This is the third DAR thread for AU502: Celtic Power. Post here once you've contacted all the other civs in the game.
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AU502 DAR 3: Contact with all other civs
AU502 Dar 1 - Emperor - AU Mod - 440AD
This DAR is a tale of stupidity and luck, both good and bad!
After finishing the majority of my rexing in the previous DAR, my heart now turned dark and the blood lust decended upon me. After building up a mini-army of 5 Gallic Swordsmen (GS), German Archer incursions finally pissed me off enough to justify war between our states.
The war started off well with the fall of Hamburgh on the first turn followed by the eradication of said trespasing archers. Then disaster struck as several exploring German archers emerged from the Iroquois territory to threaten my v.lightly defended southern cities. The spearmen of Gergovia put up a valiant resistance destroying one German archer before being overwhelmed by the Germanic horde. Driven into a rage by the news of the capture of Gergovia my GS's raged through the German countyside razing Germany 2 cities to the ground and destroying most of the Germany field army, it would seem that Germany was doomed.
Luckly for the Germans, some earth shattering news arrived from Sumeria, Ur had finished building The Statue of Zeus. I suddenly had a nightmarish premonition, hordes of Ancient Cavalry surging south into my lands, my GS unable to hold ground or retreat and my cities burning. This combined with the unexpected arrival of several Germanic swordsmen was enough to convince me to pull my GS's back from the gates of Berlin and refocus my war effort against the evil Sumerians.
Peace was negotiated with the Germans resulting in me gaining the German city of Munich, 2 workers and all his cash. I would have prefered to get Gergovia back but supposedly the Bismarck was so taken with its 'Jungle Chic' he would not part with it.
My Golden Age fueled core was pumping out GS's nicely by this point, Entremont was a frenetic powerhouse pumping out one GS every 2 turns at its peak. This had alowed me to have produced somewhere in the region of 15-20 GS with which to lay waste to Sumeria.
I decided on a twin pronged attack on Sumeria with my GS's returning from the German campain attacking Bad-Tibira while my main attack force would strike at Lagash. I also decided to enlist my former enemy against Sumeria. The Bismarck it seemed was pissed with Sumeria for sending vast numbers of settler pairs though his territory and colonizing the frigid wasteland that was northern Germany, while the Bismarck was otherwise distracted fighting me. A quick bribe of codes of law and he was mad for Sumerian blood.
The initial attack went like a dream with only the occasional oddly invincible 1HP Enkidu Warrior throwing a small spanner in the works. Bad-tibira and Langash fell with the loss of only 3 GS too those odd EW's. The counter attacking Archers were then eradicated like the vermin they were, it would appear that Sumeria doesn't have iron. Agade swiftly went the way of Lagash and fell to the now combined SOD and thus cutting Sumeria's Ivory supply and providing a perfect springboard with which to attack Ur.
It was now that the fates become increasingly involved in my story. My initial attack on Ur failed bloodily with many GS's falling to Ur's SOD (~15) of EW defenders it would seem that Gilgamesh doesn't want to give up The Status of Zeus easily. Humilliated I pulled my surivors back to Agade to heal and send my reinforcements on a face saving attack on Sumer, Thus grabing the Dyes and keeping my burgeoning population happy.
At this point I have the weirdest turn in the game so far, I discover the secrets of currency and a mighty SGL 'Maredudd ap Owain' rises from the population of Entremont, his main invention being Guinness, the currency thing being just an after thought, enabling him to easily reep the rewards of his mighty beer.
As a counter point to this boon Agade flips back to the Sumerians taking a good portion of my healing army with it (~10 GS) and thus pretty much ending my hopes of taking Ur with in the next 20 turns. Driven to madness by the senseless loss of all those GS I use Maredudd ap Owain to build the Great Library forgetting that I could have build the Great Lighthouse and thus have a much better chance at finding the other Civ's. My madness heighted by my rage when the Sumerian city of Kish builds the Great Lighthouse causes me to throw most of my remaining GS's blindly at the walls of Ur and thus lose a good few of them. Fortunately the suvivors of my stupidity manage to overcome the defenders of Agade and thus buying themselves somewhere to heal while they watch me starve the treacherous Agadians into submission.
At this point my madness and rage lifts and I begin to take stock I have maybe 10 GS left which is easily enough to contain the remaining Sumerian Forces. My golden age is now well over but my core is still pumping out GS at a resonable enough rate for me to continue the offensive quite soon. The technological boon from the Great library pushes me on into the middle ages which takes the sting out of my failure to build the Great Lighthouse. Hiawatha it seems is just happy to sit at home taking the odd bribe from me to stay out of the war, but otherwise just trading tech with the Germans and the evil Sumerians and thus gifting it to me.
The war against Sumeria now descends into a boring stalemate with Gilgamesh sending 1-2 Archers a turn at me and me contemptuously beating them to death with my GS. Unfortunately Guinness seems to be having an adverse effect on my troops and I only gain 3 elites from these exchanges. This Stalemate is ended by the generation of a MGL from one of my Elite GS and the subsequent creation of a 3 GS Army
This Army backed up by the new reinforcements from my core quicky puts pay to the Sumerian Cities of Umma and Erech (I love blitzing armies). Sumerian is down to two core cities both of which have wonders in them and are unbelivably well defended. I have a crack a Ur again first and watch in unbelivingly terror as one Elite Enkidu Warrior takes my army down to 1HP. Spooked I fall back to Agade while my GS pillage the crap out of Sumeria in atempt to starve the 2 cities under 12 population (now I rue my stupidity in not building any cats). Once my army is healed I re-attack Ur, determined to finish this war once and for all, at any cost. My army takes a battering again but this time I write this off as the price I must pay to the fates and attack with the rest of my SOD. I am rewarded for my temerity by watching 12 EW's die with the loss of only 3 GS, thus the mighty City of Ur falls to my last GS, whom then defeats 2 counter attacking Archers single handedly. If it was not for the presence of the Statue of Zeus, I would now raise Ur as a warning to any city that dares oppose my forces again. Obviously disheartened by the fall of Ur the defenders or Kish are routed by my SOD 3 turns later.
Blimey that was one epic war.
Weary of war and falling quickly behind in development terms to the Iroquois, I sue for peace with the Sumerians assuming they are no longer a threat with one tundra bound city on the far side of the Germanic lands.
I now set about a rapid redevelopment of my core cities and strip some of the larger (size 12) cities of population to help with my now chronic happiness issues. I use these new settlers to colonize the large island to the west of my lands in the assumption that rubber is going to be found in that pestilent dump of march and jungle. I also embark on a new ship building drive hoping that my now Great lighthouse backed galleys will have more luck crossing the straights to what I am soon to know is France. I lost all my original curraghs there after the first one got far enough to see the French border
At this point I again notice how extremely stupid I am, after wondering how come my cities can build temples super quick I notice that the celts are religious. I had it in my mind for some reason that they were Agr, Mil not Agr, Rel. I have been putting off changing out of despotism for god knows how long so I wouldn't lose 8 turns of wartime production when in fact I could have made the change in 2
I change goverment in 2 turns to Republic, this coupled with the completion of my FP alows me to develop very quickly.
The rest of this DAR is mainly building and exploring. The French straights are crossed with comparitive easy this time many contacts are quickly gained. The only remaining interesting points coming about 2 turns before I get contact with the Byzantines, the last Civ I need.
Ur flips back to the Sumerian, I immediately reconquer it. This event causes me to consider launching a new army building faze, it is about time I owned this continent (Sumeria will die what ever). I complete Knights Templar in Entremont to aid this cause.
Christ didn't realised I had writen so much, to tired to edit much or make many screenshots, bed time.
The Celtic world 440ADLast edited by jim_steer; March 21, 2004, 20:34.
Quick Notes:
850 - Currency discovered
-Currency to Sumeria for HBR, Myst, and 13g
-Research set to Poly
690 - Iro build GL... they make themselves Target #1
670 - Germans build Statue of Zeus...
500 - Poly discovered
530 - Demand Iro leave, they declare war, as planned
530 - GA entered
490 - Nigara Falls captured
390 - Allegheny captured
350 - Sumerians build Collosus
290 - Centralia captured
290 - Salamanca, GL captured
270 - Towanda destroyed
230 - Great Leader generated!
-Army created, 3 Celtic Swords
210 - Akwesane captured
190 - Second great leader!
170 - 2nd Army built. Oil Springs captured
130 - Tydenaga captured
10 AD - catarugus captured
30 - Sumeria gets war declared on
-Umma captured, Great Wall too!
110 - Mauch Chuk captured
150 - Grand River captured; peace with Iro
190 - Erech captured
230 - Zabalam captured
250 - Great leader #3!!
290 - Lagash captured
320 - Germans declare war on us...
340 - Iro declare war...
370 - Isin and a hojillion workers captured
390 - Sumerians captured Grand River (whoops)
420 - Grand River taken backPeace with Germany for 100g
450 - Lose an army assaulting Ur
460 - Ur taken finally
490 - Ur flips. No surprise there
500 - St. Regis taken; peace with Iro
530 - Sumer taken; Sun Tzu's also
560 - Education cancels the GL. Ah well... back to research...
-Bad-Tibra captured
580 - Agade and the Great Lit. taken
620 - Kish and the Collossus captured; Peace with Sumeria and 3 cities, 68g
650 - Caractacus used to rush FP in Ur
770 - Chemistry, Dyes, 150g to Sumeria for Astro
880 - Contact with Inca
-Astro to Inca for Contact with Byz, 100g
-PP to Byz for contact with French, 20g
-Edu to Byz for Contact with Azt, 7g
-PP to Aztec for 2gpt, 20g
Highlights: The warmonger is onIroquois and Sumerians dealt with in due turn, giving me several nice wonders and plenty of land to boot. I'll post some pics and more detail soon, and you can follow what happens to the Germans in the next bit
The situation heading into the industrial era is satisfactory. The map shows that the Iroquois and the Sumerians, who have few resources, are on the ropes. Sistine and Bachs are close for the taking. We have a small tech lead and will likely lose only a bit to the scientific civs at the turn. We are number one in pop and will soon be number in land.
We used a despotic golden age.
We built only libraries and markets, along with happiness buildings.
Pure warmonger.
Since we appear to have the only horses on the continent and we've now traded for 7 lux, we think even the Irish can win this one.Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Emperor - stock C3C
When last we sat down for a chat, I had just finished a little spat with Hiawatha, and had reached a peace accord with techs to compensate - and my spices back. Seeing as we were surrounded on all sides, I concluded that we would have to .... 'annex' any future lands, so we Celts dug in and started preparing a grand army of swords with which to teach the Iroquois a lesson.
In 330 BC, Salamanca built the Temple of Artemis, and Berlin buit the Mausoleum of Mauselos. Shortly after Germany built an embassy in my capital and I decide maybe that would be a good idea myself to the other civs. Only 2 spears in Salamanca??
In 190, I am told a people called the 'Aztecs' built the Great wall in 'Tenochtitlan' builds GW. Monetzuma who?We consider heading into Iroquis territorry with only 10 swords, but cooler heads prevail and we wait for more to be trained, and a band of Gallic Swords 16 divisions strong sets off to the south in 30BC. On the way, in 10 BC, we tell his wandering units to get the hell of our land or else!
......He chose poorly and picked 'Or else!'
The very same year our armies proudly march in to Mauch Chunk, razing it to the ground in vengance for the lost of Verulanium, also triggering the Golden Age of our people! (Yes, a despotic GA. Quit hyperventilating over there.) A quick timeline of the war (italics is for non-military important events):
50 AD Centralia captured, the Iroquois counter attack triggers their own Golden age.
90 AD Niagara Falls...falls
110 AD Mathematics + 175g traded to Germany for Map Making
130 AD Eboracum built near the ruins of Mauch Chunk; paid a bribe of 72gto Germany because I don't need a 2 front warThose mythical 'Aztecs' build the Great Lighthouse in Tlateloco
150 AD Salamanca -and- the ToA captured. We also now control their source of horses. No more Mounted Warriors for you! Payback's a b***h, and her name is Bodiacea ^^
170 AD Fat lot of good that bribe did - Germany tuns on me, signing an alliance with the Iroquois. Hmph. That's ok, I'll just buy off some Enkidu Warriors for them to chew on(15gpt +
150g vs both Germany and Iroqouis) Advancing units of the second wave pillaged Iroqouis iron too. No swords or pikes for j00, either!The mythical 'Aztecs' have also built the Hanging Gardens, allegedly. Note to self : less beer for advisors...
190 AD Whooohooo!An Elite Sword picks off an approaching Iroquois sword for our first GL - can you say Gallic Sword army?
230 AD Grand River captured
260 AD first galley comes off the slip at Gerogovia
280 AD Finally done with Monarchy! Econ to 3.6.1 and Literature in 8 turns. 2nd galley off the slip at Eboracum. St. Regis razed
300 ADAllegheny captured
310 ADAwakasane captured
320 ADSumeria builds the Statue of Zeus! .....Here's hoping my alliance runs out soon ^^
330 ADSumeria and Iroquois sign a peace. The Celtic Golden Age is over. DratOho! Our sharp-eyed army spots an Aztec galley of the coast!
Note to self: Increase advisor beer ration. Wasn't the alcohol after all...
340 ADTonawanda and Cattaraugus captured.
350 AD One slip of the finger and poof goes the galley to the West. No matter; I'll build moreJust one Iroquois city to go before I sue for peace & techs, leaving them with just Kahnawake on the east coast in jungle/hill/mts.
