Great input and great job!!!
alexman is da man! (ummm, third or fourth time I've said that??) Seriously, I think you are doing a great job of balancing great ideas / improvements with staying relatively close to stock.
Of the remaining concepts, here are my top thoughts:
* Government tweaks: I'm generally hesitant... as player1 points out, these are the hardest to balance, as their effects are non-linear. The one concept I'm in favor of is (gently) improving communism, as the AI civs continue to use it.
* Swordsman upgrades: I'm very much in favor at this point, as long as the mechanism matches what we know about Medieval Infantry as closely as possible. Until PTW, the loss of Longbowmen is trivial (except for Babylon?). I would avoid a further upgrade to Marines, Riflemen, etc., as it seems the path in PTW will terminate in Guerillas, for which there is no existing analog. Lastly, I would suggest including the "Swordsman to Medieval Infantry" upgrade path in AU Mod 1.04... AU 106 is coming !
alexman is da man! (ummm, third or fourth time I've said that??) Seriously, I think you are doing a great job of balancing great ideas / improvements with staying relatively close to stock.
Of the remaining concepts, here are my top thoughts:
* Government tweaks: I'm generally hesitant... as player1 points out, these are the hardest to balance, as their effects are non-linear. The one concept I'm in favor of is (gently) improving communism, as the AI civs continue to use it.
* Swordsman upgrades: I'm very much in favor at this point, as long as the mechanism matches what we know about Medieval Infantry as closely as possible. Until PTW, the loss of Longbowmen is trivial (except for Babylon?). I would avoid a further upgrade to Marines, Riflemen, etc., as it seems the path in PTW will terminate in Guerillas, for which there is no existing analog. Lastly, I would suggest including the "Swordsman to Medieval Infantry" upgrade path in AU Mod 1.04... AU 106 is coming !