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Fortnight OCC Competition Proposition

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  • Fortnight OCC Competition Proposition

    To those OCC folks interested,

    There has been some discussion about an OCC competition occurring once every two weeks with a random position. To get the gist of the discussion, check the later posts in the thread:

    Paul has offered to host the position at his OCC site for easy download and accessibility to the OCC rules and strategy. After the competition is over, a new position will be posted and logs of the finished competition can be posted and discussed in an Apolyton Civ II Strategy thread--say "Fortnight I OCC results." And then the winner honored

    Right now, I'm proposing that those interested in the biweekly competition discuss various concerns about rules of engagement and the submission of positions.

    don Don has suggested that random positions might lead to impossible situations, and thus, a loss of interest in keeping a good log.

    Paul has mentioned that whoever submits the competitive position should have v2.42 as MGE saves are not backwards compatible.

    My interest in the competition is the element of unpredictability in the game. I like the idea that AI might actually win if human competitors look too hard for a great location to start their one city.

    For all of us OCC advocates, we can discuss the competition from a context and share logs and strategy. Even errant strategies would be interesting/fun.

    Whatever, any input would be appreciated and a final concensus should rule and all welcome.

    Thanks Aurelius.

    Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

    "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
    >doesn't get it."--don't know.

  • #2
    Sounds like something to keep us occupied between MP games and waitin for Civ3.

    You will have to comfortable within the confines of the honor system.No prob here.

    One prob I do have is my comp is a MAC.I don't know how to convert PC saves hence I cannot play the saves available at Paul's site(cept mine of course)which I can't dowmload from there either.

    random maps would probably mean players would settle in different locations.Kinda hard to compare logs then but still appealing to me.How early can you land this map? not this spot.
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #3
      Yes, each game would have a divergent path. But,I've often wondered if the AI's in a given game have a preset disposition. If so, the common map and the disposition might make for contextual logs. In the Four Whales comparison game, I played the game three times and found the civs to have a similar dispositions in each game. But the hut luck and changed strategies did cause some significant diffenences in the overall game complexion.

      Concerning honor, that's all we got. So don't be bring you're 'atrocious' ethics to the competition or the accolades "won't be worth the paper it's printed on!"

      I'm Just being silly, as things stand, I thought it would be just a light hearted competition-- and an interesting biweekly thread.

      Oh, and I didn't consider the Mac problem. Is there a way to convert? How does multiplayer deal with mac and PC savs?

      Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

      "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
      >doesn't get it."--don't know.


      • #4
        hmm not sure.I can resume games against PC players but I'm not sure if they sent me their save whether I could load it or not.

        When I sent a game to Paul he could load and play it but I couldn't with games from him.

        Must be nice to actually possess some computer knowledge
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          Smash - I think I sent .sav files to a couple of Mac users and they worked alright, didn't I send you the 4 whales?

          Anyhow, I do have most of your email addresses on my system so I could set up the first map and email out the files if that helps...
          Be the bid!


          • #6

            I also have a mac, and your problem has not bothered me. Recently I have not been able to download anything, but i git the 4 whale game and it worked fine. If you get a file that is all unstuffed and everything just open it thruogh civII "load game".

            Oh yeah not to insult your intellegence but you refered to them as maps, they are saved games rather then maps. just in case


            Awsome idea, I can't wait. But I have never written a log before, how do i do that? pen and paper? ot is there an easy way?

            Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

            -Genghis Al
            Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


            • #7
              What difficultie level do you normally play on?

              Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

              -Genghis Al
              Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


              • #8
                Hi Sten Sture,

                Sounds good, why don't you get the ball rolling and submit a [the] position. Then Paul can put it on his site. We'll have two weeks to complete the game.

                Are you sure you wouldn't rather submit a game without the Vikings Then you can also compete in the first round.

                And try and keep a log-- as yet, I have never completed one! I just get too excited after monarchy is discovered.

                Oh, and if folks finish before two weeks and want to post their log in a "Fortnight 1 OCC Competition" thread, the rest of us can ignore the thread until we are finished.

                Another nifty way to share the position is to submit interesting graphics for uploading. I can now do this. In fact, if Sten Sture sends me the 4000BC date, I'll post the starting graphic at this thread.

                So be it!

                Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                • #9
                  Aurelius-Look at this times 45, 46, we do post at practacly the same time.

                  Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

                  -Genghis Al
                  Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


                  • #10
                    Genghis Al,

                    It would be diety with raging hordes on a small map (small map, right Sten? Just got severely humbled on a large map ) Genghis, you should be able to handle those barbarians being one of their leaders....

                    Oh and I think Smash was referring to the map in the context of comparison games. In this competition, one can chose any site rather than the 'special terrain' rich site of the comparison game. Thus, we'd be trying to get to AC earliest relative to an entire map and not a single tile.

                    See you in AC Genghis,
                    Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                    "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                    >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                    • #11
                      Hmmm. i have never played a diety OCC yet... just king for my 1st 2. I better play a few of those...

                      Ah man! Ghandi! New game.

                      -Genghis Al
                      Don't invade Russia in the winter time.


                      • #12
                        Genghis Al,

                        You asked about how to do a log. In the following thread, Paul makes a very detailed log that associates a date with the following events: all hut booty, city improvements, change of government, completion of wonders, and of course, all science advances and ship-launch/AC-arrival. It's an ideal log. If this is too much, just do a science log and mention if it is traded or hut or developed science.

                        I think some of us will include crypt dates too

                        Oh yeah, if you haven't played the Comparison game, you may not want to look at the log so as to have a sporting chance to beat Paul's 1775 AC date...

                        Paul's Aurelius OCC game log:

                        [This message has been edited by Aurelius (edited January 10, 2000).]
                        Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? [--Inspiration of Blade Runner]

                        "> > Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the reader who
                        >doesn't get it."--don't know.


                        • #13
                          Hi guys,

                          I'm not up to your competetive standards, but I do have a suitable map which I have been using to try to learn how to play this silly game - it has three potentially reasonable OCC sites (1 of them really rather good) - would you like it??

                          Scouse Git[1]

                          "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                          • #14
                            OK Mac guys, it's time to buy a PC and convert to the Dark Side. You must submit to Bill Gates like the rest of the world has done (desktop publishers excluded, of course). I do know of a nice deal to get a free PC, and I don't work for either company, so I'm definitely not spamming this board.

                            If you have $1000 in cash/securites that you can tie up for a year, then you can open an E*Trade account and get a free 400 MHz PC (minus $75 shipping) with some nice features (but you have to buy a monitor). Check out for more details.

                            Perhaps this will help you play more civ....


                            • #15

                              shoulda got one in the first place
                              The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

