Forgive me if I'm poorly educated on such matters, but do veteran units "heal" any faster than non-vet units? I have absolutely no scientific evidence to back this up, but it seems like it to me. Maybe I'm loony. I wouldn't be suprised.
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Veteran units...
It's possible that your veteran units were built in a city with a Barracks, and are healing themselves there. That would certainly make them heal faster. Other than that, I haven't really noticed a faster healing effect. It would make some sense if there was one, though. Units that have seen action would be more interested in achieving full fighting strength.
A vet unit created by a barracks in the unit's home city repairs itself in a turn. Vets created by Sun Tzu don't heal themselves in a turn.
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Originally posted by finbar on 03-26-2001 01:05 AM
A vet unit created by a barracks in the unit's home city repairs itself in a turn. Vets created by Sun Tzu don't heal themselves in a turn.
No, this isn't correct. Any damaged ground unit that spends his entire turn without moving in any city containing barracks will be competely healed in one turn. I always make sure to rushbuild barracks in some newly-conquered cities where I can move all my damaged units to be healed and back to action ASAP. I also rushbuild airports for fighter/bomber 1-turn healing as well as port facilities to my navy for the same reason.
Originally posted by Marko Polo on 03-26-2001 11:17 AM
Any damaged ground unit that spends his entire turn without moving in any city containing barracks will be competely healed in one turn.
AFAIK this is correct.
It gives the answer to one half of the question: no faster healing of veterans in cities with barracks (since ALL units turn back green in 1 turn).
In cities without barracks my feeling is the same: no faster healing for veterans.
My suggestion: Fubla, test this and give us the result (IMO no need to enter cheat mode and spend hours testing; take a pencil when playing your next game and write down the number of turns required by vet and non vet units having turned red after a fight, then do the same with vet and non vet having turned yellow).
Have a nice time Fubla! Welcome to the tester's club!
aux bords mystérieux du monde occidentalAux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
I have found my old tests:
40% of total hit points healed every turn in non-barrack city
20% of total hit points healed every turn max. 3 squares from city (i.e. a square 7x7 squares; I didn't take notice of a presence of barracks in the city)
10% of total hit points healed every turn on normal square
Unit must not move (an idea: can unit move on the railroad?).
I didn't take notice of the vet status.
All knowledge stored at Apolyton must be sorted!
[This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited March 27, 2001).]Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
From impirical observation only, no difference vet/non vet.
Reading your post, Archangel, has jogged my memory and I do seem to recall one or two occasions when I've thought my unit made surprising progress. Overall, though, I doubt that entrenchment made the difference. I suspect the units I noticed may just have been close to one of my cities.
I think that instructing a unit to entrench may cost it the healing points it would otherwise get that turn. A unit which stays entrenched throughout bounces back immediately after suffering the damage.
I distinctly noted a case recently where the navy had to pick up a survivor. I expected the ensuing long sea voyage to do him a power of good. But when the ship docked half a dozen turns later the lad was pretty much as poorly as when he was carried aboard. Seasick, I expect. Anyone else had that happen?
I also wonder whether ships recover to the same formula as land based units?
Have you noticed that barbs wear their wounds with pride? I used to think they lacked the ability to heal but then I saw a couple who were well into the red take refuge in a fortress (as they love to do) and they proceeded to heal perfectly naturally. So it is just their love of battle and compulsion to keep on the move that stops them recovering. That, or a desire to meet up with their mates in Valhalla!
[This message has been edited by East Street Trader (edited March 28, 2001).]
- post was disappeared and was messing this thread in a strange way. A couple of posts behind this were mysterically inside this post.
There was a command 'center' included here when I went to edit this; now it has been removed and the problem seized.
OK, now what I was saying.. oh yes: unit healing. In my experience the unit doesn't get healed even if you move it via railroad (and it don't lose movement points). It must stay completely unmoved in order to be healed. Anyone agree with me?
[This message has been edited by Marko Polo (edited March 28, 2001).]
Originally posted by Marko Polo on 03-28-2001 06:46 AMIt must stay completely unmoved in order to be healed. Anyone agree with me?
"unmoved" or "unordered"?
Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
[This message has been edited by SlowThinker (edited March 28, 2001).]Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
A small point - in my experience - units do repair during sea voyages - so I am unsure what went wrong in your example EST -- also a wounded unit put to sleep (sentry) wakes up when it is completely healed...
Scouse Git[1]
"Staring at your screen in horror and disbelief when you open a saved game is one of the fun things of a succession game " - Hueij
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 03-28-2001 12:40 PM
A small point - in my experience - units do repair during sea voyages - so I am unsure what went wrong in your example EST .
I would swear I have encountered both (healing and non healing during sea voyages).
My lab is closed.
So I won't tell you why (ask ST, perhaps he has also tested that before really starting playing his first game at chieftain level).
Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental