If I have a few minutes to spare my mouse finds its way to the Civ2 icon on my desktop. Such was the start of this game, which I played last summer. I began playing mechanically and with little thought. Soon I realised that with some concentration it could be a great game.
At around 2000BC I started again! I knocked centuries off my previous Large World best for an AC landing.
I have included the 4000BC start below.
The map is a standard Large World on 2.42 playing Deity and Raging Hordes. You play as The Vikings. I will post my final position in a week or so if anybody is interested. I did keep a basic log of the re-started game. There is a decent place for the SSC and many huts!
At around 2000BC I started again! I knocked centuries off my previous Large World best for an AC landing.
I have included the 4000BC start below.
The map is a standard Large World on 2.42 playing Deity and Raging Hordes. You play as The Vikings. I will post my final position in a week or so if anybody is interested. I did keep a basic log of the re-started game. There is a decent place for the SSC and many huts!