Turn-at-a-time Comparison Game
We have seen lots of 'interesting' ways of playing this game particularly in the various Succession Games that we have played. Currently there are several regular posters here who have yet to win at Deity - we find this fairly easy (Hides behind very large wall!) and thought that it might just be useful both to those people who have yet to achieve their first Deity victory and to us - who firmly expect that the real experts will tear our game appart! Hence -- we have embarked upon a totally random Deity game and will present it to you our auditors for, as our old exams used to say "Compare and Contrast" with your own style. We are doing this blind - the Barbs might wipe us out in 3900, and we finish with egg on our faces, but so what --- here it comes...
The file attached at the end of this posting is a zip file containing the first 20 turns, 4000BC to 3000BC turn at a time - our log goes a little further - but we shall post another zip with the next 10 or 20 turns after our next session ...
How the SGs (try to) play this silly game ...
Deity - Civ 2 v 2.42 - Raging Hordes - Random (Standard Large) Map - 7 Civs - No Restarts
Playing as: Carthaginians (SG1 won the toss)
New Years Eve 4001BC
We start with: Bronze Working; Ceremonial Burial; Horseback Riding & Mysticism - can't be bad!
We start life in the Save Game attached - a whale and a hut in sight ...
SG1: There is a second special two SW of the hut therefore we should aim to found our capital to enjoy this second special and the whale!
SG2: Let's see about the hut first ...
3950: Third special (fish) sighted; hut yields Masonry
3900: Second Special revealed as Silk
3850: Carthage founded on three (maybe four) special site
3800: Alphabet selected - 13 turns to go; woodland hut hoves into view
SG2: We won't get anything by popping this hut - save it a bit
3750: More ocean sighted - this is a fairly small island!
3650: Whale - Utica founded
3500: Horse & Warrior completed; hut yields 50g
3400: Alphabet discovered; Code of Laws undertaken - 10 turns
3350: hut yields another 50g - damn we were hoping for a unit or an Advanced Tribe
3250: Carthage goes to 2; builds Temple; switches to Wonder (debate starts as to which Wonder!)
3150: hut 50g - AGAIN!
3000: Utica builds Settler; Code of Laws discovered; Monarchy now being sought - 12 turns
2850: Malaca founded research at 9 - this is certainly not going to be ICS - SG1 cries into his red wine
2500: Monarchy! - go for Currency
2450: Monarchy established; Utica builds Settler
The SGs on a red wine tandem
We have seen lots of 'interesting' ways of playing this game particularly in the various Succession Games that we have played. Currently there are several regular posters here who have yet to win at Deity - we find this fairly easy (Hides behind very large wall!) and thought that it might just be useful both to those people who have yet to achieve their first Deity victory and to us - who firmly expect that the real experts will tear our game appart! Hence -- we have embarked upon a totally random Deity game and will present it to you our auditors for, as our old exams used to say "Compare and Contrast" with your own style. We are doing this blind - the Barbs might wipe us out in 3900, and we finish with egg on our faces, but so what --- here it comes...
The file attached at the end of this posting is a zip file containing the first 20 turns, 4000BC to 3000BC turn at a time - our log goes a little further - but we shall post another zip with the next 10 or 20 turns after our next session ...
How the SGs (try to) play this silly game ...
Deity - Civ 2 v 2.42 - Raging Hordes - Random (Standard Large) Map - 7 Civs - No Restarts
Playing as: Carthaginians (SG1 won the toss)
New Years Eve 4001BC
We start with: Bronze Working; Ceremonial Burial; Horseback Riding & Mysticism - can't be bad!
We start life in the Save Game attached - a whale and a hut in sight ...
SG1: There is a second special two SW of the hut therefore we should aim to found our capital to enjoy this second special and the whale!
SG2: Let's see about the hut first ...
3950: Third special (fish) sighted; hut yields Masonry
3900: Second Special revealed as Silk
3850: Carthage founded on three (maybe four) special site
3800: Alphabet selected - 13 turns to go; woodland hut hoves into view
SG2: We won't get anything by popping this hut - save it a bit
3750: More ocean sighted - this is a fairly small island!
3650: Whale - Utica founded
3500: Horse & Warrior completed; hut yields 50g
3400: Alphabet discovered; Code of Laws undertaken - 10 turns
3350: hut yields another 50g - damn we were hoping for a unit or an Advanced Tribe
3250: Carthage goes to 2; builds Temple; switches to Wonder (debate starts as to which Wonder!)
3150: hut 50g - AGAIN!
3000: Utica builds Settler; Code of Laws discovered; Monarchy now being sought - 12 turns
2850: Malaca founded research at 9 - this is certainly not going to be ICS - SG1 cries into his red wine
2500: Monarchy! - go for Currency
2450: Monarchy established; Utica builds Settler
The SGs on a red wine tandem
