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OCC Fortnight 3rd Edition - Results and Logs

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  • #16
    I changed the name, hehe, none of your suspect humour for me... I am at 2100BC so far. I have had a quite lucky start, as you will see from my log (quite soon, I expect). But I like the setup. I shall be very interested to see the different uses of the trerieme.


    You should never smoke in pyjamas, you could start a fire and burn your face
    I have discovered that China and Spain are really one and the same country, and it's only ignorance that leads people to believe they are two seperate nations. If you don't belive me try writing 'Spain' and you'll end up writing 'China'."
    Gogol, Diary of a Madman


    • #17
      Rue v. to feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for. rueful adj. ruefullness n,

      French - Rue n. alley, lane, street. v. se ruer to dash or rush.

      RuPaul - famous american transvestite!
      Be the bid!


      • #18
        Sten, maybe you should have started a different thread for announcement and logs, but for now the best solution would be for the first person to post his (or her?) log to have some empty lines at the start of the log so that we would not accidentally read the logs.

        And Tom, the link to that table is in the second fortnight thread because it is a table for the second fortnight game. I will make a table for this game when some people (including myself) have finished it.

        It would be easier for me if people would put a seperate list with the dates needed for the table before or after their log. Or perhaps make those dates bold in your log.
        [This message has been edited by Paul (edited February 17, 2000).]


        • #19
          Paul, no no, I was refering to the table you made that matches up turns played with the corresponding year (at least I think it was your table). ie:

          3950BC = turn 1
          3900BC = turn 2
          3000BC = turn 20
          1800AD = turn 160 (or whatever) etc.

          That table will allow us to figure out and add to our logs (to save you the work) which turn we make each of the 8 or 9 discoveries that go into your "other" table. Gee, now I'm confused.

          Anyways, I suggest we quickly get the message count up to 49 before the first log is ready to post.

          edit: OK, I dug through the previous set of logs and what I was refering to is called your turn table,

          I plan to submit an abbreviated log with all the appropriate dates (or turns, for science discoveries) grouped together. That will make your comparison table easier to build.

          [This message has been edited by Tom DeMille (edited February 17, 2000).]


          • #20
            OK, here is my log. Don't peek if you haven't finished yet.






            Are you peeking?





            Well, first off, Sten, it was pretty sneeky to give us a completely open tech tree. I didn't really realize until I was researching refrigeration, and thought "gee, that was a pretty direct path I took". At first I thought it was something I was doing. I was allied with all 6 AIs, and had given them all my science. I figured that the computer was rewarding me by not removing tech choices.

            It will be interesting to see how people cope with the rapid arrival of space flight. I was madly trying to mine some of those hills (while fighting pollution) that had been cluttering up my city site, and was beginning to despair when Space Flight came and I had a production of only 50 (and had just finished my 9 caravans). I delayed rush buying Appollo for 3 or 4 turns, but even so I had to rushbuy temples (160 gold) and switch to SS-Structural to crank them out 1 per turn for a little while. But things fell into place nicely in the end (except for running out of money while I stupidly researched fundamentalism - I'm used to having two caravans per module, so I miscalculated the amount of money I would need - I ended up selling off science improvements to get the last module out the door).

            This was the first game where I got a NONE settler by tipping a hut. It probably only happens if you don't have a NONE settler already.

            The AIs were very tame. No one declared war on me or sneek attacked until I had my spaceship almost done. The city location was quite issolated. Only the Vikings sent someone over to take a look.

            The trireme was a great help in ferrying over caravans.

            OK, lets get on with the log. First is the abbreviated log which will fit into Paul's comparison table. I've added a couple of fields at the bottom to do with gifts/trade

            AC 1705
            >Establishing new goverments:
            Monarchy -2650
            Republic -1050
            Democracy 40
            Colossus -1950
            Copernicus -675
            Shakespeare -375
            Newton 160
            Darwin 800
            Apollo 1380
            >Trade routes
            First -1050
            Second -1050
            Third -900
            >Scientific discoveries - Turns between / (Date/turns from start)
            Start-Trade 38 (-2100/38)
            Trade-Cons 10 (-1600/48)
            Cons-San 31 (-525/79)
            San-Refr 43 (440/122)
            Refr-Auto 16 (760/138)
            Auto-Comp 12 (1000/150)
            Comp-SF 12 (1240/162)
            SF-AC 47 (1705/209)
            >City population
            size 12 -800
            size 21 600
            >gold acquired
            gifts/tribute 3900
            trade routes 1443
            barbarians 300

            Now for the full log:

            4000 BC - archer NONE (hut)
            3900 BC - archer NONE (hut)
            3750 BC - horseman NONE (hut)
            3650 BC - Mysticism (hut)
            3650 BC - archer NONE(hut)
            3650 BC - horseman NONE (hut)
            3650 BC - found Kingston (corn was irrigated)
            3550 BC - Alphabet (Vikings), Peace
            3150 BC - Code of Laws
            3100 BC - 100 gold (Romans), Peace
            3050 BC - settlers NONE (hut)!!! (of course, they are half way around the world)
            2900 BC - Writing (hut)
            2750 BC - Alliance with Romans
            2700 BC - Monarchy, revolution
            2650 BC - switched to Monarchy
            2650 BC - Alliance with Mongols
            2600 BC - archer NONE (hut)
            2600 BC - Currency, Map Making (Americans)
            2600 BC - 50 gold, share maps, Alliance with Americans
            2550 BC - Horseback Riding (Zulus), peace
            2550 BC - share maps with everyone
            2500 BC - archer NONE (hut)
            2450 BC - 50 gold (zulus)
            2300 BC - archer NONE (hut)
            2200 BC - Masonry (Romans)
            2150 BC - 25 gold (Zulus, Mongols)
            2100 BC - Trade
            2000 BC - 25 gold (Romans, Zulus)
            1950 BC - built Colossus
            1900 BC - 100 gold, share maps, Alliance with Aztecs
            1800 BC - built Library
            1800 BC - Literacy (hut)
            1700 BC - 150 gold (Barbarian)
            1700 BC - Alliance with Vikings
            1650 BC - built Gold Caravan
            1600 BC - Construction
            1600 BC - 50 gold, Alliance with Zulus (that's everyone!)
            1550 BC - built Coal Caravan
            1550 BC - 150 gold (Barbarian)
            1450 BC - built Hides Caravan
            1400 BC - 25 gold (Aztecs)
            1300 BC - Pottery (Vikings)
            1300 BC - 50 gold (hut), 25 gold (Mongols)
            1250 BC - built Marketplace
            1150 BC - built Temple
            1150 BC - Philosophy, The Republic, Revolution
            1100 BC - 25 gold (Romans), 50 gold (Aztecs)
            1050 BC - switched to Republic
            1050 BC - 50 gold (Vikings, Mongols), 25 gold (Americans)
            1050 BC - 86 gold (Gold caravan to Washington)
            1050 BC - 66 gold (Coal caravan to Zimbabwe)
            1000 BC - build Colosseum, begin WLTCD (size is 4), disband archer
            975 BC - Mathematics
            975 BC - built Aqueduct
            925 BC - 25 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Americans, Mongols)
            900 BC - 156 gold (Hides caravan to Tenochtitlan)
            875 BC - Astronomy
            825 BC - 50 gold (Vikings)
            800 BC - size 12, end WLTCDs
            775 BC - 25 gold (Romans), 50 gold (Zulus, Vikings)
            750 BC - Medicine
            700 BC - sell Colosseum, disband Archer
            675 BC - built Copernicus' Obeservatory
            675 BC - 50 gold (Zulus)
            675 BC - The Wheel
            600 BC - Engineering
            550 BC - 50 gold (Romans, Americans)
            525 BC - Sanitation
            525 BC - 50 gold (Zulus), 100 gold (Aztecs)
            450 BC - 50 gold (Aztecs)
            425 BC - University
            400 BC - sell temple, disband chariot
            375 BC - built Shakespeare's Theatre
            350 BC - 50 gold (Americans)
            325 BC - Iron Working
            325 BC - 100 gold (Vikings)
            300 BC - built University
            250 BC - 100 gold (Mongols, Zulus)
            225 BC - built Sewer System
            200 BC - 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
            175 BC - Banking
            175 BC - Seafaring (Aztecs)
            175 BC - 50 gold (Aztecs, Zulus, Mongols)
            150 BC - built Bank, disband archer
            150 BC - built Harbour, begin WLTCD (pop is 12)
            125 BC - Theory of Gravity
            100 BC - 50 gold (Vikings)
            25 BC - Invention, end WLTCD (pop now 16)
