBone

                          7 - Inuits (You know, those Alaskan Natives) you can also call them Aleutians I guess
                          Or Eskimos?


                          • Eskimos = Eaters of Men

                            Not very PC, eh? I'll stick to Inuit.
                            12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
                            Stadtluft Macht Frei
                            Killing it is the new killing it
                            Ultima Ratio Regum


                            • Interesting thread...

                              My picks:

                              Celts 20
                              Spanish 20
                              Portuguese 20
                              Inca 20
                              Turks 20
                              Maya 20
                              Ethiopians 20
                              Czech 20


                              • these are my votes:

                                Zimbabwe: 10
                                Carthage: 10
                                Sioux: 10
                                Apache: 10
                                Maya: 10
                                Inca: 10
                                Brazil: 10
                                Arabia: 10
                                Turkish/Ottomans: 10
                                Phoenicia: 10
                                Spanish: 10
                                Dutch: 20
                                Celts: 10
                                Viking: 10
                                Mongolians: 10
                                Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

