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Fortnight OCC - First Edition! - Results & Logs

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  • #31
    I'd like to echo redbaron's comment here - the above was my first ever log, but I felt that the simple act of keeping it kept me more on the straight and narrow than my usual 'let's just wing it' style.

    It is seriously hard adjusting to OCC from ICS (with SSC), but its great fun.

    TTFN - think I'm going down with the flu - lots about in UK at the moment - so might not be online for a day or so. Keep those logs coming (except you shouldn't be reading this unless you have already posted)

    Scouse Git[1]

    "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • #32
      I will post my log here later, but I thought you all would find it amusing that barbs wiped out my first settler, and the wheat irrigation and the wine mine, and my replacement settler and my first trireme with my first caravan. I had to sell my library and disband two "none" defenders to get the Colossus before the damn Spaniards. Then my second trireme with my second caravan got sunk by barbs. Then I got mad and counter-attacked barbs that were set up to kill my third settler and left my city undefended, I lost the battle, lost my settler and lost my city. End of game around 400bc.

      I think Grigor or SG[1] stole my mojo!
      [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited January 18, 2000).]
      Be the bid!


      • #33
        Scouse -

        Thanks for putting that list together, it really helps put things in perspective for myself.

        I got collosus first, woo hoo! of course i also played on king so that has to be what did it.

        Thanks again.


        "Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a qtip"
        -Homer Simpson

        "Ecky eck ecky!"
        "It's just a flesh wound!"
        - Monty Python and the Holy Grail


        • #34
          Another observation

          First of all we should eliminate Smash's second time and Sandmonkey's because they can't be compared fairly, for obvious reasons.

          Date of First Trade Route
          Smash 80 AD, Arrival - 1888
          Crow 720 AD, Arrival - N/A
          Paul 75 BC, Arrival - 1859
          Grigor 1360 AD, Arrvial - N/A
          Redbaron 150 BC, Arrival - 1893
          Carlous 75 BC, Arrival - 1911
          Caesar 160 AD, Arrival - 1891
          Scouse 80 AD, 1911

          This shows the importance of trade routes. But there are CLEARLY other factors.

          I'm 49% Apathetic, 23% Indifferent, 46% Redundant, 26% Repetative and 45% Mathetically Deficient.


          • #35
            OK, so what seems to be fun is trying to find out which statistics correlate well with early AC arrival. The post from SG1 looks like a logical start, but the results are surprising. Of course this is a small sample, and I am no statistician, but the data did seem to stratify sort of ok. If we divide the competitors into two groups (1. arrived before 1900; 2. arrived after 1900 or didn't arrive), here is what I see:

            Date of Shakespeare - before 1000 AD - gives excellent correlation
            Turns to Copernicus - 10 or fewer turns - correlates well
            Date of Copernicus - Before 350 AD - gives good correlation
            Date of Colossus - by or before 1250 BC - correlates well with AC arrival date, despite the two early Colossi.

            Date of Darwin - before 1750 AD - gives fair correlation
            Turns to Newton - 35 or fewer turns - gives fair correlation

            Date of Industrialization - before 1650 - gives no particular correlation
            Turns to Shakespeare - 25 or fewer - no particular correlation
            Turns from Industrialization to Space - 50 or fewer turns - one might have thought that this would be important, but it seems to have no particular correlation.
            Date of Newton - before 1500 - gives no particular correlation

            Turns to Darwin - 10 or fewer turns - gives no correlation at all. Paul took 13 and redbaron didn't build it at all.

            Turns to build SS (Apollo to launch) - 1 or 2 is good, but does not seem so important since the worst was 8. It represents an area for technical improvement
            Turns to build SS (Apollo to launch) - 25 - 30 is good, but this does not seem so important. Redbaron could also shave a hunk of time in this phase.

            There must be different variables which are more important than these - perhaps something we are not yet keeping track of. The trade route date is a good start. Any other ideas??



            • #36
              Sten - sounds like a rough game.

              SG1 - thanks for the comparisons. It seems as if I did okay in the early part of the game and then I just fell apart after about 500BC or so. Wish I had an explanation for this, my games usually don't go that poorly. Maybe I'll try a second game today and see how I stack up against Smash's second game.

              AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


              • #37
                To gloat in exultant ecstasy at delivery of just deserts to wantonly sadistic map creator! To contemplate extravagant and functionally unending party in honor of glorious circumstance! To feel microscopic loss of joy in realization that humiliating defeat by 400 bc means agony was perhaps insufficiently slow and prolonged.



                • #38

                  3850 Athens
                  2250 Mon, Monarchy (same turn!)
                  2250 Pheasants converted to Buffalo
                  1650 Colossus
                  0650,25 Rep, Republic
                  0450 Mys (WLTPD -> size 7 next couple of turns)
                  0225 Phil + Astro
                  0075 Hides -> Trondheim 160 +5
                  0400 Colosseum
                  0440 Gems -> Trondheim 416 +7, WLTPD
                  0460 Hides -> NY 150 +7
                  0480 Silk -> Washington 432, Aquaduct & size 9 (timing!)
                  0520 Hides -> Washington 166 (hides was a repeated commodity)
                  0540 San
                  0560 Sewer & size 13 (food limit)
                  0600 Settler (to help with that food limit)
                  0620 University
                  0740 Bank
                  kept getting new commodities & building caravans (poor baby)
                  1080 Shakespeare, sell Colosseum, got message that Spanish were about to complete Copernicus
                  1100 Go broke buying Copernicus
                  1320,40 Dem, Democracy
                  1400 Gunpowder, go broke building Leonardo before the Americans
                  1720 Newton
                  1752 rebuild Sewer, WLTPD
                  1754 Rfg
                  1770 size 20 (food limit)
                  1788 Supermarket (Doh! knew I forgot something!)
                  1792 Go broke beating Spanish to Darwin -> Tac, Ref
                  1794 WLTPD
                  1804 Size 26
                  2 Engrs, Harbor
                  1830 Mass Transit
                  1832 Research Lab
                  Mob, Rob
                  1838 Superhwy; discovery every 2 turns with sci at 60%
                  Ato, NF, NP, Las, Rec, Fli bump sci up to 70-80%
                  Rad, Afl, Roc
                  Factory, Nuclear, Rec Ctr somewhere in there
                  Americans break off alliance, get uppity. Decide to build
                  1861 UN
                  SFl, Env, Pla, Sup
                  Mfg Plant somewhere in there
                  1871 Fus, crank up the taxes
                  1872 Solar Plant, sell Nuclear
                  sell Lab
                  sell Uni
                  Start Apollo, but too poor to rush buy
                  Americans go Fundies and attack, despite UN!!!! Destroy a stack of Freight, grrrr! Must waste all saved money bribing attackers.
                  Go back to building Freight and saving money.
                  1889 Apollo
                  1915 Launch
                  1917 Americans launch
                  1927 Americans arrive AC—or would have if they had built a 17-5-5 ship (suckers)!
                  1930 AC


                  • #39
                    (I'm a bit embarrassed to have such a sketchy log after looking at everyone's-Fun map and fun game.)

                    Aurelius Fortnight one result:

                    Well, I didn't think I was going beat AI or even get a 19th century AC date. But taking my time helped. Hope my early sci advances aren't too out of whack. After 1780, the log is more accurate. Motto: Science in two turns. Successful strategy: Avoid unit contact (thus diplomacy) after developing Automobile. Didn't feel lucky in the beginning, but then the Americans finally allied --that was fortunate. Maybe it was the Spanish attacking the Americans that facilitated the alliance. Vikings were never a problem. Here it is:

                    3900 Hut Archer
                    3700 Athens
                    3600 Hut Currency
                    3400 Hut Pottery
                    2900 Science Alpha
                    2200 Science Ceremonial B
                    1400 Science Code
                    1250 COLLOSUS
                    1150 Science Monarchy-seems terribly late-damn hut science.
                    1050 Est. Monarchy
                    900 Science Writing
                    750 Science Trade
                    625 Science Map
                    475 Science Masonry
                    Just saw a tireme off the Bay…want to bribe it.
                    Mistake. Blew itself up just before dip…american by flag
                    250 Science Construction
                    150 Hut 50gp
                    75 Literacy

                    1 AD Hut Barbarian
                    -- Republic (2 yrs before established.)
                    60 Est. Republic
                    80 Vikings-gave them Republic-peace.
                    180 Science Mysticism
                    220 Science Philosophy and Mathematics.
                    220 Hut Seafaring
                    240 Hut Barbarian
                    340 Science Astronomy
                    Tributed away philosophy and gifted Trade
                    520 COPERNICUS
                    760 Too much happened this year. Met Americans and gave them some science …about 5 turns later, they demand more science even after a gift….war. Ungrateful serpent's tooth!

                    760 Science University
                    800 Bank
                    860 Science Medicine University
                    960 SHAKESPEARE
                    1060 Science Theory of Gravity
                    1100 Trade with the Americans: Got Wheel/Engineering/Invention for four sciences.
                    1160 Science Sanitation
                    1240 ISSAC's
                    1360 Science Democracy
                    13-- Established Democracy Got Bridge building from Americans.
                    1400 Science Chemistry
                    14-- Science Navigation
                    1510 Science Physics
                    Spanish and Americans seem to be at war.
                    15-- Science Railroad
                    1580 Science Industrial
                    1600 Corporation Factory
                    1620 Refining
                    16-- Careless with log.
                    16-- Traded with Americans-Warrior Code-Metallurgy Allied with Americans against Spanish…Haven't seen Spanish yet. Americans gifted 100 gp to us.
                    1680 Science Explosives
                    1700 Science Combustion Caravan beaker bonus
                    17-- Electricity
                    17-- Electronics
                    1762 Steel
                    176- Automobile
                    1770 Mass Production
                    1772 Refridgeration
                    1776 Feudalism
                    1780 Barbs attacked and killed two freight…wonder if that one remaining dark sea tile is a barbarian curse?

                    Accurate log here. Resumed play after a guests left J
                    1782 Cavalry
                    1784 Leadership
                    1788 Tactic
                    1792 machine tools
                    1796 Miniaturization
                    1800 Computers
                    1802 Research lab
                    1804 Mobile
                    1808 Robotics
                    1810 Manufacturing Plant
                    1812 Atomic Theory
                    1812 Producing Freight one per turn finally.
                    1816 Nuclear Fission --City size 28 and will stop at 29 without disbanding one of two engs.
                    1820 Nuclear Power 15 Freight…Made decision to develop flight before Laser!
                    1824 Flight
                    1828 Radio Got a none rifleman. Researching Ad-Flt in two years… Got 19 Frieght. Only 60 shield power.
                    1832 Advance Flight ---Transforming Gems to Plains…hopefully buffalo ---
                    1836 Rocketry-finally Space is being researched. Seem to have run off science mastered
                    1836 Building Effel-don't want the Americans to know I'm going for something bigger might be less than enthusiastic.
                    1842 Space Hope the low shied doesn't kill me this game…hurry you engineers! Changed to Apollo
                    1848 Timed Plastics and Apollo for this year…develp'ing Laser …got 17 freight and now making
                    ss components while waiting for 80 shields for structures. 60/40 Sci/tax-4turn sci rate And got
                    Buffalo! (thanks inca911)
                    1851 2 components only twelve Freight down to 10! and 751 gold.
                    1852 3 components ……down to 8.
                    1853 Laser -researching super conductor…no trouble with Americans or Vikings. 4 components built.
                    1855 Finished components-Starting structures. Grassland changed to hill…food low…
                    1857 Super conductor…developing Fusion. 2 structures. One defender and just 5 freight.
                    Building a Module while waiting for mined hill. 40/60 sci/tax 6 years to fusion.
                    1858 Exactly eighty shields….Yikes! Can keep the two engineers for pollution. Spanish and Americans make peace finally.
                    1860 Building module while cleaning up pollution …at 79 shield. Ship: 4 3 3 1 0 0
                    1863 Fusion! A dilemma….is one year worth losing only defender due to -80 shield?…NO!. Making two year module.
                    1865 Ship: 6 3 3 1 1 1
                    1874 Ship: 15 3 3 1 1 1 AC arrival date is 1889 No engineers left food problems. City size 28
                    1875 No problems with Ally …still at peace with Vikings….keeping contact at minimum. Americans dangerous force.
                    1876 First plane reveals land convoy of American Diplomats doing the artic sleigh ride
                    1877 Stealth! Americans only have Rocketry . Enthusiastically allied with Americans.
                    1879 Americans research Space…build one structure.
                    1880 Alliance dissolved…wouldn't talk to the Americans when they built 10th structure.
                    1881 Sam Battery….have one aegis and one stealth fighter and 1 fighter and one non rifleman.
                    1882 Avoiding contact helped slowing down the powerful Americans. 28 structures already!
                    1883 SDI What the hell…only thing that threatens is missles. Americans ship 32 structures.
                    1889 Markos Apolyton the Glutton. --Only in OCC Lots of pollution-six tiles.
                    American Ship 39 0 0 0 0 0! They may have had more diplomats than Structures.

                    Success due to Overflow science management and shield minimization….no recycling! (first for me.) No late year wars. Oh, a lot of caravan beaker bonus with American Trade. I liked doing Components and Modules while terraforming to 80+shield and cleaning up pollution. Map observations: Early isolation hurt, but late isolation helped with all the American dips doin' the arctic sleigh ride. Pollution was a nuisance

                    Aurelius YES! Finished my first log ! Time to check out others!

                    (Damn you guys keep accurate logs! )

                    Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                    "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                    >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                    • #40
                      Thoroughly enjoyed Grigor's woeful tale and brave heart--dat was a log!

                      Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                      "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                      >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                      • #41
                        Well, I landed in 1895, but I didn't keep a log (it's too boring).
                        I'm not going to try again to win a challenge, I'm jut trying to have fun.


                        • #42
                          Sten, ?mojo? .. couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!
                          Seriously, that was severe bad luck - almost as bad as ours was good (only a small gloat)

                          Scouse Git[1]

                          "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                          [This message has been edited by Scouse Gits (edited January 21, 2000).]
                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #43
                            Well, on my second attempt I landed in 1902. True to form I got a double peasant revolt with 40+ cannons and muskets around 1800 which delayed me a bit. I kept bribing cannons to attack the stacked entry point only to lose both cannon in the attack and dip on the counter. But it was fun, even knowing a little about the map.

                            So what did you think about the little scenario?

                            I was intending to leave you somewhat isolated at the start, forcing the decision to go for maps early and make contact. The polar land bridges were a last minute addition to the map, initially the connection to the Americans wasn't there.

                            Did anyone have the AI colonize your island? I wanted to make it small enough to patrol, but large enough to make it difficult to control. It seems as though most of you were left alone. I liked starting with some sub-optimal specials. The wheat was better than I thought since you can irrigate it and get 3 food during despotism, and then turned to silk; and the pheasant gets turned into buffalo quickly.

                            I also wanted the AIs to expand enough to seriously challenge for AC, so I went with just 3 AI civs, but it seems as though only the American civ got there. Perhaps a more expansionist group of AIs would have done better. Anyway, it was fun to "design" (tweak) and I am open to ideas for a new map!
                            Be the bid!


                            • #44
                              It was good.You can see this by the variety of results.In my attempts I found the isolated site beneficial as the ais couldn't get to me in any numbers at all.Course my first attempt had the Americans destroyed pretty early or they may have been on my doorstep
                              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                              • #45
                                I had Explosives earlyish and no pollution, so I actually took the trouble to build a road along the arctic connecting to the Americans. That bumped two of my trade routes up to an astonishing +24 (eventually +28), which I'd only seen in situations where both cities had airports. I just plopped a couple of NONE Rifles on the conveniently placed mountain to block the hordes of dips the Americans sent my way…

