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This is what happens when you don't get HG on deity

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  • HappySunShine
    Oh give me a ****ing break. I don't use special maps number 1, number 2 the only reason I'm playing deity is to prove that deity comes down to whoever gest HG first. I can't help it I've beaten you on every single setting there is. I can't help it you suck. I can't help it you couldn't beat me when I had no capital and you had both suntzu and lighthouse. It's not fault you're stupid so don't get mad at me.

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  • markusf
    eyes sounds more and more like stratking every day, he needs all these special conditions + maps to even play. And if anyone gets a wonder he doesn't like he just quits

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  • HappySunShine
    I already have other DL's waiting to be used. GIving me a break is like inviting a zillion DL's. Take your choice. And I've been in games with you, Rah, and War4. I pretended to be some guy on apolyton that was new and we talked over ICQ. It was really funny because war and rah were talking like they were the real deal. It was on a 40X40 map or so. I remember it well. No bribe, lots of mountains, lots of swamp.

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  • Ming
    Hmmm... I have to agree. If you can't expand at Deity without a happiness wonder, you must not know how to play at deity. I have no problems building 25 plus cities on super small maps. I'd build more, but eventually you run out of room and the only way to get more is to take them from somebody else.

    And also eyes... you need to tone down the "personal" insults. They aren't allowed. Remember, you can talk about people's strategies, but if you call people morons again, you will have to create a DL to post again

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  • War4ever
    Rah doesn't build only 10 cities...more like 20+ in almost all games!

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  • rah
    Where do you make this crap up from. I can't remember the last time I played on 35X35. "Maybe 10 cities", what a joke. I do play 1x1x but not regularly because I FIND IT BORING. Considering that you've never been in a single game that I've been in, or seen a save of one, you're the one that has no f***ing clue what he's talking about. But that's par for the course for you, so I shouldn't be surprised.

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  • HappySunShine
    Who the **** are you to talk to me rah? Did you not look at that save? You who plays on a 35X35 all mountain map and builds maybe 10 cities in game as you cover the mountains with cities. Yes, you are truly a great player. You're not even in my ****ing league so you should just shut your mouth. Unless of course you'd like to challenge me to a deity game? That will never happen though since you play 35X35 maps. And why the **** are you even on this discussion since you don't even play 1x1x? I play all the settings, you play just one. So until that changes, sit back and shut the **** up.

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  • atawa
    Originally posted by arii
    I'm sure that eyes is using the HG in deity for his favorite strat: build a billion cities. All you have to do is wait that the HG is negated and is civ will be in constant rebellion.
    With HG in a duel chances are you'll be able to build SOL so I realy dont see the problem.

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  • atawa
    Still I have to agree with Eyes that HG is way too powerfull on Deity, same with LH on an island map.

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  • rah
    Ok, people, would anybody here prefer 5 cities to 40?


    I didn't think so.

    Try a different relevant argument sunshine.

    Raging may minutely slow down expansion but it no way stops you from expanding, Unless you're brain dead, so please stop repeating that one too.

    AND finally, If YOU can't expand on Deity, then you should look in a mirror if you're looking to make fun of someone. You seem to be the only that claims that you can't.

    A broken record this one is.



    And before you say it. Yes you can build a bit faster on the lower levels (newbie levels), but it's not that different. You can still comfortably cover the map, it just takes a tad bit longer.

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  • HappySunShine
    By that time you will be dead. But of course you are in the same crowd as markus and the others and therefore are a moron. I can't help it you people are too stupid to realize that 40 size 3 cities is better than 5 size 20 cities. You can't expand so you play on deity, I understand. It's kind of like in age of empires 2. All the rookies put the difficulty on hardest so that there are a zillion wolves on the map. Does this add to gameplay? No, just makes it so that it slows down people from expanding and keeps them from forward building as easily. Same principle applies to civ2. Deity was created for single player as a means to slow down the human player without slowing down the AI. It was never meant as a multiplayer level. Super high unhappiness and massive amounts of barbarians do nothing to add to the game other than to slow it down and add more outside influences. In my game against Oedo all I did was build cities and improvements and improve my terrain. Is this somehow a sign of skill? Is this somehow a challenge to you people? What could I not have done against the AI that I did against Oedo? There was absolutely no human interaction until after AD. But again, this has been this way for years and it's this way in all games. There will always be the lesser players who enjoy the outside influences that allow them to compete with higher players or at least have some chance at it.

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  • arii
    Although I'm sure that by the time you would be close to negate the HG eyes will not be able to continue the game for 1 reason or another.

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  • arii
    I'm sure that eyes is using the HG in deity for his favorite strat: build a billion cities. All you have to do is wait that the HG is negated and is civ will be in constant rebellion.

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  • rah


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  • Species8472
    Dont get me wrong. i prefer games where all is open. but certain individuals just can not play without certain wonders. To open possibilities for games with these individuals, you have to make arrangements.

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