And even tho you don't like it for your expressed and valid reasons, you won't think those you end up playing with are weak players cus they like to use it?
I don't MP, so it doesn't really matter. It's just a point for discussion, as having seen a number of posts where city growth is designed around WLTYYYD, rather than WLTYYYD results from wise development.
I have been in a discussion with a player who does not MP, and is not experienced with using WLPD trying to get him to try it so he can talk from an informed platform.
He wishes to stay ignorant, of other valid views, so be it.
When you see that END sequence as someone takes your last city you might then."
Never happens (bloodlust). I do however fail to conquer other races by the determined time. If I play an additional 200 turns, I might make it, but alas, the tech tree has normally petered out (original Civ2) and 200 more turns of the same thing with no hope for glory kinda bites..."
Get some EXPERIENCE in MP with even some of the average players on this forum, and I guaranty you WILL see the end sequence! That is if you don't surrender before it gets there. It was playing MP I was refering to.
I have much experience in playing the AI's as well as MP. Why don't you get some EXPERIENCE in MP and WLPD and then talk some more on this subject?
I gave you my 2 cents worth, you can take it or leave it.
It should not be hard to whoop the AI with one hand tied. I don't blame you for choosing ways that challenge you when playing against the AI's. The One City Challenge ought to keep you out of mischieve for awhile if you really want a challenge against the AI. BUT READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUEL ON IT FIRST!! ...
... LOL or you WILL see that end sequence.
Then maybe play a little MP when you are up to it and see how is goes.
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
And even tho you don't like it for your expressed and valid reasons, you won't think those you end up playing with are weak players cus they like to use it?
I don't MP, so it doesn't really matter. It's just a point for discussion, as having seen a number of posts where city growth is designed around WLTYYYD, rather than WLTYYYD results from wise development.

He wishes to stay ignorant, of other valid views, so be it.
When you see that END sequence as someone takes your last city you might then."
Never happens (bloodlust). I do however fail to conquer other races by the determined time. If I play an additional 200 turns, I might make it, but alas, the tech tree has normally petered out (original Civ2) and 200 more turns of the same thing with no hope for glory kinda bites..."

I have much experience in playing the AI's as well as MP. Why don't you get some EXPERIENCE in MP and WLPD and then talk some more on this subject?
I gave you my 2 cents worth, you can take it or leave it.
It should not be hard to whoop the AI with one hand tied. I don't blame you for choosing ways that challenge you when playing against the AI's. The One City Challenge ought to keep you out of mischieve for awhile if you really want a challenge against the AI. BUT READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUEL ON IT FIRST!! ...
... LOL or you WILL see that end sequence.
Then maybe play a little MP when you are up to it and see how is goes.
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus