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AU502 DAR 3: Contact with all other civs

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  • #31
    Rhoth's AU502 DAR 3g

    Demigod level - AU mod

    190bc - The Germans demand my spare incense so I give it to them to keep it off my back. Well worth it since I still had much of my forces committed to the Iroquois war at this point. I capture Tonawanda with one of my GS armies and decide to give peace to the Iroquois. I was pretty beat up by then and I figured that they would start invading my territory once again soon. Out of the peace deal I received engineering and 120 gold. Despite losing their capital and a couple of their main production cities they still wouldn't give up cities or an extra tech.

    170bc - After getting royally screwed over by me, the idiot Iroquois declare war on the Sumerians, who immediately pull the Germans in against the Iroquois. Some units start invading my territory from both sides so I was a little worried for a bit and tried to make sure all my cities were covered just in case.

    130bc - Complete the Forbidden Palace in Salamanca.

    50bc - As part of an Iroquois-Area-Resettlement I built several settlers to fill in the holes that the Iroquois had left in their territory. Burdigala is the first of the cities settled.

    30bc - Yet another galley is lost, this one right as it contacted the Aztecs after several turns in the ocean. One more turn and it would have made to the safety of coast tiles. The Aztecs are a little ahead of me technologically, but won't trade.

    After some pondering of the new tech trade possibilities, I call up Sumeria and give them spices, iron, and 375 gold for monotheism. I then turn around and trad monotheism to the Iroquois for 200 gold and 20gpt, but still can't get feudalism out of anyone yet.

    10bc - Iroquois sign peace with Germany.

    30ad - My first suicide galley finally makes it to safety and I contact the Byzantines. They were still in the ancient age so I gifted them currency hoping they'd get feudalism and trade it to me. But no, they received monotheism. I also negotiate a ROP to keep exploring through their territory for a bit without messing with my reputation.

    70ad - While checking out the Byzantines a few turns later they all of a sudden have feudalism so I figure they must have contact with someone else. I give them engineering and 475 gold to finally get feudalism from someone.

    110ad - Trading possibilities abound. I give 40gpt and 350 gold to the Aztecs for chivalry. I then trade chivalry and 35gpt to Sumeria for theology. I trade theology and chivalry to Germany for invention and 50 gold. Theology goes to the Aztecs for philosophy (a throw-in), 24gpt and 350 gold. And finally I trade theology and chivalry to the Iroquois for the Republic (essentially another throw-in since I intend to be at war a lot in this game) 20gpt and 40 gold. Just like that I received 5 techs and tech parity for what amounts to 27gpt and 10 gold. I love tech trading! The thing about it at the higher levels is that you have to be patient and wait for opportunities. Sometimes they will pass you by, but the AI doesn't always trade every tech they receive around on the first shot which leaves great possibilities...especially if they AI's haven't met each other yet.

    Sometime around this time I also came upon the tip of the Aztec nation with my only suicide galley to make it so far. I decided to send it north to see if there was another civ near the Byzantines and hope that I could get another suicide galley into the south to discover whatever was there. Unfortunately that proved to be a slight mistake since it would be a while before I got another suicide galley into the south...and there wasn't a civ near the Byzantines after all.

    130ad - The French complete Sun Tzu's. The second of my resettlement cities, Cataractonium, is built.

    170ad - The third and final of my resettlement cities, Lapurdum, is built.

    190bc - The Sumerians complete Leonardo's Workshop, a wonder I definitely want to have soon...but they can't really use it since their only upgrades are archers to longbows. They don't have horses or iron (except for the 20 turns of it I gave them earlier) so they can't upgrade too much. They are definitely next on my list.

    But first, I need to make it a potentially one-front war by ridding myself of the Iroquois menace. This means I need to drive them from my continent so that I can concentrate most of my forces on Sumeria. So I declare war on the Iroquois...completely forgetting I had a gpt deal with them Oh well, my rep is shot again for a while.

    210ad - Capture Grand River and 2 workers.

    230ad - The Sumerian sign peace with the Iroquois, but unfortunately not before taking Tyendenaga. They move most of their Iro invasion force back there which means I'll still have a bit of a two-front war when the inevitable war with Sumeria happens.

    I also capture Centralia and St. Regis along with 3 workers and 124 gold.

    250ad - The French complete Knights Templar. I have a hunch they're going to be a tough nut to crack...if I ever meet them.

    260ad - Capture Cattaraugus, 135 gold and a worker and drive the Iroquois off my continent to their three tiny cities on the outlying islands. They refuse to sign peace though.

    340ad - After many turns of cold war with the Iroquois (though they did land a few units on the mainland they didn't last long) they finally sign peace and give me 195 gold, and the cities of Caughnawaga and Kahnawake which gives me a foothold on one of the island finally. I never made any attempt to settle on them and they are now taken over by German and Sumerian cities, along with the last Iroquois city.

    And lo and behold I finally get another suicide galley to survive the crossing. I don't know how many I lost but it was in the neighborhood of ten. I contact France and negotiate a ROP and they give me 55 gold for it. The French have both gunpowder and education so I also check out the trading possibilities again and decide to buy gunpowder from them for 1300 gold. I still haven't done anything more than 10% research in a long while so I've been storing up gold. It's cheaper to buy it than research it right now. I sell gunpowder to Sumeria for education, 10gpt, and 550 gold, and to Germany for ivory and 12 gold (more to keep them from buying it from Sumeria). I then sell education to the Aztecs for 27gpt and 460 gold. In this set of deals I once again made it to tech parity by receiving two techs and also made essentially 450 gold in the deal.

    I check out the saltpeter situation and discover that Sumeria does not have any hooked up which means they don't have any...until I look at Tyendenaga, the city they took from the Iroquois. One source for them. It's not hooked up, but if they get it hooked up then I'll be facing muskets instead of pikes and Enkidus. I start massing my forces near the border with Tyendanaga and the main border.

    360ad - Aztecs complete Sistine Chapel

    390ad - The Inca are destroyed by the Aztecs. I can no longer contact them which means this DAR is finally over.

    to be continued...
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    • #32
      Rhoth's AU502 DAR 3h

      Demigod level - AU mod

      A quick look at the diplo showing that the Sumerians for all their power don't have ANY of the strategic resources yet. And I want to keep it that way!

      Plus they now have a few techs that they didn't have a few turns ago. They will be mine soon.
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      • #33
        Rhoth's AU502 DAR 3i

        Demigod level - AU mod

        And finally a look at my plans for Tyendanaga. The Sumerians have a force outside the city but it is mostly longbows with only a few pikes. I don't know the city complement yet as I haven't investigated it (and probably won't), but I think my force ought to be enough to take it. Even their ancient cavalry don't scare me too much since those are the only quick mover units they have and my Gallic Swordsmen are just as good.

        Along the main border with them I also have 10 musketmen, about 12 knights and several more Gallic Swordsmen. The only area where my military strength is weak is in the southwest Iroquois lands where I only have about 6 Gallic Swordsmen to cover any landing the Sumerians may try from their island cities.

        to be continued in DAR 4...
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        • #34
          After deporting Germans and Iroqis to the Western Islands, I introduced republic and beelined for military tradition. Sumeria had no resources, except for some Iron they got from me during a 20 turn deal, which they used for building some pikemen. Needless to say that my cavallery rolled over them like a hot knife through butter. When the whole continent was mine, including Sun Tzu, Leo's Workshop and Pyramids, all conquered from the Sumerians, I decided to take out the pathetic neigbours before they made contact with the others. You never know if the only oil patch on the map is located in that swamp on the island.

          I had sent some suicide galleys, which found all the others. Only the French were a power to speak of, but they only had about half my score. I was able to take the last Iroqi city right before they made contact with the French, who had settled on a razed site on the same island. I still had "Contact with the Iroqis" on my trading list with France on the same turn, so I think I made it.

          This was 1500 AD and I had just discovered steam power. Swithed to Democracy immidiately after, to rail faster.

          Future plans is to stay in peace and rush for space ship. But you never know...
          So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
          Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


          • #35
            AU Mod - Monarch

            …Continued from DAR 2.

            At this point in time I’ve just finished ‘removing’ the AI’s from the continent. I’m at the stage where I have to decide what victory to pursue.

            1275AD – Bugger, missed out on Bach’s Cathedral to France with just 2 turns to go.
            1285AD – Contact with France. Swapped territory maps, not a bad island they’ve got there. Traded communications until I’ve met everyone, but the rest of us don’t have Nav so no other map trading.
            1325AD – Completed Newtons University in FP city – which also has the Observatory in it. Now pumping out 48 science in this city.
            1340AD – What to research? I think I’ll go for Democracy. The extra corruption bonus plus the workers being able to railroad quickly makes it worth while, especially given the short anarchy period.
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            • #36
              Looks like I’m about 4 techs ahead at this point. Still haven’t decided what victory to take, but tired of war.

              1375AD – Democracy established. Noticeable improvement. Science now at 60% for steam in 5 turns. Decide to go for Science Victory. The wonders are too spread around for cultural, and France for some reason are ahead of me culturally anyway. Diplomatic is possible, but I’ve learnt never to plan for that sort of victory – you never know what is going to happen. So Science it is.

              And in that case, what the heck, lets relocate this palace.

              This is the stage of play before:
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              • #37
                And immediately after:
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                • #38
                  Pretty good actually, less income, but that’s only because the new core needs to grow a bit, and my workers are all focused on this as I type. Give it 20 turns or so and I think I’ll begin to see profit. Production is already better overall, and that’s without the new core absolutely humming.

                  The rest of the game is summarised in DAR 6: End game.


                  • #39
                    DAR 3a – Emperor – Stock Rules

                    In the previous DAR, we had just launched our first invasion – taking on the Iroquois to our south, just after they had completed the Great Wall.

                    Niagra Falls fell easily, and with walls having sprouted up all throughout the Iroquois empire, the decision to march on Salamanca and take the Great Wall was made. Salamanca fell in 50 AD, and in the same year a military great leader emerged from Celtic fighters.

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                    • #40
                      DAR 3b – Emperor – Stock Rules

                      [This post goes just a bit beyond initial contact with all civs]

                      Cattargus, supplying the Iroquois with a source of iron, fell next. And with the Iroquois deprived of horses and iron, all that was left for the Celts was a mop up operation. Brennus went leader fishing and managed to secure a second MGL.

                      In 110 AD, while the fighting raged in Iroquois land, a Celtic curragh discovered the Byzantines. Theodora had managed to unravel the secrets of Writing but not Pottery. I decided one tech trade wouldn’t hurt, and traded Pottery for Writing and 5 gold!

                      By 320 AD the Iroquois had been left with four cities on western islands. Peace was granted in exchange for Math, Philosophy, Code of Laws, Map Making, all their gold, and two cities, one on each island.

                      The Celtic forces immediately formed up on the Sumerian border. Brennus declared war in 350 AD. A third MGL appeared in taking Lagash. Ur, Kish, Bad-Tibira, and Isin soon fell to three GS armies and numerous other GS. By 460 AD the war was complete for all intents – the Sumerians held one city far to the north of Germany, a few cities on the western isles – Brennus had been forced to abandon one island city in the face of a Sumerian assault. The Sumerian conquest handed to the Celts the Pyramids, the Temple of Artemis, the Oracle, the Hanging Gardens, and the Knight’s Templar (completed just before Ur was taken). In 560 AD, with little success at leader fishing, Brennus granted peace for whatever Gilgamesh possessed. The Temple of Artemis was producing loads of culture for the Celts, and its effects would assist in controlling the Celtic continent. The Celtic Forbidden Palace had been built by hand in Niagra Falls.

                      Again the Celtic forces regrouped, and prepared for battle with Germany. The Germans had previously built the Statue of Zeus and so possessed ancient cavalry – a good match for the GS. The Germans had also discovered Feudalism, so pikeman would be found defending some German cities. Brennus pushed on, declaring war on Germany in 590 AD.

                      Although slower than the previous campaigns, the Germans were expelled from the Celtic homeland sometime in the 800s AD. In taking Berlin, the Celts controlled the Statue of Zeus and the Mausoleum of Mausollos.

                      During the wars against Sumeria and Germany, the Celts had constructed markets, libraries, and courthouses across the land. Research was directed along the “southern branch” to avoid making the Temple of Artemis obsolete. Celtic culture boomed, controlled land grew, and the Celtic economy roared ahead. Brennus had his eye set on building Sun Tzu’s, Leonardo’s Workshop, Sistine Chapel, and JS Bach’s Cathedral. Exploring curraghs eventually found the French; they had previously constructed the Great Library, but Brennus knew little of the French empire.

                      In 970 AD the Celt’s abandoned a constitutional Monarchy and formed a Republic. Research was now completed in 4 – 6 turns, and the coming of universities would maintain and increase that pace. Unfortunately, the French upset Brennus’ wonder plans. Although Entremont completed Sun Tzu’s, the French built Sistine Chapel just a few turns before a Celtic city would have done so. Brennus did complete Leo’s, and would be sure to complete JS Bach’s.

                      The Celtic empire in 1000 AD – just after a Celtic curragh had circumnavigated the French lands.

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                      • #41
                        Originally posted by jim_steer
                        At this point I have the weirdest turn in the game so far, I discover the secrets of currency and a mighty SGL 'Maredudd ap Owain' rises from the population of Entremont, his main invention being Guinness, the currency thing being just an after thought, enabling him to easily reep the rewards of his mighty beer.



