Here's my latest experiment:
T1: Found city. Work bonus grassland. Settler moves 1. Start building a worker.
T2: 2F, 2S, Worker irrigates, city switches to working fish.
T3: 5F, 3S
T4: 8F, 4S
T5: 11F, 5S
T6: 14F, 6S, Worker finishes irrigating and moves 1.
T7: 17F, 7S, Worker starts irrigating the cattle.
T8: City grows in population but completes worker. New worker moves 7 onto bonus grassland. City starts a warrior and switches to working a bonus grassland.
T9: 2F, 2S, Second worker starts mining. City switches back to working the fish.
T10: 5F, 3S
T11: 8F, 4S, Border expands and city starts working the cow where irrigation just finished. Worker starts a road.
T12: 12F, 6S
T13: 16F, 8S
T14: Pop 2, warrior complete, start barracks as granary prebuild. Warrior starts exploring, and luxury slider goes to 20%. First worker finishes road and moves to second grassland with shield. City works cattle and fish.
T15: 5F, 2S. First worker starts mine. Second completes mine and starts road.
T16: 10F, 4S
T17: 15F, 6S
T18: Grow to size 3, 10S, Second worker finishes road and moves onto forest by tobacco. Increase luxury slider to 30% and reduce science slider to 50% in preparation for finishing Pottery.
T19: 5F, 14S. Pottery discovered (3100 BC). City switches to granary. Second worker starts chop. Probably research writing at 10%.
T20: 10F, 18S
T21: 15F, 22S. First worker finishes mine and starts road.
T22: Grow to size 4, 28S. Increase luxury slider to 40%.
T23: 5F, 44S (due to chop finishing). Move laborer from fish to forest and increase luxury slider to 50%. (We have to slow down growth or we'll end up growing the same turn our granary finishes - not good. The tile change both slows down growth and speeds up the granary.) The worker starts a mine if the tile is not a bonus grassland; if it is one, it may make more sense to road but not mine the tile and focus on having the worker help get things ready to build another city.
T24: 8F, 52S. Worker finiishes road and moves to a grassland (probably preparing toward founding another city).
T25: 11F, Granary Complete (2800 BC). Switch back to maximum growth mode.
At this point, what happens next depends on whether or not the grassland uncovered by the chop was a bonus one. If it was, we can build 4-turn settlers at our current size (in a 6/8/7/9 shield pattern, taking advantage of auto-allocation to forest tiles on turns the population expands). If not, we can build a third worker before our settler. (We have a mine that will be ready in time for 4-turn settlers if we build a worker first.)
T1: Found city. Work bonus grassland. Settler moves 1. Start building a worker.
T2: 2F, 2S, Worker irrigates, city switches to working fish.
T3: 5F, 3S
T4: 8F, 4S
T5: 11F, 5S
T6: 14F, 6S, Worker finishes irrigating and moves 1.
T7: 17F, 7S, Worker starts irrigating the cattle.
T8: City grows in population but completes worker. New worker moves 7 onto bonus grassland. City starts a warrior and switches to working a bonus grassland.
T9: 2F, 2S, Second worker starts mining. City switches back to working the fish.
T10: 5F, 3S
T11: 8F, 4S, Border expands and city starts working the cow where irrigation just finished. Worker starts a road.
T12: 12F, 6S
T13: 16F, 8S
T14: Pop 2, warrior complete, start barracks as granary prebuild. Warrior starts exploring, and luxury slider goes to 20%. First worker finishes road and moves to second grassland with shield. City works cattle and fish.
T15: 5F, 2S. First worker starts mine. Second completes mine and starts road.
T16: 10F, 4S
T17: 15F, 6S
T18: Grow to size 3, 10S, Second worker finishes road and moves onto forest by tobacco. Increase luxury slider to 30% and reduce science slider to 50% in preparation for finishing Pottery.
T19: 5F, 14S. Pottery discovered (3100 BC). City switches to granary. Second worker starts chop. Probably research writing at 10%.
T20: 10F, 18S
T21: 15F, 22S. First worker finishes mine and starts road.
T22: Grow to size 4, 28S. Increase luxury slider to 40%.
T23: 5F, 44S (due to chop finishing). Move laborer from fish to forest and increase luxury slider to 50%. (We have to slow down growth or we'll end up growing the same turn our granary finishes - not good. The tile change both slows down growth and speeds up the granary.) The worker starts a mine if the tile is not a bonus grassland; if it is one, it may make more sense to road but not mine the tile and focus on having the worker help get things ready to build another city.
T24: 8F, 52S. Worker finiishes road and moves to a grassland (probably preparing toward founding another city).
T25: 11F, Granary Complete (2800 BC). Switch back to maximum growth mode.
At this point, what happens next depends on whether or not the grassland uncovered by the chop was a bonus one. If it was, we can build 4-turn settlers at our current size (in a 6/8/7/9 shield pattern, taking advantage of auto-allocation to forest tiles on turns the population expands). If not, we can build a third worker before our settler. (We have a mine that will be ready in time for 4-turn settlers if we build a worker first.)