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Aussie Group Re-Runs 4

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  • F*cking stupid Hydey forgets to turn ICQ on
    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

    Hydey the no-limits man.


    • Well we played a 4 way with trev, a very harmonious and cooperative session.
      Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

      Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


      • Do I have the groups permission to post King Chat?

        More later...
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
          Well we played a 4 way with trev, a very harmonious and cooperative session.
          Yes, possibly our most harmonious and cooperative session ever. In fact, I would propose sending Horse to Iraq and Deity to North Korea on diplomatic missions. With their patience, tact and tolerance, Iraq and North Korea would both succumb to their diplomatic skills and the world would be a safer place.

          I'd suggest Hydey go too, except he'd probably forget to go to the airport.
          " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
          "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


          • Since I don't think a harmonious session would generate such interest and a request to post King's chat I am tempted to believe there were fireworks.......


            • LMAO!

              Please say yes guys! I want to post it!
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • Originally posted by DrSpike
                Since I don't think a harmonious session would generate such interest and a request to post King's chat I am tempted to believe there were fireworks.......
                " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                • Originally posted by finbar


                  My curiosity is well and truly piqued. I'm going to bed now but I'll check back in the morning for a juicy story.


                  • *sigh* go ahead and post it deity.
                    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                    • It wasn't my turn that went for 20 minutes so I have no objection to the King chat being posted


                      • It was longer than 20 minutes. A 20+ minutes turn in the B.C. era would have to go down in Civ folklore.
                        " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                        "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                        • The circumstances were unique.
                          Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                          Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                          • deity's log: Star date 1650BC as Aussies enter timewarp...

                            deity (3150 B.C.): this is all a bit slow tonight guys
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (3100 B.C.): Some peoples turns seem to take forever
                            deity (3100 B.C.):
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (2900 B.C.): afk 2 mins
                            deity (2250 B.C.): it froze for a minute
                            deity (2100 B.C.): aha!
                            deity (2100 B.C.): tis a horse

                            1650BC and 10:30pm What follows is Horse taking an hour to negotiate two borders – one with Trev and one with me. He pauses on his turn and refuses to continue the game play.

                            deity (1650 B.C.): horse, you want a border down there?
                            From Mr. Horsie (1650 B.C.): where?
                            deity (1650 B.C.): not there!
                            From Mr. Horsie (1650 B.C.): where my horse is - yes
                            deity (1650 B.C.): south of the river
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): why? you've got no cities there.
                            deity (1650 B.C.): nor have you
                            deity (1650 B.C.): i claimed it first
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): you never claimed it
                            deity (1650 B.C.): i saw it first then
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): Have a battle, see who gets the region
                            deity (1650 B.C.): and we need a border too trev
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): so where do you want this border?
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): I need one with horse too
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): shut up trev
                            deity (1650 B.C.): latitude 40
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): are you talking to me or horse
                            deity (1650 B.C.): horse
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): okay deity I'll do 40, if you go further west than....
                            deity (1650 B.C.): trev at longitude 45
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): sorry we're negotiating borders, here
                            deity (1650 B.C.): do it later
                            deity (1650 B.C.): keep the game moving
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): no, I want to settle this, you go no farther west than 56
                            deity (1650 B.C.): me?
                            deity (1650 B.C.): lat? long?
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (aka finbar) (1650 B.C.): what's going on?
                            deity (1650 B.C.): come on
                            deity (1650 B.C.): i'm negotiating out of turn
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): we're negotiating borders.....
                            deity (1650 B.C.): who's WE?
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): I've got 2 border negotiations running here
                            deity (1650 B.C.): well clarify
                            deity (1650 B.C.): this is not normal horse
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): good for me, ok horse
                            deity (1650 B.C.): wasting time
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): 56,40 is your border you get everything north east including the river
                            deity (1650 B.C.): yeah that’s fine, and you Trev?
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): I am not wasting time, I cannot complete my turn until I know what I am doing with my horses
                            deity (1650 B.C.):
                            deity (1650 B.C.): a horse always knows about horses
                            deity (1650 B.C.): I said fine horse!
                            deity (1650 B.C.): move on
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): 46
                            deity (1650 B.C.): 46 is fine Trev
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): ok
                            deity (1650 B.C.): at least we did that out of turn
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): deity could you stay out if this
                            deity (1650 B.C.): I’m talking to Trev about MY border with him you idiot
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): I was talking to him first
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): see Trev? Told you so
                            deity (1650 B.C.): he just agreed with you 5 mins ago
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): this is the longest B.C. turn in the history of the game
                            deity (1650 B.C.): ridiculous
                            deity (1650 B.C.): this is not kosha horse
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): kosher
                            To Dictator Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, King Horsie (1650 B.C.): exactly
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): Trev, what do you want again? (shut the fvck up deity)
                            deity (1650 B.C.): I’m posting about this unfair ****e
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1650 B.C.): sh1t
                            deity (1650 B.C.): ****e
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): You said lat 40 east of 56
                            deity (1650 B.C.): I feel a lil Scottish
                            From King Horsie (1650 B.C.): no that's with deity
                            deity (1650 B.C.): fvck
                            deity (1650 B.C.): this chat is classic Aussie stuff up
                            deity (1650 B.C.): I’m not coming to dinner unless horses finishes now!
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): lat 33 and north for me
                            deity (1650 B.C.): this is very indecisive stuff guys, the generals want war....
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): the second number, whatever that is
                            deity (1650 B.C.): it's just a game horse, play on now or we are quitting
                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1650 B.C.): move south so I can build there, and stay out of city range, that will do for now


                            From Dictator Trevriffic (1550 B.C.): top 2 cities to me
                            From King Horsie (1550 B.C.): clap, clap, clap
                            From King Horsie (1450 B.C.): sorry about the bad language deity - it was uncalled for
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1450 B.C.): he said the poo word - even if misspelled
                            deity (1450 B.C.): no wuckers!
                            From King Horsie (1400 B.C.): and sorry about the delay guys - I couldn't move my horses till I knew what was going on
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1350 B.C.): apologies don't become you, Horse
                            From King Horsie (1350 B.C.): its mainly for Trev's sake - he's new
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1350 B.C.): don't worry, he sees through your apologies
                            From King Horsie (1350 B.C.): you should send in inspectors.........
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (1350 B.C.): you'd only move your bad language around in semi trailers or on rail tracks
                            deity (925 B.C.): you ok fin?
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (925 B.C.): I’m fine thanks
                            From King Horsie (925 B.C.): we're such happy little vegemites
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (925 B.C.): for breakfast lunch and tea
                            From Mr. Trevriffic (875 B.C.): got monarchy now
                            From King Horsie (800 B.C.): could you move your archer please deity
                            To Imperator Trevriffic, Madman Don Rumsfeld, King Horsie (775 B.C.): it's on the border horse
                            From King Horsie (775 B.C.): the horse is south of the border
                            From King Horsie (775 B.C.): now I can't move my settler
                            deity (775 B.C.): I plan to explore your land as you have mine
                            deity (775 B.C.): where's it going?
                            From King Horsie (775 B.C.): you withdraw your horse and I'll withdraw mine
                            From Madman Don Rumsfeld (775 B.C.): don't get between them, Trev
                            deity (775 B.C.): you've been exploring for eons, too late
                            Last edited by deity; February 8, 2003, 01:35.
                            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                            icq: 8388924


                            • 1 hour!! I thought Deity was the slow one.


                              • didn't take anything like an hour
                                Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                                Look, I just don't anymore, okay?

