I find it amusing that you keep trying to convince everyone that it was nothing but luck, when I have repeatedly said that that's all it was.
And I know I am not that good. You can keep reminding everyone of that, and I will too.
The score is still 2-0 in whose favor?
*puts salt shaker away*
P.S. To clue you in: When you stop posting about your losses is when I will discontinue... I tried once before, but hey, I guess you missed it!
And I know I am not that good. You can keep reminding everyone of that, and I will too.
The score is still 2-0 in whose favor?
*puts salt shaker away*
P.S. To clue you in: When you stop posting about your losses is when I will discontinue... I tried once before, but hey, I guess you missed it!