                        • #42
                          Monarch – Stock Rules

                          After a successful REX the Celtic empire is running out of space. The Celts had formed a Monarchy and practically abandoned all efforts to research new technologies. Barrack were built all over the empire and GS were beginning to flow from the new barracks about every 5-6 turns. The Celts proved they could expand peacefully as quick as any other civilization, however they were about to show the world they could expand even quicker than that.

                          The expanding army was starting to hurt the economy as 7 GS patrolled the Northern border. However these 7 were not nearly as significant as the 23 that had taken position on the Southern border. In 10 AD the Celtics new plan OWMEX (overwhelming military expansion) began. The Celtic Empire entered a Golden Age as 3 cities were liberated by the powerful GS army in the opening move of the war.

                          The Iroquois launch a counter attack against some injured GS with their feared MW, (which I take as a sign of weakness, don’t those wimps want their cities back?) and start their Golden Age too. The 2nd turn of the campaign gains two more cites but also takes the momentum away from the charging GS as most of the battle hardened men now require some rest. Turns 3 and 4 are nothing but fighting off some weak counter attacks as the GS forces rest and wait for reinforcements (which are now coming every 2-3 turns, in fact there are so many GS being made now that I have my Northern Cities hold their GS to increase my Northern Border Patrol). Turn 5 is about regaining the momentum and the Celtics do this by taking 2 more cities including the capital.

                          The Iroquois can see the writing on the wall and launch plan B, which consists of running and asking someone else for help. My Navy (okay my single currack) that is exploring the Islands to the West reports that the Iroquois have founded a city on the Southern Island and that the Germans (My next victims, I mean Allies) have founded a city on the Northern Island. This is great news! Now instead of a trimming back operation the War will be more of a pushing off the Continent operation. Turns 6 and 7 are just that. The Iroquois are cut down to one Island city (in a Golden Age) and accept peace for all of their gold and technology.

                          Meanwhile, all was quiet on the Northern Front. Sumeria was content to sit back and grow culture by building Wonders during my war. Germany however decided that since I had the Iroquois down to about 5 cities, a Golden Age that was making GS quicker than I could lose them, and culture that was even a hair better than Sumeria I was a target ripe for the picking. Naturally they attacked me in the only spot they could reach, which was a stack of 7 GS on a hill within striking distance of Frankfurt.

                          I’m not sure what terrified those GS more on that day. Was it the swordman who wounded a GS and made him run off, or the archer who took a health point from another GS? Well I was shocked. Germany’s entire opening move consisted of 2 units committing suicide and here I was content to fight off any attackers until my Southern Front had been cleared. I decide to change plans and I attack Frankfurt. I lose 2 GS, have 3 more wounded ones finish their battles outside the city, and manage to get the last GS into Frankfurt with heavy damage. I know I’ll lose Frankfurt on the next turn, but I’m happy with taking it in the 1st place. Beside I’ll have some serious reinforcements heading North in a couple of turns.

                          Germany’s counter attack never happens. They are so pathetic they don’t even have units in range of Frankfurt. For the next 5 or so turns I just hang out in Frankfurt killing everything blue and waiting for the Southern army to arrive. When I get to about 25 units I form 3 stacks and head North from Frankfurt. The biggest stack takes Berlin and also produces the 1st MGL which is quickly turned into a GS Army. A 2nd MGL is quickly spawned after that and travels South to the former Iroquois lands to rush the FP. Soon afterwards my GA ends, but not in time to help Germany. Within 5 turns of my GA ending German is completely relocated to the Northern Island.

                          With the end of the War comes a peaceful period. All cities are given orders to build improvements. The core works on marketplaces for the economy, which is quite poor due to the large numbers of GS. Newly captured cities build temples to grow our borders. And GS swordmen everywhere heal and then relocate to Sumerian borders.

                          As the city improvements are completed the build orders are returned to GS for any city that can build one in 7 turns or less. Soon (about 20 turns after the end of the last war) I have about 40 GS in 3 stacks ready to take down Sumeria. Sumeria puts up a great fight but they cannot hold back the never ending supply of GS. In about ten turns the Sumerians are wiped off the Celtic Continent and accept peace for their Northern Island city leaving them 2 Southern Island cities. I’m quite happy with the Wonder building effort Sumeria made because now I have; The Pyramids, The Hanging Gardens, The Temple of Atrius, The Great Library, and The Great lighthouse.

                          The Great Lighthouse is the big prize for me. I set 7 cities to Galleys to go look for everyone else (My Navy is still one currack at this point). It doesn’t take long to find France, then the Inca, and Atzecs. The Great Library is not given me any techs and a little diplomacy reveals that instead of being way behind in the tech race, I’m actually the tech leader. I discover the Byzantines a few turns latter and a few turns after that I remember to take a screen shot.

                          Future Plans.
                          1) Take the Western Islands
                          2) Attack France (which thanks to the GL I can due without Astronomy, however my 4 armies are going to be stuck on Celticia until then).
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                          • #43
                            Great game JJ......I expect no less than a domination victory by the next report!!
                            So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
                            Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

                            Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


                            • #44
                              Emperor - AU Mod

                              710 - Mathematics discovered, science to zero.
                              650 - declare war on Hiawatha. Germans ally against Iroquois and give 64 gold for Mathematics. Sumerians ally against Iroquois and give 1 gold for Mathematics.
                              610 - Gallic Swordsman wins, GA starts.
                              550 - Salamanca completes the Hanging Gardens.
                              510 - Germans complete the Statue of Zeus.
                              410 - Germans declare peace with Iroquois. Sumerians build Great Lighthouse in Kish.
                              350 - The Republic, Construction, and Philosophy from GLib. Gift Republic to Sumeria. Sumeria signs peace with Iroquois.
                              330 - Iroquois give Akwesasne and 3 gold for peace.
                              270 - I kill 6 archers the Sumerians have fortified on our mutual border. The Germans sign up as allies for 16 gpt. The Iroquois sign up as allies for 13 gpt.
                              230 - Ur completes the Museum of Marsollos.
                              210 - Kish conquered. Golden age ends .
                              150 - GLib gives Currency. Ur conquered.
                              130 - Incans build the Great Wall in Cuzco.
                              110 - Some Iroquois swordsmen are stepping off the path to Sumeria - preparing a backstab? I rushbuild some GS just in case.
                              90 - MGL generated during capture of Ision . He recruits an army in Ur.
                              70 - Germans sign peace treaty with Sumeria.
                              30 - Ur flips back to Sumeria, is recaptured.
                              AD 50 - Iroquois sign peace treaty with Sumeria.
                              70 - Sumerians (now reduced to one city) pay 6 gold for peace, but won't part with Monotheism.
                              90 - Feudalism (finally! Germans have had it for a while, but wouldn't trade it to anyone) from GLib. 36 turns left when I switch my palace prebuild to Sun Tzu. Revolt.
                              110 - Pink borders spotted to the south by suicide galley. Shoreline also spotted to the northeast.
                              130 - Feudalism established. Southern galley sinks, two northeastern galleys survive. I attack Frankfurt to start war with Germany; Iroquois sign on for Dyes and 17 gpt.
                              170 - Monotheismm from GLib. Red borders found to the northeast. Another suicide galley contacts the French to the south; they lack Republic, Monotheism, and Feudalism.
                              190 - Byzantines contacted. They lack Philosophy, Map Making, and Construction! Looks like I'll have to do my own research. Turn science back on, goal is Astronomy: Theology in 9 turns. I will expire the GLib, but I need caravels to cross safely to the other continent.
                              230 - Germans propose peace, I refuse. They then proceed to kill my army in Hamburg .
                              250 - And, in an unbelievable stroke of timing, another leader arises near Hamburg to take his place .
                              260 - Iroquois sign an ROP (I want their swordsmen to arrive at the front with Germany more quickly).
                              290 - Aztecs contacted, they lack Monotheism and Feudalism.
                              310 - Incas conatacted, they lack Monotheism. France now has all techs; time for some whoring. Byzantines give 10g (all she has!) for Construction. Aztecs give 98 gold for Monotheism and Feudalism. Incas give 5 gold and 11 gpt for Monotheism.
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                              • #45
                                I am the Emperor!

                                My first game on Emperor, and things are looking good!
                                What do you think about this for progress. Using stock rules.

                                Ive now become the most powerful nation (1060ad) after lagging behind in everything in the ancient era.

                                I now command a tech lead, own all of the medievil age wonders (so far researched), have destroyed the Sumerians & Iroquois and have ... wait for it ... just taken Paris!

                                I had decided in my infiniate wisdom to spare the Germans for a short time while i concentrate my attacks abroard. I do however have a force amassing ready to strike when i decide that i want their land.

                                I have a good feeling about this game. Has anyone else made a sucessful attack on another continent early on in the game?

