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Fortnight OCC - First Edition! - Results & Logs

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  • Fortnight OCC - First Edition! - Results & Logs

    The first OCC comparison game has been posted to Paul's website. Post your results and logs here.

    You will by now have noticed that the game places you on a small map with just 3 other civs, whose locations are not readily accessable to you. This will require you to be resourceful in goody-hut searching. Protecting your city will be easy at first, but later will require some additional thought. Alliances may be tough to come by early and in the long run only having three civs will allow them to get quite large so they should pressure you at the end. Hope you liked it. I changed the civ names and leaders after I had already set it up and didn't know how to fix it, so you didn't get to play against MWHC of the Americans. I also was going to add an events log that would tell you every 5 turns that Paul would be done by now, but I couldn't figure it out soon enough!
    Be the bid!

  • #2
    Actually, your idea of "Where's Paul" events would in fact be quite useful to those of us not quite up to his level (by about 100 years for some of us...)

    Every 10 or so turns, you could get a "Paul update". So when I think I'm doing pretty good when I've gotten Republic by 1000 BC, I'll find out that in 1000 BC Paul discovered Advanced Flight.

    A good humbling experience for all.


    • #3

      that would be incredibly amusing... Funny even.
      Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


      • #4
        just finished.Good map and an interesting challenge.the ais were very hostile in my game and 1 civ was wiped out early which may have hurt.Never could get an alliance despite repeated gifts.Played it on deity level

        3750-Athens-wheat,wine,gems.1 still dark.Hope Sten isn't suckering me
        3700- nope pheasant-hut-Warrior Code
        3300-start Collosus
        2800-hut-25 gold
        2250-govt-Monarchy-hut-50 gold
        2100-contact Americans-peace-trade Laws for Writing-receive 100 gold tribute
        1750-hut-50 gold
        1550-contact Spanish-peace-trade Laws for Masonary-gift Myst
        1500-barb leader 150 gold-trade Americans Myst for Pottery
        1450-Collosus finished-Americans destroyed by Spanish
        1200-library-hut-25 gold
        1150-barb leader 150 gold
        1050-Construction-trade writing to Spanish for Iron Working
        825-Spanish demand Construction.given
        800-build gems caravan
        650-contact Vikings.they demand hides caravan
        550-gift Iron to Vikes.peace
        475-Vikes declare war.undefended size 1 Viking city destroyed.take Mathematics
        325-gift Writing and Construct to Vikes.peace
        Spanish uncooperative
        225-Philosophy-Republic-revolution 1 turn!
        200-start "we love" size 4
        75-aquaduct-start wonder
        AD 1-end "we love" size 12.have to hang on to colliseum for a bit
        60-Astronomy-switch to Cope's
        80-gems caravan arrives in Trondheim-320 gold-3/4 research box
        120-Spanish-trade Math for Map,Repub for Bridge Building-share maps-won't ally
        180-Medicine-hides arrives in Washington-136 gold-1/4 research box
        220-Cope's finished.start philosophy to Spanish and Vikes.won't ally
        300-The Wheel
        420-Vikes declare war-no reason
        460-gift Trade and Warrior to is very hostile so far
        560-sell colliseum-luxuries to 0
        580-Shakes finished-Sanitation
        620-start "we love" size 12
        640-sewer system
        700-University discovered
        720-build gold caravan
        740-end "we love" size 18.pollution sheild appeared so I stopped here
        760-build trireme
        880-Gravity-build university-start Ike's-gift Engineering to Spanish
        920-gold caravan arrives in Valencia-498 gold-fills research box
        1100-Economics-finish Ike's
        1220-Explosives-finish bank
        1400-stock exchange
        1460-harbor(probably not worth it)
        1500-Electricity-build engineer
        1530-Refrigeration-ais uncooperative-I think I'm on my own
        1560-Steam Engine
        1580-build engineer-start "we love"
        1600-build coal caravan
        1620-diplomat-to deal with barb raiding party
        1640-dye caravan-start Darwin's
        1670-Steel-end "we love" size 25-sell sewer system
        1700-The Corporation-sell aquaduct-gift Gunpowder to Spanish trade maps
        1710-sell temple-dye caravan arrives in Valencia 131 gold-coal caravan-68 gold-dye was demanded-lousy returns
        1752-Mass Production
        1756-Electronics-Spanish-trade Metallurgy for Feudal
        1760-Conscription-Spanish-trade conscript for Poly(was hoping they had Chivalry..nope
        1762-Vikes declare war
        1768-Leadership-build factory
        1776-hydro plant
        1780-Machine Tools-build alpine troop
        1782-spice freight
        1784-dye freight
        1786-Miniaturization-build transport
        1794-research lab-1264 beakers at 90% with 5 scientists
        1796-food freight
        1798-Mobile Warfare-food freight-spice freight arrives in Vigo-648 gold
        1800-food freight
        1802-Robotics-dye freight arrives in Barcelona-378 gold
        1804-manufacturing plant
        1808-food freight
        1810-food freight
        1812-Radio-food freight
        1814-food freight
        1816-food freight-contact Persia-peace
        1818-Advanced Flight-food freight-start wonder
        1830-Space Flight
        1832-Apollo-Persia destroyed by Spain
        1834-offshore platform(probably not worth it)
        1842-Atomic Theory
        1850-Nuclear Fission-engineer-pollution becoming a prob as engineers were transforming gems
        1853-Nuclear Power
        1856-The Laser
        1859-Super Conductor-gems>buffalo
        1870-Fusion Power-15 Structurals-6 Components ready
        1871-Module-sell research lab
        1872-Module-sell superhighway
        1875-build mass transit
        1878-coastal fortress
        1887-Hoover Dam-wanted to see the movie
        1888-arrival AC

        phew!!All in all it was a fun game.I got little or no help from the ai.I had some good luck with huts.Made a mistake trading for Poly.I hoped they had Chiv and just weren't putting it on the table.

        [This message has been edited by Smash (edited January 14, 2000).]
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          Dang Smash. I really suck. The AIs really hated me too. How did you get all those huts? Anyway, what really hurt me was that I had my extra settler destroyed by barbs and also lost a caravan to barbs. The list below is from an excel file, I hope it doesn't look too crappy.

          Tech City
          Year Gold Gained Improvement Misc
          4000 0 BW(start)
          3900 0 Found Athens
          3650 5 Alpha
          3200 14 CB
          2600 27 CoL
          1900 53 Mon Revolution
          1500 69 Curr
          1350 73 Coll
          1200 20 Temple
          1150 24 Myst
          925 48 Trade
          850 54 Mktplace
          775 69 Writing
          650 94 Build Hides Caravan
          600 104 Literacy
          475 129 Build Gems Caravan
          400 139 Philosphy, Masonry
          275 113 Library
          175 128 Repub Revolution
          125 132 Meet Vikes, declare war
          75 136 Build Hides Caravan
          1 AD 145
          40 201 50 g from hut
          60 204 Math
          240 231 MapMaking
          440 261 Astro
          520 271 Give Rep to Vik, get peace
          560 275 Meet Amer, decl war
          640 291 Bank
          680 299 Lose Hides Caravan to barbs
          720 516 Gems Cara arrives in Wash, 209g
          740 148 Med Copern
          780 178 Lose Settler to barbs
          820 185 Const
          840 91 Aqueduct
          860 95 WLTCD (size 8)
          900 104 end WLTCD(size 9)
          920 104 University
          1020 130 Econ
          1080 14 Bank
          1140 26 TheoryGrav
          1220 46 Build Gold caravan
          1260 58 Chem Give Amer Phil, end war
          1400 82 Horseback
          1420 246 Hides caravan arrives in Wash 156g
          1440 238 Warrior Code (hut)
          1480 378 Wheel Gold caravan arrives in Atlanta, 364g
          1500 393 Stock Ex
          1510 393 Engineer
          1570 483 San
          1630 573 Inven
          1690 663 Demo Revolution
          1740 110 Shakes WLTPD(size 10)
          1752 125 Iron
          1760 30 Sewer
          1764 46 Gunpowder
          1778 187 Bridge
          1780 112 Univ end WLTPD(size 18)
          1786 152 Exp build wool caravan
          1794 232 Pottery
          1802 312 Seafaring
          1810 392 Nav
          1818 92 Metal build IsaacNewton
          1824 152 Phy build coal caravan
          1830 212 SteamEng
          1832 251 Granary
          1836 270 RR
          1842 346 Industrialization build spice caravan
          1844 368 build engineer
          1848 566 Corp spice caravan to Buffalo, 154g
          1851 290 Factory
          1852 308 Conscrip Amer declare war
          1853 470 coal caravan to Atlanta, 144g
          1855 488 Magnetism
          1858 542 Elec
          1860 578 Phila builds Darwins
          1862 632 Electronics switch from Darwin to Hoover
          1865 686 Refrig
          1868 724 Refining
          1869 912 Capture barb leader
          1870 416 Hoover
          1872 426 Comb
          1873 473 Supermarket
          1874 490 WLTPD(18)
          1875 507 build wine caravan
          1876 524 Steel
          1877 541 food caravan
          1879 850 wine caravan to Washington, 275g
          1880 863 Auto
          1882 879 end WLTPD(23)
          1883 569 MassProd Superhighways
          1885 601 sell temple, many barbs in city limits
          1886 602 Feudalism
          1888 605 Chivalry sell aqueduct
          1889 693 build engineers, sell sewer
          1890 813 Leadership
          1892 834 Tactics
          1895 855 Machine Tools
          1897 862 build Alpine Troops (worried about Amer invasion) lose 1 engineer to barb
          1898 864 Miniaturization lose 1 engineer to Amer, get mono & poly from Spanish
          1899 866 build Engineers
          1901 876 Computers
          1902 876 End war with Amer, get flight
          1903 645 ResearchLab
          1904 664 MobileWARFARE
          1905 429 MassTransit
          1907 462 Robotics
          1909 52 ManuPlant
          1910 64 Radio build plane to clear barbs'
          1913 112 AdvFlt
          1916 163 Rocketry
          1919 214 Space Flt Armor
          1921 248 Engineer to help terraform
          1922 265 Plastic
          1925 316 AtomTheo
          1928 367 Nucl Fission
          1931 412 NuclPower
          1934 444 Laser
          1937 505 Supercond
          1940 559 Fusion
          1942 592 CoastFort
          1943 608 Stealth
          1946 640 Amer build Apollo
          1947 826 AmphWar Amer start SS
          1948 903 Start SS
          1952 1282 Recyc
          1957 1740 Environ
          1958 1833 Amer launch ss for arr in 77
          1962 2204 CombArms Amer declare war, I'm hosed
          1967 2355 Comm
          1968 2418 Barbs inside city limits, destroy mines

          Anyway, my game stacks up pretty poorly. Obviously I didnt' grow my city early enough and it took me a while to meet the AI and they didnt' trade much tech. It would've really helped me if I had uncovered a fast unit from a hut. Sten, I see you built a trireme fairly late, I assume your early caravan deliveries were over the pole? I took a chance on an around the pole delivery of my caravan but I made a mistake and went right instead of left (I could see the land & thought there would be a land bridge close by) and then when I went down to deliver to the Americans I was held up at the land bridge for about 10 turns because the barbs were hanging out there. It really sucked to get a trade route set up so late, I should've built a boat.

          Well, I'm open to criticism...

          Edited to try to make it look better...
          [This message has been edited by crowatbitemedotcom (edited January 14, 2000).]
          AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


          • #6
            ya I got some 4 legged units early which was most helpful in hut hunting.I'll take a horse or chariot first anyday.First 2 caravans went the polar route then later by boat.Contact was helpful early on but after awhile the ais were very uncooperative to say the least.

            Aside from the little skirmish with the Vikes I had no problems from the ai.I did get distracted by several barb raiding parties

            you started out ok cept you didnt get a fast unit.I went left and right.Looks like you went straight for the spot which allowed you to found earlier and get your first tech faster.You had Phil earlier also.I got lucky by turning some techs I was currently researching.Missing Darwin's hurt.
            [This message has been edited by Smash (edited January 15, 2000).]
            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


            • #7
              I tryed it again,this time with the MP GOLD version.Heres' a log of that for what its' worth
              3700-hut-barb horse-defeated
              3500-hut-barb horse-defeated
              3350-start Collosus
              1950-contact Americans-trade Laws for Currency-peace
              1700-hut-archer-hut-barb horse-defeated
              1450-contact Vikings-trade Alpha for Myst-peace-tribute 100 gold-hut-chariot
              1300-Trade-trade writing to Americans for Masonary
              1000-hut-Map Making-trade Trade to Americans for Horseback-gift Map-tribute 150 gold
              925-hut-Warrior Code
              875-Construction-hut-Iron Working-gift Map to Vikes-tribute 50 gold
              850-market-contact Spanish-peace-tribute 100 gold
              800-hut-barb horse
              775-1 chariot KIA
              725-build gems caravan
              600-build hides caravan
              575-gift Writing to Vikes.War with Spain-trade Seafaring to Americans for Literacy-tribute 100 gold-archer contacts Vike horse-war(same turn I gifted Writing)
              475-gift Repub to Vikes-peace
              425-govt Republic
              400-hut-50 gold-start "we love" size 3
              250-aquaduct-start wonder
              175-end "we love" size 12-gift Seafaring to Spain-peace-trade Repub for The Wheel-gift Philosophy to Yanks and Vikes-forest>plains
              75-gift Wheel to Vikes
              25-Math-gems caravan arrives in Kaupang 322 gold
              140-Cope's-sign secret alliance against Spain with Vikes-trade Seafaring for Banking-gift Math-ask for gift...alliance dissolved-gift Math to Spain-cease fire
              260-hides caravan arrives in Roskilde-284 gold
              280-Engineering-gift Philosophy to Spain-peace
              360-it says peace treaty but when Spain is contacted I can ask for peace..which they refuse
              380-Sanitation-sell colliseum-luxuries to 0
              500-start "we love" size 12
              520-sewer system-start wonder
              680-end "we love" size 21-sell temple
              780-Vikes offer Feudalism and 500 gold to declare war on Spain-can't resist that-gift Invention to Spain-ceasefire-gift Construction to Americans
              800-Democracy-revolt-Sir Ike's
              880-build university
              1140-Metallurgy-musket-gift Gunpowder to Vikes-they dissolve alliance-gift Democracy to Americans-gift Navigation to Spain-all hostile
              1280-stock exchange
              1400-supermarket-start wonder
              1440-Bridge Building-pheasant>buffalo
              1500-Steam Engine
              1510-start "we love" size 19
              1570-end "we love" size 25-sell sewer
              1580-Industrialization-sell aquaduct
              1590-Darwin's-Steel-The Corporation
              1600-gift RR to all ais-all enraged
              1690-Electronics-gift Navigation to Vikes
              1710-Mass Production-factory
              1750-Chivalry-hydro plant
              1752-coal freight
              1754-Leadership-spice freight-gold caravan arrives in Uppsala-178 gold
              1756-dye freight
              1760-alpine troop
              1762-Machine Tools-calvary
              1764-food freight
              1766-Miniaturization-food freight
              1770-Computers-dye freight arrives in Viborg-516 gold-spice freight arrives 774 gold
              1772-Mobile Warfare-research lab-Vikes demand 1000 gold-war
              1774-coal arrives in Uppsala 647 gold
              1778-manufacturing plant
              1784-Radio-dye freight
              1788-Advanced Flight-food freight
              1790-food freight
              1792-Rocketry-food freight-start wonder-dye arrives in Viborg(repeat commodity) 286 gold
              1800-Space Flight
              1812-Atomic Theory-gems>buffalo
              1818-Nuclear Fission
              1824-Nuclear Power
              1826-barb raiding party-10 artillery 10 rifles-this really slows SS production
              1830-The Laser-howitzer
              1842-Fusion Power
              1844-raiding party routed-last artillery retreats
              1853-6 comps and 15 structs ready-sell research lab
              1854-module-sell stock exchange
              1855-module-sell superhighway
              1857-walls-American dip expelled-gift Computers
              1858-coastal fortress
              1867-Manhattan Project
              1869-nuclear missile-nuke Roskilde-Americans declare war
              1870-nuclear missile-nuke Atlanta
              1871-arrival AC

              Gold ai pulled it's usual crap and got what it deserved

              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


              • #8
                Interesting game. The hard to reach AI made the start much slower than usual. I also had only one exploring unit; I got two more but they weren't NON so I had to disband them or suffer from zero production which would have delayed me even more.

                I went around the poles the wrong way. This meant I met the Vikings first and they were very hostile. The Americans and Spanish were friendlier, but I met them very late in the game. This was the first in a long time where the AI actually started building spaceships, but that was five years before my landing and they never launched, so no real problems.

                I did have some other problems caused by not paying enough attention to the game. That cost me my sewer system. Anyway, here's my log. Some units were also built; I didn't keep track of them all the time, so I inserted them in brackets at the time I built them.

                4000 BC Bronze Working
                3800 BC Hut: Archers
                3700 BC Athens (wheat, wine, pheasant, gems)
                (built three warriors, then started Colossus)
                3400 BC Alphabet
                3200 BC Hut: Currency
                3000 BC Hut: Archers
                2950 BC Code of Laws
                2800 BC Hut: Horsemen
                2450 BC Ceremonial Burial
                2150 BC Hut: 50 gold
                1950 BC Monarchy, revolution
                1850 BC Gov: Monarchy
                1600 BC Hut: barbarians
                1550 BC Trade
                1500 BC Vikings: peace; trade Horseback Riding, Wheel
                1400 BC Hut: barbarians
                1250 BC Colossus
                (built three caravans)
                1100 BC Writing
                825 BC Mysticism
                Vikings: war
                575 BC Temple
                Map Making
                Vikings: peace
                375 BC Library
                350 BC Masonry
                200 BC Marketplace
                175 BC Construction
                75 BC Gems Caravan: 94 gold
                50 BC Literacy
                20 AD Colosseum
                Silk Caravan: 120 gold
                40 AD Republic, revolution
                60 AD Aqueduct
                Gov: Republic
                Start WLTCD, size 6
                180 AD Mathematics
                Vikings: war
                Hides Caravan: 186 gold
                200 AD End WLTCD, size 12
                Sold Colosseum
                Vikings: Philosophy
                220 AD Astronomy
                Sold Temple
                240 AD Hut: Philosophy
                320 AD Copernicus' Observatory
                (built three caravans and a trireme)
                400 AD Engineering
                Hut: Elephant
                480 AD Sanitation
                500 AD Americans: trade Pottery, Iron Working, Seafaring, Warrior Code; peace
                580 AD University
                620 DA Americans: alliance; share maps
                660 AD Americans: trade Banking
                700 AD Theory of Gravity
                Hut: Legion
                800 AD Bridge Building
                Coal Caravan: 178 gold
                Cloth Caravan: 178 gold
                820 AD Shakespeare's Theatre
                840 AD Start WLTCD, size 12
                860 AD Sewer System
                Americans: trade Economics; share maps
                Dye Caravan: 186 gold
                880 AD Hut: barbarians
                900 AD Bank
                940 AD Americans: gift 50 gold
                960 AD Democracy, revolution
                Americans: gift 50 gold
                980 AD University
                (built three caravans)
                1020 AD Gov: Democracy
                Start WLTPD, size 18
                1060 AD Vikings: peace; share maps
                Americans: gift 50 gold
                1100 AD Gunpowder
                1120 AD End WLTPD, size 22
                1160 AD Chemistry
                1200 AD Explosives
                1220 AD Vikings: trade Navigation; share maps
                1240 AD Metallurgy
                1300 AD Physics
                1360 AD Isaac Newton's College
                Coal Caravan: 235 gold
                1380 AD Electricity
                1400 AD Stock Exchange
                Spanish: peace; share maps
                Americans: gift 25 gold
                Vikings: war
                Disband Trireme
                (built two engineers)
                1420 AD Refrigeration
                1460 AD Steam Engine
                1500 AD Railroad
                1520 AD Industrialization
                Cloth Caravan: 120 gold
                Gold Caravan: 120 gold
                1540 AD Corporation
                1560 AD Steel
                Americans: trade Conscription; gift 50 gold
                Spanish: trade Atomic Theory
                1570 AD Transport
                1590 AD Refining
                1610 AD Combustion
                Americans: trade Feudalism; gift 50 gold
                1630 AD Automobile
                Americans: gift 50 gold
                Start WLTPD, size 20
                1640 AD Darwin's Voyage: Electronics, Mass Production
                Spanish: trade Communism
                Coal Freight: 570 gold
                (aargh, forgot to check tax rate and treasury; can't maintain sewer system)
                1650 AD Chivalry
                Spice Caravan: 456 gold
                1660 AD Sewer system
                1670 AD Leadership
                1680 AD Superhighways
                1690 AD Tactics
                1700 AD Factory
                1720 AD Alpine Troops
                Machine Tools
                End WLTPD, size 27
                1740 AD Miniaturization
                Alpine Troops
                1752 AD Computers
                Barbarian Leader: 150 gold
                1754 AD Research Lab
                1756 AD Mobile Warfare
                1758 AD Power Plant
                1760 AD Robotics
                1764 AD Flight
                Manufacturing Plant
                1766 AD Engineers
                1768 AD Engineers
                1772 AD Advanced Flight
                1776 AD Rocketry
                1780 AD Space Flight
                1782 AD Sold Sewer System
                1784 AD Apollo Program
                Sold Aqueduct
                1792 AD Nuclear Fission
                1800 AD Nuclear Power
                1816 AD Laser
                1834 AD Superconductor
                1842 AD Fusion Power
                1844 AD Launch
                1845 AD Engineers
                1846 AD Engineers
                1847 AD Engineers
                1848 AD Engineers
                1849 AD Alpine Troops
                1850 AD Alpine Troops
                1851 AD Guerilla Warfare
                Alpine Troops
                1853 AD Labor Union
                1854 AD City Walls
                1855 AD Combined Arms
                Mech Inf
                1856 AD Mech Inf
                Spanish steal Fusion/destroy market; war
                1857 AD Recycling
                Mech Inf
                1858 AD Mech Inf
                1859 AD G.S.S. Markos Apolyton arrives at Alpha Centauri


                • #9
                  Lamentations and woeful greetings, Soft Ones. To ruefully admit mighty Grigor to be sucker of bigtime one. To fritter away valuable time in first five moves in slothful agony over where to build, where to find huts, where to find pattern of specials, where to find hut pattern. To be unworthily cautious and delay building city by 4 crucial turns. To spend early game indulging in wasteful joy of squashing ignominious Barbarians. To not find AI. To guess wrong and not to go over pole at first. To miss Copernicus. To contemplate throwing self on point of sword.
                  Even so, to beat indolent and time-squandering AI to to Space Flight in 1884! To be passed by mercenary soft-living AI civs who live easy life with many wasteful cities. To be tricked by treacherous Spanish who discover Space Flight only 3rd in 1900 and launch in 1908 with a lucky 15-6-3 combination. To play on to bitter end anyway. To survive until American Landing in 1927 and achieve glorious moral victory by sheer survival.

                  4000BC BW
                  3900 To experience Quandary. To have found city location easily, but to want NONE unit if possible. To make unbelievable blunder to road wheat square. Of course not to find hut either. To conclude that delay and inaction is only good policy for kamikaze pilots.
                  3700 Athens founded
                  3500 CB -> Alph To build one glorious warrior. To explore with warrior. To start Colossus
                  3400 hut: 50 gp
                  3250 Treacherous Barbs appear. To switch from Colossus to buy phalanx. To gnash chewing palps in agony.
                  3150 to build phalanx. hut: Horseback Riding
                  3100 to reach glorious size of 2
                  3000 Alph -> CoL hut: War Code
                  2850 to build horsemen -> Colossus. Treacherous Barbs attack phalanx and lose in saturnalia of gore. To ransom Barb leader 150gp.
                  hut: Iron Work. Warriors arrive at dead end promontory. To disband warriors.
                  2950 Valiant Horsemen cut off by lucky Barbs. To make disgusting sucking noises concerning skill level.
                  2400 new Barbs land. To insinuate that somebody toyed maliciously with Barb switch?
                  2300 CoL -> Mon. Cowardly Barbs disappear without attacking.
                  1700 Monarchy -> Writing. Gov: Monarchy
                  875 Writing -> Maps. To hope that nobody notices Grigor sitting idly while waiting for Colossus with no units. To contemplate ending game. Better: to destroy sadistic map designer. To wonder where is the AI?
                  600 Colossus. To be dispirited. To make bad log from here. To build horsie and send over pole.
                  550 Map Making -> Currency
                  425 To be astonished at profligate and imbecilic AI. Empty American trireme finds Athens and attacks before Grigor can build dip to bribe it. To be visible to soft many-citied one. To still get no trade or information. To contemplate unimaginable tortures to extended family of maker of this scenario.
                  400 Currency -> Trade. Build Temple -> Library
                  200 Trade -> Literacy. To still be broke. Spent it on Colossus.

                  1AD Library. 5 Largest Cities: Washington 8 Athens 6 Trondheim 5 Kaupang 4 NY 4.
                  20 AD Literacy -> Wheel. To not get Republic as option. Perhaps to trade Wheel with two-eyed ones in distant future. Vikings start Copernicus. To wonder where are cowardly Vikings? To feel that things are not looking so good.
                  160 Wheel -> Republic Seville starts GL.
                  180 To find secretive Americans. To reluctantly trade them Monarchy and Wheel for Peace. To have brave Dip expelled. To need to bribe some units.
                  260 To build Trireme. Soft ones cannot say Grigor is untrainable. To build bunch of caravans.
                  300 Republic - Mysticism. Not ready for revolution.
                  360 Trondheim builds Copernicus. To ask why not just quit now.
                  620 Revolution.
                  680 Gov: Republic. To make assurances to readers of this log that Grigor has played OCC before.
                  720 Myst -> Phil. To Arrive with Glorious Gems Caravan in Washington!! 144 gp. To make feeble decision to continue south around Continent with brave dip.
                  740 Philosophy, Medicine -> Masonry. To revel in glorious circumstance!
                  780 Madrid builds HG
                  820 Hut: 50 gp
                  910 To watch helplessly as brave Dip is caught on shore and hacked to gory death by Barbs.
                  1020 to build Coliseum
                  1040 WLTC starts size 7. To reassure two-eyed soft ones that 1040 AD is not a typo.
                  1050 build Aqueduct -> Shakespeare
                  1050 hut: 100 gp To joyously wave all five eyestalks in exultation.
                  1120 Engineering -> Sanitation. Lucky option. WLTCD ends size 12
                  1200 Americans. Peace. Trade maps. To have 3 caravans still unboated. To abandon Shakespeare for Trireme. To be lucky not to be playing MP.
                  1300 To disband foolhardy Trireme south of Spanish continent after fruitless expedition.
                  1320 To build Sewer System. WLTCD starts size 12. To find sly and furtive (Icy) Vikes. To trade Sanitation for peace.
                  1340 WLTCD ends size 13. Not enough happiness. To wish to strangle map maker with barbed venomous tentacles. To anticipate painful squirming death of astonishing slowness.
                  1360 Build dip -> Shakes. To still need units. Spanish develop Gunpowder.
                  Hides Caravan arrives in Jorvik: 214 gp
                  1380 Mathematics
                  1460 Hides to Salamanca: 160 gold. Spanish: Peace. Trade for Gunpowder
                  1500 University -> Chemistry
                  1530 To build Shakespeare. WLTC starts size 13. sell coliseum
                  1580 Chemistry -> Explosives
                  1590 To build University -> Caravan Jorvik Coal Caravan: 288 gp
                  1610 Expl -> Metallurgy
                  1620 To build Caravan. WLTCD ends size 20
                  1640 To build engineers. Metallury -> Astronomy.
                  1690 Astron - ToG
                  1720 To make an embassy with slinking Americans.
                  1730 To make alliance with indolent many-citied Americans . To trade Navigation, Banking, ToG
                  1740 Dye Caravan: 340 gp
                  1758 Conscription. To trade it to Americans for something. To experience dispiritude.
                  1764 To build Isaac Newton just before feeble Spanish. To be extravagantly expensive.
                  1766 Electricity - Refrigeration. To experience momentary feeling of possible glorious success. The AI never wants refrigeration. To trade for RR.
                  1770 to build Rifleman. Start Darwin
                  1784 Refrigeration -> Steel
                  1796 To build Darwin just ahead of slothful Spanish. Steel, Leadership -> Tactics
                  1798 To trade for Corporation. To build Supermarket
                  1800 Tactics ->
                  1804 To build Transport
                  1810 Refining -> combustion
                  1813 Combustion
                  1816 Auto
                  1820 Factory
                  1821 Harbor
                  1826 Hladir Spice Caravan: 510 gp. To trade with Americans for Electronics. To get 50 gp
                  1828 Udal Cloth Caravan 126 gp
                  1630 Superhiway. Machine Tools -> Miniature
                  1832 To build Hydro Plant
                  1836 Miniature -> Mass P
                  1842 Mass P -> Computers. To build Offshore Platform. (to sell later?)
                  1846 Mass Transit (to sell later)
                  1848 Computers -> Physics. To have leapfrogged it earlier.
                  1852 To build Research Lab. Physics -> Atom Theory
                  1859 To build SETI in vain attempt to inconvenience time-squandering AI. To be a doubtful plan, but probably not the losing plan, because Grigor is lost anyway. To be placed in crushing penury twenty years later after paying for Apollo.
                  1866 To build SDI. To still contemplate blissful thoughts of Nuclear devastation after their ships launch.
                  1868 To experience slowdown of science as somebody discovers Flight.
                  1870 Robotics -> Flight
                  1872 Flight -> Radio. Coal Freight 282 gp. Spice Freight 282 gp
                  1876 Radio -> Adv Flight
                  1879 Adv Flight - Rockets
                  1880 Spice Freight: 480 gp. Cloth Freight 102 gp
                  1881 Rockets -> Space Flight. To be surprised by untrustworthy Vikings who sink glorious Transport. To get Nuclear Fission from Americans, who also declare war on Vikes. To be worried about science lead of many-citied Americans.
                  1882 Cowardly Americans make peace with Vikes. (Vikes have UN). To experience pangs of the certainty of ignoble failure.
                  1884 To be first to Space Flight. To revel briefly in superiority
                  1885 To buy Apollo. To be caught with pants lowered. To experience Dickensian want.
                  1887 Americans develop Space Flight. To be depressed by the prospect of fast building by mercenary, many-citied ones. To contemplate that if Grigor had, say, three cities they would have all been toast 1000 years ago.
                  1890 Superconductor.
                  1891 To discover American spies in South of Grigor's continent. To block them cavalierly with freight.
                  1895 To be discovered by 2 Viking Destroyers. To be forced to build Coastal Fortress for lone Armor unit. To experience painful realization that bloody slaughter is most likely result if they attack. To feel that it's curtains for Grigor
                  1900 Treacherous Spanish start spaceship. To know that they are even richer than Americans.
                  1906 To trade Space Filght to Vikes for Peace. Why not?
                  1908 To experience humiliation of Spanish Launch. A 15-6-3 ship(no fusion) for 1930 arrival. To know that it is all over. To decide to play until bitter end.
                  1909 To attempt to sow sedition so that Vikes will fight Spanish. To have Vikes declare war on Grigor.
                  1911 To entice Americans to attack Spanish by giving Refrigeration and Robotics. To receive Combined Arms.
                  1912 To experience abject humiliation of American Launch with lucky 15-3-1 fusion ship for arrival in 1927. To feel wolf of poverty preventing Grigor from building final module.
                  1913 Espionage -> Recycle To build last module. To revel in success of Spanish soldiers taking American city of Los Angeles. To be disillusioned as Americans and Spanish sign Peace Treaty.
                  1915 Spanish go Fundamentalism
                  1917 To salvage moral victory by launching Spaceship with skillful 15-3-1 fusion power for launch in 1932. To receive American ambassador and declare war on Spanish.
                  1918 Spy
                  1919 Battleship. Spanish take Denver. To gleefully rejoice in Americans and Spanish pillaging and sacking each other.
                  1920 To build Battleship and to sink 4 cowardly Vikings lurking outside Athens. To chortle in short-lived but satisfying joy of victory. To receive American Ambassador who treacherously cancels alliance.
                  1921 Armor
                  1922 To build Cruise Missle and to make pusillanimous attack on Udal.
                  1923 Bomber. To build Airbase
                  1924 Sub
                  1925 Armor. To experience annoyance of Viking missle attacking invincible battleship
                  1926 To exerience ultimate betrayal as Spanish and Americans sign peace Treaty. To repulse Spanish Stealth Bomber attack on Athens. To write name of glorious Armor unit martyred in treacherous American Stealth Bomber attack.
                  1927 To be put out of misery at last as Americans land on AC. To survive until end. To know in dorsal chitinous plates that next battle will not be so unlucky for Grigor.

                  (apologies to Keith Laumer)
                  But it was a good map and a fun game.

                  It seems that the hut locations are not the same for eerybody... It's a scenario, so I guess we all think they should be, but evidently not. Does anybody know how to fix this for the next game?



                  • #10
                    Nearly didn't make it before the 20th Century, but turning down research at the end gave me enough cash to rush my modules. The last 100 years were a pain with pollution nearly getting ahead of me. If I'd built a mass transit I might have been able to boost my shield output to produce the structurals in 1 turn instead of 2. Oh well.

                    3900 BC Archers (N) (hut)
                    3850 BC Chariot (N) (hut)
                    3700 BC Archers (N) (hut)
                    Penge founded (Gems, Pheasant, Grain, Wine)
                    3500 BC Alphabet
                    3300 BC Warriors
                    Horseback Riding (hut)
                    3200 BC Ceremonial Burial
                    3100 BC Code of Laws (hut)
                    2550 BC Monarchy
                    2500 BC Map Making (hut)
                    2450 BC Monarchy established
                    Americans:Exchange Alphabet for Pottery
                    Exchange Map Making for Mysticism
                    Treaty with Americans
                    2250 BC Currency (hut)
                    2200 BC Americans: Exchange Monarcy for Masonry
                    2150 BC Horsemen (N) (hut)
                    1800 BC Legion (N) (hut)
                    1550 BC 50 Gold (hut)
                    1500 BC Writing
                    1350 BC Barb (hut)
                    1050 BC Share maps with Americans
                    1000 BC Trade
                    975 BC Construction (hut)
                    950 BC Market
                    825 BC Horsemen (N) (hut)
                    800 BC Literacy
                    775 BC Spanish: Exchange Construction for Iron Working
                    Share maps
                    750 BC Hides Caravan
                    700 BC Trireme
                    Americans: Receive 50 Gold
                    600 BC Spanish: Exchange Pottery for Warrior Code
                    575 BC Gems Caravan
                    Chariot (N) (hut)
                    500 BC Republic (hut)
                    475 BC Revolution
                    Polytheism (hut)
                    Coal Caravan
                    450 BC Republic established
                    425 BC Legion (N) (hut)
                    400 BC Disband warriors
                    350 BC Americans: Trade for Seafaring
                    Receive 100 Gold
                    Hides Caravan
                    275 BC Temple
                    250 BC WLTCD Pop 4
                    200 BC Silk Caravan
                    150 BC Gems Route Penge - Valencia 148 Gold
                    WLTCD ends Pop 7
                    125 BC Disband Horsemen
                    100 BC Astronomy
                    25 BC Medicine (hut)
                    60 AD Hides Route Penge - Seville 340 Gold
                    WLTCD Pop 7
                    100 AD Silk Route Penge-Kaupang 366 Gold
                    Treaty with Vikings
                    140 AD Gold Caravan
                    160 AD Coal Route Penge - Upsala 164 Gold
                    180 AD Food Caravan
                    WLTCD ends pop 12
                    240 AD Food Caravan
                    260 AD Americans: Receive 50 Gold
                    280 AD 100 Gold from Americans
                    Food Caravan
                    300 AD Copernicus
                    320 AD Barb (hut)
                    340 AD 50 Gold (hut)
                    360 AD Gold Caravan
                    400 AD Food Caravan
                    440 AD Food Caravan
                    480 AD 50 Gold (hut)
                    Dye Caravan
                    520 AD Food Caravan
                    Theory of Gravity
                    560 AD Americans: Receive 50 Gold
                    620 AD Food Caravan
                    640 AD Americans: Exchange Sanitation for Bridge Building
                    Receive 100 gold
                    680 AD Sell Colosseum
                    700 AD Sell Temple
                    760 AD Invention
                    780 AD Americans: Exchange Invention for Chemistry
                    Receive 100 Gold
                    Sewer System
                    WLTCD Pop 12
                    800 AD Dye Route Penge - Buffalo 130 Gold
                    820 AD Disband Horsemen
                    840 AD Democracy
                    860 AD Democracy established
                    Disband Trireme
                    920 AD Bank
                    980 AD Coal Caravan
                    1000 AD Explosives
                    1040 AD Gold Caravan
                    1100 AD Food Caravn
                    WLTPD ends Pop 21
                    1160 AD Navigation
                    Food Caravaan
                    1220 AD Food Caravan
                    1240 AD 100 Gold from Ameicans
                    1280 AD Food Caravan
                    1340 AD Food Caravan
                    1360 AD Newton
                    1380 AD Refrigeration
                    1400 AD Engineers
                    1420 AD Steam Engine
                    1440 AD Engineers
                    1460 AD Railroad
                    1500 AD Industrialisation
                    1520 AD Corporation
                    1540 AD Stock Exchange
                    1570 AD Refining
                    1580 AD Supermarket
                    1590 AD WLTPD Pop 19
                    1600 AD Spice Caravan
                    1630 AD Automobile
                    1660 AD Electronics
                    1670 AD Americans: Receive 100 Gold
                    1690 AD Mass Production
                    1700 AD Spice Route Penge - Boston 452 Gold
                    1710 AD Conscription
                    1730 AD Coal Caravan
                    1750 AD Chivalry
                    1752 AD Food Caravan
                    1754 AD Leadership
                    1756 AD Sell Sewer System
                    WLTPD ends Pop 27
                    1758 AD Food Caravan
                    Sell Aqueduct
                    1762 AD Machine Tools
                    1764 AD Food Caravan
                    1766 AD Miniaturisation
                    1768 AD Chariot, Legion killed
                    Food Caravan
                    1770 AD Computers
                    1774 AD Alpine Troops
                    Mobile Warfare
                    1776 AD Research Lab
                    1778 AD Robotics
                    1782 AD Food Caravan
                    1786 AD Radio
                    1790 AD Advanced Flight
                    1794 AD Rocketry
                    1796 AD Factory
                    1798 AD Disband Transport
                    Hydro Plant
                    Space Flight
                    1802 AD Manufacturing Plant
                    1804 AD Food Caravan
                    1806 AD Food Caravan
                    Atomic Theory
                    1808 AD Food Caravan
                    1810 AD Food Caravan
                    Nuclear Fission
                    1812 AD Food Caravan
                    1814 AD Apollo
                    Nuclear Power
                    1818 AD Laser
                    1822 AD Superconductor
                    1826 AD Fusion Power
                    1828 AD Sell Research Lab
                    1862 AD 15 Structurals
                    1865 AD Sell University
                    1874 AD 6 Components
                    1875 AD Sell Library
                    1877 AD 3 Modules
                    Launch ETA 1893
                    1878 AD Barracks
                    1883 AD Americans start spaceship
                    Mass Transit
                    1886 AD SAM Battery
                    1887 AD SDI
                    1890 AD Airport
                    1893 AD AC


                    • #11
                      Gentlemen, my log!

                      Level: Deity
                      Starting techs: Bronze Working

                      3800 BC, 50 gold (hut).
                      3650 BC, Horsemen (hut)
                      3450 BC, Athens founded (gems, pheasant, wheat and wine).

                      3350 BC, Rushbuilt a warrior.
                      3200 BC, Ceremonial Burial.
                      3150 BC, Rushbuilt a warrior.
                      3100 BC, Horseback riding (hut).

                      2900 BC, 50 gold (hut).
                      2650 BC, Alphabet.
                      2250 BC, Code of Laws.
                      1800 BC, Monarchy.
                      1750 BC, Wheat mined to silk.
                      1650 BC, Proclaimed king.

                      1300 BC, Currency.
                      1050 BC, Colossus.
                      950 BC, Trade + pheasant irrigated to buffalo.

                      825 BC, 150 gold (barb leader).
                      725 BC, Writing.
                      700 BC, Library.
                      575 BC, Mysticism.
                      475 BC, Literacy (hut).
                      375 BC, Masonry.

                      175 BC, Philosophy + Medicine, Legion (hut). Contact with the Vikings.
                      75 BC, Hides caravan arrives in Kaupang (90 gold).
                      50 BC, Mathematics.
                      140 AD, Shake's + Republic.
                      220 AD, Consul + hides caravan arrives to Atlanta (barb city, 54 gold).

                      240 AD, WLTCD. Gave Writing to the Vikings + got Construction and University for Trade and Literacy.
                      280 AD, Got Map Making for Code of Laws (the Vikings).
                      300 AD, Aqueduct.
                      380 AD, End of WLTCD (size 9 ) + Astronomy.

                      440 AD, Marketplace + WLTCD.
                      500 AD, End of WLTCD (size 12).
                      540 AD, Theory of Gravity.
                      720 AD, Banking.
                      740 AD, Copernicus' Observatory.
                      800 AD, The Wheel.
                      840 AD, University (the city improvement).
                      880 AD, Engineering.
                      960 AD, Invention.

                      1040 AD, Democracy.
                      1100 AD, President.
                      1200 AD, Sanitation.
                      1260 AD, INC.
                      1280 AD, Chemistry.
                      1340 AD, Warrior Code.
                      1360 AD, WLTPD + Sewer system.

                      1420 AD, Iron Working.
                      1460 AD, Gems caravan arrives in Kaupang (387 gold). Mistake ended WLTPD this turn.
                      1480 AD, Bank + Bridge Building.
                      1510 AD, Pottery.
                      1520 AD, End of WLTPD (size 19).

                      1540 AD, Seafaring.
                      1560 AD, Navigation.
                      1580 AD, Physics.
                      1600 AD, Steam Engine.
                      1630 AD, Railroad.
                      1660 AD, Industrialization.
                      1670 AD, Darwin's (Magnetism + Gunpowder).

                      1690 AD, Factory.
                      1700 AD, Metallurgy.
                      1730 AD, Explosives.
                      1752 AD, Electricity.
                      1756 AD, Harbor.
                      1758 AD, Refrigeration.

                      1760 AD, Supermarket.
                      1764 AD, Economics.
                      1768 AD, Engineer.
                      1770 AD, The Corporation.
                      1772 AD, Another engineer.
                      1776 AD, Electronics.
                      1778 AD, Hydro plant.

                      1782 AD, Steel.
                      1788 AD, WLTPD.
                      1790 AD, Refining.
                      1792 AD, End WLTPD.
                      1794 AD, City walls, WLTPD.
                      1800 AD, Combustion.
                      1806 AD, End of WLTPD (size 23).
                      1808 AD, Automobile.

                      1810 AD, Superhighways.
                      1812 AD, Mass production.
                      1818 AD, Polytheism.
                      1824 AD, Feudalism.
                      1828 AD, Atomic Theory.
                      1830 AD, Nuclear Fission.
                      1834 AD, Nuclear Power.
                      1842 AD, Tactics.
                      1848 AD, WLTPD.
                      1850 AD, Machine Tools.

                      1851 AD, End of WLTPD (size 25). Sold the sewer system.
                      1853 AD, Miniaturization. Sold the aqueduct.
                      1856 AD, Computers.
                      1857 AD, Research lab (1280 beakers with taxes at 0 % and 9 Einsteins).
                      1859 AD, The Laser.

                      1861 AD, Flight.
                      1864 AD, Radio.
                      1865 AD, Shared maps with the Americans.
                      1867 AD, Advanced flight.
                      1869 AD, Rocketry.
                      1871 AD, Space Flight.
                      1872 AD, Apollo Program.
                      1874 AD, Plastics.
                      1877 AD, Superconductor. Taxes set to 100% (19 turns to get fusion power).

                      1887 AD, 15 structurals ready.
                      1893 AD, 6 components ready.
                      1895 AD, Fusion Power.
                      1896 AD, 3 modules ready. Launch.
                      1908 AD, Mobile Warfare.
                      1911 AD, Alpha Centauri.

                      That's it!

                      No allies, no wars, not even a single battle...



                      • #12

                        1828 AD, Atomic Theory + got Conscription and Leadership for Mass Production and Combustion (the Vikings).



                        • #13
                          This was played on King Level. I forgot to keep a log at first, so it starts with my completion of the Colossus. I basically wuit after the Americans launched in 1872, i only had 5 structurals done. Poor production kept me from building my ship quicker.

                          Colossus.....................................2100 BC
                          Currency......................................1950 BC
                          Mysticism.....................................1700 BC
                          Mathematics...............................1200 BC
                          Trade............................................1 200 BC
                          Astronomy.....................................925 BC
                          Construction..................................775 BC
                          Literacy.......................................... .400 BC
                          Copernicus' Observatory..........400 BC
                          Americans......................................350 BC
                          The Wheel
                          Philosophy.....................................175 BC
                          Invention......................................... .175 BC
                          Aqueduct.......................................... .25 BC
                          Americans......................................100 AD
                          Bridge Building
                          Iron working
                          Theory of Gravity..........................400 AD
                          Leo's Workshop............................440 AD
                          Gunpowder.....................................500 AD
                          University........................................ 540 AD
                          Warrior Code.................................700 AD
                          Republic.......................................... 880 AD
                          MarketPlace.................................1040 AD
                          Banking..........................................1 080 AD
                          Isaac Newton's College............1200 AD
                          Democracy...................................1220 AD
                          Americans.....................................1220 AD
                          Steam Engine
                          exchanged maps
                          enter Democracy........................1260 AD
                          Bank.............................................. ..1340 AD
                          Medicine........................................14 20 AD
                          Sanitation.......................................1 540 AD
                          Buffalo - Coal - 155 gold............1570 AD
                          Monotheism...................................1610 AD
                          Shakespeare's Theater............1630 AD
                          Chemistry........................................1 670 AD
                          Washington - Wool - 86 Gold....1670 AD
                          San Francisco - Spice - 279 Gold..1680 AD
                          Physics........................................... ..1690 AD
                          Sewer System................................1700 AD
                          WLTPD begin - size 12...............1700 AD
                          Explosives......................................17 30 AD
                          Atomic Theory...............................1752 AD
                          Americans.......................................17 52 AD
                          The Corporation
                          Railroad.......................................... .1758 AD
                          Feudalism .......................................1764 AD
                          Philadelphia - Dye - 266 Gold...1764 AD
                          Chivalry.......................................... ...1768 AD
                          Industrialization...............................17 74 AD
                          Boston - Spice - 356 gold............1776 AD
                          Leadership.......................................1 778 AD
                          Vikings........................................... ....1778 AD
                          Conscription...................................... 1784 AD
                          Economics........................................1 790 AD
                          Factory........................................... ....1794 AD
                          Electricity....................................... ....1796 AD
                          Steel............................................. .......1800 AD
                          Refining.......................................... ....1804 AD
                          Vikings........................................... .....1806 AD
                          Automobile........................................ 1810 AD
                          Superhighways................................1816 AD
                          Mass Production.............................1816 AD
                          Computers......................................... 1820 AD
                          Americans......................................... 1820 AD
                          Labor Union
                          Refrigeration..................................... 1824 AD
                          Mass Transit.....................................1826 AD
                          Flight............................................ ........1828 AD
                          Electronics....................................... .1832 AD
                          Research Lab.................................1836 AD
                          Recycling......................................... 1836 AD
                          Radio............................................. .....1840 AD
                          Machine Tools.................................1844 AD
                          Advanced Flight..............................1848 AD
                          Recycling Center.............................1848 AD
                          Rocketry.......................................... ....1851 AD
                          Space Flight.......................................1853 AD
                          Plastics.......................................... .......1855 AD
                          Nuclear Fission..................................1857 AD
                          Nuclear Power...................................1859 AD
                          Detroit - Gold - 683 Gold..................1859 AD
                          Detroit - Gems - 228 Gold................1859 AD
                          Laser............................................. .........1860 AD
                          Barcelona - Coal - 400 Gold..........1861 AD
                          Superconductor..................................18 62 AD
                          Switched all taxes over to gold......1863 AD
                          Begin Structural construction..........1863 AD
                          steal Amphibious Warfare (Vikes)..1868 AD
                          Americans Launch (15-3-3) landing 1888...1872 AD
                          American's land on AC.........................1888 AD


                          "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
                          -Homer Simpson


                          • #14
                            regarding hut placement-

                            I played it twice-first regular version-second-GOLD version-...and I found the huts in the same places.It depends on which direction you go at first,and what you get out of the first one or two as to how many and how fast you get more.Also the "pattern".Once you find 1 hut you know where they all are.Or where they should be at least
                            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                            • #15
                              Well I think I did pretty well.

                              4000 BC BW
                              3900 BC Hut: Horseman, City
                              3650 BC Alphabet, Warrior
                              3550 BC Hut: 50 gold
                              3400 BC Warrior
                              3300 BC Hut: Archers CB
                              2850 BC Hut: Warrior Code
                              2450 BC Hut: Horseman
                              2400 BC Code of Laws Hut: Map Making
                              2050 BC Contact Vikings 50 gold Trade for Masonry, Pottery, HR
                              1800 BC Vikings War
                              1550 BC Colossus
                              1300 BC Hut: Sefaring
                              1100 BC Hut: Currency
                              975 BC Hut: Iron Working, Marketplace
                              775 BC Monarchy
                              725 BC Mathematics, Trade, Wheel
                              475 BC Alliance with America, Writing
                              200 BC Library
                              125 BC Construction
                              25 BC Engineering
                              20 AD Coloseum
                              120 AD Literacy
                              160 AD Trade Route, Aquaduct
                              240 AD Trade Route
                              400 AD Mysticism, Bridge Building 150 gold
                              460 AD Trade Route
                              520 AD City Walls
                              580 AD Astronomy
                              620 AD Philosophy, Medicine, 75 gold
                              740 AD Copernicus' Observatory
                              800 AD 150 gold
                              880 AD University 150 Gold
                              900 AD 150 Gold
                              980 AD Sanitation, 50 gold, Shakespeares
                              1020 AD 150 Gold
                              1040 AD Sewer System
                              1100 AD 100 Gold
                              1120 AD Bank, Theory of Gravity
                              1180 AD 150 Gold
                              1200 AD University
                              1240 AD 100 Gold, Invention
                              1280 AD Demo, 100 Gold
                              1380 AD 150 Gold
                              1420 AD Economics
                              1480 AD Chemistry, Isaac Newton's, Gunpowder, 150 Gold
                              1520 AD Stock Exchange, 150 Gold
                              1550 AD Mettallurgy, Harbor
                              1570 AD 150 Gold, Navigation
                              1590 AD Physics
                              1600 AD 150 Gold
                              1620 AD Steam Engine
                              1640 AD Railroad, Conscription, 150 Gold
                              1650 AD Darwin's, Magnetism, Electricity, 150 Gold
                              1660 AD Refrigeration
                              1670 AD Supermarket, 150 Gold
                              1700 AD Engineer, Industrialization
                              1720 AD 150 Gold
                              1750 AD 150 Gold
                              1752 AD 150 Gold, Factory, Refining
                              1756 AD Combustion
                              1758 AD 150 Gold
                              1762 AD 150 Gold, Steel
                              1766 AD 150 Gold
                              1772 AD 150 Gold, Automobile
                              1776 AD Superhighways, Electronics, 150 Gold
                              1780 AD Hydro Plant, 300 Gold, Feudalism
                              1782 AD Mass Production, 100 Gold
                              1786 AD Chivelry, 100 Gold
                              1788 AD Leadership, 100 Gold
                              1790 AD Engineer
                              1796 AD Tactics, 100 Gold
                              1800 AD 100 Gold, Machine Tools
                              1804 AD 150 Gold, Miniturization
                              1808 AD Computers, 150 Gold
                              1812 AD Mobile Warefare, Research lab, 200 Gold
                              1816 AD Robotics, 50 Gold
                              1820 AD Manufacturing Plant, 50 Gold, Flight
                              1826 AD Radio, 50 Gold
                              1830 AD Advanced Flight, 50 Gold, Mass Transit
                              1838 AD Rocketry, 50 Gold
                              1842 AD Space Flight, 50 Gold
                              1844 AD Apollo Program
                              1846 AD Plastics, 50 Gold
                              1850 AD Atomic Theory, 50 Gold
                              1854 AD Nuclear Fission, 50 Gold
                              1860 AD Nuclear Power, 50 Gold
                              1863 AD 50 Gold
                              1864 AD The Laser
                              1868 AD Superconductor, 50 Gold
                              1870 AD Fusion Power, 50 Gold
                              1876 AD Launch
                              1891 AD Arrival

                              Its decent. Not my best but I'd say pretty good... I had the same problems as Paul (went the wrong way and had to deal with the loss of 2 explorers) But for the low quality of the map I think I did pretty well. I mined the Wheat into a silk, and irigated the pheasant into a buffalo. I learned a lot. So whens the next one.
                              I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.