360 ADLiterature done. I drop to zero temporaily so I can pick after deal with the Iroquois. Oil Springs falls and we deal. Not as good as I would've liked but doable. And springs me into the Middle Agess(peace + Construction + Currency + code of Laws + 30g for peace + lit)
No time like the present to form a monarchy while I shuffle units around to prepare to attack Germany or Sumeria. I'm apparently only behind by republic and feudalism to the Aztecs and Iroquois.Borrowing a page from the demo game I use some scientists to keep a bit of research going the next few turns, luckily only 2 thanks to the devoutness of our empire. In 380 AD, we form a monarchy, with I, Bodiacea proclaimed Queen!
(Who's this Brennus chap you guys keep talking about??
Oooooh, sneaky! Iroquois had some cites on the West Isle - no wonder they didn't want to give in easy in the peace settlement.Ooops! I forgot to adjust sliders, et al last turn. *fiddles* Ok back on track, 3.6.1 and 18 to feud. Pop out a couple of settler for a gap or two and it's after Sumeria we go. And our western explorer confirms it's West Isles, as in more than one
In 510 AD our 35 GS division strong stack of Celtic death leaves Richborough for LagashIn the west our suicide runner has spotted another civilization's border! Please oh please let that galley survive another turn!
520 rolls around and our army overwhelms the defenses of Lagash to capture the Statue of Zeus! Our galley is blessed by the gods and comes to rest in the shallow waters off the Incan coast. I rechristen it the 'Luck be a Lady'
With such a large (and successful!) army, I switch to libraries in the core to help bring our lagging tech rate up. In 530, we discover Feudalism and I eye the tech tree in thought, deciding to follow the lower branch to Cavalry.
In 540 AD, we complete the Heroic Epic in Entremont; as the Sumerian cities fall like dominoes (and I get GL #2 from Kish!), I upgrade the defenses in the core to pikes with cash, and btw, I've been running with only one defender/ mp in my cities the whole time. It's worked a charm at keeping cost down, what with the luxuries I've acquired in the wars keeping happiness up
570 AD. rrrr.I hate it when this happens - Ur culture flipped back to Sumeria; luckily I only lost 3 GS that were healing up to it. I can thank the ToA for preventing any incidents before now
Signed an RoP with Aztec so the LL galley can move about over there. Oh well, got a 3rd GL from the fall of Umma anyway
In 590, we discover the -very- backward Byzantine empire, and would have sold them some tech, but alas they had no money or tech to trade... A few years later in 640, the Inca build Sun Tzu's Art of War in Cuzco, followed the next year by another nation caleed 'France' building Leonardo's Workshop, and the Aztecs completing the Knights Templar in Tenochtitlan.We advance to Engineering the next turn, as our armies turn their might toward Germany who we have been at a state of war with for -centuries-. As we move towrd Berlin, a fourth GL is generated - my daughter Bodiacea the Second, in a vailant defensive manuver to save a wounded Ancient Cavalry
(So the GL on defense -is- for real?? Wow.
) We trade Engineering + 30g to the Iroquois for Invention. Hiawatha may hate me, but he knows a deal whan he sees one ^^ 780, and Berlin falls to us, adding the Mauseloeum to our colelction of wonders.
And this is something that's really getting on my nerves now! Rrrrrrrrrr. >_< Two turns after taking Berlin, it flipped back! Yet again I am saved by my will to advance rapidly and only lose a few healing GS's. But it still ticks me off - this is just like the problem I had in a game with an India wonder city ina game a few weeks ago. Very, very vexing. Anyway we keep moving and re-capture Berlin along with Koningsberg. Another trade with the Iroquois nets us Theology for Invention + 76g - Aztec and Inca have Chivalry and GUnpoweder, but won't trade except for big $$$. Not a huge problem, I'm only 10 away from GP, and close to this war's end and a switch to RepublicI love how the AI keeps too many settlers milling about even when it can't settle - between Iroquois, Germany and Sumeria, I
only have 10 native workers and 52 slave workers...
In 900 AD our scientists finally get the formula of Gunpowder perfected, and we have 2 sources - one near home and one in the old German landsMy orignal Iron source putters out, but I have 3 to spare...
We temporarily reopen war status with Sumeria to kick their remaining city off Celtia, and finally as we cruise in the waters on the west side of the Incan continent we finally meet the French
Up next for the Celts: One last German city to knock over, some consolidation and city improvement (and maybe a FP in old Iroq lands?) a switch to Republic and the building of a small fleet and some cavalry to take the Isles of Avalon (western isles). Maybe some action against Byzantium after we acquire Navigation; I don't want to risk units that way and at last that isle int he NE will be safe until then (I hope...)But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
Brennus is pleased to see his brand-new gallic swordsmen gather around in Lugdunum. Time for revenge! Foreign minister reports that our RoP with German will soon expire, that will be perfect time to strike.
Not everything is on plan, though. Sumeria finishes the Great Library in 270BC, which seriously messes the construction site in Entremont. Cultural minister is informed that Iroquois has changed its building plan to the Great Wall, which means they've learned technology of complicated Construction. That leaves Brennus hard choices: Wasting our effort in Entremont, or trade Curency for Construction, therefore sending both Iroquois and Sumeria into middle age. Brennus chooses the latter. And of course, Brennus convinces Sumeria to offer their dyes in price of Construction knowledge.
In 210BC, right after the expiration of RoP with German, Celts' revenge is unleashed. Heidelburg is the first German city that is liberated by mighty gallic swordsmen. Analysts says our great civilization has entered a golden age!
Entremont completes its work on the Great Wall in 190BC. Germany builds the Great Lighthouse in Hamburg in the same year. "Aha, a nice gift." considered Brennus.
Berlin falls in 170BC, followed by Hamburg in 90BC, Leipzig and Munich in 30BC, and Konigsburg and Frankfort in 70AD. Once core of Germany now is part of Celts kingdom. Ivory near Leipzig is quickly brought back to Entremont and the Statue of Zeus is completed in 150AD.
In the light of well progressing military action, the inner cities of Celts kingdom concentrate on economic building. At the same time our RoP with Sumeria has also expired. Seeing them as the next target, Brennus refuse to renew the agreement. Those two combined means that the front line will not recieve many reinforcement in near future. It turns out very risky. In siege of Cologne, which, due to several settler convoys inside, appears heavy fortified, near all of our attacking force vanishes. Fortunately, Colonel Vercingetorix leading his division finally crushes German resistance, thus promoted General and assign to lead our first gallic swordsman army! After a few years' regrouping, in 290AD, Nuremberg, the last German town is conquered. Germany is history! "That is the fate those who wronged Celts." roared Brennus at the celebration of victory.
Meanwhile, aided by the Great Lighthouse, Celts' galley fleet found the westmost point of western island and venture into further west, hoping find the new world. Many galleys lose on the trip, but they bring back evidents that the new world do exists. Finally in 330AD, one and the only one galley reaches a new countinent, people there called themselves Aztecs. "Well met, our new friends."
Sumeria publishes Sun Tzu's Art of War in 350AD, which is a perfect pretext for war. Brennus kicks Sumerian ambassador out of Entremont and tells them prepare for war in 370AD. Resistance, however, is unexpected strong. "So many Enkidus!" The first strike team of about 10 gallic swordsmen / ancient cavalry failed in taking over Lagash, and subjects heavy casualties in counter attack. Brennus fires his military minister, orders a retreat. During the retreat, Sergeant Orgetorix leads his already weaken squad of ancient cavalry tears apart an pursuing Sumeria archer, which regains the morale of whole team, thus promoted general and is assign to lead an ancient cavalry army.
Good news returns from the galley "Discovery" in 390AD too. They have met Incan, trading our theory of Monotheism for their Engineering experiences. 10 years later, they reaches French territory.
In 400AD, Celtic people invent the technology of Printing Press. Science minister asks what's the next, but Brennus tells him, "No need to research now, our Sumeria 'friend' will teach us everything."
In following years mighty Celtic military sweeps around whole Sumeria. By 610AD, all Sumeria cities on mainland but Ur have been captured, and Ur's surronding land has got pillaged. Sumeria accept peace for their two remaining island cities and a handful gold-per-turn. Though they still grab Sistine Chapel in 570AD. "Fine. Sooner or later it will be ours." sighed Brennus. Iroquois builds Leonardo's Workshop in 560AD.
In one of RoP renewal with Incan in 590AD, they offer us contact with Byzantine. By the time Aztec-Inca war has broken out for a while, it seems Incan is the inferior one. France is a peaceful advanced nation, while Byzantine is even more backward than us. Iroquois is advanced and powerful, but Brennus is sure that won't last long.
In next DAR we'll see marvelous "the Great Library Catapult". Stay tuned.
AU502 – DAR3 Contact with all Civs, part 1
Demigod level, AU Mod
We continue the narrative, having just completed our first GS signaling the beginning of the first serious Celtic military build-up. This by chance coincided with the completion of the REXing phase, as the map was essentially filled in and the borders well defined, with the Iroquois to the south, Germany to the NW and Sumeria to the NE.
And now, the action….
470BC: Town of Revolver established on the eastern coast, squeezing in between a Sumerian town and the coastline. After some re-arranging of MP, luxury slider brought down to 10% and research increased – Monarchy now in 20.
450BC: Sumerians again lose the town of Allegheny back to the Iroquois, which regains its culture. But in the interim, the nearby Celtic town of Foxtrot with its Temple has overtaken Allegheny in culture and the adjacent Dyes tile is now on Brennus’ lands. Further rejoicing ensues and Brennus can now re-colour his facial tattoo. That should bring the Irish lasses flocking to his tent!
410BC: Sumerian and Iroquois MI are marching through Celtic lands. Brennus’ pride takes a beating and he can’t face his advisors. "Oh, they will pay, mark my words”, he is overheard muttering to himself.
390BC: Now the Germans are sending MI south through Celtic lands to attack the Iroquois. Brennus is feeling extremely nervous, though GS are steadily being developed.
310BC: Iroquois and German troops slug it out right next to the Celtic capital of Aqualung!
290BC: The huge numbers of foreign troops on Celtic soil is affecting the ability of workers to get to their assigned job locations. Brennus’ court officials deride him behind his back for his weakness. This is a difficult period for Brennus’ despotic rule, as he awaits word from his messengers on different styles of governments in vogue around the world.
Spices freed from the Sumerian trade. The Iron will keep that untrustworthy Gilgamesh loyal for the time being, so Brennus resolves to trade the Spices to Germany plus 3pgt for Horseback Riding and a few coins. Bismarck is now polite, which was the main intention of the trade. Brennus feels confident enough in his relationships with the northern tribes to start concentrating his forces in the south. Brennus is pleased with his strategy of keeping Sumeria and Germany happy with Iron and Spice trades, while they conveniently take care of Hiawatha (though looking at the power graph it would seem Hiawatha is faring better than Gilgamesh in this war).
The Iroquois are now pushing the fight north into our territory. This has been an interesting war to watch, with neither side seemingly able to gain the ascendancy. The result of course, is the strengthening of the one civ remaining at peace. Hey, that’s us!!!!
Now that there are loads of Germans and Sumerians in Celtic territory, Brennus is strongly considering erecting a wall of infantry to trap them between their homelands and the advancing Iroquois units. A rough count reveals about 40 foreign troops inside Celtic borders! Take a look:So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS
AU502 – DAR3 Contact with all Civs, part 2
Demigod level, AU Mod
190BC: Germany and Iroquois sign a peace treaty. Not a good sign. Let’s hope Gilgamesh keeps fighting.
170BC: Ur completes Sistine Chapel, Brennus’ favourite Wonder.
“Ur is not too far from our borders”, notes Brennus to his adjutant, with a sly glint in his eye.
“Send our loyal friend and ally Gilgamesh our heartiest congratulations in recognition of his civilisation’s skill and enduring artistic and engineering feats”, Brennus warmly tells the messenger. “Meanwhile, we would be honoured to continue our contribution to your war effort against the barbaric Iroquois by sending you strong smelted Celtic Iron in return for your wise men teaching us Literature and Map Making. And please also tell dear brother Gilgamesh that we will join him in his righteous war against the evil Hiawatha, errr…..soon-ish”
Meanwhile, Brennus derides his backward people at the annual science festival. “We must improve our research” he tells the council of un-wise men. Libraries hit the Celtic build queues.
150BC: German troops continue their withdrawal across Celtic lands, leaving a trail of half-eaten sausages and the stench of stale-beer. The following months reveal large numbers of spontaneously pregnant Irish girls. Brennus is not amused.
“Find me a religion – one that champions the virtues of chaste womenfolk and celibate clerics”, Brennus demands of his spiritual advisor. He is clearly a man ahead of his time. “But what will the priests do for fun”, asks the advisor? “They can do what they want as long as they don’t do it with our young girls” came the reply. And so was born the seed for a new religion that was to become Catholicism. Unfortunately, the saviour hadn’t been born yet! Yes, Brennus was far ahead of his time!
90BC: First Galley and new Settler completed to send to the Horse resource on the uninhabited western isle. Revolution ensues. “Don’t the people like Horsemeat?”, Brennus asks his adjutant. “Noble sire, Horses are for riding, not eating”, comes the weary reply. Brennus mentally congratulates himself on choosing such a wise assistant.
Gilgamesh’s herald has delivered Brennus’ message to his leader, who is impressed and offers the Celts an alliance against the Iroquois with an RoP. Brennus declines the presumptuous request. “The cheek of that man! Builds a bloody oversized chapel and suddenly he thinks he’s God! Hmm, how are you going on that new religion by the way?”
50BC: The coronation of King Brennus of the Celts is celebrated in the glorious capital of Aqualung (still without a convincing religion, or a chapel for that matter). The High Council of Nobles meets for the first time, and demands more lands. They have heard of faraway nations implementing a new idea called Feudalism, and they wish to learn those secrets. Brennus realizes he must find new lands for the Lords in order to retain their loyalty.
Military armament continues, while Brennus casts his eye towards the fertile lands of Hiawatha. Soon he will pay for the pointless war of aggression he waged so many years ago. A Celtic King does not forget the humiliation of extortion. The time for vengeance draws near.
Brennus addresses the High Council of Nobles: “My Lords and brethren, in a few hundred short years our brave Gallic Swordsmen shall be numerous and strong enough to exact our revenge from Hiawatha, that scurrilous barbarian who dared to spill blood on our hallowed soil”. The Nobles glanced knowingly at each other, and the tired old adjutant addressed the mighty King Brennus, knowing that one wrong word could cost him his life…. “But Sire, we shall all be dead by then”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you fool. We can live as long as we wish - it’s only a computer simulation”, came the reply. The Nobles nodded sagely at the wisdom of their King.
10BC: Galley laden with Settler and GS departs the coastal town of Beggars Banquet in search of Horses (the riding kind), rumoured to be in abundance on the western isles.
30AD: Settler combo lands on the more southern of the western isles next to a herd of Horses, and notices that the Horse resource on the southern tip of the northern island has recently been settled by the Germans.
50AD: The town of Days of Future Passed founded on the western Horse island. Brennus is getting rather psychedelic.
90AD: Sumeria and Iroquois sign a peace treaty after a very long fruitless war of attrition. The Homeland Department of Citizen Rights Removal increases the Terror Alert to Orange as Brennus becomes concerned the restless Hiawatha may turn his eye towards our fertile lands. All imported packages of salted Horsemeat checked for ticking devices. Several sundials confiscated for investigation. Meanwhile, Gilgamesh has become gracious towards us. He probably recognizes Brennus’ wisdom in not entering the alliance against the Iroquois.
The town of War Child commences the first of probably 2 Settlers, in order to establish long overdue Worker Camps. Sites have long since been identified, but well, we’ve hade other priorities. You know the drill folks!
110AD: Sumeria commences Knights Templar in the border city of Lagash. Brennus smiles.
130AD: Construction researched. Coincidentally, our Spice deal with Bismarck also expires, and we renew for Code of Laws, giving him 8gpt to sweeten the deal and the Celtic empire is suddenly launched into the Middle Ages.
Iron deal with Gilgamesh will expire in 4 turns, so slider set to zero to collect some cash, in the hope of securing a tech with the next deal. No-one has Engineering.
Settler loaded on Galley with GS escort and departs for the western isle.
170AD: Camp 1 founded east of the capital, starts work on Granary.
230AD: Town of Ziggy Stardust founded on the southern tip of the northern westerly isle, with the intention of culture bombing to steal the Horses currently inside the German town borders. Brennus continues his wicked ways.
Gilgamesh wants to teach the benefits of the Republic to the Celts, to continue the Iron trade, but Brennus’ advisors suggest that Cathedrals would be more useful, particularly since he’s only just become King and likes his new-found power (and that gold crown is just divine). So Brennus agrees to give Gilgamesh Iron, plus 125g and 6gpt in return for Monotheism. And of course, good ol’ Gil becomes gracious again. We start researching Engineering on 50 turn pace, in order to accumulate some cash for the Horse-driven Temple rush. Ummm, no they don’t drive temples – you know what I mean!
Brennus decides to keep training GS, before building cheap Cathedrals (and convents, to where he will send all those unwed mothers and their half-Prussian offspring).Last edited by Aqualung71; March 23, 2004, 04:05.So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS
AU502 – DAR3 Contact with all Civs, part 3
Demigod level, AU Mod
280AD: Camp 2 founded on the western coast, in the jungle. Not a great location, and will need a lot of clearing before it becomes effective, so it’s a long term investment. But it also increases our support limits. On the other hand, Alexmantheus, the God of Rank Corruption is not impressed!!!
Temple rushed in the island town of Ziggy Stardust, hoping to gain control of more Horses.
Military strategy is taking shape. If we can grab the Horses from Germany, neither they nor Sumeria will have them. If we can attack Iroquois early enough with our GS, we can effectively take them out of the game.
290AD: Sumeria building Copernicus. They’re at least 5 techs ahead of us.
330AD: Granary rushed in Camp 1.
400AD: Bismarck will not give us any techs to renew our Spice trade, so we take Ivory from him instead, and give him 1gp sweetener and 10g.
Brennus has amassed 35 GS who are chaffing at the bit to be unleashed upon Hiawatha. Building a few Catapults as support before the invasion is launched.
410AD: Hiawatha tests us out, demanding 27 gold. Brennus accedes again, but will extract vengeance very soon.
Meanwhile, an ancient civilization apparently called the Incas has been destroyed.