            25 BC - 50 gold (Zulus, Aztecs), alliance disolved with Mongols
            20 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Vikings)
            40 AD - Democracy, revolution
            60 AD - formed Democracy
            100 AD - Economics
            100 AD - 50 gold (Americans)
            140 AD - Chemistry
            140 AD - 100 gold (Zulus), 25 gold (Romans), 50 gold (Vikings, Aztecs, Americans)
            160 AD - built Isaac Newton's College
            180 AD - Gunpowder
            200 AD - built Stock Exchange
            220 AD - Explosives, Navigation (Americans)
            240 AD - built Engineer
            240 AD - 50 gold (Vikings, Zulus, Americans), 100 gold (Aztecs)
            260 AD - Physics, share maps with everyone but Mongols
            280 AD - built Engineer
            320 AD - Magnetism, built beads caravan
            360 AD - Metallurgy, built silk caravan
            400 AD - Electricity
            420 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Americans)
            440 AD - Refrigeration
            460 AD - Supermarket, begin WLTPD (pop is 14)
            480 AD - Steam Engine
            500 AD - Conscription (Aztecs)
            500 AD - 100 gold (Aztecs), 50 gold (Americans)
            520 AD - Railroad, built copper caravan
            540 AD - 75 gold (Vikings)
            560 AD - Industrialization
            560 AD - 166 gold (Beads caravan to Texcoco)
            580 AD - built wine caravan
            600 AD - The Corporation
            600 AD - end WLTPD (size now 21)
            620 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Vikings, Americans)
            640 AD - Refining
            660 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Vikings), 25 gold (Aztecs)
            680 AD - Combustion, 50 gold (Romans)
            720 AD - Steel, 50 gold (Romans)
            740 AD - 50 gold (Vikings, Americans), 25 gold (Aztecs)
            760 AD - Automobile
            800 AD - Darwin's Voyage
            800 AD - Electronics, Feudalism
            820 AD - Chivalry 148 gold (Silk caravan to Rome), 348 gold (Copper caravan to Tenochtitlan)
            840 AD - Leadership, 385 gold (Wine caravan to Texcoco)
            840 AD - built Hydro Dam
            880 AD - Tactics, 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
            920 AD - Machine Tools
            920 AD - Mass Production (Zulus)
            960 AD - Miniturization
            1000 AD - Computers, 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
            1020 AD - Research Lab
            1020 AD - Mobile Warfare
            1040 AD - Robotics
            1060 AD - Flight
            1060 AD - built Manufacturing Plant, disband archer
            1080 AD - built Offshore Platform
            1100 AD - Radio
            1120 AD - built wine caravan, begin WLTPD (size 21)
            1140 AD - Advanced Flight
            1180 AD - Rocketry, end WLTPD (size 23), sell aqueduct
            1200 AD - sell sewer system
            1240 AD - Space Flight (production is only 53, oh oh)
            1300 AD - Plastics
            1340 AD - 88 gold (Wine caravan to Ulundi) oops
            1360 AD - Atomic Theory
            1380 AD - built Appollo Program
            1420 AD - Nuclear Fission
            1440 AD - finally have production of 80
            1480 AD - Nuclear Power
            1520 AD - The Laser
            1550 AD - Superconductor
            1580 AD - Nuclear Power
            1580 AD - Communism, Genetic Engineering (Americans)
            1580 AD - Monotheism, Polytheism (Zulus)
            1610 AD - Stealth
            1640 AD - Fundamentalism
            1680 AD - sold University (running out of rush buy money)
            1690 AD - Launch (arrival in 1705)
            build a barracks, a bunch of tanks
            1694 AD - Espionage
            1700 AD - Recycling
            1705 AD - arrival in AC

            Well, I'm off to bed.
            [This message has been edited by Tom DeMille (edited February 21, 2000).]


            • #21
              I'm lookin' forard to a bit of variety (I've been practising normal OCC ). Just got the file. Good luck, gentlemen, may the best man (don't say it) win.


              You should never smoke in pyjamas, you could start a fire and burn your face
              I have discovered that China and Spain are really one and the same country, and it's only ignorance that leads people to believe they are two seperate nations. If you don't belive me try writing 'Spain' and you'll end up writing 'China'."
              Gogol, Diary of a Madman


              • #22
                I guess I should have set up a different thread for starting this! Someone is out there saying "14 replies already! I didn't even get the file... that Sten is an SOB, grumble, grumble"

                Crow - no one is done yet... the comparison link is from last game.
                Be the bid!


                • #23
                  well I had a helluva time with this one.Start was ok but fell apart after that

                  3950-San Diego
                  3800-warrior-start Collosus-hut-chariot
                  3700-hut-Horseback Riding
                  3600-disband warrior-hut-25 gold
                  3350-Laws-disband chariot
                  3100-contact Romans-gift all but Bronze(4 techs)-worshipful but wont ally or give tribute
                  3000-Vikings destroyed by Mongols
                  2950-hut-Iron Working-gift Iron to Romans-”They have no more time to talk”
                  2650-govt-Monarchy-gift Bronze and Monarchy to Roman-still won’t ally
                  2350-contact-Mongols-trade Iron for Myst-gift Horseback and Alpha-alliance-hut-Polytheism
                  2050-hut-The Wheel
                  2000-Mongols gift 25 gold-Romans demand Writing..given....heathens..wish this was a regular game
                  1650-Collosus-contact MWHC-trade Writng for Currency,Monarchy for Myst-gift 3 techs-worshipful but wont ally or give tribute-something odd here-Sten what have you done?
                  1600-hut-Trade-gift Trade to Romans and Americans-Mongols cancel alliance-poof! just like that
                  1450-Romans and Yanks make demands when contacted-rebuffed-Mongols declare war
                  1350-hut-wandering nomad!thats what I’ve been looking for-gotta march a mile to get home-I shall send Cayard and the royal yacht!-gift Warrior Code and The Wheel to Mongols-peace-barbs invade Gold Mountain
                  1300-barbs die-chariot gains vet status
                  1250-gift Pottery to Rome-Poly to Yanks-neither will ally
                  1200-Map Making-Gift Map to Rome-They want alliance-signed-trade maps-recieve 100 gold-MWHC wants nothing-Mongols demand that 100 gold-war
                  1100-gift Pottery,Monarchy and Currency to the Mongols-peace-still hostile
                  975-The royal yacht is lost.Cayard has decided to run The Whitbread ” round the world race”
                  900-contact Aztecs-give in to 50 gold demand-gift Trade and Poly-alliance-receive 200 gold..yes!
                  875-hides caravan-dam Cayard is on the other side of the map-this one will have walk
                  850-Mongols..well... war
                  825-America1 picks up wandering nomad...can they make it back?
                  800-Masonary-I’m not doing very well-trade Romans Myst for Literacy-share maps-ai is gonna beat me to Philosophy
                  775-gift Mason to Aztecs-share maps-gift Mason to Yanks
                  750-gold caravan departs on foot-Contact Zulus-gift Literacy-peace
                  700-recieve 50 gold from Rome 75 from Aztecs-all civs enthusiastic.Won’t stay worshipful for more than 1 turn-reminds me of MGE
                  575-Cyard sails a battered yet intact America1 into San Diego.Wandering nomad is welcomed and immediately turned into a slave-thats gratitude
                  550-Aztecs gift 75 gold
                  500-cease fire with Mongols-they must have units close to occupy my terrain
                  375-coal caravan-America1 sets sail-hides arrive in Cumae 162 bonus
                  325-the Republic-instant revolution-govt-Republic
                  300-start “we love” size3
                  275-Rome gifts 75-Aztecs gift 50-trade the Republic to Zulus for Seafaring-gift Construction to Mongols
                  250-colliseum-hmmm im not gonna have enough food-gold caravan arrives in Rome 120 bonus
                  225-gift-Philosophy and Construction to MWHC-alliance-recieve 200 gold-just like when you play him in MP....not
                  200-Romans gift 50 gold-coal arrives in Boston 100 bonus
                  125-harbor-gift Republic to Romans and Aztecs
                  75-end “we love” size 12-sell colliseum-tax rate-10-70-20-trade 68-72 beakers-6 turns
                  25-silk caravan-start wonder
                  AD1-gift Philosophy to Zulus trade maps-MWHC gifts 50 gold-trade Aztecs Philosophy for Banking recieve 50 gold
                  160-Cope’s-start wonder
                  280-gift Construction to Rome-Aztecsgift 50-MWHC gifts 200-gift Poly to Zulus-Mongols declare war
                  340-chariot loses to barb legion,2nd chariot kills barb-city defended by America1 and 1 chariot
                  360-trade Aztecs Seafaring for Bridge Building-receive 50 gold
                  400-Sanitation-silk arrives in Rome 378 bonus-sell temple
                  460-start “we love” size 12-MWHC gifts 100-Aztecs 50-Romans 75
                  520-end “we love” size 15-no food
                  540-build university-Gravity-trade sanitation to Rome for Fuedal-recieve 50 gold-MWHC gifts another 100..what a guy!
                  580-beads caravan-Cayard hits the high seas-start Ike’s
                  620-gift sanitation to Zulus-trade maps-gift Invention to Rome-recieve 150 gold-Invention to Aztecs recieve 50 gold-gift Sanitation to MWHC recieve another 100-where are they getting it from?
                  760-beads arrive in Washington bonus 200
                  780-Sir Ike’s
                  900-musketeer-Romans gift 150-Aztecs 50-MWHC 50
                  960-barbs screw research-pay with their leader’s life 150 gold
                  980-Mettalurhy-stock exchange
                  1000-Romans gift 150-Aztecs 50-MWHC-50
                  1020-Navigation-wine caravan
                  1100-gift Democracy to MWHC-receive 100 gold
                  1140-diplomat to deal with barbs that have been roaming around for centuries
                  1180-Electricity-wine arrives in New York 220 bonus
                  1260-supermarket-start wonder
                  1300-Steam Engine
                  1340-start “we love” size 13
                  1400-Romans gift 150-Aztecs 50-MWHC 50
                  1480-Steel-end “we love” size 20
                  1500-Darwin’s-The Corporation-Refining
                  1560-superhighway-Romans gift 100-MWHC 50
                  1570-start “we love” size 20
                  1600-Mass Production-end “we love” size 23-sell sewer
                  1610-tarde Romans RR for Mono-recieve 100 gold-sell aquaduct
                  1650-mass transit-I need my engineers for other than pollution control
                  1680-Tactics-Romans gift 100-MWHC-50
                  1700-Machine Tools
                  1750-research lab
                  1752-Mobile Warfare
                  1760-Flight-MWHC gifts 50 gold
                  1768-Advanced Flight-Romans gift 100
                  1770-factory-Romans gift 100
                  1774-hydro plant
                  1778-Space Flight
                  1780-manufacturing plant
                  1790-Atomic Theory-Apollo
                  1796-Nuclear Fission
                  1802-Nuclear Power
                  1808-The Laser
                  1826-armor-The Mongols finally show up
                  1832-MWHC cancels alliance-bout time
                  1836-structurals and components ready
                  1838-Fusion Power-sell research lab
                  1840-sell university
                  1842-sell library
                  1848-modules ready-launch-is it 1848 allready?
                  from here the usual walls, barracks tanks etc

                  definetly gonna have another go at this one.Thnx Sten

                  Great game Tom Demille
                  The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                  • #24
                    I've been reading this forum for a month or so, but this is my first time posting. From what I've read, this fortnight OCC thing is open to anyone, but I'm really not sure about that. This map was my first attempt at OCC, as well as my first attempt at Diety (I just got the game this January). I kept a log, and if anyone's interested I can post it (it would be good to get input from people who really know how to play).
                    The basics of my game were this:
                    >Monarchy 3250BC
                    >Republic 1650BC
                    >Democracy 125BC
                    >Colossus 2150BC
                    >Shakespeare 925BC
                    >Copernicus 425BC
                    >Newton 160AD
                    >Darwin 600AD
                    >Apollo 1580AD
                    Size 12 (725BC), 21 (1300AD)
                    Trade Routes: 860,960,960
                    Gifts/tribute 2875g
                    Trade Routes 282g
                    Barbarians 1200g
                    Trade 2800, Construct. 1950, Sanit. 40AD
                    Refrig. 580, Auto 1040, Computers 1440
                    Space Flight 1570,
                    Landed 1781


                    • #25
                      Hoss, welcome aboard. The competition is open to all comers. I think the main reason that such detailed logs are still kept is so that newcomers can learn the ins and outs. So post your full log for others to comment on.


                      • #26
                        Thanks Tom. Just by reading your log I can see that one thing I have to work on especially is setting up better trade routes more quickly. My problem is that with all of the other things that need to be built I just never seem to have the time.
                        Well, here goes--

                        4000 Horse from Hut; found City of Athens
                        3900 Currency (Hut)
                        3800 Nomads (Hut); Alphabet (Hut)
                        3750 Warrior
                        3650 50g (Hut)
                        3550 Archer (Hut)
                        3500 Warrior
                        3450 size 2 city
                        3400 Code of Laws
                        3350 Archer (Hut)
                        3300 Monarchy (Hut); Begin Revolution
                        3250 Became Monarchy
                        2900 150g for Barb leader
                        2850 Writing; size 3 city
                        2800 Trade (Hut)
                        2750 Get Map Making (for Cer. Burial) and 50g for Peace from Vikings
                        2500 Masonry (Hut); receive Mysticism for trade from Vikings
                        2350 150g for Barb leader
                        2250 Give writing to Aztecs for Alliance; Disband Warrior
                        2200 Literacy
                        2150 Colossus
                        2100 Nomads (Hut)
                        1950 receive 100g and construction from Romans for writing and alliance; Temple
                        1900 Kill barbarian from hut
                        1750 receive 100g from Zulus for peace; 50g from Aztecs
                        1700 Library
                        1650 Philosophy +Republic; Became Republic; 50g (Hut)
                        1600 Market Place
                        1550 receive horseback riding for mapmaking from Mongols; Peace with Mongols
                        1500 size 4 city; receive pottery for trade from Americans; Give mapmaking for Alliance with Americans; 100g from Americans
                        1300 50g Romans
                        1250 Medicine; 150g for Barb leader
                        1150 Mathematics (Hut)
                        1100 100g from Aztecs for Literacy; 25g from Americans
                        1000 150g for Barb leader
                        975 Astronomy (hut)
                        925 Shakespeare's Theatre; begin WLTCD
                        900 The Wheel
                        850 50g (Hut)
                        825 Aqueduct; sell temple; size 8 city
                        775 give trade to Aztecs for 100g; 50g from Americans; 50g from Romans
                        725 size 12 city
                        675 receive seafaring for philosophy from Aztecs; Exchange maps with Americans
                        600 Engineering; 150g for Barb leader
                        550 War with the Zulus
                        450 150g for Barb leader; Romans build Marco Polo
                        425 Copernicus; University Tech
                        350 receive Banking and 50g for Philosophy from Americans
                        300 Invention
                        250 University building
                        200 Democracy
                        125 Became Democracy
                        100 100g from Americans; 100g from Aztecs; 100g from Romans
                        50 Receive Iron Working for Republic from Aztecs
                        25BC Theory of Gravity; 150g for Barb Leader

                        40AD Sanitation
                        60 Harbor
                        100 Bridge Building; Cease Fire with Zulus (for Sanitation);
                        140 100g from Aztecs; 75g from Americans; 75g from Romans
                        160 Navigation; Newton's College
                        180 100g from Aztecs to go to war with Mongols
                        200 Physics; Sewer System; begin WLTPD
                        260 Peace with Mongols
                        280 Steam Engine
                        340 End of WLTPD city size 18; Bank
                        360 Railroad
                        380 50g from Americans; 100g from Aztecs; 100g Romans
                        440 Metallurgy
                        500 Magnitism; Zulus build Pyramids
                        520 150g for Barb leader
                        540 Electricity; 100g from Americans; 100g from Aztecs; 50g from Romans
                        560 Peace with Zulus
                        580 Refrigeration
                        600 Darwin's Voyage; Chemistry; Explosives
                        640 Supermarket
                        660 Economics; 100g (for sanitation) from Americans; 100g (for Railroad) from Aztecs; 100g from Romans;Build Caravan
                        700 Stock Exchange
                        720 Industrialization
                        740 Caravan
                        780 Engineer; The Corporation
                        840 Electronics; give gunpowder to Zulus for peace; give gunpowder to Vikings for peace
                        860 Hide route to Vikings (92g)
                        900 Refining
                        940 End of Alliance with Aztecs
                        960 Steel; Silk route from Romans; Copper route to Aztecs (190g)
                        980 Hydro Plant
                        1000 Diplomat; Combustion
                        1040 Automobile; Alliance and 150g from Zulus for navigation
                        1060 Superhighways
                        1080 Conscription
                        1120 Feudalism
                        1160 Chivalry; 75g from Romans; 50g from Zulus for navigation (again);50g from Americans
                        1200 Leadership
                        1220 Begin WLTPD
                        1260 Tactics
                        1320 Machine Tools; End WLTPD size 22 city
                        1360 Mass Production
                        1400 Minituarization
                        1420 Mass Transit
                        1440 Computers
                        1460 Research Lab
                        1480 Flight
                        1510 Radio
                        1530 Advanced Flight
                        1550 Rocketry
                        1570 Space Flight
                        1580 Apollo
                        1590 Atomic Theory
                        1610 Nuclear Fission
                        1640 Nuclear Power (5 structurals)
                        1650 Vikings steal Space Flight
                        1670 Plastics; 150g for Industrialization from Romans; 100g and Monotheism for Industrialization and Democracy from Americans
                        1700 Polythism and 100g for advanced flight and conscription from Zulus (SS 8-3-0)
                        1710 Laser
                        1740 First Viking Structural
                        1750 Last Component; SuperConductor (SS 10-6-0)
                        1752 150g for University from Romans; 100g for University from Americans
                        1754 Sell Harbor (SS 11-6-1)
                        1760 Fusion Power; Sell Research Lab; Disband ship, diplomat, horse, 1 settler
                        1762 50g for Tactics from Zulus; 150g for Tactics from Romans; Sell University
                        1764 150g for Explosives from Romans; Last Structural (SS 15-6-2)
                        1766 Launch Space Ship; Romans begin SS
                        1780 Sneak attack by Vikings. Romans declare war on Vikings. Lose settler, first casualty
                        1781 Land at AC


                        • #27
                          Well, now I've gone and blown it! I'm still not used to the rigors of OCC and again I found myself having made a terrible error much too late to correct it.

                          As a result I managed to get Copernicus' at 220AD, at that rate making AC at all would shock the heck out of me. I will need to start again, I realize that takes me out of competition, but I'll post a log anyway when I finish.

                          Oh well, some of us just learn at a slower pace than others!



                          • #28
                            so this is the third one.... i missed the second one then...... well i shall unzip this puppy and see what happens .... not too good at OCC still
                            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                            • #29
                              well I didn't finish Cope's until 160AD and, although late when compared so far,didn't have a real problem landing.
                              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                              • #30
                                I played this on King, so i didn't even bother keeping a log since i had never even won OCC on Prince level before... and boy was i in for a shock! I launched in 1858, and landed in 1873, and the Zulus began building there spaceship in 1872, so i was in the clear for a very long time. Early on i saw the significance of the two choke points, so i had them sealed off by the time with 5 units i had found in huts. I switched those over to phalanxes, and Leo's did the rest. I built Collossus, CO, Isaac Newton, Leo's Workshop, Darwin, and Apollo. The vikings were rather war like at certain times, but they just wasted units on my choke point. I really really liked this map, as i could send units out, but no one could get in. I guess i can move up to emporer now, where i just recently moved up to for my regular game.....


                                "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
                                -Homer Simpson

                                "Ecky eck ecky!"
                                "It's just a flesh wound!"
                                - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

