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Scenarios: Conflicts in Civilization

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  • #91
    Finished it March 1916 all 98 objectives are French. The last few turns i got lazy and didn't manage my cities as I had all the tools neccessary to finish it. I raised 1000's of gold by selling improvements, many cities have only a market and bank in them now. Anyway here's the save, I'll post a description of the game later on.
    Attached Files


    • #92
      This is blitzkrieg against the Germans!
      Difficult to beat I suppose, but Xin Yu is playing so I wouldn't bet.
      (I haven't started yet, because I am finishing civ3 tournament 4 and the endgame takes a lot of time to play).
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • #93
        I too am finishing my current civ3 game.


        • #94

          On a different note I see from your profile you are in the UK. My icq is 75355218 if you want to play some MP at some point.


          • #95
            As usual I'll play the first couple of turns repeatedly to find the best strategy so I'm going to be slow. In my point of view, We need 50 vet artilleries and 50 engineers (plus some transports) to finish the job. That's 20,000 + gold. Selling city improvements will not be enough so I'm going to do the caravan rehoming trick. Tunis will be my source city and I'll send freighters to London or whatever city in England which demands my commodities. After a couple of turns to accrue for about 10,000 golds I can start attacking. I'll probably play till all cities are captured, but may stop once all objectives are occupied.


            • #96
              Replayed and now in December 1914. Germany is gone; Turkey has only one city (objective) left; Italy has 3 cities left, one of them objective; Russia has 4 cities left (no objectives). In January 1915 I'll take care of the Turkey city and the Italy objective city.

              A ship will arrive in America by Feburary 1915 so American and Neutural will be gone by Feburary. A plan is set up to capture all Britain objectives by March 1915, but maybe that's too aggresive (April 1915 should be a decent target).

              DrFell was right, German cities were not well protected. In fact no cities were well protected in this scenario. I bypassed Cologne and Strassburg and marched to Berlin-Vienna line in August. Also talked to Americans and accepted invitation to crush the Russian. In September I attacked Russia, bypassed Warsaw and pushed to Petrograd-Moscow-Kharhov-Odessa line. Then I talked to Russia for a cease fire. In October, I mobilized to south and pushed to Alexandretta and Mosul. Also I took care of Cologne and Strassburg. To prevent Russia from breaking cease fire, I gave it all my techs, including the newly developed chemical warfare. November my troops were ready so I wiped out Central then attacked Russia again (got a 'poorly' reputation). At the same time southern fron I consolidated my front with only Basra and Medina in Turkey's hand. December is Italy's turn.

              Like DrFell I sold a lot of city improvements. ALso I set up a benificial trade route between Marseilles and Bristol. I rehomed all freights to Marseilles, then sent to Bristol. The first 3 freights were Oil, Dye, Gold, in that order. All subsequent freights were carrying Dye. After the first 3 trades Bristol always demand Dye so I got 400 golds per freights and one tech per turn.

              Bach in Leipzig and Orthodox Chirch in Minsk helped to ease happiness problems.


              • #97
                January 1916
                I give up.
                Was clearly on my way to finish in March or April (together with you, DrFell), but my transport full of good units has just been sent to the bottm offshore New York. No need to go on, I suppose. Better luck next game, I hope.
                Xin Yu? DrFell? DrSpike? would you mind playing ww79 next?
                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                • #98
                  Haven't got around to playing the other one yet, since I'm struggling to finish the civ3 tourney4 game on time.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by DrSpike
                    I'm struggling to finish the civ3 tourney4 game on time.
                    Good luck to you. That one is tough.
                    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                    • Tell me about it. If I win it'll be by domination, so a lengthy endgame is on the cards. I can't see me finishing till the 1900s. What a b*tch of a map


                      • ... and domination is granted very late.
                        The guidebook states that you get it when you own 2/3 of the land. In this game (tournament 4) I was granted domination when I owned 87%!
                        enjoy, Dr!

                        (La Fayette, relax as usual, but nevertheless convinced that the 2/3 rule given in the book was a nice remedy against boring endgame)
                        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                        • ww79 is fine but which civ? All seems extremely easy (you get money from caravans, then attack Chinese, Mideast, or Soviet capitals. After the capitals gone you bribe all other cities. Then you deal with other civs one at a time (hopefully, since you need some diplomatic manuver to dissolve AI civs' alliances).


                          • I'd play it but I don't have a copy of it - I'd need someone to send me it.


                            • Finished March 1915. All civs destroyed except British has two cities in Far East (Multan and hyderabad). Total 71 objectives obtained. Must have destroyed several objectives.


                              • WoW

                                Originally posted by Xin Yu
                                Finished March 1915
                                If DrFell played blitzkrieg, we must find a new word for what you achieved. 'Lightningwar' perhaps?
                                Which one would you like next? My proposal was ww79 because I have no idea at all about that game, but in fact I don't care.
                                You choose, then one of us sends the game to DrFell, so that he can also have a try.
                                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental

