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AU302: One City - Strategy, Spoilers and Comments

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  • Hi everybody...

    Well so much for the Roman war distraction. I had managed to get everyone into communism and was slowly falling behind. Now I'm afraid it's gonna be harder as everyone switches back to democracy.

    I managed to grab synthetic fibers first and whored that for some gold. However I spent all my gold a few turns earlier getting computers from friggin' Wang. But I needed to have a shot at finishing SETI first to have a chance at being able to research techs. I tried to sell it around but people just didn't have much money. I took a big hit on that deal. Oh well.

    So now I'm going for recycling. I'm hopefully gonna be able to get rocketry or fission for it. Korea has fission but they aren't sharing yet. I'm kinda worried right now. I dunno. If I don't build the UN I'm afraid there'll be a vote without me and I sure don't want to lose that way.

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    Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

    BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


    • BigDork.......Did U actually pay all that money for the tech........just curious why didnt you steal it?


      • Hi everybody...

        Okay, I don't have to worry about the whole switching back to democracy thing too much. Korea, India and the Celts just joined up against England. That was quick. I don't think Julius' body is even cold yet. This might give me a chance.

        Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

        BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


        • Originally posted by CorpusScorpius
          BigDork.......Did U actually pay all that money for the tech........just curious why didnt you steal it?
          Yeah well, umm, you see, I forgot I could do that. Oh well, not too big a deal. Plus I couldn't risk a war. Korea is my biggest source of income right now.

          Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

          BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


          • Hi everybody...

            Well I stole SETI out from under the Koreans. I did a little investigation and saw they were gonna complete a turn ahead of me. So I switched some of my irrigation to mines and noticed one of the ivory wasn't being mined as well. Just enough. So Wang switched over to the UN instead. Hopefully the vote is a draw.

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            Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

            BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


            • Hi everybody...

              Oh well. Looking back this was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. Dom, thanks for setting it up.

              Also thanks to all of you for not killing me for posting so many times tonight. I just figured I'd do my report as I went.

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              Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

              BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


              • Hi everybody...

                That's all folks!

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                Last edited by BigDork; April 19, 2003, 22:42.
                Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

                BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


                • I have jumped up to Monarch w/ it standard towards the end of the Middle Ages that the AI's jump 4 techs ahead?


                  • Being my first OCC I decided to play on Regent. I also wanted to try for my first Cultural victory.

                    I chose Babylon. I wanted Scientific for tech trading and culture. I also wanted Religious for 1 turn Anarchy and culture.

                    Start – I moved my worker to the hill to reveal my surroundings. I decide to go west and found my capital in the forest. East was my second choice since it has ocean and river access. I chose production over ocean access.

                    Warrior, warrior, temple were my first three builds. I got lucky and popped pottery and another tech while discovering the continent. I built city improvements once available, workers to quickly set up colonies for ivory and dyes, warriors for attacking barbs (and collecting gold) and of course wonders.

                    I made a beeline for Literacy using the Pyramids as a pre-build. At some point I see a city go up across water and the Southern tip. I send my barb patrol warrior in the area to the tip and instruct him to “Yell very loudly across the water”. We make contact with Korea. Next turn India makes contact with me.

                    My next major build is the Oracle and it triggers my GA. I was trying to get Republic 1st but I’m forced to live with a depot GA. During my GA I try to build the Pyramids but lose with 3 turns left. Since I’m not on the water, I have no other Wonders available and lose shields (a lot of them) with my new government funded stadium.
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                    • With the discovery of Iron I’m please to hook up two sources and upgrade my warriors. Groups of 4 swordsmen are sent to the cultural boundary of 3 new Indian cities on my continent. I declare war and level 3 Indian cities in 2 turns. 6 swordsmen are then sent to Korea’s area below the Southern chokepoint. I declare war and level 2 of cities, but leave one alone (it has a harbor and I need trading access). With my continent clear of all but one AI city I sue for peace and collect nicely. Oh yeah, I also got the only leader of the game from this war.

                      I finish Sun’s wonder and use the leader to rush Sistine’s on the next turn. I also build Copernicus, Shakespears, and Leonardo’s to round out the middle ages. I’m also declaring war from time to time to level all of the cities on my continent (except the Korean one with the harbor of course). I also go to 100% science with the discovery of education and keep it there for most of the game thanks to some tech whoring on my part.

                      The industrial age brings me Iron Works, Universal Suffrage, TOE (4 turns from scratch thanks to IW, Factory, and Coal), and Hoover. The now Democratic and peaceful Babylonians finally allow additional cities to be founded on my continent. Trades for oil allow me to build tanks at a one turn pace too. I have a healthy army of infantry, artillery, and tanks. Certainly enough to clean my continent of the AI again.
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                      • The modern era brings me United Nations which is critical to winning. My reputation is trustworthy since I never broke any deals, but all that razing has made everyone furious with me. I also land SETI and start planning an SS strategy when my 1st ever cultural victory arrives.
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                        • To my surprise I really enjoyed OCC. I think given the favorable map conditions Regent was to easy. I might try again on Monarch and turn of Cultural and Diplomatic so I can try for an SS.

                          Here is another screenshot from my resounding victory.
                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by CorpusScorpius
                            I have jumped up to Monarch w/ it standard towards the end of the Middle Ages that the AI's jump 4 techs ahead?
                            Basically (IMHO) the AI's trade with each other quickly.So if two AI's research different techs, you can bet that they all will have them when the research is done. If you don't keep the AI's broke they will definitely fly right by you.

                            I have tried this OCC game 4 times, 3 times Emperor and 1 time Monarch. If you get behind in Tech by more than 5, by the middle of Industrial, GAME OVER!
                            You would need tons and tons of money to catch up.

                            Good luck in your game.


                            • Nice game Jawa,

                              Regarding being a warmonger in OCC, the civ fanatics site has a summary of an interesting game. Basically the game is similar to Jawas where he keeps pruning his opponents, but is unable to keep them completely away. He also used the capture a city in one turn to create an army then disband it in the same turn tactic.

                              Thinking about it, it would be interesting to sue for peace and in the peace deal aquire 3-4 cities and then disband them all, and break the treaty to wipe out the civ.

                              About IW, I didn't know that if the iron and coal disappear before you start building the IW in that city, then you can build it later. I always thought you had to at least start it before you lose one of the resources. But I certainly do know that even if all of them disappear after you start building it, you can finish it in that city.


                              • Badams is right... starting Iron Works requires both resources on the turn you begin.... I should know... my iron depleted right before I had the tech for seeing Coal....

