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Why does anybody play 1 x 1 deity?

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  • #16
    Blah Blah Blah Blah... yeah, there is absolutely no strategy to 1x1x... BLAH BLAH BLAH...

    People do go straight to republic in 1x1x

    Some People don't garrison their cities in 1x1x

    It's getting really old listening to people say that there is no strategy or options in 1x1x. It's just ignorant to say so. There are horsey rushes... expansion... trade... wonder building, ALL THE SAME DAMN THINGS you crow about at 2x2x.

    It's all about the strategies you use, and the settings you like to play. I personally find 1x1x to slow... but that doesn't mean that I think there is no strategy to it... or that players that do are bad players.

    If all you want to play is 2x2x because you find 1x1x Deity boring... or not condusive to your playing style/strategies... thats great. But to try to belittle everybody that doesn't play by your settings is just plain silly.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #17
      1. 1x1x isnt better than 2x2x and other way round. thats my opinion. so when i argue for 1x1x its not because i think, its better than others.

      2. u asked why people play 1x1x deity; i told you: its because i love the challenge, and i love the little secrets in the game. e.g. irrigation.its important when and where you irrigate. and so it is with mayn other things.

      3. you said: deity and war wont come together. thats wrong. but you have to have skill to manage it. you said, deity is a race for happy-wonders. thats wrong. but if you want, we can play a game without wonders. you say you have no choice of making monarchy or republic first. but you must know, how to manage. in our game you have republic and i think, you didnt manage it right.

      4. the thing i dont like 2x2x so much is, that sometimes the moves takes soooooooo long. i have many cities, my opponent too, many units, ohoh.

      5. i didnt say, its easy to play 2x2x king. i ment, its easy to build up. but i think, you are more competent in 2x2x king tahn me. there are mayn things i forgot. but i would play you in 2x2x king to learn something.

      6. i know you as a fair fighter, so i hope, you will be a fair when we tell us arguments. dont try to say, a seeting is better then another.
      besides, i think a long time you didnt have a real opponent in 1x1x deity. now there are several, in australia and in germany too


      • #18
        For the same reason you keep opening stupid threads I believe...they like it.
        My life, my rules


        • #19
          I might be wrong but I think people play 1x1x deity because they enjoy it, I would hope that people play 2x2x king for enjoyment as well .
          The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

          Hydey the no-limits man.


          • #20
            I think 1x1x moves a bit slow for MP games, (unless you have a dedicated group that will play 3 or 4 sessions) which is why I prefer 2x1x deity raging hoards. It allows you to build the units to go to war earlier but makes you consider defensive needs (risk vs. reward). But that's just one man's opinion.
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #21
              "For the same reason you keep opening stupid threads I believe...they like it."
              I seem to get alot of responses from my stupidity.
              Reno Williams, The Adventure Begins was the name of the movie, remember Reno says to Kwang "Kwang, your Amazing!" and Kwang replies "NO!! I am better then that!"
              I dont want to argue which is better, I just want to know why you play it.
              Now Irrigation needs are a big part, Unfortunately it takes 5 turns to irrigate and thats way to slow for me and in 2 x 2 1 extra food is irrelevant. ( of course, if I wished to add this to 2 x 2 I can lower the amount of turns to irrigate and increase the benifit via rules.txt)
              But again, the challenge comes from the computer not a human so I cant accept that as an argument as it is just a restriction.
              As far as inter city construction, thats a good argument . How many players on 2 x 2 king build markets (other then me)? But again, the time at 1 prod is way too slow.
              Maybe RAh and Ming are right, the hybread sytem of 2 x 1 deity might be a good compramise.
              Invite me to the next multiplayer 2 x 1 deity game and Ill be happy to accept it.
              8 Time Game League Champion!
              Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


              • #22
                Hmmmm... My hats off to you... I hope the opportunity presents itself. I love playing with good players.

                However, while I would find it interesting... you may not.

                Most of the time, we play on very small worlds... to insure early contact, and some action. The style of game you indicate you like, doesn't happen in most of our games. We very seldom get past a single session, because of the problems of getting the same people together for a continuation. And even when we do, most people know who the winner is going to be after the first session, and would rather start a new one.

                Again... we play for fun... and that's the way most of us like it.

                But don't take the above comments wrong... I would love to get you in one of our games. I would find it very enjoyable... win or lose... It would be a good challange, and that's all I ask for when I play.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #23
                  I'm getting bored with 1x1x. Too many games end up getting abandoned without a result. Takes too long to get anywhere, long sessions where nothing much is happening. On average it takes about 10 2 hour sessions to get into the end game. Everyone has limited time to spend on civ.

                  Deity level shortens the number of turns in the early periods of the game so the ancient period is pretty much wasted and there is no middle age to speak of.
                  Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                  Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                  • #24
                    While Deity does indeed have different years per turn, and overall, means total less turns until the game ends because you run out of turns... what difference does it really make since games end before then anyway?

                    You say the ancient period is wasted, but that's all relative... you are still going through the same number of turns... who cares what the actual date the game provide is
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #25
                      1x1 deity is the way the game was designed to be played.On deity you actually need to have some units at home and you may actually have to build temples.As mentioned in 1x production you actually need to irigate.

                      I have never played in a MP game,1x or 2x,deity or whatever,that did not have war.And lots of it.If someone won't start it,I will

                      The biggest advantage 2x production has is that you can build almost anywhere.In 1x,hilltop,mountain,forest etc cities are not nearly as viable.So in 2x,you are not as cursed by dirt and rocks as you would be in 1x.

                      2x moves is an abomination.Similiar to playing golf with orange balls.Horseys move 12 on rivers and roads.Talk about long turns.Just not acceptable
                      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                      • #26
                        all settings are fun, even 1x2x
                        Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ming
                          While Deity does indeed have different years per turn, and overall, means total less turns until the game ends because you run out of turns... what difference does it really make since games end before then anyway?
                          That's the point - the games don't end before then, most of em run right through to the modern period before anything much happens. You get a couple of fun sessions at the start when civs are expanding and then this flat spot for 3 or 4 sessions whilst people just build up their civs. Then the end game session can be over very quick, like 10 turns.

                          You say the ancient period is wasted, but that's all relative... you are still going through the same number of turns... who cares what the actual date the game provide is
                          No, you get less turns in BC. I take your point but its the early game that suffers from truncated turns. The period (or turns if you like) from about 1ad to 1600 are a real dead spot in 1x1x deity.
                          Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                          Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                          • #28
                            I have heard this "long turn " argument before and again it is non-sensical. In 2 x 2 , you get so much done every turn, more roads, more units, more trade, a tech a turn if played correctly. To duplicate this in 1 x 1 deity, you will have to play many, many turns. In the end, for the amount you get done, turns in 2 x 2 are much quicker then in 1 move.
                            And AH, if you want to play multiple sessions where the game leads somewhere and is constantly exciting, set up a 2 x 2 king game on a larger board with The King.
                            8 Time Game League Champion!
                            Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


                            • #29
                              Does Elvis play?
                              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                              • #30
                                2x2 makes for longer turns sooner if anything.Everything happens faster..correct?

                                Then more units.More cities.More everything=longer turns

                                Moving as few as 30- 4 legged units takes forever.Throw in some lag and it is a bad scene.Not just for the people waiting either.I never mind waiting but always feel guilty when its my turn to move a raft of units.
                                The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu

