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Why does anybody play 1 x 1 deity?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
    I've played a couple of 2x2x at the zone - its freaky. Games can finish very quickly if they home in on your cap.
    Yep, a couple of years ago I was asked to sub for a player that had just dropped in a 2x2x king game. I was bored so I said sure. It was quickly obvioius why the person I was subbing for had dropped. But I figured I'd spend a little energy and try to resurrect the civ. I didn't have any other civs cities showing on my map, it showed that I had met one other person but we weren't at war. With only two cities close together, I switched production over to settlers (the game was quite advanced for him to only have two ciites and nothing else)

    Three turns in 8 ELEs came out of the blue. Game Over.
    Sure glad they asked me to sub.

    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #47
      wELL at least you did not play 4 hours only to be over run or giganticly out paced by other civs!
      Lose and go play another one....
      8 Time Game League Champion!
      Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


      • #48
        great game yesterday: 4-way ladder, and my cap was killed by a chariot in 3600; thats the way of 2x2x king. it never happens in 1x1x deity; i dont know, why people enjoy such hut-hopping and coming up with tons of units in early ages.

        i wonder why nobody writes about this short games.