440AD: Somehow we’ve met the French and Aztecs, and as expected they are way ahead of us in tech.
Theology and Engineering purchased from Gilgamesh in return for continued Iron supply, plus 7gpt. We then gave Bismarck Engineering and 25g for Education. Now researching Music Theory, to hopefully get some trade value.
490AD: Met Theodora at last. She immediately offers us Republic for Monotheism , but we want Feudalism instead. We can’t afford it, but she cannot buy Monotheism from anyone else. We shall wait.
On the eve of war. Hiawatha is furious, and the Sumerians and Germans are at it again. Brennus also notes with increasing glee that Copernicus has been completed in Lagash, again just across the Sumerian border.
This DAR shall continue 1 turn past its proper conclusion, since I want to get a bit of war in to add a bit of excitement to this otherwise dull period of consolidation.
It is time for war, to generate our GA and put an end to the ability to build the GS. Now it’s time for these warriors to prove themselves in war against the unsuspecting Hiawatha.
500AD: We now trade Monotheism and 24gpt to Theodora for Feudalism, and then we give her Theology for Republic and get 13gpt of our money back.Brennus really digs this Theodora chick. He wants her to be his long-term partner. Errr, trading partner of course, Mrs Brennus!
The war does not begin well. Hiawatha agrees to remove his troops from Celtic lands, forcing Brennus’ hand. Celtic Trebuchets pound his recently acquired Musketmen, and it then takes some 22 GSto defeat his well defended town of Allegheny, requiring us to divert troops from the intended second target. 7 GS are then upgraded to MI for zero cost. The era of the GS was short-lived, but important. The additional attacking power of MI is now required, in combination with Trebuchets (grumpy nod given in the direction of Nathan).
Meanwhile the treasury flows and our advisors tell us we can research MT in 11 turns.
Some Thoughts
Corruption remains high in the Celtic empire, partly due to the Monarchy form of government being used, but also due to the restrictive OCN at Demigod on this standard map, which is only 14 if I’m not mistaken. Immediately prior to the Iroquois war, we had 18 towns/cities and very few Courthouses - corruption was running at 34% average. We had also not yet commenced construction of a FP, hoping to snare an MGL for that purpose and build the FP in the “soon-to-be-conquered” Iroquois lands. Given that the number of cities will begin to grow substantially from here, the FP will soon become critical as will Courthouses in most cities beyond the first few.
As a point on Government choice, Monarchy was a given for me as the early government. While usually a staunch Republic player, the further nerfing courtesy of the new reduced support levels really made Republic a non-starter for me. As the game continued this looked even more certain, as the closeness of other civs and the likelihood of expansionary wars indicated that we would need substantial numbers of units. It’s difficult to compare with AU501, which required large numbers due to the Archipelago map more than anything else. Still, I recall the unit support costs in AU501 Republic were quite high, and reducing further from 1/2/2 to 0/1/1 while maintaining cost at 2 per unit threw that government out the window as far as I was concerned - at least for the early game. I am prepared to have another look after most settlements are city-sized, however Democracy will almost certainly be a lot better at that stage, with reduced corruption and half the support cost. It will depend largely on the likelihood of continued aggressive warfare. Even then, Communism will probably be better than Republic.
Future plans, though perhaps premature since the Iroquois war has only just begun, are:- Methodically eliminate Hiawatha’s presence from the continent
- Build FP and CH’s where necessary. A Palace relocation may even be useful, further north of the existing capital.
- Secure Saltpeter for Cavalry, which will be required for the future Sumerian invasion
- Eject Sumeria and Germany from the continent, capturing the useful Sumerian wonders in Ur and Lagash.
- Switch to Democracy and build a powerhouse Industrial economy.
Current state of the nation:
18 towns/cities
24 workers
5 warriors
12 spears
31 GS
7 MI
5 Trebuchets
2 Galleys
1 CurraghLast edited by Aqualung71; March 23, 2004, 03:45.So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS
AU502 – DAR3 Contact with all Civs, part 4
Demigod level, AU Mod
Hmm, seems like you can't add a screenie when editing after the post. Wonderful! Oh well, sorry folks. See next post!Last edited by Aqualung71; March 23, 2004, 03:13.So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS
So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS
AU502 – DAR3 Contact with all Civs, part 6
Demigod level, AU Mod
And the beginnings of the Iroquois war, stretching from the demolished Allegheny in the east, to the central city of Niagara Falls, from where troops were re-deployed following the tough resistance in Allegheny, thus delaying the seige of Niagara Falls. And to the far west is our next target of Tonawanda, the taking of which is critical in order to free up the sea-trade lanes to our western Horse towns:So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS