Rhoth's AU502 DAR 3g
Demigod level - AU mod
190bc - The Germans demand my spare incense so I give it to them to keep it off my back. Well worth it since I still had much of my forces committed to the Iroquois war at this point. I capture Tonawanda with one of my GS armies and decide to give peace to the Iroquois. I was pretty beat up by then and I figured that they would start invading my territory once again soon. Out of the peace deal I received engineering and 120 gold. Despite losing their capital and a couple of their main production cities they still wouldn't give up cities or an extra tech.
170bc - After getting royally screwed over by me, the idiot Iroquois declare war on the Sumerians, who immediately pull the Germans in against the Iroquois. Some units start invading my territory from both sides so I was a little worried for a bit and tried to make sure all my cities were covered just in case.
130bc - Complete the Forbidden Palace in Salamanca.
50bc - As part of an Iroquois-Area-Resettlement I built several settlers to fill in the holes that the Iroquois had left in their territory. Burdigala is the first of the cities settled.
30bc - Yet another galley is lost, this one right as it contacted the Aztecs after several turns in the ocean. One more turn and it would have made to the safety of coast tiles.
The Aztecs are a little ahead of me technologically, but won't trade.
After some pondering of the new tech trade possibilities, I call up Sumeria and give them spices, iron, and 375 gold for monotheism. I then turn around and trad monotheism to the Iroquois for 200 gold and 20gpt, but still can't get feudalism out of anyone yet.
10bc - Iroquois sign peace with Germany.
30ad - My first suicide galley finally makes it to safety and I contact the Byzantines. They were still in the ancient age so I gifted them currency hoping they'd get feudalism and trade it to me. But no, they received monotheism. I also negotiate a ROP to keep exploring through their territory for a bit without messing with my reputation.
70ad - While checking out the Byzantines a few turns later they all of a sudden have feudalism so I figure they must have contact with someone else. I give them engineering and 475 gold to finally get feudalism from someone.
110ad - Trading possibilities abound. I give 40gpt and 350 gold to the Aztecs for chivalry. I then trade chivalry and 35gpt to Sumeria for theology. I trade theology and chivalry to Germany for invention and 50 gold. Theology goes to the Aztecs for philosophy (a throw-in), 24gpt and 350 gold. And finally I trade theology and chivalry to the Iroquois for the Republic (essentially another throw-in since I intend to be at war a lot in this game) 20gpt and 40 gold. Just like that I received 5 techs and tech parity for what amounts to 27gpt and 10 gold. I love tech trading!
The thing about it at the higher levels is that you have to be patient and wait for opportunities. Sometimes they will pass you by, but the AI doesn't always trade every tech they receive around on the first shot which leaves great possibilities...especially if they AI's haven't met each other yet.
Sometime around this time I also came upon the tip of the Aztec nation with my only suicide galley to make it so far. I decided to send it north to see if there was another civ near the Byzantines and hope that I could get another suicide galley into the south to discover whatever was there. Unfortunately that proved to be a slight mistake since it would be a while before I got another suicide galley into the south...and there wasn't a civ near the Byzantines after all.
130ad - The French complete Sun Tzu's. The second of my resettlement cities, Cataractonium, is built.
170ad - The third and final of my resettlement cities, Lapurdum, is built.
190bc - The Sumerians complete Leonardo's Workshop, a wonder I definitely want to have soon...but they can't really use it since their only upgrades are archers to longbows. They don't have horses or iron (except for the 20 turns of it I gave them earlier) so they can't upgrade too much. They are definitely next on my list.
But first, I need to make it a potentially one-front war by ridding myself of the Iroquois menace. This means I need to drive them from my continent so that I can concentrate most of my forces on Sumeria. So I declare war on the Iroquois...completely forgetting I had a gpt deal with them
Oh well, my rep is shot again for a while.
210ad - Capture Grand River and 2 workers.
230ad - The Sumerian sign peace with the Iroquois, but unfortunately not before taking Tyendenaga. They move most of their Iro invasion force back there which means I'll still have a bit of a two-front war when the inevitable war with Sumeria happens.
I also capture Centralia and St. Regis along with 3 workers and 124 gold.
250ad - The French complete Knights Templar. I have a hunch they're going to be a tough nut to crack...if I ever meet them.
260ad - Capture Cattaraugus, 135 gold and a worker and drive the Iroquois off my continent to their three tiny cities on the outlying islands. They refuse to sign peace though.
340ad - After many turns of cold war with the Iroquois (though they did land a few units on the mainland they didn't last long) they finally sign peace and give me 195 gold, and the cities of Caughnawaga and Kahnawake which gives me a foothold on one of the island finally. I never made any attempt to settle on them and they are now taken over by German and Sumerian cities, along with the last Iroquois city.
And lo and behold I finally get another suicide galley to survive the crossing. I don't know how many I lost but it was in the neighborhood of ten.
I contact France and negotiate a ROP and they give me 55 gold for it. The French have both gunpowder and education so I also check out the trading possibilities again and decide to buy gunpowder from them for 1300 gold. I still haven't done anything more than 10% research in a long while so I've been storing up gold. It's cheaper to buy it than research it right now. I sell gunpowder to Sumeria for education, 10gpt, and 550 gold, and to Germany for ivory and 12 gold (more to keep them from buying it from Sumeria). I then sell education to the Aztecs for 27gpt and 460 gold. In this set of deals I once again made it to tech parity by receiving two techs and also made essentially 450 gold in the deal. 
I check out the saltpeter situation and discover that Sumeria does not have any hooked up which means they don't have any...until I look at Tyendenaga, the city they took from the Iroquois. One source for them. It's not hooked up, but if they get it hooked up then I'll be facing muskets instead of pikes and Enkidus.
I start massing my forces near the border with Tyendanaga and the main border.
360ad - Aztecs complete Sistine Chapel
390ad - The Inca are destroyed by the Aztecs. I can no longer contact them which means this DAR is finally over.
to be continued...
Demigod level - AU mod
190bc - The Germans demand my spare incense so I give it to them to keep it off my back. Well worth it since I still had much of my forces committed to the Iroquois war at this point. I capture Tonawanda with one of my GS armies and decide to give peace to the Iroquois. I was pretty beat up by then and I figured that they would start invading my territory once again soon. Out of the peace deal I received engineering and 120 gold. Despite losing their capital and a couple of their main production cities they still wouldn't give up cities or an extra tech.
170bc - After getting royally screwed over by me, the idiot Iroquois declare war on the Sumerians, who immediately pull the Germans in against the Iroquois. Some units start invading my territory from both sides so I was a little worried for a bit and tried to make sure all my cities were covered just in case.
130bc - Complete the Forbidden Palace in Salamanca.
50bc - As part of an Iroquois-Area-Resettlement I built several settlers to fill in the holes that the Iroquois had left in their territory. Burdigala is the first of the cities settled.
30bc - Yet another galley is lost, this one right as it contacted the Aztecs after several turns in the ocean. One more turn and it would have made to the safety of coast tiles.

After some pondering of the new tech trade possibilities, I call up Sumeria and give them spices, iron, and 375 gold for monotheism. I then turn around and trad monotheism to the Iroquois for 200 gold and 20gpt, but still can't get feudalism out of anyone yet.
10bc - Iroquois sign peace with Germany.
30ad - My first suicide galley finally makes it to safety and I contact the Byzantines. They were still in the ancient age so I gifted them currency hoping they'd get feudalism and trade it to me. But no, they received monotheism. I also negotiate a ROP to keep exploring through their territory for a bit without messing with my reputation.
70ad - While checking out the Byzantines a few turns later they all of a sudden have feudalism so I figure they must have contact with someone else. I give them engineering and 475 gold to finally get feudalism from someone.
110ad - Trading possibilities abound. I give 40gpt and 350 gold to the Aztecs for chivalry. I then trade chivalry and 35gpt to Sumeria for theology. I trade theology and chivalry to Germany for invention and 50 gold. Theology goes to the Aztecs for philosophy (a throw-in), 24gpt and 350 gold. And finally I trade theology and chivalry to the Iroquois for the Republic (essentially another throw-in since I intend to be at war a lot in this game) 20gpt and 40 gold. Just like that I received 5 techs and tech parity for what amounts to 27gpt and 10 gold. I love tech trading!

Sometime around this time I also came upon the tip of the Aztec nation with my only suicide galley to make it so far. I decided to send it north to see if there was another civ near the Byzantines and hope that I could get another suicide galley into the south to discover whatever was there. Unfortunately that proved to be a slight mistake since it would be a while before I got another suicide galley into the south...and there wasn't a civ near the Byzantines after all.
130ad - The French complete Sun Tzu's. The second of my resettlement cities, Cataractonium, is built.
170ad - The third and final of my resettlement cities, Lapurdum, is built.
190bc - The Sumerians complete Leonardo's Workshop, a wonder I definitely want to have soon...but they can't really use it since their only upgrades are archers to longbows. They don't have horses or iron (except for the 20 turns of it I gave them earlier) so they can't upgrade too much. They are definitely next on my list.

But first, I need to make it a potentially one-front war by ridding myself of the Iroquois menace. This means I need to drive them from my continent so that I can concentrate most of my forces on Sumeria. So I declare war on the Iroquois...completely forgetting I had a gpt deal with them

210ad - Capture Grand River and 2 workers.
230ad - The Sumerian sign peace with the Iroquois, but unfortunately not before taking Tyendenaga. They move most of their Iro invasion force back there which means I'll still have a bit of a two-front war when the inevitable war with Sumeria happens.
I also capture Centralia and St. Regis along with 3 workers and 124 gold.
250ad - The French complete Knights Templar. I have a hunch they're going to be a tough nut to crack...if I ever meet them.

260ad - Capture Cattaraugus, 135 gold and a worker and drive the Iroquois off my continent to their three tiny cities on the outlying islands. They refuse to sign peace though.
340ad - After many turns of cold war with the Iroquois (though they did land a few units on the mainland they didn't last long) they finally sign peace and give me 195 gold, and the cities of Caughnawaga and Kahnawake which gives me a foothold on one of the island finally. I never made any attempt to settle on them and they are now taken over by German and Sumerian cities, along with the last Iroquois city.
And lo and behold I finally get another suicide galley to survive the crossing. I don't know how many I lost but it was in the neighborhood of ten.

I check out the saltpeter situation and discover that Sumeria does not have any hooked up which means they don't have any...until I look at Tyendenaga, the city they took from the Iroquois. One source for them. It's not hooked up, but if they get it hooked up then I'll be facing muskets instead of pikes and Enkidus.

360ad - Aztecs complete Sistine Chapel
390ad - The Inca are destroyed by the Aztecs. I can no longer contact them which means this DAR is finally over.

to be continued...