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  • forgot file.. it's 1040, got carried away
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    • Originally posted by geofelt
      The big question to me is : Which style is more fun?
      I am definitely not enjoying my current game! I'm a crappy warmongerer and enjoy games where I can develop a peaceful and thriving civ without having a zillion cities and units (bla bla bla).

      Here's my log for the third session. I'm getting sloppy (sloppier? ) as I am starting to lose interest in the game. Don't use my triremes/caravels efficiently (I have too many!), stack more units than I need to in places where I'll probably only need half of of them (especially in Babylonian territory, where I'll only need three after my Super Ironclads have dealt with the musks! ) etc etc. Why don't I send a couple of vet horsemen to finish off the Russians?

      Third session:

      620 AD-800 AD

      640 Barbarian attack reveals where the Russians are
      660 Killdeer (L)
      680 Republic (S) from Babylonians (yesss!), embassy with the Babylonians, they only have three cities , granary destroyed in Nineveh
      700 Choice between Democracy and Navigation (Chivalry also available), I chose Democracy, Stony Lake (C), Sioux destroyed
      720 Democracy (D), Turin (F)
      740 Leptis Parva builds SoL, I find the Americans (they have GW), Genoa (F), revolution
      760 Commie, 150 gold (barb king), war with the Americans
      800 Crete (F)

      800 AD-920 AD

      820 Hladir (C), Viborg (C)
      840 Skara (C), Gunpowder (C), Verona (F)
      860 The Udal (C), I give lots of techs to the Aztecs, we exchange maps. Since they don’t have Gunpowder (they asked me for it) or GW + all cities are on grass I steer my triremes towards them instead
      900 Navigation (D)
      920 Leptis Parva builds Magellan’s, Teotihuacan (C), Texcoco (C), Calixtlahuca (C), attack on Tenochtitlan fails, didn’t see it had walls… The attacks on all four cities cost me 13 units

      920 AD-1060 AD

      940 Xochicalco (C), city walls of Kaupang (+ temple, marketplace and catapult production) destroyed. I attack, but fortified musk defends, ****! Tlatelolco (C)
      980 Tlaxcala (C)
      1000 Tenochtitlan (C), Colossus (C)…
      1040 Physics (D), Steam Engine next. I set a lot of cities to settler production and then I maxed science (5 turns/discovery). I’ll switch from settlers to ironclads when I get Steam Engine
      1060 Jorvik (C) by barbs, Jorvik (B)

      I am now in the middle of the turn 1100 AD

      Status: 51 cities, 7 wonders (HG, LH, STWA, LW, SoL, Magellan’s, Colossus (C)), 636 gold, reseraching Steam Engine (two turns left)

      Casualties: 1 settler (don't remember that one), 1 warrior, 2 musketeers, 70 horsemen, four elephants, 1 crusader (huh? Never built one, nor had a unit upgraded to one???)

      Conquered and destroyed cities: 28



      • The censored word was s-h-i-t and nothing else.

        Let's see if the uploading thing works now.

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        • Aha!

          And the next?

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          • Ah! Time for another upload orgie!

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            • One more?

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              • That's all for now, folks!

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                • A clarification.

                  When I talk about "then I maxed science" in the log above (1040 AD), I meant maxing trade in a lot of cities. The science rate is always set as high as possible (except in special cases, see previous logs).



                  • I have reached 1000AD in my 2nd go with no re-homing.I'm in the ballpark

                    11 cities
                    7.5 million
                    8 wonders
                    51 techs

                    20 cities
                    9.7 million
                    8 wonders
                    46 techs

                    So,I am either 12 turns,6 turns or somewhere in between behind.But I will be able to build my ship in 1 turn this time.And if I can time Fusion correctly......I've got a shot anyway.

                    I lost some turns when I increased and moved my whole ship chain from Egypt to far away Babylon.But its starting to pay.I'm slowly building up cities in the "background".Soon I will gift all techs and hope to 1 turn it from there.In the next 4-8 turns I think.
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                    Last edited by Smash; October 9, 2001, 13:53.
                    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                    • you know, that's one concept I never got around to using (and I really should).. the ship chaining thing... I'd imagine it'd help my foreign trade tremendously.

                      I'll try that at my second go around.


                      • Congratulatio lafayette for your early arrival. Your space ship did not crash I hope!


                        • Originally posted by arii
                          Congratulatio lafayette for your early arrival. Your space ship did not crash I hope!
                          Thank you.
                          It would be more precise to talk about 'early lauching' since I didn't play the years after 1570.
                          My friend carolus had just posted that he was willing to have a try at conquest and I suddenly felt that I had to switch to conquest at once .
                          (in fact I have had some new ideas about early landing in the meantime, so I probably have one more try at AC after that).
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • I finished #2 by launching a 21-4-4-1-1-1 +Fusion in 1570ad arriving in 1583ad.
                            NO rehoming
                            Carthage was able to produce quite few freight on it's own.Panoramus was the same.They were both repeaters for awhile.So were the Bab cities.Freights were averaging 400 or so.700+ from Carthage and Panoramus.Demanded were just over 1000 each.

                            No war to speak of.Not even my colonies.Vikes and Russians tryed a little late but that was pretty much it.Not 1 barb came anywhere near my territory after 200ad or so.
                            Attached Files
                            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                            • Fourth and final session.

                              1060 AD- 1220 AD

                              1140 Steam Engine (D), Tlacopan (C), Aztecs destroyed
                              1160 Buffalo (C)
                              1200 Boston (C) from barbs, Detroit (L), Nineveh (C), CO (C)
                              1220 Salamis (F) to build an ironclad with striking access to Kaupang, but the ironclad is not an option in the building list , Ur (C), Roskilde (C)

                              1220 AD- 1280 AD

                              1240 Metallurgy (D), Chicago (L), San Francisco (C), Washington (C), Philadelphia (C), St Loius (L), Birka (C), Tblisi (C). Trying to "out-shield" Kaupang by surrounding it with units, forget one forrest square

                              1260 Lisbon (F) to make a strait (too late perhaps?), New York (C), Americans destroyed. Lindholm (C), I investigate Kaupang with a diplo. It has 4 units supported, produces one shield = it handles my "shield starvation" attempt, but cannot build anything. 150 gold (barb king)
                              1280 Hamburg (F)

                              Log word document crashed here…

                              1320 AD- 1380 AD

                              1320 Chivalry (D), Kaupang (C) (cost me about 17 knights, 1 crusader and 2 or 3 musks). Uppsala (C), Marco Polo (C), Vikings have 3 cities left, I only see one. Babylon (C), Babylonians destroyed, GL (C)
                              1380 Prague (F), Salzburg (H)

                              1380 AD- 1520 AD

                              1400 Leadership (D), Trondheim (C), Pyramids and Oracle (C). I walk the wrong way with a dragoon, keeping the Russians alive… I put units to sleep all over the board, bored and just want to finish the game…
                              1420 Disband defenders on Viking main land to get dragoons…
                              1440 Bergen (F)
                              1460 Sverdlovsk (C), Russians destroyed
                              1480 Westness (C)
                              1500 Conscription (D), Tactics next choice
                              1520 Jarrow (C), Vikings destroyed, world conquest



                              • I will post my saves later, but the final one is here.

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