Originally posted by alexman
Godking is closer than anyone for a Horseman attack. But his looser city spacing seems inconsistent with that goal. If you plan to destroy your neighbor immediately, you don't need to grab all that land by REX, as you will have it by force anyway. A tight city spacing would have been more effective as a production base for units.
Godking is closer than anyone for a Horseman attack. But his looser city spacing seems inconsistent with that goal. If you plan to destroy your neighbor immediately, you don't need to grab all that land by REX, as you will have it by force anyway. A tight city spacing would have been more effective as a production base for units.
I hate RCP. I understand it, even the FP bug. Just doesn't mean that I like it. I prefer to follow the lay of the land, and that is what I did. If I miss out on a few shields and gp, so be it. With conquest, this should be fixed anyways (I know they were working on it). So as it wasn't until recently that I understood all the stuff about RCP, and why change my normal pattern to only have to change it back in a couple of months anyways.
To be honest, I would have prefered to have around 20+ horse units prior to going to war, and a gradual build up is what I was preparing for. Right now I only have 8 chariots and japan just moved a warrior into my territory. Oops. Bad AI. Bad. Go to your room. Anyways, my goal was to take all these horses, wipe out japan if they still have anything worth giving me else jut take them out, the do the same to America. Once done with both of them, I should just be entering the middle ages, and ready to take on carthage. I was debating about actually attacking carthage now, triggering their GA to help them out in their rex and a wonder or two, then making peace with them ASAP. So that by the time I was ready to deal with them with pikes, ansars, and cats, they wouldn't be getting their GA and make my life that much harder.
The question is, what is closer to the goal for this team? If the victory goal is culture, I have to go with Dominae. If the goal is to win big, I have to go with Nor Me. Maybe it would be better if this team votes for a goal before the next save is chosen.

Oh ya, I am playing with 1.21 not 1.27, so that probably accounts for the different RNG's I am getting.